New Chapter for Cursed Love
Cursed Love
Elizabeth209 Reviews | 209 Ratings, 0 Likes, 72 Favorites )
Winky curses Hermione after forming a house-elf union. Severus gets attached to the curse and his only option is to work with her to break the spell
Start ReadingChapters (15)
About Elizabeth
Member Since 2008 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 18 | 163 Reviews Written | 247 Review Responses
I am a beginning writer and I'm in love with the world of fantasy. I own a small farm with my husband who supports my odd fasination with the plane of make-believe. We have two small children and I have a full-time position as "mother".
Reviews for Cursed Love
This was a HILARIOUS and lovely story. I appreciate your obvious talent for writing. I can't wait to read more! Thank you!:)
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Thank you so much for your review. I had a lot of fun writing this story, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I just got my first rejection letter yesterday for a story I submitted to a publisher. And although I had prepared myself for rejection, it still stung more than I'd expected. So your review made my day. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)
I loved this story, I'm sad that it's over!
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
I'm so pleased you liked it. And I'm saddened that it's over as well. But that's how stories go. Thanks for reading it though, I appreciate your dedication. :)
Too funny, so Severus is cursed as well? Serves him right.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Yes, it does serve him right. Glad you liked it,
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Really? It's almost over? I was so absorbed I figured it would go on for a few more chapters. I usually get a bit peeved when Severus thinks on Lily over the woman who's right for him. BUT I do like the way he realizes he needs to forget her, but is having a hard time. That seems rather real to me. And with Winky's revelation, it makes a lot of sense.Don't get me wrong, I'm still peeved. :) His recognizing the flaw, however, is promising. Hopefully he can figure it all out.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Yes, it's almost over. :( I realize that I could drag it out a bit. But I'm done, ya know? Time to move on, aka my "real novel" :PI'm glad you find his problem believable! I think I'm finally starting to get down characterization a bit more...Everyone is peeved with him at the moment. I have a line of no less than nineteen people ready to pound the poor man for the way I've described him. ;) Hopefully he gets better in this last chapter.
This chapter was just packed to the brim with good stuff. First of all, if I were anywhere near Hogwarts, I would march right up to his door and give him a swift kick in the ass. She is so good to him, and he just keeps being a jerk. I know it's partly just how he is, and he is having Lily issues, but seriously buddy, get over it. If he doesn't soon, he won't have to, because there won't be another woman around wanting her spot. He can't have any doubts about how she feels about him after she pleads for one more night with him, and then accosts him at his desk.The shower scene was fun. And I like the ways they've found to lounge on the couch and to sleep at night. It is just as it should be (minus an inappropriately placed finger) and I bet Winky is thinking that it is about time. You described in pretty definite detail how they maneuver around while attached to each other, so I have to wonder what nice person allowed you to use their nose while doing research for this story :)And the tomatoes appearing after her "can it" comment was just too funny. I like to think there will be a happy ending, but after this chapter, who knows how many wrong turns will be taken before they get there. Looking very forward to the conclusion!
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
She is too good to him. He is a bit on the rough side. But he improves, I promise!I'm glad you liked this chapter. It was my favorite one to write—my pride and joy. Anyway, the next chapter will be the last and I hope I wrap up all the lose ends. It should be up in the next week (or so...)
I have never laughed and cryed while one story so much as have this one. Please finish.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
I'll take that as a good thing :)I have the last chapter done and I just need to send it off to my beta. I won't keep you much longer...I hope.
well, i love thist story...clever plot and funny too! but unlike hermione, poor sev would have had his head bashed in by now ~shrug~lol keep it up! i can'twait for more!
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
You'll have to get in line to bash his head in. Most people have commented that they would love to do just that to him as well. :)I should have the last chapter up soon! Thanks for the comments!
Wow guess I should have waited till this was finished, I look forward to the last chapter...really love Severus and Hermione together. sigh.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
The last chapter is finished, I just need to send it to my beta and then post it. It should be up soon enough. I'm glad you kept reading, and in one sitting. Very impressive. I won't keep you waiting too long. I promise :)
Loved this Very nice scenes in the bedroom and love hearing Severus thoughts. Stubborn isn't he lol.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Yes, he is a bit stubborn. Maybe a bit much. At least that's what some reviewers are saying. :P But I'm glad you liked it.
Great story - very creative plot device.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Thank you. That means a lot to me. :)
Loved this chapter what fun LOL and sensual :)
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
It was a lot of fun to write it too! Glad you enjoyed it.
Very enjoyable, I like the story very much
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Thanks, I enjoy your comments very much too. :)
oh my Gosh , how horrible, wll wriiten but horrible.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
I know. I had to do it. :(
Very good looking forward to more :)
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Why, thank you! More to follow soon...
Oh my LOL
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Yes, he has such a big nose, it was bound to grab attention to the curse sooner or later...
a few steps forward and a few back. A very frustrating chapter.... but that makes it good writing, good work Elizabeth.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
LOL. What would keep us reading if our beloved characters didn't take steps back every now and again?
Liking this direction more and more. Really enjoying having a good peice of fic to keep me copmany tonight.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
I'm glad you like the story, and you are reading it all in one sitting. Wow! This story is novel length-ish!
Really like that someone is thinking about the reasons for the odd ooccurances. severus should really question Winky....the little bratt LOL
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Yes, Winky did overstep her boundries a little, didn't she. But it makes for fun trouble!
Excellent, I love how they teamed up for the curses. I do hope Severus will come around and tell Hermione how much he wants her. Men can be so stubborn at times. THe part where he had to can food was a hoot and I had an image in my mind of him canning all those vegtables and I laughed even harder.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
I wanted them to have fun together. So I'm glad you liked it. And the canning part wasn't even originally in my plan. But I'd written in the "Can it" part and realized what I'd made her say. So I just had to have the canning in there. I figured he's done potions enough, he would know how to can food. I'm so happy that you liked it. Thanks for the review!
Gah, only one more chapter left? This has been such a fun chapter!This has been quite the chapter! Such angst between Severus and Hermione and now it's gone and gotten worse! I would say you could make things so much more angsty for Severus, but then it would have to be longer than just the next chapter to probably do it. Can't wait to see what comes next!
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
I'm glad you liked this chapter. It was my baby. I had so much fun writing it.Yes, I realized that I could have added so much more to Severus, but I just didn't write it in. But I hope you like the ending just the same.The next chapter is almost complete, it should be up very soon.
He's really disturbed, or obsessed. I think I would have probably given up on him. But it certainly makes for a good story.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Ha ha! I'm glad the story is creepy in a good way.
This is so good. I've had the best time reading it.
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
Thank you! I'm so glad you like it. Only one more chapter though...but it's my baby, and I have to set it free someday.
Your Snape strikes me as extremely malicious. His fun has been nasty; Hermione has been humiliated several times and he knows but has dismissed the possibility of real physical harm. You may have Hermione forgive him, but he will have to do a LOT of learning before I will!
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
I didn't know that I'd made him so strong with his emotions. I'm sorry that he's coming off that way. It wasn't what I intended. But thank you for reviewing.
One of these days Severus is going to learn his lesson about tricking Hermione into activating the Curse. Even Winky told him not to mess with Miss's learning her lessons.I can't wait to see what happens next!Beth
Response from Elizabeth (Author of Cursed Love)
His lesson will be learned, at least I hope so. These characters have a mind of their own, you know. But he should take some advice, especially if everyone is telling him the same information. There is fun up ahead!