New Chapter for Defamation of Character
Defamation of Character
Looneyluna248 Reviews | 248 Ratings, 0 Likes, 116 Favorites )
Realizing that the characters of the romance novels his students read in his class are based on himself and other members of the Hogwarts' staff, Severus Snape sets out to find the author.
Hermione Granger is a freelance journalist and part-time romance novelist. Her romance series is a smashing success. As she pens the latest addition in the series, a dark, mysterious stranger lays claim to the vacation villa and her heart.
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About Looneyluna
Member Since 2005 | 1 Story | Favorited by 29 | 7 Reviews Written | 122 Review Responses
I'm a married with two children (my son and husband.) At first I thought my older sister and brother were crazy, talking about Harry Potter. Then I was bitten by the bug, er...wolf. Without reading any of the books, I watched all of the movies. POA left me with so many questions that I broke down and read the books. I've been hooked ever since. I started out looking for Remus fanfiction and was dragged kicking and screaming into the SS/HG ship. I'm currently working on my second SS/HG fic.
Reviews for Defamation of Character
yea me completed your story...
i did not realize i had not finished it..
thank you for a fun story
waiting for other stories
This was a great story. I had never read read the original but I'm glad you changed it. I was a bit put off over the 'injunction' thing in Chapter 3, it was almost too unrealistic - I know it's silly but I am a corporate litigation paralegal and I am completely aware of how tricky injunctions are in and of themselves simply because of the implications you set forth; an injunction such as that would indeed be illegal and unconstitutional (but I am only familiar with American laws and couldn't speak for the intricacies of British laws) - but I'm glad I kept going.
This was great, I like how you worked the rumor of Albus and Minie in there. I almost wish I could read the novels.
Thank you
Ha! I love this! It's great how the enchanted notebook becomes almost an instant messaging tool, and allows H and S to finally be a little more honest with each other... even if it *is* in a kind of middle school way. I like how pathetic/sweet Severus is in this chapter.I found this story long after you wrote it, but I'm really enjoying it! There are a lot of really quirky deadpan moments in your writing that are completely hilarious. Yay!
Lovely! I like that you didn't rush things, that sex wasn't the cure-all and they still had to work through some issues.
I know I should have reviewed each chapter but I couldn't stop clicking the button to move on to the next chapter. This was a very funny, poignant, sexy and sweet story and I most definitely will be sending the link to my friends and telling them that they HAVE to read it.
I think the thing I liked best was the way you got Severus' voice exactly right. I could hear Alan Rickman's voice as I read the words (I "heard " Mr. Rickman's voice in my head when I first read HP&TPS years before he was cast in the films--go figure).
Thank you for sharing your story with us. It was definitely worth staying up past midnight on a work night to finish reading it.
Response from Looneyluna (Author of Defamation of Character)
Witch-nap! LOL
If I were Albus or Minerva, I would have trick-portkeyed those mixed-up two into the Room of Req. and held them prisoner there to force the two of the them to talk things out once and for all. *exasperated*
Oh! It's not a silly story! You shouldn't say so! I rather like it. Please, post the next chapter soon :)
Response from Looneyluna (Author of Defamation of Character)
I am enjoying your story and happy to see an update. Could I put in a request? Please have Hermione stop acting like a rhymes-with-witch. I can't imagine anyone even wanting to share a meal with her like this much less spend the rest of his life. Then again, I don't read romance novels so perhaps a rhymes-with-witch scene is a necessity;). Looking forward to the next bit -- and thanks for your work!
i rather like this story. Can't wait to see what happens now that the ball is in her court.
take it nice and slow, Severus. Nice and slow... He is going to get her, right? *blink*Great chapter, more please!
aww how sweet a romantic kidnapping. I admire you for redoing this story it's very enjoyable.
You may or may not recall that I had some very distinct reservations about your new direction for the story. You've done away with them most admirably; I've enjoyed the last few chapters very much, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this story's going to end. (Eek—that sounds terribly formal. Sorry about that. I've been reading John Donne again; for some reason, his poetry has that effect on me. *Wishes we had a "D'oh!" emoticon*)
On a slightly off-topic note, I agree with you about fan-fiction being AU by nature. After all, the original author writes the real canon, no matter how canon-compliant we try to be. But then, I'm preaching to the choir on this one, eh?
Oh please continue. There has to be a peaceful resolution to this. You made me cry with this chapter and Sev is trying so hard. A little love is really all the poor man needs. I'm such a sucker for happy endings! LOL
hehe!! Too funny! At least he realises it! LOL
Thank you for continuing to write this delightful story! I needed something sweet and funny with just the right amount of angst to tide me over whilst I recover from that which is DH. Sigh. I hope you continue writing, in spite of it all!
Argh! These two need a good smacking! One is so hard headed, while the other is manipulative... Away with false pretence and ego, just get down and boogie! o_O LMAO!Nice chapter by the way... *grin*
At last. I love this story. Looking forward to the next part.Truly
I think he's either going to pass out, or going to throw up as the motion hits him. Either one is not conducive to a romantic interlude. Although the way he talks gets me all revved up--it has to be affecting Hermione because she gets the added benefit of that voice.
Oh, you're wicked! I hope you're madly scribbling on the next chapter.
Response from Looneyluna (Author of Defamation of Character)
I am :).
Oh my. I very nearly fell over when I read that part about Hermione's hair. God, this is hilarious stuff.Thanks for a great story :o) ,Sue.
Woot! I'm doubly impressed that Severus doesn't suffer from Firewhiskey d***!!! Potions' Masters Rule!! I hope Pansy and the babies are okay. I love this story, and I hope you feel better soon!!GG
They had better! Great chapter, even if you left us with a tease of a cliffe.
It's getting awfully hot in here....can't imagine anybody getting that drunk, even with Veritaserum and a massive guilt complex.