New Chapter for Letters
felinefelixfelicis371 Reviews | 7.25/10 (371 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
The trio has graduated, and Hermione is back at Hogwarts as Madam Pomfrey's assistant as part of her training to be a Mediwitch while the boys are off training to be Aurors. These are the letters they exchange.
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Reviews for Letters
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that the reason why Severus is so good at identifying the abused children under his care is because he himself was one and knows the signs only too well? The way in which JKR portrayed his early childhood strongly suggests that he was neglected, which is a passive form of abuse...and the memories which Harry saw in his mind during the failed lessons in Occlumency hint that he may have been verbally or even emotionally abused as well.
Oh I WISH I could have that food allergy spell. I'm allergic to CORN! CORN of all things. Which means I'm allergic to powdered sugar and dextrose and lots of other sugar words that don't specifically say corn.
Poor abused kids. I don't doubt Snape would be able to identify them quickly.
I would still be a little nervous, at the words ''If anyone knows just cause'' Ron is just THAT stupid.
I hope Molly can help.
Ahh,I juat love Karma.
Glad thay had a Happy Christmas.
OH classy Ron.
A very ladylike ''UP YOURS''
Can his head still get through the door?
Oh Ronnie, really? not even a tiny, little, wee, baby of a clue?
Remus doing a happy dance.
Gray Back, still at large? bad very bad.
Nice to see them settled.
Glad Harry is moving, just stopped feeling sorry for Ron.
Maybe one of the ''girls'' Ron brings home, isn't?
I hope Ron would not harm Harry.
No shock.
The heart wants, what it wants. It can't change because others want it to.
Ron will just have to like it, or lump it.
Love Raven, he sound lovely, and Ron sulking, what else is new?
Harry and Draco Ron? what else would you expect?
Love that Severus knows all the horses by name and temperament. Ron using his brain? that's what he thinks he has Hermione for.
The only time Ron opens his mouth is to change feet.Draco and Harry getting closer, nice.
I hope Harry wasn't drinking any thing when he was reading that. I'm sure Ron didn't notice, getting an idea into his head is like trying to hammer a nail in with a feather.
Ahh, love is in the air, and Ron, FOCUS.