New Chapter for Coming Back to You
Coming Back to You
michmak89 Reviews | 89 Ratings, 0 Likes, 63 Favorites )
When next he wakes up, Hermione is there. Her bushy mass of hair covers her face and he can tell she is sleeping, sitting there in the chair next to his bed. He studies her sleepily, and can’t even muster any anger when he realizes he must be her new pet cause – like the house elves with SPEW.
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About michmak
Member Since 2005 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 112 | 0 Reviews Written | 3 Review Responses
Mother of three, working out of the house in the field of public relations. I have a very understanding husband and lots of quirks, which probably make me more irritiating than interesting. I used to write lots of fanfiction, but have fallen away from it the past little while, mostly due to personal issues (although some fandom issues surfaced as well). Snape/Hermione is still my 'ship of choice, and that won't change despite what Rowling presents in the last book.
Reviews for Coming Back to You
Very, very sweet!
This seems done to me. It's perfect! Love the inclusion of "Songbird"
That was a poignant and endlessly lovely tale. I am really glad that Severus managed to enjoy his second chance at life. Thank you!
I adore this series, it is beautiful, but it is marked an incomplete and it makes me wonder if there was more to be told.
Such a wonderful and bittersweet (the first few chapters) story! You write Snape so well. Thank you.
Ronniekins still doesn't like Snape. Fine. I still don't like him, the red-headed, dunderhead git. The only Weasleys I really like are the twins. Will all the chappies be rather short?
fan Snape usually always cuts a rug well, and I'm sure yours is no exception. Good to see Snape and Lupin chilling after all the drama in DH. They're survivors, outsiders with plenty in common and got to make the best of what's left.
nice to see at least one of poor Teddy's parents alive. I always thought that killing off the both of them was too cheap and abrupt.
Yay! This is making DH palatable for me. Write on.
Oh dear. Poor Severus - I can understand his thinking, but I don't think Hermione will like it! And surely she can take care of herself.
Oh No, he can't send her away. She won't care that she may be a target, she will screw her courage to the sticking place and they will get through this together.........................or at least I hope they do.
Your drabbles are wonderful, so expressive and descriptive.
A great update, thank you!!!
You don't waste a word, do you? Perfectly done.
Delightful series. I am truly a sucker for Snape in Love. And the Cohen song at the end is wonderful. I don't think I've ever seen it before.
This is such a wonderful story! Sweet, but not too sweet. I´m eagerly waiting for more.
This is just beautiful, all of it. Your stories are always so beautifully crafted. And the choice of Leonard Cohen song just clinched it for me, the tone mirrors the tone in your writing. Perfect :)
Oh this is all so wonderful. I'm enjoying every bit of it. Please bless us with more as soon as you can. ^.^
I enjoy very much Severus's thought process, and how his feelings for Hermione develop.
Very nice. I'm glad she asked Severus to dance. I love Leonard Cohen. Excellent choice for the chapter closer.
Oh, this is still absolutely wonderful! I love the way this story is sweet without being sugary. Telling it from Snape's point of view helps with that, I suppose.
I'm eagerly looking forward to more!
*purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*More, more more...~Lotm
perfect song for this chapter! I'm so glad Hermione and Harry took the initiative with Severus; no need for them to pander to the sulking Ron. I wonder if she will ever explain to him those other comments from the end of the previous chapter. Thanks for the new chapter!
sweet! i really enjoyed the conversation between snape and harry. and that hermione finally got up her gryffindor courage and went out on a limb. after all, somebody had to, and if she waited for him - well - thank heavens it didn't come to that! i've enjoyed your pacing in this story, and after your a/n i thought we'd have to wait longer for something to happen. but i'm glad we didn't have to wait!