New Chapter for Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey
Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey
quaffswinegaily156 Reviews | 6.46/10 (156 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
While the Golden Trio are on their grand camping trip, someone has to stay home and hold the fort at Hogwarts.
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About quaffswinegaily
Member Since 2009 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 80 | 567 Reviews Written | 835 Review Responses
quaffswinegaily? Aye! quaffs-wine-gaily, slobs-on couch-daily, writes-when-encouraged.
Reviews for Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey
Aww, I want Charlie Weasley as a big brother! :)
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
But then you'd have Ron as your little brother...
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Why do you always spoil my fantasies? :P
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Isn't it in my job description?
Your A/N's are very interesting! So, Ron's got a crush, eh? Well, since it seems to be going somewhere, it's a good thing, right? But does Ron's story have anything to do with the bigger picture, I wonder?
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
I'm sure Ron's story has relevance to the bigger picture which seems to be expanding exponentially at the moment.
I loved this chapter so much - from the gradual thawing and healing of Ron, Charlie's wonderful brotherly love, and the step by step structure of Ron becoming less and less numb. When the little dragon unexpectedly snorted flames (HA!) - everything just snapped for me - I could feel Ron 'snap out of it', feel fully 'alive', and then with Frigg appearing - it helped the 'old' Ron reappear again! Love the comraderie of the dragon commune and Hagrid visiting was the icing on the cake! Love Bran Castle being included!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
I'm glad it rang true for you. I couldn't resist adding in Bran Castle.
but he felt comforted by the fact his mate, Severus Snape, and the tenacious Miss Granger were down there, within range, working together, brewing Wolfsbane, and safe.Against the backdrop of such lovely scenery, this was cringeworthy.down over his belly to... Shit! His undies. How could she forget? This is usually her primary goal, LOL. Apparently she hasn't read enough fanfic to know that :)And, you’re not an incompetent wanker... Honest... I mean you’re quite competent... and I wouldn’t know about you—ˮHaha!“Help, Professor Snape and I are in the bathroom with no clothes.”Um, she might have thought to send a better message, but on the other hand, this might have made him come quicker than if she'd said they were in trouble!So, please remind me, what is the nature of the relationships between Severus and Remus, and between Remus and Hermione? Or do we know yet? Having to ask for a recap to keep it all straight just solidifies the fact that I am reading waaaaaay to much fanfic.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
The relationship between them? It's a bit murky at the moment, but all will become clear eventually if I remember to tie up my loose ends and clarify my thinking.
I love Luna's magical window. Wonder what else she could show the headmaster about his school?I very much enjoyed the fight between Snape and Hermione when he arrived at her tent. I was thinking the whole time how horrified she was going to be, after the fact. It didn't disappoint. That just made for another great interaction when she tries to apologize and every thing goes south from there.As for the end, that's one way to get them naked. And how on Earth was Hermione supposed to be in the right frame of mind to cast a Patronus? She is a smart girl and has been around fanfic long enough to know that chances are, she'll end up with Snape. I suspect that when you look at the bits you are going to utilize for the rest of your life and they are ... melty ... well, it's hard to be too happy. Still, naked bits are naked bits. It's a start anyway. And didn't you foreshadow at one point, that Lupin is going to show up in the shower with them? Yes, I'm certain of it. Maybe he'll swoop in with his salve covered hands and save the day. Oh man, now I'm melty! But in the good way;)
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
This is all getting very messy. Very nakey and very messy. It can't end up good.
Oh my! Congrats on making naked Hermione and Snape in the shower in the least sexy way possible ;) Very scary, I hope help comes to her in some form soon! Also, I loved the image of totally unbalanced, reeking of dark magic Hermione stumbling out of nowhere at Snape. Halarious to me, for some reason.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Definitely one of the least sexy shower scenes you could imagine.
I spendt a lovely weekend reading this fic. You really have talent as a writer
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Thanks very much for taking the time to leave a review. I really appreciate it.I'm delighted you're enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it. The next chapter is in the admin queue. While you're waiting for it to be posted you might want to have a read of some of my other pieces. Enjoy!quaffswinegaily
Happy New Year...Quaffie to you and yours. Jesus was it all just about three weeks ago? It feels about March. Right down to business. Great last two chapters and I can just visualise Sev totally enjoying baiting Phineas with his wit and banter....great pairing. You really do temper just the right amount of real drama and serious writing with your magical blend of witty comic timing. And things really appear to be totally hotting up between Draco and Luna. I always thought she was like either loved her or saw her as the Jar-Jar Binks/Wesley Crusher of the HP world and hated her. Fortunately I'm in the former camp.Anyway....onwards and upwards.....Sev and Herms in the shower but purely under medical emergency reasons......heh heh...ohhh! (think Phil Collins singing "Mama"). And talking about emergency procedures what's all this guff about compound predicates? That's what they gave Lily the Pink wasn't it? OK...not off to the funny farm this week but to Las Vegas......wish me luck and I expect an update or two on my lucrative return. Best wishes, Love (a probably very impecunious) Ali xxxx.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Not off to the funny farm? Are you sure?Have fun in Vegas, and best of luck.I've never thought of Luna as Jarjar Binks, and now I won't be able to get that vision out of my head. Damn you, woman!
Nakey HermioneNakey (injured and passed out) SnapeStuck in bathroomNo way outGood? Bad? Maybe!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
It could go either way, couldn't it?
Oh, stop your wibbling, 'Mione, and sneak a peek already! ;)
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Ewww! It'll be all icky and yuck.
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
May need a bit of salve then... ;)
Oh I can't wait to find out what's next! My mind is spinning with questions... How much of Snape's body is burned? Is it like a chemical burn? Are Hermione's hands burned? And is Snape now completely naked? Oddly enough, it's that last question that begs the loudest to be answered...
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
And the loudest question shall be answered... not yet...
Response from KingPig (Reviewer)
Response from KingPig (Reviewer)
Wait. I just saw your response to sunny33---it got burned too!?!?!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Not telling....
Response from KingPig (Reviewer)
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Gah? I'm sorry, I've just checked the dictionary, and that doesn't appear to be a real word. I expect nothing less than perfect eloquence and eruditeness (is that a real word?) in my reviews from now on. Isn't that right, sunny-I'll help put the salve on it - 33? Dear me, this place is going to the dogs.
Response from KingPig (Reviewer)
Ah, then please allow me to translate: 'GAH!' is often used as a simple and slightly humorous expression of impotent frustration.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Love the flow of this chapter so much - from the dark, sinister atmosphere of Voldy & company, to the oculus point, the poetic imagery and sensory to the incredible twist of events at the end. Even though, usually, the picture of these two, unclothed, in the shower would, um, conjure other reactions , I'm quite worried by the noxious potion and how much damage its done, and is doing, to Sev and Hermione... Brava, to Hermione, for such qick thinking, but poor dear is too upset to produce a Patronus...
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
It's definitely not the usual shower scene for these two.
There are so many good couples scenes in this chapter. Lucius and Narcissa were lovely in a sad sort of way. I like how they are united against the world. Their getting ready rituals would be much more enjoyable if they were preparing for better company.Snape and Phineas are funny together as well. I'm sure that the painting is just who Snape wanted to see after a hard night of Voldemorting.And Draco and Luna ... perfect. He is all uptight and tense and she is the go-with-the-flow sort so it all works out well together. And I was proud of him for standing up to Crabbe and Goyle both times. I hope he kicks some ass here soon.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
I'm really getting to like Phineas, hopefully there'll be more from him later.Thanks for stopping by to review. There's another chapter in the queue, but the poor admins seem to be really snowed under at the moment (70 stories in the queue!), so it may be a while before it gets posted.
That's quite the situation you've left our heroes in this time, my girl! ^_^
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Oops! Things are a bit sticky, but you know me, it'll all be fine...
Response from MsTree (Reviewer)
'Sticky' isn't the word for it. *grin* I'd say it's more like -- LEMONS!!! ^_^
I love how you write Luna. Sending fruitcake and laughing hysterically at the suggestion Draco is gay. Also, The description of Lucius and Narcissa was great. Very touching.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Thank you. I hope you continue to enjoy the interactions as the story progresses.Best wishes to you for the New Year.
Thank you for continuing on with the Ron sub-plot story line; I love the insight into Arthur's mind and touching upon the family dynamics in the Weasley household. I'm enjoying the other themes in the other scenarios that you highlight: bullying of Theo, the relationship of Narcissa & Lucius, Sev & Philleas, and, of course, can't get enough of your Luna & Draco! So, Voldy has requested Draco bring Luna to him... looking forward to more!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Thanks very much for all your encouragement during the last year. Wishing you all the very best for the New Year when it arrives.
Response from nagandsev (Reviewer)
And yours as well! I won't be able to hear 'auld lang syne' (Scottish, yes?) without thinking about you - quaffswinegaily, wishing you & yours the best in the New Year - here we go!
Oh, I forgot about those doggone Carrows! And I really think Draco's going to have to get demonstrative with Crabbe and Goyle because they don't seem to be taking hints well to leave him alone.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Poor Draco has torment on all sides.The next chapter won't be up until next year, so I'll take this opportunity to wish you all the best for the coming year. Thanks for all your reviews.
Response from Severus49 (Reviewer)
And a very happy holiday season to you too, my friend! See you next year!
I just want to be sure there's no funny business going on between Severus and Lupin. That vague line in there could insinuate something...
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Everything's a bit blurry and vague...
Ha! I had to do this to be the 100th review! Legend! xx
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Aww, Luna and Draco are just so gorgeous together. And Snape and Phineas are cool. :)
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Thanks, chook.
Hi Quaffie......Hermione could have camped out at Camp Davy Crockett where I was in Eurodisney...the snatchers woud never have found them there. And the poor lamb was starving.....try the Disney Mouseburger diet for a week! Sorry..I digress. I adore your dialogue and the wit and banter between the characters. Draco and Luna are simmering along nicely too. So as you are now holiday refreshed I expect quicker updates. Sorry swallowed some of Hermione's bossy pills. Best wishes, Love Ali xxx.
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Mouseburgers might be the thing. Made with real mice, I presume....Good to see you back, bossy streak firmly in place and ready for more.
Snupin! I love this. I really like the interaction between Lupin and Snape and I'm so intrigued by this Shampoo. Also, Harry is lovely. I'm getting the same feeling that I did throughout reading the HP books - I want to hug him!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Harry's been camping for a while, you may want to give him a bit of a wash before you hug him.
Response from magicalpresence (Reviewer)
Hahaha I'll bring my radox with me!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Harry soaking in a radox bath - now there's a story for you to write!
Mmm... loved the scene between Draco and Luna - Yum! Please, may we have some more? Love the nuances and physical interaction, abrupt twists, and of course, Luna always cutting through the Malfoy facade - wonderful! Feisty Hermione and an all-knowing Severus, combined with a cheeky Remus -- hmm, Severus is acknowleging his *concern* for Miss Granger, his latest waif - can't wait for more!
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
I'm glad you liked Draco and Luna, I've got a bit of a soft spot for the two of them.
Response from nagandsev (Reviewer)
I adore them and adore your scenario of them - you've got me squeeing & grinning like an idiot more than usual! LOL! Again, I love all of the intertwined ships and plot-lines going on in this dynamic tale - looking forward to more! And more! xx
Why is your keyboard hot? Mind you, I shouldn't wonder with what you showed me today! Love Severus in this. Snarky and impatient, but adds her to his list anyway. :)
Response from quaffswinegaily (Author of Fare Thee Well My Faerie Fey)
Why is my keyboard hot? Sitting in the sun? Certainly not from the speed of my typing fingers.