Epilogue ? Marriages, Children and Rampages
Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages
Chapter 19 of 19
ancientgirlI would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this story and leave me reviews. I have enjoyed writing this so very much, and I am thrilled that you all enjoyed reading it as well.
I'd like to thank as always my wonderful Beta June, who always gives 110%.
I own nothing. All canon characters belong to JKR.
Epilogue – Marriages, Children and Rampages
The rest of the week went by quickly. Severus moved Hermione’s things to his rooms at Hogwarts. They expanded the space to include a small room which they would use for a nursery. While they had no luck conceiving the night of Voldemort’s departure from the world, Severus was sure that their first child would come nine months to the day of their wedding night. Hermione contacted her parents and informed them that she would be getting married that weekend to her former Potions professor.
Her mother was overjoyed, since she had known of her daughter’s infatuation with her teacher. However, her father took a bit more time to warm up to the idea. But once he met Severus he realized that the Slytherin would take good care of his daughter.
When they made their announcement to Lucius and Ginny, their friends were elated, but had to turn down attending the ceremony.
“But Ginny, I wanted you to be my maid of honor,” said a disappointed Hermione.
“Hermione, Ginny and I were also planning on getting married this weekend,” Lucius said. “Otherwise we would love to attend your wedding.”
Hermione immediately hugged her friend as Severus stepped forward to congratulate Lucius.
“That’s wonderful news.” The two men shook hands.
Lucius then turned to Ginny.
“Ginny, might I have a word?”
Ginny nodded and the two whispered to each other, then turned to Hermione and Severus.
“Severus, Hermione, if you two don’t mind, why don’t we just have a double ceremony.”
Severus looked at Hermione who smiled and nodded.
“Perfect. We were probably going to invite the same people anyway. And this way Lucius and I can remind each other of our anniversaries,” Severus said.
Lucius laughed and the two women rolled their eyes. Slytherins, they both thought.
The double ceremony took place in a small courtyard located within Hogwarts Castle’s walls. Hermione’s parents were given special permission to enter the castle and her father was able to walk her down the aisle. Arthur in turn walked Ginny down the aisle.
It was a mixture of a traditional handfasting and a simple Muggle ceremony. Arthur performed the honors for Severus and Hermione, while Albus did so for Ginny and Lucius. It was no surprise that Harry and Ron came to the wedding together, but it was a surprise when they were seen holding hands during the reception.
Everyone had a wonderful time. The reception was simple yet elegant. All the guests marveled at the decorations and food. Harry wondered, though, why Severus kept asking him if he needed salt.
As the years passed, Severus and Hermione had their children. A year to the day after their wedding they had fraternal twins. Their boy was named Odysseus Snape, who was a carbon copy of his father, right down to his nose. They also had a girl, who they named Lavinia. Lavinia also bore a striking resemblance to her mother. Unfortunately she had her mother’s traits to a fault, and would spend most of her youth trying to tame her frizzy hair.
Lucius and Ginny also had two children. Their first child was a daughter, which Ginny insisted they name Lucinda. The second of their children was a boy that they named Tiberius, who came a year after his sister. Lucinda had her father’s blond hair and light features, while Tiberius looked like his Uncle Ron.
The children grew and would eventually attend Hogwarts together. Odysseus Snape was sorted into Slytherin, while his twin sister Lavinia was sorted into Gryffindor. Lucinda Malfoy was sorted into Slytherin while redheaded Tiberius would be a Gryffindor. During those years in school the children caused Mr. Filch to lose the little hair he had. The Snape and Malfoy children were quite a force to be reckoned with.
After the Snapes and Malfoys graduated and left the school, Mr. Filch could never explain the odd sightings he often had of four six-year-old children who bore an incredible resemblance to Professor Snape and his wife and Mr. Malfoy and his own wife.
It first happened during an evening at Hogwarts, when both couples were celebrating their impending twenty-year anniversary. Hermione and Ginny came back from the wine cellar, to find two very drunk six-year-old boys sitting in the place their husbands were sitting when the ladies had left.
“I see it, but I don’t believe it,” said Hermione as she and Ginny looked on at the two.
“Hermione!” yelled little Severus, “look what happened to us!” He giggled along with Lucius, who looked at his wife’s shocked face.
“Look at me, Ginny!” Lucius let out a belch that would made Ron Weasley proud. “Aren’t I adorable?”
“Severus Snape, what have you done? Where did you get that potion?” Hermione knew that Severus and Lucius had taken the same potion that had originally turned herself and Severus into children over twenty years ago.
“Ooops, we’ve been caught, Lucius.” Severus hiccupped then stumbled his way to Hermione and looked up at her. “Do you want to spank me?”
Hermione tried to keep serious, but the wicked little smile on her husband’s face made it impossible to keep a straight face.
“I should spank you, but you know how cute I always thought you were like this.”
After giving both men a Sober-Up Potion, Hermione and Ginny were talked into taking the Adulescens Denuo Potion themselves. And thus began the monthly rampages of the six-year-old Snapes and the Malfoys.
Mr. Filch often thought it was his imagination when he saw the blur of white blond hair followed by billowing black cape and girlish giggles. He did partake in more than a bit of medicinal wine than he used to, so much of the time he blamed it on that. But then, what could a poor Squib do when faced with two of the most brilliant families in the wizarding world.
The End
That's it folks. I know this chapter was shorter than my other ones, but there just wasn't much more to say here. I wanted to tie everything up and give everyone a nice happy ending.
I've got another story in the works. I will begin posting that sometime next week.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages
251 Reviews | 6.43/10 Average
Wonderful story. I've read lots of yours but nevver saw this one. Its wo derful what randome serches reap.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you for taking the time to read this one as well as the others! I'm glad you liked my other stories enough to give this one a read.
A very exciting chapter, Voldermort is gone , for good this time, Severus and Lucius are safe
, and as soon as Ginny comes to all will be well.
LOVED this fic!! Lemons were perfect! Missy
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Oh wow, you read the whole thing in one shot? LOL, thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed this. I tried to have a little bit of everything in this one.
Boring? No. Adorable? YES!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Great Story. I loved it
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you for taking the time to read it.
Another great story. Some parts were extremely sad but the story flowed so well. I absolutely loved 6-year-old Severus!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Six year old Severus was really interesting to write. I thought Hermione complimented him really well here.
that was a truly wonderful story. i'm always torn between evil!lucius and redeemed!lucius but your lucius was the best. thanks so much
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like writing redeemed Lucius. JKR can have her evil Lucius. :)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like writing redeemed Lucius. JKR can have her evil Lucius. :)
Good story, mostly light and fun. I enjoyed it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I tried to make it fun with as little angst as possible.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I tried to make it fun with as little angst as possible.
Very cute funny and some great touching scenes. I don't think I've read any stories where Lucius turned into a good guy. I like it :)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. I have several stories with Lucius as the good guy. I'd always hoped JKR would surprise us at the end and make him good.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. I have several stories with Lucius as the good guy. I'd always hoped JKR would surprise us at the end and make him good.
Definitely not boring. I'm very curious about what will happen next.
Oh this sounds quite fun. I am intrigued so will move on to the next chapter.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I hope you enjoy it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I hope you enjoy it.
I love this story its my fav.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I loved this story, it was a great stoy, you made the pairing of Ginny and Lucius actually acceptable, and real. I like the way you ended it too, because it makes the whole story go in a circle. It's a good story.
Wonderful story, very enjoyable read. Little Sev and Hermione behaved just like 6 yr olds , bossy, impertinent and oh so cute ( I have one of my own so I know!) Ron and Harry holding hands.. snuck that one in didn't you. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us all
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. While I was writing this, I had hoped I was getting the 6 year old attitude correct. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
This story was soooo cute!!!... I loved the mini-Snape and Hermione!!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
lmao that was awesome! i loved lil Severus and lil Hermione lol and drunk lil Severus and lil Lucius
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought little drunk Severus and Lucius would be fun.
This is a very sweet story, but Sorcerer's Stone? Surely Harry & Ron would refer to it as the Philosopher's Stone; they are, after all, British.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
At the time I wrote this, I was watching Sorcerer's Stone on DVD, and it is referred to them in that movie as Sorcerer's Stone, so I just wrote it like that.
Severus...and Potty!
oh it's just too funny.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. Thanks for taking the time to review.
I like your story... but I really think you need to put a non-consensual sex warning on it (even though it's mild, it's still there.)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Hmm...I don't believe there was any non-consencual sex here. I wrote this a while ago, can you tell me which scene you felt it was?
I thought this was a great story and found myself laughing almost through the whole thing. I've enjoyed reading all your stories and hope you continue the great work.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I had a wonderful time writing this. It was fun turning Severus and Hermione into kids.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and leave me a review.
Well these small packages contained a lot of fun, no literature Nobel-prize, but aching abs for laughter!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Aching abs are just what I was looking for when I wrote this.
Thank you for taking the time to read and review. I had a wonderful time writing this.
Your story was original and adorable and a fun place to take the characters. It didn't squick me - and it was very well thought out. Great job!Big Thumbs Up!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate you leaving me such a wonderful review.
I had fun writing this story.
lol at all of them running wild around Hogwarts!!!! I really liked this story
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks. I wanted to end things on a high note. And I couldn't resist a little Lucius running around causing havoc with his little buddy.
Oh I like Wyatt Snape or is it Severus Earp the gunslinging Potionsmaster from hell.Cheers Moepi AKA Michèle
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
LOL, I'd been watching Tombstone and if you look at Kurt Russel's costume as Wyatt Earp, its quite Snapish. So I just had to add that element in here.I'm glad you enjoyed it.Thanks taking so much of your time and reading all of these.
Oooooooooooh cute cute ickle Sevvie has to wee-wee. Awww, but ickle potions masters don't go potty. Nuh nuh.This is so sweet, I think I burst a muscle laughing at this.Cheers Moepi AKA Michèle
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
This was such a fun story to write. I'm glad you are enjoying it.