Chocolate and Hazelnuts
Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages
Chapter 11 of 19
ancientgirlSeverus and Hermione find out just what effect Albus? snafu caused.
ReviewedThank you all for your support during my writing of this fic. I'm very happy that everyone has enjoyed this so much.
I hope you continue to enjoy this.
All canon characters belong to JKR.
Thanks to June for all of her help in getting this read ready.
Chapter 11 Chocolate and Hazelnuts
Severus rolled over on top of Hermione. They were both clothed, but he planned to rectify that quickly. As they kissed, he began to reach for his wand, in order to divest them both of their clothes, when suddenly he heard Albus' voice calling him.
"Severus! Where are you?" the Headmaster called out anxiously.
"Damn!" muttered Severus, as he quickly rolled off of Hermione. They both sat up just as Albus ran into the open bedroom.
"Ah!" screamed the old man. "It worked," he said, surprised.
"Well, of course it bloody worked," said Severus. He looked at Albus and began to grow nervous. "Albus," Severus said as he hopped off the bed and walked toward the Headmaster. "Why were you so insistent last night that Hermione and I wait to take the potion?" He crossed his arms.
Hermione came up behind him. "Yes, Albus. There was really no reason to wait. The potion worked, as you can see." She then noticed the scent of chocolate near her. Hermione loved chocolate. If she could spend her entire life eating chocolate, she would.
"Well, I just wanted to be sure you were both all right. I know it was a complicated potion. You were just children, after all," Albus explained nervously.
Severus narrowed his eyes.
"Albus, what happened to the counter-potion? It didn't change us immediately, as it should have." Severus then looked around. There was the distinct smell of hazelnuts in the room. He loved hazelnuts but hadn't had any in his room in weeks. He'd gone to Hogsmeade a month ago and bought a two-pound bag, but they were gone within a week. He wondered now why he could smell hazelnuts, mingled with lavender and... vanilla, was it?
Albus noticed the Potions master looking around the room in confusion.
"Is there something wrong, Severus?" asked Albus.
"Don't you smell it?" asked Severus.
Albus shook his head.
"Smell what?" asked Hermione, thinking he smelled the chocolate too.
"Hazelnuts; my room smells like hazelnuts." Severus walked around the bedroom, then out into the living room. As he left his bedroom the scent faded, only to grow stronger as he approached his room once again.
"I don't smell anything, Severus," said Albus.
"I smell something, but it's not hazelnuts," answered Hermione as Severus approached her.
Albus' eyes grew large, as he realized what his "accident" in the potions lab may have caused.
"What do you smell?" Severus asked Hermione.
Albus gasped.
Both Severus and Hermione looked his way.
"Albus, what the hell is going on here? What happened to the counter-potion?" insisted Severus. Hermione was standing next to him. He leaned closer to her and sniffed.
"Wait, it's you!" Severus pointed to Hermione.
"Me? What's me?" she asked.
"You smell like hazelnuts." Severus grabbed her by the shoulders and began to sniff into her hair, and then he nuzzled her neck.
She giggled and pushed him away slightly.
"Well, you smell like chocolate," she said. Again, they both looked at a very guilty Albus.
The wizard cleared his throat and smiled.
"Um...well now, Severus. You see, it's not anything bad, chocolate and hazelnuts. I can think of worse smells to be surrounded by." His smile faded as he noticed the scowl on the now adult Severus' face.
"All right, all right. It was an accident. I promise, I researched every bit of information on the counter-potion I could find as well as the um...object that I uh..." Albus mumbled the rest of his words.
Hermione quirked her head.
"What was that, sir?" she asked.
Albus again mumbled his words.
"Out with it, old man!" spat Severus.
Albus sighed in defeat. "I dropped a chocolate-covered hazelnut into the counter-potion! It was an accident!" said Albus finally.
"You what!" bellowed Severus.
"Oh no, Albus. How did that happen?" asked Hermione as she grabbed Severus by the arm to try to hold him back.
"I was looking at the potion and as I was popping a hazelnut into my mouth, I accidentally hit the table and well, lost my footing a bit, and it just fell in." Albus made sure he was close enough to the door so that he could make a run for it if need be. At his age, he couldn't run fast; he'd need a head start.
"I don't believe this," Severus said as he threw his arms up. "A hazelnut. A chocolate-covered hazelnut! Is there anything else you may have dropped in there? So help me, Albus, if I start craving those bollicking lemon drops, I think you will actually have to disappear, because I may just have to come after you and cast an Unforgivable your way."
"Severus, calm down," said Hermione. "It's not that bad. I think it's actually sort of nice."
Severus looked at her like she had a carrot growing out of the middle of her head.
Hermione smiled and got closer to him.
"I love chocolate, you know." She nuzzled his neck and whispered in his ear, "I wonder if you taste like chocolate, too." She felt a shiver come from Severus just before he moved away from her slightly. He took a quick look into her mind and saw images of her licking him as he was covered with chocolate. He quickly withdrew, and then looked at Albus.
"Well, I suppose it could have been worse," Severus said. 'The old man could have dropped a clove of garlic into the potion,' he thought.
"There, you see, everything turned out for the best." Albus smiled and clapped his hands. Then his face grew serious once again. "Now that I know you are both fine, I need to speak with you about the meeting. Lucius met with us all last night, and we have some preparations to make."
They went into the living room and sat, as Albus told them what Lucius had reported. It had been decided at the all-night Order meeting that it would be best to stop Voldemort before his attack on the castle.
As the three talked, there was a cracking noise in the Floo. The flames grew high and Lucius stepped through. He looked at his now adult-sized friend, then at the young woman sitting next to him. Hermione, much like Ginny, had grown into a very beautiful woman.
"I see the potion worked," said the tall blond wizard as he entered the room further. "Good." He looked towards Albus. "There is a problem."
"What's happened?" asked Severus.
Lucius took off his cape and sat down at the far end of the couch. He looked tired.
"Wormtail is dead," said Lucius plainly.
"How?" asked Albus.
"He tried to poison Voldemort," answered Lucius.
"What?" Hermione couldn't believe her ears. "Wait, Harry will want to know about this."
"See if he can come," Albus said to Hermione.
Severus rolled his eyes. 'Great, Potter's cooties in my rooms.' He stopped himself. 'What the hell? Where did that come from?' thought Severus. Much to his dismay, he was apparently still having some residual childlike thoughts.
Hermione caught Harry just before he and Ron went to the University Quidditch pitch. Both young men walked through the Floo and into Severus' living room.
"Okay, Hermione, so what was so important that..." Harry stopped and looked around the room. The first thing he noticed was that the professor and his friend were now back to their adult forms. Then he noticed Lucius Malfoy sitting at the far end of the couch, and finally he saw Albus sitting across from the three in a large leather chair.
"Harry, nice of you to join us. Ron, you too," said Albus cheerfully.
"Well, have a seat the both of you. Lucius was about to tell us of the timely demise of Peter Pettigrew," Severus said, then he smiled and looked at Ron. "Oh, and Mr. Weasley, I do hope you have that putrid odor streaming out of your ass under control."
"Severus!" snapped Hermione.
"May I continue?" asked Lucius loudly.
"Pettigrew is dead?" asked Harry. "How, when?"
Lucius rolled his eyes. "I was about to tell Albus, Severus and Hermione just that. Now, if you please have a seat, I can continue," said Lucius, feeling himself begin to lose patience. He'd planned on calling on Ginny early that morning after the all-night Order meeting, but instead had been called back to the Dark Lord's lair, where he found out that Peter was being tortured. After Peter was finally disposed of, he decided to make a quick detour to Hogwarts to let Severus and Albus know what had happened.
Everyone quieted down and listened to Lucius. It wasn't entirely clear to Lucius why Peter did what he did, but the ex-friend of James Potter had spent the last week developing a potion to kill Voldemort.
"He came into the throne room to give the Dark Lord his breakfast. There was something in his manner that drew Voldemort's attention. Peter was nervous. He normally comes into the room, sets the food down, and leaves. Today he stayed. He kept looking at the food on the plate. Then he would look at the goblet as well. Just before Voldemort drank from the goblet, he stopped and looked at Peter."
Lucius paused as he remembered the torture Peter had endured.
"Peter, of course, refused to speak. I could tell that Voldemort was using Legilimency on him during the torture. When he stopped he put Peter in a binding spell, then applied the Cruciatus Curse for several minutes. Then he continued with slicing hexes, and washed the blood off of him with salted lemon juice."
"That's horrible," whispered Hermione.
"Then you will not want to hear how Peter finally died," Lucius said as he looked towards Harry. "Before he died, he was thinking about you, Harry. He cried out your name as he breathed his last breath. Peter said, 'I tried. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Harry.'"
They were all silent for a moment.
"He must have been trying to pay back the life-debt he owes to me. He tried to kill Voldemort so that I wouldn't have to face him," said Harry in wonder. "But he couldn't have killed him, because the prophecy says I'm the only one that can kill him." Harry shook his head.
Severus then turned to him.
"Potter, stop living your life based on what you think you know, and start living it based on what you do know." Severus stood and walked towards Harry. "There is nothing in that prophecy stating that you cannot have assistance. Or do you plan to rush into the Dark Lord's lair armed with just your wand and your balls?"
Another chapter down. I'm hoping to start writing the next chapter this weekend.
I hope you all enjoyed this one.
Thanks for reading.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages
251 Reviews | 6.43/10 Average
Wonderful story. I've read lots of yours but nevver saw this one. Its wo derful what randome serches reap.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you for taking the time to read this one as well as the others! I'm glad you liked my other stories enough to give this one a read.
A very exciting chapter, Voldermort is gone , for good this time, Severus and Lucius are safe
, and as soon as Ginny comes to all will be well.
LOVED this fic!! Lemons were perfect! Missy
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Oh wow, you read the whole thing in one shot? LOL, thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed this. I tried to have a little bit of everything in this one.
Boring? No. Adorable? YES!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Great Story. I loved it
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you for taking the time to read it.
Another great story. Some parts were extremely sad but the story flowed so well. I absolutely loved 6-year-old Severus!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Six year old Severus was really interesting to write. I thought Hermione complimented him really well here.
that was a truly wonderful story. i'm always torn between evil!lucius and redeemed!lucius but your lucius was the best. thanks so much
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like writing redeemed Lucius. JKR can have her evil Lucius. :)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like writing redeemed Lucius. JKR can have her evil Lucius. :)
Good story, mostly light and fun. I enjoyed it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I tried to make it fun with as little angst as possible.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I tried to make it fun with as little angst as possible.
Very cute funny and some great touching scenes. I don't think I've read any stories where Lucius turned into a good guy. I like it :)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. I have several stories with Lucius as the good guy. I'd always hoped JKR would surprise us at the end and make him good.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. I have several stories with Lucius as the good guy. I'd always hoped JKR would surprise us at the end and make him good.
Definitely not boring. I'm very curious about what will happen next.
Oh this sounds quite fun. I am intrigued so will move on to the next chapter.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I hope you enjoy it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I hope you enjoy it.
I love this story its my fav.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I loved this story, it was a great stoy, you made the pairing of Ginny and Lucius actually acceptable, and real. I like the way you ended it too, because it makes the whole story go in a circle. It's a good story.
Wonderful story, very enjoyable read. Little Sev and Hermione behaved just like 6 yr olds , bossy, impertinent and oh so cute ( I have one of my own so I know!) Ron and Harry holding hands.. snuck that one in didn't you. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us all
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. While I was writing this, I had hoped I was getting the 6 year old attitude correct. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
This story was soooo cute!!!... I loved the mini-Snape and Hermione!!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
lmao that was awesome! i loved lil Severus and lil Hermione lol and drunk lil Severus and lil Lucius
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought little drunk Severus and Lucius would be fun.
This is a very sweet story, but Sorcerer's Stone? Surely Harry & Ron would refer to it as the Philosopher's Stone; they are, after all, British.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
At the time I wrote this, I was watching Sorcerer's Stone on DVD, and it is referred to them in that movie as Sorcerer's Stone, so I just wrote it like that.
Severus...and Potty!
oh it's just too funny.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. Thanks for taking the time to review.
I like your story... but I really think you need to put a non-consensual sex warning on it (even though it's mild, it's still there.)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Hmm...I don't believe there was any non-consencual sex here. I wrote this a while ago, can you tell me which scene you felt it was?
I thought this was a great story and found myself laughing almost through the whole thing. I've enjoyed reading all your stories and hope you continue the great work.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I had a wonderful time writing this. It was fun turning Severus and Hermione into kids.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and leave me a review.
Well these small packages contained a lot of fun, no literature Nobel-prize, but aching abs for laughter!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Aching abs are just what I was looking for when I wrote this.
Thank you for taking the time to read and review. I had a wonderful time writing this.
Your story was original and adorable and a fun place to take the characters. It didn't squick me - and it was very well thought out. Great job!Big Thumbs Up!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate you leaving me such a wonderful review.
I had fun writing this story.
lol at all of them running wild around Hogwarts!!!! I really liked this story
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks. I wanted to end things on a high note. And I couldn't resist a little Lucius running around causing havoc with his little buddy.
Oh I like Wyatt Snape or is it Severus Earp the gunslinging Potionsmaster from hell.Cheers Moepi AKA Michèle
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
LOL, I'd been watching Tombstone and if you look at Kurt Russel's costume as Wyatt Earp, its quite Snapish. So I just had to add that element in here.I'm glad you enjoyed it.Thanks taking so much of your time and reading all of these.
Oooooooooooh cute cute ickle Sevvie has to wee-wee. Awww, but ickle potions masters don't go potty. Nuh nuh.This is so sweet, I think I burst a muscle laughing at this.Cheers Moepi AKA Michèle
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
This was such a fun story to write. I'm glad you are enjoying it.