The Conduit
Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages
Chapter 14 of 19
ancientgirlLucius finds out where Ginny has gone.
ReviewedI thought I would post this chapter today, since I'm planning on writing another one this weekend.
Thank you to those of you that have read this and reviewed. I appreciate you all taking the time.
All canon characters belong to JKR.
Thanks to June for all of her help.
Chapter 14 The Conduit
Lucius arrived at number twelve, Grimmauld Place. He had with him a box of chocolates and some roses so red they seemed black in color. As he stepped through the door, he noticed something odd: the house was in exactly the same state they'd left it in, the morning when he and Ginny took child-size Hermione and child-size Severus to Hogwarts. Severus and Hermione had left several books on the table, which were still there. Ginny's unfinished knitted scarf also lay on one of the chairs.
If Ginny were there, she would have surely put those things in their place. Lucius noticed during the time he spent in the house that the young woman was constantly fussing about; making sure nothing was out of place.
"Ginny!" he called out. As Lucius stepped further into the house he kept calling her name. There was never any answer, though. Ginny wasn't there. He quickly grew nervous. If Ginny told her father she was coming here, then here she should be. Arthur made it a point to always tell him what a responsible and good daughter he had. How she would always let them know where she was going. These were dangerous times, and being a young single witch it was always a good idea to let someone know exactly were you were and what you were doing. Something just wasn't right.
He grabbed some powder from the hearth and threw it in. He called out to Severus, hoping that if Hermione was still there, she might know where her friend was.
"Severus! Severus, I need to speak with you!" he yelled desperately. He heard some shuffling and muffled voices, and then saw his friend's face.
"Lucius? What on earth is wrong?" asked Severus.
"Is Ginny there?" Lucius was almost frantic.
Hermione, who was coming out of the bedroom and tying her robe, knelt down behind Severus, looking over his shoulder.
"Lucius, Ginny went straight to the Burrow after you were Summoned. Are you at home?" asked Severus.
"No, I took a nap when I got home and only just woke up a short while ago. I called for her at the Burrow and Arthur said she was here at Grimmauld Place." Lucius ran his hands through his hair. "Hermione, do you know where she might be?"
"I'm sorry, no. I doubt she would have gone anywhere else if she told Arthur she was going to headquarters," answered Hermione.
"Let me go call Arthur from the bedroom. Maybe she forgot something and went back." Hermione stood and rushed to the bedroom.
"Lucius, perhaps she decided to make another stop. She could be visiting one of her other friends." Severus hoped to calm his friend down, but he too was now worried.
Lucius relaxed a bit. It was true; there was no reason why Ginny couldn't be with another one of her friends.
"You're probably right. There's no reason to jump to conc..." but before he could finish, Hermione came running back into the room.
"Lucius, get to the Burrow. Severus, we need to go. Arthur went outside and found Ginny's cloak and wand on the ground," Hermione said nervously.
"No!" Lucius yelled.
"Go, Lucius. Hermione and I will meet you there."
Lucius faded out from the Floo.
Severus and Hermione got dressed and immediately went to Albus' office. There they found the old wizard talking to Minerva, who had finally recovered from her flu. The witch looked at the Potions professor and her former student with worry. It should have been odd to see them together, but Albus had been filling her in on what happened while she was ill. The Headmaster also told her that Hermione stayed overnight, and that Severus would most probably be having a permanent guest from now on.
"You've heard about Miss Weasley, have you not?" asked Minerva as she wrung her hands.
"Yes, Lucius called us. He went to headquarters to look for her and she wasn't there, so he called us to see if she was here. Arthur told us about finding her things on the ground outside," answered Hermione.
The four then decided to Apparate to the Burrow.
As soon as they arrived at the Weasley home, they noticed Tonks and Remus were already walking around the grounds. Tonks was there unofficially. Arthur didn't want anyone at the Ministry knowing anything was wrong just yet. One just never knew who was working for Voldemort and he preferred to keep his and his family's business, his own for the time being. Remus was there due to his knowledge of the Dark Arts. Lucius and Remus were talking with Arthur when Severus walked up to them.
"Have you been able to get a trace?" asked Severus as Hermione, Minerva and Albus followed him. While they weren't best buddies, Severus and Remus had developed a sort of truce during the period in which he was suspected of killing the Headmaster. It was Remus who finally convinced the rest of the Order that Severus was innocent and they all had to support him.
Remus shook his head. "Nothing. Whoever took her knew what they were doing."
Lucius and Severus felt their Mark burning. Severus was only believed to be dead, therefore his Mark still burned when Voldemort summoned all of his Death Eaters.
"He's calling everyone," said Severus as he looked at the group, then at a very pale Lucius. He walked to his friend and placed a supporting hand on his shoulder. "Hermione and I will go back to my rooms and begin testing what we have."
Lucius nodded. Arthur was standing behind him with a crying Molly in his arms.
"Please, Lucius, if he has her, if he's...done something to her, don't let her suffer," Arthur said brokenly as he held his wife closer.
"I have plans for your daughter, Arthur. I assure you, I will not allow anything to happen to her." Lucius then allowed himself to be enveloped by the black whirl of smoke that would take him to the Dark Lord.
Albus and Minerva moved everyone inside. Severus and Hermione Apparated back to Hogwarts and began testing the potion they believed would allow them to finish off Voldemort. Albus then contacted Harry and Ron. They all needed to make preparations for what might be the final fight against the former Tom Riddle.
When Lucius finally emerged from the dark haze that carried him to his destination, he noticed the huge crowd of Death Eaters surrounding a black altar. As he made his way to the front, an image of something began to emerge on the altar. He didn't see it until he got closer, but there was a body on the large slab.
Voldemort looked up and immediately saw him.
"Lucius, come and see my prize," said the serpent-faced wizard with glee.
Lucius climbed up the short steps and saw Ginny, lying on the altar in a white dress. Her red hair cascaded off the side of the pillow her head rested on.
"Isn't she lovely? You do remember her, don't you?"
Lucius willed himself to stay alert. He carefully leaned against his walking cane. He felt close to fainting, and he had to swallow hard as he felt the bile rising from his stomach.
"Yes, my lord, I remember her." Lucius was thankful that she at least seemed to be unharmed.
"She has power yet untapped, Lucius." Voldemort caressed Ginny's hair. "This is my conduit. I will take all that she has inside of her and become more powerful than even that fool Merlin." He then looked at Lucius. "You are my most trusted Death Eater, Lucius. There is something that you must do for me."
Lucius steeled himself.
"Yes, my lord. Anything you wish, and I shall endeavor to do it for you."
"Even now I am feeling her power, but it is too slow in coming. I need for her magic to manifest itself fully, during a moment when she is not able to control it. Tomorrow you shall take her under the waning moon. Upon her climax, her power will be at its fullest and, since she is under a sleeping spell, it will be uncontrolled."
All Lucius could do was nod. He feared if he spoke it would give away the turbulent emotions now swirling inside of him like a typhoon. He stared down at Ginny and blinked back the tears forming in his gray eyes.
"You should feel honored, Lucius. Tomorrow will be a great day indeed." Voldemort turned away and walked down the platform. He spoke to the hundreds of Death Eaters in the crowd.
Lucius didn't hear any of what was said. It was as though someone had thrown a wet blanket over him. He could neither move nor hear anything. He merely stared at Ginny.
'It can't end like this for us, Ginny. I won't allow it. I've only just begun to live again,' thought Lucius. As he turned to leave, he came face-to-face with Voldemort.
"Do not disappoint me, Lucius. I shall be very put out if you cannot perform your duty for me tomorrow evening." Lucius bowed his head and knelt down. "Consider this your incentive. Crucio!"
Lucius began to convulse as every nerve in his body felt like it was on fire.
When he was finished hexing Lucius, Voldemort kicked him down the steps and warded the area around the altar. He then left Lucius on the ground and walked back to his bedroom.
Crawling away from the altar, his teeth grinding as the tremors subsided, Lucius didn't dare look back. He knew that if he did, then he would do something foolish. And now was not the time to be foolish.
Severus and Hermione had been at Hogwarts for over two hours. After testing the potion on several different species of bugs, rodents and birds, they concluded that the their hard work paid off. Voldemort's magic would diminish as his body basically devolved its cell structure. As the pair walked out into the living area, they were startled by a loud banging on the door.
"Professor! Professor, come quickly!" yelled Filch from the other side.
Severus opened the door quickly.
"Filch, what the bloody hell is it?"
"It's Mr. Malfoy. He's at the gates, he can barely stand." Filch turned and walked back towards the dungeon entrance.
"Hermione, stay here. If it's really Lucius, I'll bring him back." Severus turned and started running after Filch.
Hermione stood at the door looking after him.
"If it's really Lucius? Oh, no," She realized suddenly what Severus meant by his words. Lucius had been almost frantic when he called them earlier. She could tell he was afraid for Ginny back at the Burrow. Hermione wondered if perhaps Lucius might have unintentionally let his mask down. If that was the case then Lucius was most probably dead and the man at the gates was an imposter.
Severus approached the fallen figure of his friend cautiously. He told Filch to go back to his rooms and that he would take care of the blond wizard. Severus noticed the man begin to stir and moan. As he finally got close enough to move him, Severus knelt down and looked at the man's face closely. He looked like Lucius, but now he had to make sure. 'Now the test' he thought.
Lucius focused as he tried to find his voice. When Severus recovered from his near death experience at the hands of Voldemort, the burden of spying was left to Lucius alone. They both decided that if it ever came to a situation like the one Lucius was in now, it was imperative for the Order to know it was really him. Lucius allowed Severus to plant something in his mind that could only be triggered by what his friend recited. No amount of Legilimency would ever find it, making it the surest way of making sure this was really Lucius.
"When Caesar crossed the Rubicon against the orders of the Senate, he knew that he must either conquer or die." Severus looked at the visibly shaking man, whose eyes seemed dazed.
Lucius sadly looked at Severus and a tear rolled down his cheek.
"In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons."
Severus breathed a sigh of relief and helped Lucius stand. He took his friend to his rooms in the dungeon and gave him a potion for the aftereffects of the Cruciatus Curse. Hermione contacted the rest of the Order, as Severus and Lucius sat and began to formulate a plan.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Lucius' quote comes from Herodotus the Greek historian of the 5th century BC.
Severus' quote is something I saw several years ago when looking up the exact meaning of Rubicon for something I was writing at the time.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages
251 Reviews | 6.43/10 Average
Wonderful story. I've read lots of yours but nevver saw this one. Its wo derful what randome serches reap.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you for taking the time to read this one as well as the others! I'm glad you liked my other stories enough to give this one a read.
A very exciting chapter, Voldermort is gone , for good this time, Severus and Lucius are safe
, and as soon as Ginny comes to all will be well.
LOVED this fic!! Lemons were perfect! Missy
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Oh wow, you read the whole thing in one shot? LOL, thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed this. I tried to have a little bit of everything in this one.
Boring? No. Adorable? YES!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Great Story. I loved it
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you for taking the time to read it.
Another great story. Some parts were extremely sad but the story flowed so well. I absolutely loved 6-year-old Severus!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Six year old Severus was really interesting to write. I thought Hermione complimented him really well here.
that was a truly wonderful story. i'm always torn between evil!lucius and redeemed!lucius but your lucius was the best. thanks so much
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like writing redeemed Lucius. JKR can have her evil Lucius. :)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like writing redeemed Lucius. JKR can have her evil Lucius. :)
Good story, mostly light and fun. I enjoyed it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I tried to make it fun with as little angst as possible.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I tried to make it fun with as little angst as possible.
Very cute funny and some great touching scenes. I don't think I've read any stories where Lucius turned into a good guy. I like it :)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. I have several stories with Lucius as the good guy. I'd always hoped JKR would surprise us at the end and make him good.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. I have several stories with Lucius as the good guy. I'd always hoped JKR would surprise us at the end and make him good.
Definitely not boring. I'm very curious about what will happen next.
Oh this sounds quite fun. I am intrigued so will move on to the next chapter.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I hope you enjoy it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I hope you enjoy it.
I love this story its my fav.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I loved this story, it was a great stoy, you made the pairing of Ginny and Lucius actually acceptable, and real. I like the way you ended it too, because it makes the whole story go in a circle. It's a good story.
Wonderful story, very enjoyable read. Little Sev and Hermione behaved just like 6 yr olds , bossy, impertinent and oh so cute ( I have one of my own so I know!) Ron and Harry holding hands.. snuck that one in didn't you. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us all
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. While I was writing this, I had hoped I was getting the 6 year old attitude correct. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
This story was soooo cute!!!... I loved the mini-Snape and Hermione!!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
lmao that was awesome! i loved lil Severus and lil Hermione lol and drunk lil Severus and lil Lucius
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought little drunk Severus and Lucius would be fun.
This is a very sweet story, but Sorcerer's Stone? Surely Harry & Ron would refer to it as the Philosopher's Stone; they are, after all, British.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
At the time I wrote this, I was watching Sorcerer's Stone on DVD, and it is referred to them in that movie as Sorcerer's Stone, so I just wrote it like that.
Severus...and Potty!
oh it's just too funny.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. Thanks for taking the time to review.
I like your story... but I really think you need to put a non-consensual sex warning on it (even though it's mild, it's still there.)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Hmm...I don't believe there was any non-consencual sex here. I wrote this a while ago, can you tell me which scene you felt it was?
I thought this was a great story and found myself laughing almost through the whole thing. I've enjoyed reading all your stories and hope you continue the great work.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I had a wonderful time writing this. It was fun turning Severus and Hermione into kids.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and leave me a review.
Well these small packages contained a lot of fun, no literature Nobel-prize, but aching abs for laughter!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Aching abs are just what I was looking for when I wrote this.
Thank you for taking the time to read and review. I had a wonderful time writing this.
Your story was original and adorable and a fun place to take the characters. It didn't squick me - and it was very well thought out. Great job!Big Thumbs Up!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate you leaving me such a wonderful review.
I had fun writing this story.
lol at all of them running wild around Hogwarts!!!! I really liked this story
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks. I wanted to end things on a high note. And I couldn't resist a little Lucius running around causing havoc with his little buddy.
Oh I like Wyatt Snape or is it Severus Earp the gunslinging Potionsmaster from hell.Cheers Moepi AKA Michèle
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
LOL, I'd been watching Tombstone and if you look at Kurt Russel's costume as Wyatt Earp, its quite Snapish. So I just had to add that element in here.I'm glad you enjoyed it.Thanks taking so much of your time and reading all of these.
Oooooooooooh cute cute ickle Sevvie has to wee-wee. Awww, but ickle potions masters don't go potty. Nuh nuh.This is so sweet, I think I burst a muscle laughing at this.Cheers Moepi AKA Michèle
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
This was such a fun story to write. I'm glad you are enjoying it.