Don't Leave My Side
Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages
Chapter 4 of 19
ancientgirlSeverus and Hermione prepare for Hogsmeade.
ReviewedThank you to all who have taken the time to read this story so far and review it. I appreicate all of your support, and hope you continue to enjoy it.
Thank you to June for all of her suggestions, and help with this chapter.
Chapter 4 Don't leave my side.
Hermione woke up to the sound of screaming. She sat up and gathered the blankets up to her chest, as she looked around the room. The room didn't look familiar; she'd had such odd dreams that night.
First, she dreamed that Ron turned her and Professor Snape into children. Then, upon taking her to Hogwarts, Professor Snape put glue in her hair. Hermione jumped as she heard the scream again. That's when she realized what she heard was not part of her dream, but her dream was in fact reality. She had been turned into a child, and Professor Snape had put glue into her hair. She then realized it was him who was screaming now at the top of his lungs.
Hermione threw the blanket from her six-year-old body and ran into his room. As she entered the door, she saw his small body illuminated by a candle on his nightstand.
"Noooo...stop it. Leave them alone!" screamed Severus.
Hermione climbed onto the bed and scurried over to him. He was thrashing about as she grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him.
"Severus, wake up! You're dreaming," she called out.
Severus was still asleep as he began to push her away from him.
"I'll kill you; I'll kill you, you bastard." Severus then screamed once more as he pinned Hermione to the bed. He clenched his fist and drew his hand back, ready to punch her.
"Severus! No!" Hermione blocked her face as she readied for his punch, but it never came. She uncovered her face and looked up at the panting and very shocked Severus.
"I...Oh, God...I'm sorry," he said as he moved off of her. "Hermione, I'm sorry...I didn't..." He sat back against the headboard and tried to collect his thoughts and steady his breathing.
Hermione sat up and moved next to him slowly.
"It's all right. You didn't hurt me." She studied him as he sat there quietly now with his eyes closed. "That was some nightmare."
"You should be around when I have a really bad one." He chuckled and tried to make light of what she had just witnessed
"You mean that was a good one?" she asked, not even wanting to know what a bad one was like.
He looked at her and ran his hand through his tangled hair.
"I'm sorry I woke you," he said.
"It's all right. I wasn't sleeping very well anyway." They sat silently for a few moments, neither knowing what to say. "Well, I suppose I better get back to the couch." Hermione started to climb down the bed when Severus stopped her.
"Wait." He'd told her that his nightmare wasn't bad, but in reality it was one of the worst he'd ever had. He'd dreamed that Voldemort had gotten into Hogwarts and was killing everyone while he watched helplessly. Severus wasn't looking forward to falling asleep again. When he'd had nightmares as a child, his mother would come and lie next to him and hold him until he fell asleep.
"I know that couch isn't very comfortable," he said as he looked at her. "If you want, you can sleep here. It's a big bed even when I'm fully grown."
She smiled at him, and then climbed further into the bed.
"You know it's not because I'm scared or anything, it's just..."
"Oh, yes, I know. Thank you, I really wasn't looking forward to sleeping on that lumpy couch." She tucked herself under the covers, all the while knowing that her presence was bringing him a bit of comfort.
Severus was glad she stayed. He hadn't slept with anyone in his bed for several years. When he wanted a woman's company, he'd quench his thirst with one of several shag buddies. He never liked going to prostitutes, and thanks to the few potions symposiums he used to go to a few times a year; he met a few women who caught his eye. He never had a relationship with them, however. He'd go, shag, and then come back to Hogwarts. There was also a matter of trust. Other than his mother, he just never felt comfortable enough to close his eyes and fall asleep next to anyone.
Hermione turned to her side and faced him.
"Are you really going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?"
Severus turned to face her as well.
"Yes. If the Dark Lord is attacking Hogsmeade, then that means he's close to finishing this." He pushed himself up on his elbows.
"This war has gone on long enough," he said. "The despot is attacking one of the central hubs of the wizarding world." Severus looked at her and knew the wheels in her mind were spinning wildly.
"He wants to make an example of Hogsmeade," Severus guessed. "To show the rest of the wizarding world what happens to their own, if they don't join with him."
He lay back down, stared at the ceiling and took a deep breath.
"I can't in good conscience just sit here and wait to see what happens."
"Then I'm going with you," said Hermione.
"No, absolutely not." Severus now sat up and looked at her angrily. "Look at you! You're a child."
Hermione sat up also and made it a point to take her time looking at his entire body.
He noticed her looking at him from his head to his blanket-covered toes.
"Funny, you look rather childlike yourself, Severus."
"Hermione," he said as he shook his head, "you have no idea what happens on a raid like this. People get hurt; they die in very unpleasant ways. It's far too dangerous."
"Look, I'm going with you, and you aren't talking me out of it. It's just as dangerous for you. Why, it's probably more dangerous for you. I know what Voldemort did to you when he found out you were a spy."
"I'm not arguing with you about this. You are not going with me and that's final." Severus lay back down and turned away from her. "Now go to sleep."
"I'll tell Albus," she said.
Severus looked over his shoulder.
"No, you wouldn't," he said.
"Yes, I would."
He scowled at her.
"You know, Severus, you look kind of cute looking at me all mean like you are."
"Oh, all right!" He punched his pillow and dropped his head heavily on it. "Do you ever shut up?"
"Only when I get what I want." With that she lay back down, and they both finally fell asleep.
They slept the night with no more incidents of Severus screaming.
Severus had a window in his bedroom that looked over the cliffs. The morning light began to stream through the small window and began to illuminate the two figures cuddled up against each other, like two little kittens, sleeping soundly in Severus' bed.
Slowly they both woke up. They both immediately realized they were holding on to one another. Had they been adult-sized, their position would have looked compromising to anyone who walked in.
Severus cleared his throat.
"You're awake, aren't you?" he asked.
"Uh...yeah," answered Hermione.
Severus slowly unwrapped his arm from around her waist and moved back slightly. He thanked his lucky stars nothing was standing at attention; that would have been beyond embarrassing.
Hermione began to get up out of bed. She glanced behind her and noticed that Severus was also getting out of bed. She noticed his small pale body and wondered what he looked like getting out of bed when he was his normal size. Her guess was that he was thin, but she wondered if he was well muscled. Shaking her thoughts away, Hermione got down from the bed and went to the bathroom.
As she was walking away, Severus turned to look at her retreating from his room. He wondered what she was like in the morning when she woke up in her adult form.
"Like you'll ever find out," he muttered to himself. He stretched and hopped down off the bed. After he ordered breakfast for both of them, he took his turn in the bathroom. They both then sat in his room, next to the fire, and ate their breakfast.
Severus found that he enjoyed her company. She was witty, intelligent and had a bit of a dark sense of humor to go along with a hint of sarcasm. He found himself hoping she would come and visit him once in a while after the counter-potion was ready and they were back to normal size. He hoped, but knew she would most probably go on and finish her schooling, then get a low-paying job at some horrible place, working for people who didn't appreciate her.
Hermione also realized she hadn't ever had as much fun with anyone as she'd had while staying with Severus. They talked about everything potions, spells, wizarding politics, and theories for improving existing potions. She almost wished she could stay this size forever, just as long as she could be with him.
As they finished their breakfast, she noticed him becoming slightly pensive.
"Are you thinking about later?" she asked.
He looked at her and smiled.
"Does nothing escape your keen skills of deduction?"
Hermione rolled her eyes. She liked him childlike. His walls were down, and he seemed almost free to be himself.
"I don't want you coming with me, Hermione," he said. Hermione opened her mouth to protest, but he held his hand up to stop her.
"But, since you are adamant about it, we will be leaving after supper."
She smiled and sat back in her chair.
"It should be easy enough for us to blend in." Severus got up and began to pick out some robes and his usual black frock coat and trousers from his armoire. He Transfigured them into a smaller size and began to walk behind a large screen he had, that Hermione hadn't noticed until now.
"You aren't wearing that outfit, are you?" asked Hermione.
"What's wrong with it?" he asked defensively.
"Well, nothing if you're a six-foot-two Potions professor. But you're supposed to be six years old." She stood and walked towards him. She took her wand from the table and Transfigured an outfit a six-year-old would wear.
Severus looked at his new outfit and frowned. She had made him a pair of dark gray baggy jeans, and two long-sleeved shirts, meant to be worn one over the other. He despised his new look.
"I hate being six. I'm going to look like a homeless wizard," he protested.
"That's how most kids dress like now," she said. "This way, tonight in Hogsmeade, you and I will blend in better with real kids."
"My clothes are baggy. Your clothes fit?" he pointed out.
"Girls are different. We have more class."
Now it was his turn to roll his eyes in her direction. He decided to shut up and just get dressed. There was no use arguing with her.
The day went by quickly for them. They read for a while, practiced a few hexes, and then took some time playing hide-and-seek in the castle and tying a few tin cans to Mrs. Norris' tail. At one point, Mr. Filch nearly caught them, but they managed to duck into a niche in the wall. Being small did have its advantages. This was how they prepared for sneaking around Hogsmeade.
They finished their dinner of apple pie a la mode and readied themselves for their trip to Hogsmeade. Before they went through the Floo, Severus looked to Hermione. She took his hand in hers and squeezed it.
"What do we do when the raid begins?" she asked, her small voice shaking with fear.
"We take a position near the Three Broomsticks. We can see most of downtown Hogsmeade and observe things from there." He kissed her hand and looked at her with worried eyes. He was afraid for her. In the little time they had spent together as children, he considered her his friend, something he'd never really had. Albus didn't count, as the old wizard was more like a father or uncle to him. But Hermione and he could be friends, if not more. "Whatever you do, Hermione, don't leave my side."
I hope this chapter wasn't too boring for you. I hope to have another one up in the next few days. I hope you enjoyed this.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages
251 Reviews | 6.43/10 Average
Wonderful story. I've read lots of yours but nevver saw this one. Its wo derful what randome serches reap.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you for taking the time to read this one as well as the others! I'm glad you liked my other stories enough to give this one a read.
A very exciting chapter, Voldermort is gone , for good this time, Severus and Lucius are safe
, and as soon as Ginny comes to all will be well.
LOVED this fic!! Lemons were perfect! Missy
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Oh wow, you read the whole thing in one shot? LOL, thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed this. I tried to have a little bit of everything in this one.
Boring? No. Adorable? YES!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Great Story. I loved it
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you for taking the time to read it.
Another great story. Some parts were extremely sad but the story flowed so well. I absolutely loved 6-year-old Severus!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Six year old Severus was really interesting to write. I thought Hermione complimented him really well here.
that was a truly wonderful story. i'm always torn between evil!lucius and redeemed!lucius but your lucius was the best. thanks so much
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like writing redeemed Lucius. JKR can have her evil Lucius. :)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like writing redeemed Lucius. JKR can have her evil Lucius. :)
Good story, mostly light and fun. I enjoyed it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I tried to make it fun with as little angst as possible.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I tried to make it fun with as little angst as possible.
Very cute funny and some great touching scenes. I don't think I've read any stories where Lucius turned into a good guy. I like it :)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. I have several stories with Lucius as the good guy. I'd always hoped JKR would surprise us at the end and make him good.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. I have several stories with Lucius as the good guy. I'd always hoped JKR would surprise us at the end and make him good.
Definitely not boring. I'm very curious about what will happen next.
Oh this sounds quite fun. I am intrigued so will move on to the next chapter.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I hope you enjoy it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I hope you enjoy it.
I love this story its my fav.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I loved this story, it was a great stoy, you made the pairing of Ginny and Lucius actually acceptable, and real. I like the way you ended it too, because it makes the whole story go in a circle. It's a good story.
Wonderful story, very enjoyable read. Little Sev and Hermione behaved just like 6 yr olds , bossy, impertinent and oh so cute ( I have one of my own so I know!) Ron and Harry holding hands.. snuck that one in didn't you. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us all
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. While I was writing this, I had hoped I was getting the 6 year old attitude correct. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
This story was soooo cute!!!... I loved the mini-Snape and Hermione!!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
lmao that was awesome! i loved lil Severus and lil Hermione lol and drunk lil Severus and lil Lucius
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought little drunk Severus and Lucius would be fun.
This is a very sweet story, but Sorcerer's Stone? Surely Harry & Ron would refer to it as the Philosopher's Stone; they are, after all, British.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
At the time I wrote this, I was watching Sorcerer's Stone on DVD, and it is referred to them in that movie as Sorcerer's Stone, so I just wrote it like that.
Severus...and Potty!
oh it's just too funny.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you like it so far. Thanks for taking the time to review.
I like your story... but I really think you need to put a non-consensual sex warning on it (even though it's mild, it's still there.)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Hmm...I don't believe there was any non-consencual sex here. I wrote this a while ago, can you tell me which scene you felt it was?
I thought this was a great story and found myself laughing almost through the whole thing. I've enjoyed reading all your stories and hope you continue the great work.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I had a wonderful time writing this. It was fun turning Severus and Hermione into kids.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and leave me a review.
Well these small packages contained a lot of fun, no literature Nobel-prize, but aching abs for laughter!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Aching abs are just what I was looking for when I wrote this.
Thank you for taking the time to read and review. I had a wonderful time writing this.
Your story was original and adorable and a fun place to take the characters. It didn't squick me - and it was very well thought out. Great job!Big Thumbs Up!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate you leaving me such a wonderful review.
I had fun writing this story.
lol at all of them running wild around Hogwarts!!!! I really liked this story
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
Thanks. I wanted to end things on a high note. And I couldn't resist a little Lucius running around causing havoc with his little buddy.
Oh I like Wyatt Snape or is it Severus Earp the gunslinging Potionsmaster from hell.Cheers Moepi AKA Michèle
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
LOL, I'd been watching Tombstone and if you look at Kurt Russel's costume as Wyatt Earp, its quite Snapish. So I just had to add that element in here.I'm glad you enjoyed it.Thanks taking so much of your time and reading all of these.
Oooooooooooh cute cute ickle Sevvie has to wee-wee. Awww, but ickle potions masters don't go potty. Nuh nuh.This is so sweet, I think I burst a muscle laughing at this.Cheers Moepi AKA Michèle
Response from ancientgirl (Author of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Small Packages)
This was such a fun story to write. I'm glad you are enjoying it.