New Chapter for Redemption
phoenix160 Reviews | 160 Ratings, 0 Likes, 109 Favorites )
Lucius Malfoy has finally realized the Dark Lord has been spinning nothing but lies. Unfortunately, it took him losing his family to realize this. Now, he is trying to atone for his sins. Will anyone trust him? Will anyone help him regain his place in society? He has a plan. Set after HBP. Rating is for later chapters. Additionally, there are two chapters that have some torture, but nothing overly graphic. Nominated for Feb 2006 Multifaceted Awards in Best Dramatic and Best Het (Adult) Fics
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for Redemption
I really enjoyed your take on this pairing. Even though he was scheming most of the time it seems like an integral part of his personality. So he really did not change, just his viewpoints. Excellent fic!
Wonderful ending...and Lucius was quite Slytherin to the end.
I'm wondering if the magic invoked as protectors will help Harry in a significant way or if it is just to save the castle. You certainly keep us on our toes.
And the hits just keep on coming. I would be at my wit's end by now. How is Hermione handling all of this? Excellent job keeping e on the edge of my seat.
I'm trying to work out why Hermione feels that Lucius has betrayed her. Probably hormones are the reason she isn't thinking clearly.
You are very good at portraying emotions. I can feel the stress and worry, it's so thick you can cut it with a knife.
Sadistic aren't you? Lucius will certainly get what for later... I just hope he can save Hermione.
This chapter was chilling. I can't believe there is no hope though.
Ouch! Will the baby be OK? I doubt that dark curses and pregnancy goes well together. Really, I am enjoying this story and I love how things are just piling up.
Scary, I didn't expect Hermione to be captured so I was taken by surprise.
I hope this has a happy ending. With all this plotting I worry that Hermione will get hurt. She truly loves Lucius and I worry that her heart will break.
Hermione certainly seems to have jumped onto Ginny's assumption. I'm not sure if that is good for the long run. Perhaps she and Ginny will have a heart to heart later and clear things up.
OK who's side is Severus on??!! Intriguing to say the least!
I'm surprised that Lucius was taken by surprise (how's that for an awkward sentence?). Again with the plotting I suspect it is a Slytherin trait.
I think I may have read some of this story before. Some of it seems familiar, however I haven't found any reviews. How remiss of me! Ron's acting like a boorish prat, heck if I had a wand I'd hex him myself. Everyone seems to be acting as I would expect them to as well. Great job.
You are doing a wonderful job detailing Lucius as a Slytherin first and for most. His calculated actions gives me delicious shivers!
Tough choices until the end I see. Very good story through out.
I love the plotting. I wonder if he is planning to marry her in the future of just want to 'be friends'. Also, another thought that crossed my mind is will he appreciate her for herself or just the contacts and reputation she has. It will be interesting to see how this will develop.
Hello. I recently became interested in the Lucius/Hermione pairing and found this story. So far I am really enjoying it. Picturing Lucius doing servant's work just tickles me. It's nice to see a change of heart (or at least alliances).
It's hard to believe that this is going to be wrapped up soon. If I had not said it yet this story is really enjoyable.
I like this idea you have to make them work together. I expected more of this kind of thinking in canon. Fan fiction authors seem to have done better by J.K.R.'s work than she did.
Merlin, I'm confused as well. I can't even guess where this will go next. Your story is addictive!
How sad for Lucius, but I think losing his magic (even temporarily) may make him into a better man.
Amazing job on this chapter. The child's fate is tragic. Too bad that her parents must do this as that it is gut wrenching.
It must be breaking Hermione's heart to have to track down and destroy her daughter. So many emotion and trials...spellbinding story.