New Chapter for The Best Laid Schemes
The Best Laid Schemes
StormySkize400 Reviews | 7.68/10 (400 Ratings, 1 Like, 98 Favorites )
Variety Challenge Winner... The Wizengamot has finally done it! They've gone and passed the Marriage and Baby Law. Neither Severus Snape nor Hermione Granger is happy with the choice made for them by the Ministry, so they hatch an elaborate scheme to thwart the new law--by marrying each other!
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About StormySkize
Member Since 2005 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 172 | 431 Reviews Written | 998 Review Responses
I am in my late 50's and I didn't even start reading Harry Potter until after the third book came out. My granddaughter got me 'hooked on Potter,' and while surfing the net one day, I found a fanfiction site. That was it! My first story, "Renaissance," was published on Ashwinder a month later and I've been writing ever since. I am primarily a HG/SS shipper, but I also enjoy reading and writing RL/SS. I live in Tampa, Florida with my wonderfully adoring and supportive husband, and three completely spoiled cats. (Kallie, Mysha, and Smudge {who was the inspiration for the cat that Severus gives Hermione in my story "Renaissance."}) I'm always happy to correspond with my readers and I answer ALL reviews. I'm always looking for plot-bunnies, so feel free to throw some ideas out.
Reviews for The Best Laid Schemes
if he immigrated to Australia or even, heaven forfend, the United States.What!?! What does he have against the states? Come on over Severus and I'll show you just how much fun we have here ;)Kidding aside, this is an intriguing start to the story. I never read a MLC I didn't like and I don't see that changing anytime soon! Anxiously moving on to chapter two.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Oh, that was just Severus being his usual, snarky self. He's never been to 'the colonies', so he doesn't know what he's missing.I love MLfics, and I enjoyed writing this one. I'm glad you're enjoying, as well.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Got to wonder who's schemes the ones in the title actually refer to...
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
All will be revealed, gentle reader ...Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Great start so far! I really love MLFics, but yours seems to be a special one, with Hermione being an adult I really enjoy the dialogues between a quick-witted Hermione and a snarky, sarcastic Severus, very promising....and the best is, you said in one of your answers to review, that the story is complete? Because I hate reading and realize at some time that there won`t be an ending to the story....;-)Way to go!Can`t wait for the next chapter.....Any hints about the lenght of the story?
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
The story is complete in 13 Chapters. Most of the chapters are rather long, as well, as the story was over 40 thousand words.This review is for Chapter 1, and there are 3 chapters posted.I've sent in chapter 4, so it should show up in the next few days.I'm so glad to know you're enjoying the story, especialy since this is my first attempt at writing a MLfic.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from ginny24 (Reviewer)
Sorry, I didn`t realise I was posting for chapter one.....should have been three...silly me!
Yay, I always love a nice elopement!!
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Me, too!Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Loved the update and especially how Hermione and Severus had a back-up plan to twart the Special Coordinator. That Coordinator will probably be unable to stay hidden when his/hers scheeme are twarted this time? I admit to a high level of curiousity to find out who this Coordinator is. My first guess was Umbrigde, but then again that seems somewhat obvious, I think you migth have a surprise for us? Molly comes to mind? She sure knows how to hold grugdes, but considering that the Coordinator is so focused on targeting Hermione and Severus, I do stray back to Umbridge yet again. Please, please let us know soon?
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Umbridge sure is a favourite choice to assume the role of resident baddie.As usual, I have no comment!This story is complete, and a new chapter will probably post every two or three days, depending on how busy our poor, over-worked Southern Witch is. I hope you'll continue to follow the story.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Great start! I love revenge served cold. Pairing it with the MLC just makes it even sweeter. ;)
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I appreciate your kind words.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Talk about a roller coaster ride. Excellent update! :D
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I'm glad you're enjoying the ride.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
This story us fantastic so far! So much fun to read, I love this total twist on the MLC, hermione as an adult instead of a time-turnered 17-18 year old. This is total fresh and creative and I am dying to read more!
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Please don't die before you finish the story. "Fresh and creative" is good ... thanks for saying so.I've always enjoyed MLfics, but this is my first attempt at writing one. I like an older, more mature Hermione, and because of the need to have a 'fertility crisis' develop over a number of years, she had to be older to make the story work.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
AHHHHHHH!!! Evil cliffie!!! I'm suffering from angst at this very moment. Will they get away? Oh, they have to get away. You can't let them marry Dung and Sybil. Then your wonderful romance becomes a tragedy! Oh, no! Update soon! Sorry about all the exclamation points.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I love exclamation points!!Sorry about the evil cliffie!! (not really!!)Hermione marry Dung???!!!! Severus marry Sybill???!!!!I love romance!! I hate tragedy!!Update coming soon!!!Thanks for reading and reviewing!!! (I think my exclamation point is stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just who is the special coordinator? i have reason to suspect that its umbridge.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
The author has no comment regarding the identity of the Special Coordinator! (Though many reviewers are leaning toward Umbridge as the likely suspect.)Thanks for reading and reviewing.
I totally love the fact that the Special Coordinator is hiding. But good for Severus and Hermione having plan B.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Having a plan B is always a good idea. (Wonder why JKR didn't think of that when she hung Snape out to dry)I'm glad you're enjoying the story.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
“I'm always shirty,” Snape said. “You're just being over-sensitive.” ROFL!
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Gotta love that snarky dialogue! (I love reading it and writing it!)Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Wizards on the run! I'm on pins and needles to see if they'll be able to successfully make it out of the country... And how interesting that everything they tried magically was having the opposite effect of what was intended. Can't wait to see how the Special Coordinator accomplished that little feat! The plot thickens...
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
"Wizards on the Run" -- now that sounds like a great title! Wish I'd thought of it.Oh, but it isn't the Special Coordinator (SC)who's responsible for the 'toxic magic'. Voldemort, with his dying breath, released a curse that caused the infertility problems, and is preventing the cures. The SC is merely (merely!) using the toxic magic to his/her advantage. (I hope I'm not giving too much away!)Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Wow. The Cordinator really does have it in for the two of them. I just hope he/she doesn't make it difficult when they submit their engagement to each other. Fillius is right. How can two intelligent, educated people miss the obvious solution infront of them?!
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Oh, those two can't see the forest for the trees ... and if they did, a lot of us writers would have to find a new hobby!And if the Special Coordinator didn't make things difficult I'd have no story to tell.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
That coordinator is just plain evil. Thank goodness, they are betrothed to each other. Good for Professor Flitwick, that was a stroke of genius. Can't wait to read your next chapter, I'm enjoying your story. I read the part where Severus was winding Hermione up. It sounded like something he would do. Plus I was laughing so much, he was curious anyway.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I'm happy to know you're liking it. I love writing snappy dialogue between Snape and Hermione ... between Snape and anyone, really.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Alright, MLC story, my favorite. Thank you Mystery Writer, I'm enjoying your story and looking forward to more.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I like MLfics, too. This is my first attempt at writing one, so I'm glad you're enjoying.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
So, it's not Percy. And Dolores seems the most probable perpetuator. I wonder what her reaction will be when she'll discover they'll marry each other. Can she really refuse to approve the Declaration and paired them up with someone else?
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Nope, not Percy ...As to the rest of it ... I guess you'll just have to come back and read the updates as they're posted. The story is complete in 13 chapters. I've already sent chapter 3 in, so it should appear soon.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Don't worry, I WILL read each one of them. But it's always fun to try to guess.
Hurray for Filius stating the obvious!Oh, that nasty, nasty coordinator. I wonder ... but I think I will have to wait to learn more.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Oh, there are many speculations floating about as to the Special Coordinator's identity. All I can say is: Please come back and read the story as it updates.I love Filius! He's such a nudge ...Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Hmmm. So this Special Coordinator for Ministry Approved and Arranged Marriages has pushed this law through for the sole pupose of getting revenge on Snape and Hermione? I wonder who hates them that much. I love the name of the law: C.R.A.P. Too perfect.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Thanks so much for noticing my acronym. I love using them, and it's always a challenge to find the perfect one.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Yay for Filius the yenta. He moved things along for Severus and Hermione quite nicely. But there's that nasty Special Coordinator, throwing the proverbial monkey wrench into their relationship. Still, it will be fun to see how the romance develops between them while the solve the magical problem. :)
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I hope you'll like how this turns out."Nasty" is a great word for the Special Coordinator!Thanks for reading and reviewing.
So, this coordinator at the Ministry is plotting to push them together. How funny! He/she doesn't realize that they are planning the same thing anyway.My first guess is Umbridge. She is so much fun to write as a villan.And I love the banter between Severus and Hermione:“Where are the G's?” “Between the F's and the H's,” Snape replied. “Just where they've always been.”Priceless!
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Thank you for loving that little exchange. I love writing that snarky, sarcastic dialogue, and based on Hermione being the 'bossy know-it-all', I think that she would give as good as she gets, especially as she'd matured and lost her 'fear' of Snape.Did I ever say the Special Coordinator is trying to push them together? (Author rushes to re-read posted chapters ...)As to the identity of the Special Coordinatory, I continue to have no comment!Thanks for reading and reviewing.
OMG!! I love Potterplace because they suggested to writers to indulge in MLfic. My absolutely favourite. I wonder how muchtime it will take before the two got married. And I can already guess who that Special coordinator is. I'll just wait to see if I'm right.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I've read and enjoyed many MLfics, but this is my first attempt at writing one. I'm happy to know you're enjoying it.There have been a number of guesses about the identity of the Special Coordinator. So far, Dolores Umbridge is the hands on favourite to fill the role. I, as always, have no comment!Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Honestly that was my first guess. But then I thought: too obvious, as any woman would be. So I'm leaning toward a man, maybe Percy or Draco. I could easily picture that one trying to get his revenge.
Hah hah. She's gonna be ticked when she finds out that Severus and Hermione have solved the problem themselves. It doesn't seem that she wants them to be stuck together... or does she?
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
'she'? I don't recall that the gender of the Special Coordinator has been determined yet. (Author frantically reading through posted material to look for pronoun 'slip'.)As to whether the Special Coordinator wants them together or has other plans for them, well, you'll find out in due time!Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from debjunk (Reviewer)
*Snerk* I could have sworn there was a she in that paragraph that talked about Hermione and Severus being too snarky to find companions. Perhaps it was wishful thinking on my part?
Thankfully Filius was there to save the day! Great update. :D
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I'm glad you enjoyed. Filius is a great character and I enjoy letting him have fun.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Now that was one interesting 'proposal'!
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I love writing snappy, snarky dialogue between those two! I'm happy to know you enjoyed it.Thanks for reading and reviewing.