New Chapter for Love Inhuman
Love Inhuman
Alison32 Reviews | 32 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
This story is set in a near-future Japan, where the breeding of genetically modified animals for a variety of uses has become big business. The plot looks at the predicament of one such creature when it is revealed that it has some human genes included in its creation and follows the relationship that develops between it and a human who refuses to see it as simply an animal to be owned and used by humans.
Prologue: Two children, one human and the other a genetically modified chimera meet for the first time and feel an instant bond of friendship between them despite their differences.
Start ReadingChapters (23)
About Alison
Member Since 2006 | 42 Stories | Favorited by 26 | 8 Reviews Written | 149 Review Responses
A published Aussie author for a number of years now, I decided to dabble in the waters of HP fanfic for the first time. I hope my stories are acceptable.
Reviews for Love Inhuman
OMG! I LOVED THIS! I COULDN'T STOP READING! this was SO AWESOME! MiyatsuxAiko 4ever! I was so glad to see that you are planning a sequel! It doesn't matter how long it takes, I will NEVER be separated from the Fujitaka family....Miyatsu doesn't have a last name, does he? whatever. :D I LOVED THIS! THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL TIME AWAY FROM REALITY! "Cheers!!!" 1000000000000000000000000/5 stars
Wow. I can't believe this is finally over. It was such a wonderful story, so romantic and full of adventure and mystery, I just loved it. It should definitely, definitely be published.I don't suppose there's hope for a sequel, is there? *pleading eyes*
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Thanks for those nice comments, I'm currently in the process of trying for publication. As to a sequel, well I've had a few ideas, but it will have to wait until I've got more time.I'm glad you liked the story!Alison
Very sweet reunion. They deserve that peace after all they've been through.
For some reason, I suspect Sakaki's easy acceptance of their relationship. That may have more to do with my cynical nature than anything you've written, though. I was surprised that Suzu reacted quite that strongly, but I think it works for that reason.
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
, it's nice to hear from you again. Your comment re Suzu was spot on. I won't spoil the story by revealing too much, but she is something of a hypocrite. And as for Sakaki, well ... again, don't want to be a spoiler for my own story.Thanks for your review - I love getting feedback!Alison
This chapter is so awesome! Of course, the reunion was sweet--the high emotion brought me to tears--but I also loved how the youngsters' personalities all worked together, especially M&M, that this whole horrific experience of the last few chapters has bonded them more firmly, and now they truely are soul-mates.
I've already read this chapter four times; it is one of my favorites.
Beautiful chapter! I love the way you've shown all of the family interaction. From the moment Aiko's mom brought out her old little kitten, it's been neat to see them so supportive, and I love how both of her parents see their family with the same uncondtional love as if they were all 100% human.
I love M&M finishing each other's sentences. I love how Montaro is always so impulsive, leaving Mieko to explain things and then catch up. It shows how perfectly in tune they are with each other. Again, all of the interaction between the siblings and the older generations are so real. You've shown that though the children are 'clones,' they have different personalities.
You've dealt with some tough things in this chapter with just the right touches. Yutaka is the best dad ever!
Somehow I don't trust Sakaki...
The bonding is an interesting idea. :)
Poor Sakaki. It's interesting that he can't translate the loss he felt when Koneko died to the more deep feelings of feline mates. It also makes me wonder if maybe Suzu's sedative wasn't as safe as they'd thought, and that was when Koneko had died.
And yay for Mieko and Montaro. They'll never have to be lonely like Miyatsu was. That's awesome.
Oh, I love how the description of the kittens is just like how she imagined they would be all of those years ago. It looks like they are good parents.
I am still loving this story very much. It's great to see Miyatsu and Aiko having a family of their own. :-)Happy new year and good luck with getting this published!
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
, it's great to see that you're still following the story! Chapter Twelve brings this story to it's halfway point, showing what Miyatsu and Aiko are doing re: creating his species. From the next chapter the action starts to pick up again. I hope you continue to enjoy it.Alison
I haven't heard that song in a long time, and it is very evokative of the peacefulness of spring. The first couple of sections are so beautiful with Miyatsu being reunited with some happy memories of his past and his sweet birthday gift to Aiko.
But Sakaki was scary! I wondered how Miyatsu kept Aiko from being hurt by all of that broken glass. I'm glad they're getting away from him.
Suzu really is a piece of work! Sakaki's right about her being a hypocrite. Of course Miyatsu is romantic. He is so much more than he seems, and Sakaki's intensity is unnerving.
Oh, how sad for them to be separated, but I like the way you did each of her parents' responses. I usually scoff when people use 'soul mates', but you've done a good job actually showing us that they are joined. I love that her mother brought her little kitten down for her. That Aiko made her own little Miyu as a child is an excellent reminder of the length of their connection.
Well, ouch. But at least Sakaki was cool about it.
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
, I'm so glad you've read the last two chapters and let me know that you liked them! Glad I haven't squicked you yet, that's one of the things I worry about with this story, that people won't be able to get past the fact that Miyatsu is three-quarters animal, or as my daughter would say, three species rolled into one. I really liked your "alien" analogy, btw!I didn't realise you're one of the admins, I'll get to work tonight and make the corrections on the next chapter. Yes, Suzu was not happy, was she? And while Sakaki is fine with it *now*, wait until Chapter Ten (mwahahaha!)Thanks for your kind words.Alison
Sorry I haven't reviewed in weeks. Sooo busy.
Oh, the water shield is cool--I love the details, and I love how he admits that she made him feel special. I am such a sucker for stories with telepathic lovers, and this is so amazing! I guess I don't see the squick because I see it as strictly SciFi, as though he were a sentient alien. And since I've been watching Star Trek since before I could read and reading SciFi since I was old enough to be turned loose unchaperoned in a library, it seems normal to me, and (as I said before) telepathic is my favorite kind.
“Exactly like the wild Purshans,"
Way to build anticipation! And their first non-kiss was so sweet, the way he started purring.
The tone of their encounter was perfect, and the pillow talk was touching. It felt very genuine, like echoes of every couple that has problems with fertility.
I was so relieved when she finally said she loved him back. Now I get to read the next chapter.
Oh, he loves her!
Watching Aiko come to terms with her emotions and desires was interesting. I can kind of begin to see what the long story is going to be, freeing Miyatsu from Sakaki and doing the cloning.
I DO hope we'll get a new chapter soon. Now that she knows... and I'm very afraid concerning all the evilness you've probably still planned for them. :-/
*is speechless* *takes another moment* That was unexpected (only because by the third chapter, I forgot this was higher-rated) and hot. I'm so glad that the next chapter is in the queue because I'm really curious now about them. I'm so glad she decided to go out there and comfort him. This story is almost as fascinating for what it doesn't say as what it does.
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
, and thanks for all the nice comments so far! I love receiving feedback. I hope you like the rest of the story once it's all posted, as well. The next chapter has just been sent to me for corrections, so I'll do them and get it posted up asap. Alison
Response from WriterMerrin (Reviewer)
From what I read in another review, is it actually complete, so we're just waiting for it to be posted?
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
That's right, it's actually 22 chapters long. But both my beta and I seem to have a blind spot where correct punctuation is concerned (particularly commas! I either put them in the wrong place or leave them out altogether) and typically each chapter needs a good edit before it's posted publicly.Please note: the next chapter has a higher rating than the previous ones. But only to advance the plotline!Alison
Oh, another clever twist. She's lucky that Sakaki feels that kindship with Miyatsu. This is so neat!
This is amazing, his mind reaching hers and his purring when they embraced. I love how she helped him to renew their friendship.
And I'm blinking back tears myself. I think I've just gotten hooked on your world.
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Thanks, Jim! I appreciate your kind comments. I do have plans eventually for a sequel, but that is still a way off in the future, as Real Life leaves me with very little time to write: I'm beginning university in the New Year, and will be studying a lot! However, there will be holidays in which to write, so I'll see what I can do!You might like to go have a look at my DeviantArt gallery, I have the story up there under the title: "The Miyatsu Project" and various artists have done drawings of their interpretations of the characters. Just put Fayzbub DeviantArt into your search engine and it should bring it up - I'd love to see you there!Merry Christmas!Alison
I've enjoyed this story immensely so far - very intelligent SF. What's more, you've managed with the first chapter what many published books haven't managed this year: you've made me care about your heroes! I want to know what happens next and I want both of them to be all right.Great job. Keep writing and good luck for when you try to get published.
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Thanks very much for your nice comments,
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
, I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far! There will be lemons from chapter four onwards, but only where it's integral to the plot. I hope that doesn't squick you.As a matter of fact, I'm hoping to get a manga publisher interested in the story but wanted to try it out on the internet first to gauge the level of interest. Myatsu might be a bit difficult for a manga artist to draw though! Although I've got his general body shape fixed in my head, I have no idea what his face would look like, even though I invented him!Alison
Response from JunoMagic (Reviewer)
Not squicked, no. I feel for Myatsu, and I want him to find comfort and love in his lonely existence.And I'm also very curious about how people will react for professional reasons. I've got a manuscript for a fantasy novel in the works that has a race which are a kind of furry fay living at high altitudes in the mountains. And I have to admit that ever since I read about furry fandom, I've been unsure whether to continue or not... It's difficult enough to write not-quite-human in a plausible and poignant way...Won't publishers frown if they hear that the story was available on the internet? Or are manga publishers cool about that? Oh, and if Myatsu ever gets drawn, please let us know over here. (I'd LOVE to see him.)I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
! Best of luck with your novel, BTW, fantasy seems to be the way to go nowadays, it's a big market. I usually write scifi, but there's often a large fantasy element within most of my works.The story is with a publisher at the moment and I've let them know that it's on the internet (I had it on my webpage in total until my site crashed, and I'm s-l-o-w-l-y rebuilding it now!) I'd had up to 20 000 hits on the story, and used that as a "selling point" to get the publisher interested, along with the fact that I've been professionally published for a number of years past. If the publisher decides to go ahead and publish the story, I will of course take the story down. But I'll leave up a note on the vacated story site so that people following the chapters can email me and I'll send them the story in it's entirety.Don't worry, if the story does make it into manga, *everybody* who has ever commented on my story will be told! (And the nice comments will get a free copy from me, hee hee!)It's nice to hear back from you, I only hope you continue to find the story a worthwhile read!Alison
I am so surprised that there aren't any reviews yet. The plot is very original and one I am enjoying so much. I cannot wait to see how it progresses.
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
, I'm glad you're enjoying the story. It's 22 chapters long, I hope you like the whole thing once you've read it all through!Alison
Um. Wow. *fans self * I can't say that I've ever had that reaction to a documentary, but I've never had a genetically modified hottie asleep on my couch, either! Beautifully done.
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
Response from Alison (Author of Love Inhuman)
, it's nice to meet you! I'm really glad you're enjoying the story so far, and I loved that you thought Miyatsu was a hottie! Thank you for the nice comments, and I hope you continue to like this.Alison
Response from Melenka (Reviewer)
A tall, strong, sensitive guy who purrs? Yeah, that's pretty hot. LOL