New Chapter for What Lingers In The Dark
What Lingers In The Dark
DarkFate72 Reviews | 72 Ratings, 0 Likes, 61 Favorites )
She had changed, long gone was the beloved know-it-all bookworm. T'was nothing more than a memory of what she once was. Her life consumed by darkness, yet ironically she fought for the light. Severus was her saviour, and she was his salvation. Disregard HBP & DH
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Member Since 2008 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 12 | 5 Reviews Written | 94 Review Responses
Reviews for What Lingers In The Dark
what facinating images! and what a wonderful update. thanks and many smoochies
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
I'm glad you liked it, I know it was a bit strange, but I am pleased to know it was enjoyed. Thanks for reviewing! :)
I'm deadly curious about this strange arch. I have a feeling that she shouldn't get there too often.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
Perhaps, perhaps not :p But it is a magical school so anything is possible! You'll find out about the arch soon enough... well eventually anyway. Thanks for reviewing! :)
It was as though the Death Eaters had, while sparing her life, killed the joyful, carefree spirit she once had, leaving behind an empty shell, one with no other goal than pure, sweet revenge.
Love that line...
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked this chapter :)
That was a little frightening, actually.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
Haha frightening?? Oh no! Well I hope it didn't scare you away from the fic lol! Anyway, thanks for taking the time to review, hopefully next chapter won't be so creepy to you :p
Wow! Where that reaction to Ron'words comes from? Of course she has a right to be angry, but the violence is just not in her nature. And I'm so curious about what will happen next.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
Heh, yeah, Hermione kinda lost it there... I think it's the first time Ron realizes just how different she is now from the girl he knew before. Thanks for reviewing! :)
Ooo, looks like we're getting somewhere. Very disturbing her reaction to Ron. Poor thing. What a horrible thing to have gone through. Obviously, she won't get over it for a long time, but hopefully she will eventually.
I can't even begin to understand what she's going through. Fortunately Severus was there, this time. I pray for better days and I wonder if maybe a memory charm wouldn't be better for her.
Is she really thinking that physical exhaustion will help her deal with her psychological turmoil. She needs to talk to a therapist and quickly. And I don't mean Snape here.
Shame on me! I seem to have forgotten to read this chapter, and I'm terribly sorry about it. I also pity poor Draco as he must trend on a dangerous line. After all if Lucius could kill his wife, surely he could do the same wih his son, were he to displease him.
It's probably good he's not letting her wallow. You can't wallow in the middle of a battle.
many people turn to physical exertion to sublimate emotional pain. wonderful update. thanks and mucho smoochies
poor draco, but i think hermione's right. it is cowardly to defend his murdering father. superb update. thanks so much
great update! i am looking forward to see how she'll train herself. thanks so much
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
Thanks for the awesome review! Glad you are liking this fic so much :) More training to come, I promise!
This chapter could have been plumped out a bit if you had written in bits about what Severus encountered in Hermione's mind. I know she told the professor that she had cleared her mind, but you indicated that she hadn't actually done that. I should think that the road to become the 'most dangerous woman alive' should be a little more ... scenic. Though I appreciate what you have written, the story is worthy of more development than expressed in this one chapter.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
thank you for taking the time to review. I think I understand what you mean by making the scene more "scenic". In one of the later chapters (I think chapter 6 or 7, I can't remember exactly) Severus does see more into Hermione's mind and see some of her experiences through her eyes. The decision not to show what happened in this chapter was actually quite deliberate because I didn't want to rush the Hermione/Severus relationship and I want to approach the issue of what happened to Hermione more carefully and slowly. I think that Severus finding out more about what happened to her is very crucial to their relationship, and so I don't want that to be revealed so close to the beginning. I'm not sure if that explanation helps at all, but that might give you an idea of what I was thinking. Thank you for the critisism because it helps me to know how the chapter is perceived and also it gets me thinking more about why I approach things a certain way. didn't mean to write you a novel with this reply lol! Anyways, thanks again for reviewing (if you have any more suggestions or want more clarification, feel free to email me!)
i thot that was quite typical of the headmaster. terrific update. thanks so much
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
Thanks for the lovely review! I'm glad you liked this chapter and I am also happy to know that you felt that Dumbledore sounded realistic/in canon. Thanks again for reviewing! :)
Whatever is to be said about revenge, I do like a Hermione who doesn't let those DE who hurt her make her a victem. It is said that what doesn't kill you, make you stronger, and so far this Hermione is a perfect example for that saying. I love Hermione, which means that I hate it when she gets hurt, and I want revenge issued on those who hurts her. It is also said that the best sort of revenge is to live well, but I do hope that you will let the DE that killed her mother and sister, and hurt her so badly, at least feel some fear of what she would do to them? Maybe Severus can show her that revenge doesn't make it better, but I hope you will make him do so with some respect. I am not to fond of plots where he belittles her into "admitting" that he is the sole owner of truth, the one who knows everything the best, and as soon as she realise and admit to that fact, the sooner she will be "happy ever after". Maybe revenge won't make her any better than them, but she does deserve to terrorize them some....:-))
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
Thank you for taking the time to review! I'm happy to know that you are enjoying this story. I agree that the best sort of revenge is to live well and be successful, whether or not that will hold true for Hermione is yet to be seen... I'm not certain myself how all this will end! I do want Severus to sort of mentor her, show her that she need not let the revenge and hate consume her. I agree that I don't like it much when Sev bullies her into seeing his way of thinking, besides he too is flawed. But I do want him to help her, and perhaps they can together grow to understand that hate need not consume all. And don't worry, the DE's will definitely be on the receiving end of Hermione's wand; they will most certainly pay for their crimes.Anyways, I'm very happy to receive such long and thoughtful reviews, so I am grateful! Hope you continue to enjoy reading this story! :)
A vengeful Hermione trained by Severus will certainly be a force to be reconned with! It will be interesting seeing Sev attempt to temper Hermione's need for vengence!What a perfect teacher for control and self discipline...Looking forward to more!
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
thank you for the wonderful review! I'm glad you like it so far, and there is much more to come! And if anyone can show Hermione that revenge doesn't solve all, I think it would be Severus :)
The most dangerous woman alive. It certainly has merit for her to react, but this strongly. What will happen when she realized that revenge doesn't bring the relief she crave for. I hope these lessons, and Snape in particular will help make her think differently.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
Thank you for reviewing! I think Snape is the perfect person to mentor her through this kind of tragedy as he has suffered so much himself. I'm not sure what will happen to Hermione when she realizes that the act of revenge won't ease her pain... but for the sake of her and my readers I hope she can get through it! :)
i am enjoying your story. as always (i say as always because it's just ron's personality to not to be able to deal with the hard things: ie, him running away in the Deathly Hallows) i think that ron will have the hardest time coping with hermione becoming withdrawn and intent on revenge. i also think that snape will the best to, if not draw her out of herself, but to help her. i also wanted to ask because you did not mention it, but is hermione's face scarred?
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
I quite agree with you. Ron is a bit dense when it comes to emotions. He tends to speak before thinking, so I anticipate some difficulty with him and Hermione. Hermione's face is not scarred, though most of her torso, back and portions of her arms and legs are severely scarred. The torture they inflicted on her would not have affected her face. Anyways, thanks so much for reviewing, it's always nice to hear what readers think! Also, feel free to ask any more questions, I would be happy to answer them :)
Take the "brightest witch of her age" with Gryffindor courage and determination, add in Slytherin-taught mental discipline and top it off with a grief-driven thirst for bloody vengeance ...Ron once called Hermione "brilliant, but scary". Prophetic words, much?Lucius Malfoy, be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
haha yes, if Lucius Malfoy had any brains he would run and hide lol! Come to think of it, Ron's words are oddly true, even more so now I think. Although I don't think he'll be quite so nonchalant about her "scariness" now. Thanks for reviewing, it's always lovely to hear what readers think! :)
I was thinking about that myself, Hermione seems just a little too obedient to Prof Snape. Poor thing, life is hard for her right now. Loved the chapter, can't wait for the next one.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
thanks for the review! I'm so glad you are enjoying this story :) Life is very hard on Hermione now, but hopefully it will get better soon. Luckily she has one hell of a mentor ;)
If anyone can help her it's Snape. And maybe by seeing glimpes of what she went through and may understand her a bit better.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
thank you for reviewing! I hope that Severus can help her, because out of everyone, I think he is the one with the most realistic viewpoint on life and understanding of her situation in general. Anyways, glad you like the story so far! :)
Will there be hope in her life again? Poor thing.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
I sure hope there will be hope in her life again! I would hate for her to die a tragic hero who found no joy in life. Anyways, thank for the review, hope you like the chapters to come! :)
Severus is the only one that realizes how fragile yet dangerous she is.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
Thanks for the review! I think Severus is the only one who understands her burning rage but can also appreciate her delicate mental state. Hopefully he can help her :)
Poor Hermione. So much to overcome! And her desire for revenge, while very understandable, will not help her healing.
Response from DarkFate (Author of What Lingers In The Dark)
So much to overcome indeed. Maybe she will realize the futility of revenge? maybe, or maybe not! Unfortunately, even I don't know that yet ;)Thanks for reviewing, I am always happy to hear what my readers think!