New Chapter for The Varlet
The Varlet
Doomspark153 Reviews | 153 Ratings, 0 Likes, 136 Favorites )
Hermione feels trapped in her life until she gets a letter from an old acquaintance.
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About Doomspark
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 152 | 35 Reviews Written | 531 Review Responses
Male. Married. Live in Florida. Owned by two Egyptian Maus, a red tabby, and a hairball-emitting pile of fluff.
Reviews for The Varlet
Hi, just discovered this story and am very intrigued. Will you be continuing it? I would love to read more. This is absolutely fascinating, I love a good mystery!
Ahhh. I've been looking forward to an update.
There's many plot possibilities yet, twists and turns to explore.
It all rests on the privileged position of those in power (and willingness to abuse it) and the prejudices of blood.
Sad that Ron who spent his younger years fighting blood prejudice should use it to his advantage later on.
Perhaps what Hermione has discovered will shake them up a bit! Her children deserve a better world...
Glad to see this updated. Great story. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Glad to see this story updated. It's such a great premise, and I love the Arthurian overtones. Severus is just as one would imagine him, without the pressures of Voldemort and Albus: concerned, protective, and ethical to a fault. And now Hermione is back doing what she does best: research. Somehow I'm suspecting that Max & Mr. Ryan's machinations, Umbridge & the murdered werewolves, and this new problem about the wizarding population will all turn out to be somehow related.... Great chapter!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I shall neither confirm nor deny any speculations about what's to come.
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I shall neither confirm nor deny any speculations about what's to come.
I am so happy to see a new update to this story, you really made my day. So, Ron has some fun on the side does he, I guess his soon to be ex-wife won't care, at least she shouldnt be surprised as she should remember the saying: "If he cheats with you, he will cheat on you". I do hope that no matter how grand her connections migth be, that it will be remembered that she might be a scorned wife, but first she was the mistress who got involved with a married man with children. I am not surprised that dear Dolores was involved with the deaths of werewolfs, one can almost wonder if the magical world is worth saving when they allow people like her to still hve a saying in what goes on considering her previous actions, both during Hermiones fifth year at school, but also through the war when Voldemort ruled. I am not sure I would save anything that had dear Dolores still employed and walking free. I liked your Millicent, and having her and Dennis together were a brilliant way to show that some part of the magical world actually moves on. I have said so before, but I will say it again; I absolutely love this story!!!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
*grin* I'm glad you're enjoying my story. I'm still waiting for the cartwheels!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
*grin* I'm glad you're enjoying my story. I'm still waiting for the cartwheels!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
ooooohhhh! definitely! Glad you're enjoying the tale!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
ooooohhhh! definitely! Glad you're enjoying the tale!
Yay, Millicent! And as much as I don't like Max, I'm glad he is getting photos of Ron and his "companions." Umbridge.... grrrr.... Mundungus and his "special salvage teams" sound like legalized thieves.Thank you for the new update, despite the presence of Umbridge!
Response from June W (Reviewer)
PS - Millicent Bulstrode usually gets painted badly in fics, but you are showing her as a clever Slytherin, able to survive despite the Umbridge/Mundungus regime. I'm looking forward to seeing her shine in this story.
Response from June W (Reviewer)
PS - Millicent Bulstrode usually gets painted badly in fics, but you are showing her as a clever Slytherin, able to survive despite the Umbridge/Mundungus regime. I'm looking forward to seeing her shine in this story.
Sounds like Ron's high-flying Quidditch life is about to come crashing down around him. Especially once his society wife files the divorce petition and the brewing crapstorm hits the papers. Wonder if that's when the media will get wind of the truth about what really went down between Ron and Hermione before she left the wizarding world. And when he finds out that Art and Tom aren't Squibs after all... ouch. Wow, it's really going to suck to be Ronald Weasley, isn't it?As for Remus and the discovery of Dolores Umbridge's involvement... that doesn't bode well at all. Her hatred of anyone of mixed or "lesser" blood--like werewolves--definitely makes her an ideal candidate for murderess. And Hermione's discovery about the declining magical population suggests that the covering up of werewolf poisonings is just the tip of the iceberg. BTW, thanks for the EVIL CLIFFIE, you meanie, you!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
*grin* I love my cliffies, I do! Yes, Ron's life has just taken a turn for the worse. And Dolores has certainly been up to SOMETHING!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
*grin* I love my cliffies, I do! Yes, Ron's life has just taken a turn for the worse. And Dolores has certainly been up to SOMETHING!
Let's See. The salvage squad goes in, takes anything that looks saleable, and Dungheap pockets the proceeds. The Finances for a Single Parent Household articles are apparently important to this story for some reason. And Ron's soon-to-be ex-wife forged, or had someone forge, his signature on the Order of Repudiation. How'm I doin' so far? ^_^
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
I shall very carefully neither confirm nor deny anything. *grin*
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
I shall very carefully neither confirm nor deny anything. *grin*
I always hoped this would be continued. I hope Ron gets his comeuppance soon as well as his lawyer.
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
I'm working on the next chapter. I'm glad you're enjoying The Varlet.
“Oh, no! We've been making a terrible assumption!” Our Hermione is the brightest witch of her age. Can't wait to find out just which assumption they have stubbed their toes on.
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
Wait and see!
Now we have a full blown murder mystery. I must say, the killer had a very clever plan, but who could it have been? And why?
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
Someone trying to eliminate the Order of the Phoenix? Someone who was another victim of the Marauders? Someone who doesn't like werewolves?All kinds of possibilitiies!
If there has to be an autopsy done, I'm glad Poppy and Severus will be handling it together.
Seems like the four children get along nicely–will be good friends, I hope. Lavender has turned out to be a very sweet young lady, and I'm glad Hemione can tell how much she's grown.
King and Knight, forever twined,King and Knight, by fate unkind,Birth denied by blood and bone,Now they come to claim their throne.Professor Trelawney has just made another prophesy, hasn't she? And I'll bet it involves Art and Tom.I was so happy that Hermione to decide to take the offer to return to Hogwarts. I believe she and her boys will be happy there. I wonder how long it will take before Ron finds out that his former wife and his sons are now at Hogwarts? Perhaps he will only find out at Remus' wake. Now there's a mystery, and from what was said, it sounds like it might have been murder.I'm off to the next chapter!Beth
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
Murder most foul - but you know that by now.
Excellent chapter and I am so happy you keep the story going. Love it!
oooo its lowdown!!!!v dirtyeeewwwww I want revenge for Hermione and her children, I want Ron, and his new wife, to pay for their cheating, steal of money, not to mention the total lack of care over how the two little boys were faring, magical or not. someone must pay!!!!
Yay for new chapter!! I didn't need to reread -- your story is so memorable, I remember exactly how I feel. And I am very happy that you are setting the stage for Ron's downfall, giving him a swarmy solicitor and Pureblood bride. Ron's own personal Quidditch pitch... hmph! Perhaps he'll need it when the Cannons finally dump him, not just put him on the bench. But whose children did the former "Miss Maureen Ryan" put to bed? She and Ron couldn't have kids that fast, but she was a Miss and not a Mrs... and why is she so comfortable with the solicitor?I have no idea what Hermione remembered from old murder mysteries, but I am guessing my reaction next chapter will be, "D'oh! I shoulda remembered that!"Thank you for updating!!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
Maureen and Ron's first daughter was born out of wedlock (see chapter 1). They married right after Hermione left the wizard world which was about three years ago - and they've had a set of twins since - though you haven't met them yet.I'm already a page into the next chapter. The Muse is awake with a vengeance!
Response from June W (Reviewer)
Oh, the Groupie Girl! Heh, I wonder if these twins will be real Squibs ... muahaha!(feeds chocolate to your Muse)
Maureen seems to be a stuck up bitch. I have a feeling she'll try to make trouble for Hermione.Can't wait to find out what Hermione realized and see the next clues about Remus' murder. Don't leave us hanging on the cliff's edge too long, please.
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
Trouble's brewing for a number of people. Stay tuned for the next chapter!
oooo its lowdown!!!!v dirtyeeewwwww I want revenge for Hermione and her children, I want Ron, and his new wife, to pay for their cheating, steal of money, not to mention the total lack of care over how the two little boys were faring, magical or not. someone must pay!!!!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
*grin* Glad you're enjoying it!
Great story, I'm really glad you updated on it! Can't wait to find out what assumptions were being made.
Fascinating development, and looking forward to more. Wow, I have never seen a more abominable Ron than yours, and that is saying a lot. I wish Hermione would cut off Ginny and Harry from her list of friends as well. I am not sure what kind of friend they are, even with the bad excuse of Harry being married to Ginny. And Harry was a deplorable friend to Remus as well, all things considered. Basically, Harry was as bad as Ron, just in different intensity (which was basically true in the books as well).I really hope the Weasleys will get into trouble all on their own and don`t bother Hermione about it. She should wash her hands off them. They are not worth any time of hers (and her sons).Sorry for the rant, but am really looking forward to how you will resolve this. Thank you!
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
Glad you're enjoying it. I hope everything will be eventually tied up to your satisfaction.
Someone likes Madeleine L'engle :-). I really can't wait for Hermione to kick Ron's a$$. Thanks for updating, I'm looking forward to reading about how it all turns out.
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
Actually I don't like L'Engle's books, but you're right - that's where I learned the word "tesseract".
I hope you're not going to leave us with that cliffie for too long! :)
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
I'll try to do a little better than seven months between updates. I agree that it was a particularly nasty cliffie.
Ooo, you doggoned cliff-hanger hanger, you. I am enjoying these wheels within wheels. :D Let's see. If Maureen (very nice tip of the hat there to the Paradise series, btw) and Maxwell have not already done so, one expects that they will immediately insure Ronald signs an irrevocable repudiation of Hermione's sons in favor of Maureen's... Hmm. Might their next move against Hermione per se entail exploiting their leverage at the Daily Prophet? But how, and to what end? They surely wouldn't want to provoke Harry to take an interest... so if Hermione is content to hide herself away at Hogwarts, why whack the beehive?And here I thought your delivering another chapter would resolve some of the questions. ;D
Response from Doomspark (Author of The Varlet)
Cliffhanger? *puts on best innocent look* Me? How else am I supposed to keep my readers interested?
had to read all 5 chapters, enjoyed it. So many things going on. Can't wait to know what Hermione was thinking, and I am sure there will be a revenge against Ron and his sallow wife