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Measuring Up
by Mint Stick
3.33/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Hermione and Severus visit Lucius in Malfoy Manor. Sequel to 'Birthday Plans the Slytherin Way' but stands alone.
2,013 Words, Started 07/03/2008, Completed 07/03/2008
Pain Divided
by minuet99
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Pain shared is pain divided. Hermione comforts Snape in a time of pain.
690 Words, Started 08/05/2007, Completed 08/05/2007
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Everyone knows that you don't pick a ginger as your bridesmaid as she will steal your groom.
1,725 Words, Started 12/21/2010, Updated 12/21/2010
The Remus Lupins
3.33/10 (12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Picture Manip
116 Words, Started 05/10/2008, Completed 05/10/2008
Blood Bound Prisoner
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )Lucius manages to escape Azkaban, but his freedom is short lived, as he is too weak to get to his safe location. He is captured by Hermione, who decides to use him as a 'lab rat' for her experiments..
2,474 Words, Started 10/02/2007, Updated 10/02/2007
Dinner Invitation
3.33/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Lucius doesn't take rejection lightly.
631 Words, Started 04/05/2009, Completed 04/05/2009
In the Matter of the Application of Malfoy, Draco
by diabolica
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Draco returns to Britain a year after the Dark Lord’s defeat. His first stop? The Ministry.
1,968 Words, Started 06/15/2009, Completed 06/15/2009
Grey Tuesdays
by floorcoaster
3.33/10 (15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )Hermione goes on holiday to Italy for three reasons: a number on a calendar, her mother, and spontaneity.
10,169 Words, Started 05/30/2008, Completed 05/30/2008
Nursery Rhymes
by Aling
3.33/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )A one-shot that explores how Hermione might have reacted to motherhood if the epilogue wasn't so happy-go-lucky.
965 Words, Started 11/23/2009, Completed 11/23/2009
'Curiouser and Curiouser' (Alice in Wonderland, Disney's 1951 Version)
by knotty cait
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )My very lose interpretation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass" written by Lewis Carroll.
281 Words, Started 03/09/2007, Completed 03/09/2007
Slime For Sale
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Neville's daughter ruins Hermione's day. A 100 x 2 response to the grangersnape100 "Hermione's Bad Day" challenge.
237 Words, Started 09/04/2006, Completed 09/04/2006
Spinner's End?
by melusin
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )A drabble for the 'Unwanted Guest' challenge on GS100
211 Words, Started 06/05/2011, Completed 06/05/2011
When Harry Kissed Severus
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Mistletoe and Folly at the Yule Ball.
(Author's Note: This was written many years ago, before canon was complete. Posted in that spirit alone.
2,560 Words, Started 08/08/2011, Completed 08/08/2011
Planting Paradise
by timestep
3.33/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )Potion Mistress Granger arrives on an exotic island to harvest some rare plants. What happens when she meets a mysterious stranger?
8,652 Words, Started 09/05/2008, Completed 09/05/2008
At His Lover's Mercy
by MystressXOXO
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )A thank you drabble of sorts for Loui. She inspires without even trying!
343 Words, Started 08/11/2008, Completed 08/11/2008
Please Rescue Me!
by blue artemis
3.33/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Viktor wakes up married to Lavender Brown. What has really happened?
1,026 Words, Started 01/09/2011, Completed 01/09/2011
Dark Side of the Veil
by phoenix
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )Snape was vital to the Order and their ability to defeat Voldemort. What happens after he is accidentally killed, depriving the Order of their spy?
2,848 Words, Started 09/09/2007, Completed 09/09/2007
by Pyttan
3.33/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Lucius and Narcissa are searching for Draco.
1,309 Words, Started 05/18/2012, Completed 05/18/2012
3.33/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )"A heartbeat... She deemed it a miracle no on else could hear it..."
891 Words, Started 04/14/2012, Completed 04/14/2012
Thanks, That Was Fun
by teshara
3.33/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )After 20 years Hermione has finally had it and walks out on Severus. Written pre-OOP and recently revised. AU now.
1,733 Words, Started 08/24/2008, Updated 08/24/2008
No Simple Affair
by Anastasia
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )"Death is no simple affair. You should have gone."
1,165 Words, Started 12/02/2006, Completed 12/02/2006
3.33/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )A certain someone wants desperately to be chosen by the Potions Master. For the GS100 'pick me' challenge.
153 Words, Started 08/23/2010, Completed 08/23/2010
Never Have
by dracontia
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Scorpius has never wanted to disappoint his father. Companion piece to ‘You Have,’ the tenth installment in the Al & Scorp series.
903 Words, Started 04/11/2009, Completed 04/11/2009
The One Thing I Can't Have
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Birthdays are a time to reflect on happy memories. For Snape, birthdays are a reminder of the woman he lost. A series of birthday vignettes featuring Severus Snape and a well-meaning Remus Lupin.
4,314 Words, Started 02/11/2010, Completed 02/11/2010