New Chapter for For All Intents and Purposes
For All Intents and Purposes
rhiannonofthemoon494 Reviews | 494 Ratings, 0 Likes, 320 Favorites )
A moment of inattention transports Hermione to one year after the fall of the Dark Lord, but with no way back to her own time. Her only clue is a small object that she finds between worlds. She enlists the aid of a young Professor… but he has his own agenda. EWE
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About rhiannonofthemoon
3 Stories | Favorited by 105 | 88 Reviews Written | 572 Review Responses
Hello, dear readers and fellow writers!
I read and write in the Inuyasha and Harry Potter fandoms, preferring non-canon pairing that involve bad boys of the fandoms: Sesshomaru, Snape, Draco, Lucius (mmm, Slytherins), and Hermione is the Potterverse bicycle.
Completed fics in the Potterverse:
* The Devil is in the Details (HG/SS - M for language and violence - and I'm happy to mention that it was a Featured Story at TPP for 2/08 and nominated for the SS/HG awards Round Two)
* For All Intents and Purposes (HG/SS - M for language and violence)
Completed fics for Inuyasha:
* Darkness (Kag/Sessh - NC17 for smut - won multiple awards at IY groups)
* To Shed a Little Light (Kag/Sessh - NC17 for smut- won multiple awards at IY groups)
* Quadrangle (Kag/Sessh - NC17 for smut)
* Moving Pictures (Sessh/OC - NC17 for smut)
* Don't Know What You've Got 'til it's Gone (Kag/IY - NC17 for smut - and this was my first fic ever, so be warned)
* Cereal Box Romance (Kag/Sessh - Inuyasha - updated irregularly- won multiple awards at IY groups)
* Primal (Kag/Sessh - Inuyasha - pretty much abandoned)
Upcoming projects? Yes. I've got a one-shot HG/SS cooking that I may never finish or post, and I've started a multi-chapter HG/SS as well. I will probably write a number of the chapters before I start posting, so you probably won't see anything new for a while.
Reviews for For All Intents and Purposes
That was a very good story. I have read a lot of hermione/Severus fanfic lately, and this one really stands out. I couldn't stop reading it. It is now 4:30am and I am going to be so tired today. Thank you for writing this.
I really enjoyed this story - I saw it recommended on the Poetess Livejournal and wondered how on earth I had missed it in 2008.... I'm very glad I found my way to it now (unless I've forgotten reading it, in which case "shame on me," but also "yay" for the rediscovery)!
I love the way you wove the well as a kind of conduit alongside the catalystic starglass; the characterizations of everyone (especially Severus and Hermione) were tremendous; love your time travel theorizing and usage here, too.
The story was affecting in the way the future continued to change, which leaves a kind of bittersweet feeling, and yet you make the reader want these changes because they finally deposit us here, at this wonderful ending!
Luna was also great, I loved that she retained a "feeling" of the changes and could therefore offer insight to a struggling Hermione: a grounding effect. Madam and her cats, fabtabulous and always had me smiling, especially your cat-descriptions!
Randomly, as much as I enjoy a good, reformed Lucius, I also really like it when a writer upholds "bad" Lucius. I can't call him evil, but he's not a nice person, and you injected him with a lot of believable nefariousness. I'm a bit sad we didn't get to see a show down with the time beast, but it wasn't necessary, but the lore was interesting! Also the Lily resurrection! Holy macabre twist, batman! I liked that the starglass was only ever a catalyst for various things, and not necessarily a timetravel device itself. An interesting concept.
Overall, loved every moment (especially those between Hermione and Severus); I feel like I've just devoured an especially tasty treat of a fic (too quickly, perhaps, but still savoured)! Thanks.
I like the way you are animating the landscape; it almost seems to be a character in its own right, and adds a surreal feel to the story. Very nice!
Truly amazing fic! You are a great writer!
Congratulations for your fic!!! It's very well written and it deals with the time in a way I've never seen in others fics. She coming back to a time where things are changed and she is supposed to had lived it all but with the memories of another time is an interristing idea. It's like she is usurping herself, like every time she comes back, she takes the place of a Hermione who did live that life. Lily's resuscitation was a little scary in the beginning.I'm really happy they finally stayed together =] I just feel pity for Draco because he losts his Heidi...Kisses
This fic was engaging, intruiging, and very entertaining. I didn't miss the smut at all. I rather like the more romantic stories. Bedroom scenes do better sometimes when much is left to the imagination of the reader.
All were quite in character IMO. I could see it all in my mind's eye. Since I found it only a couple of days ago, I didn't have to suffer through long waits for new chapters. I'm glad, too, because it was the kind of story that had twists and turns, and it would have been difficult to keep track of it all over a long period of time.
Thanks for sharing.
Well done!
You kept me up all night but thats not your fault, is it? Lovely story! And I've always appreciated the cleaner stories anyway - you get more details and history most of the time. Woo! :)
Response from marilynnedayle (Reviewer)
Oh and I think I must add now - a month or so after reading this - that you've turned me on to time turner fics. I never thought I'd ever read those but now I'm trying to hunt some of the good ones down. I actually avoided them in the past like the plague. So, good for you. You've created a monster. :)
I am saying it. I think and I really hope that Healer Greenglass is actually Snape although he has some explaining to do. And well, so does she if he is actually Snape. IEE! :)
OMG! Figures! OOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMGGGGG! How heartbreaking for Snape to wake up and she's not there! After she said she was going to stay! All because of Crookshanks! Well, I would probably want to go back and get my kitty too but geez... as if she couldn't see this coming. :(
So the whole last bit with Bartholomew and Pumplenoose had me giggling so badly that I actually snorted and momentarily lost the ability to breathe. My cat, rather than being a "biscuit thief extraordinaire", is a cheese thief so I related pretty well to Batholomew. :)
A smart Hermione would have gone to Hogwarts to get Dumbledore's help on the matter. But if she was smart and had done that then well, we wouldn't have this now would we? I much prefer her in "forgetting" about Dumbledore for the moment.
I must say, coming fresh into this, I love the humor. Man-eating flobberworm... and the heebie-jeebies about accidently eating maggots. As it is almost 2 in the morning here I will probably not be able to finish this story before my eyelids give out but I'm ready to give it a go anyway! :) And like most stories I read if it can make me laugh out loud I usually read happily along the rest of the time. I am really looking forward to how you play up the humor later... still can't get over the flobberworm bit. LOL!
So he's a relation of Cedric's but not his father? Or no relation?
Btw, loving the story so far!
Ahaha its kagermione! hehehe & sevuyasha! oh & luciaraku hehehehehe
Im liking it so far cant wait to read the rest :D
A wonderful twist on the time-turner premise. Beautifully written and executed. Thank you very much for an exceedingly delightful read!
This story is, hands down, my favorite ever. Thank you so much for not ending it with Hermione having children and ending up in a life of domestic servitude...
Your writing is beautiful and you should be proud of your ability to spin a great plot.
^_______________^ i really like how their discussion of what happened was intermitten with snoging and touching. how the two wants of action couldnt superceed the other. i really like the ending bit about having all these things to plan and slow them down but still having a physical relationship.
oh adn though i twasnt what i wanted but know that i wouldnt get it i like how they discussed ron and draco a bit and how other things were different between the timeline now and the original timeline now.
however what i wished, because i am more strongly a dm/hg shipper and you did have have that in here as well as the fact that draco was in love with her, i wished a scene where she discusses things with draco. how yes she is heidi and how things were orginally between them no matter how much she did initially try. and i would have liked a penseive involved so that she could show him and he would get some understanding. (yes i am now on my way to writing that related challenge fic out :) )
though i understand not having it here. it is a ss/hg fic, draco is a secondary character, and her relationship with him was only for a few months , majority of which wasnt her time line.
thank you for a full-body fic. i do feel fullfilled at the end of it and i did enjoy every minute of it. no compaints what so every and you covered all you bases.
truely a splendid fic.
“A relative of my own cat.” i liked all the little clues he was trying to drop.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor draco. so sad that he did love her and that he was crying over the breakup. awww.
ah and there is my filler on my questions from my last review. so it looks like lupin more so beleived hermione was heidi and severus was protected from it.
i liked severus explainations of why heidi wasnt returning. poor snape when he read the letter he dismissed previously and then blabbed it all to minerva.
i wondered if draco had known that he was snape in the last chapter and if not from when did snape go by that identity around him.
overall i really like the flow and mod of this fic, and if i hadnt already, i look forward to reading your other fics.
this fic is definately shaping up to be one of my favorite fics of all time. i really like how you treat all the characters with respect and dont seem to outwordly dislike and belittle a character.
lucius as zeus with all the adoration. ^_____________^ and yup lucius definately does notice the uncanny resemblance between heidi and hermione.
cool that snape officially died and started living another life as a healer. i really like that bit. but i really want to know exactly what happened to him after she had left. did he find the note? how did he go about that knowledge? did he discuss things with lupin or lucius? how was it watching over herminoe growing up?
i do like the changes with the doe to otter patrnus and other such details as well.
uhoh no starglass. i am amused that severus got to see draco in her mind-will he find out who he is? now question. if he was able to restore lily's soul then would that protection spell over harry still work?
ahhhhhhh when she was bouncing little draco on her lap i was totally wondering if you'd have them hook up in the future but totally wrote it off. cool that you did.
lpin and snape friends- say that coming. though surely they must know that heidi is hermione. she looks the same, he has dp clippings to compare it to, he has the hair that leads to her, he knows she shares the same initials. i would have loved to known those conversations, unless of course she is alerady there and hiding somewhere on the side but still.
i was kinda hoping hermione would approach lucius- as he is the only one she beleives left alive who she knows in both times and would know stuff. and with her dating draco surely he'd be more amicable to her approach.
as for lotr- didnt they film those back to back- so if the first one had been out wouldnt they have already filmed the others?
ah well, no hermione saying te day they were suppose to die instead of this one. ad yes, im highly curious for her new future. and well dumbledore resced them but i wonder just how did he trace them-was it the starglass? really really liked the lupin werewolf battle. wonder if hermione will have any side affects.
ooh ooh ooh.
“Going to hump her leg while you’re at it?” damn!
“Don’t worry about it, Pro… Mr. Lupin." ah a noticed slip.
liked how hermione does think of ron and is wondering what all the feeling surrounding everyone are.
liked the bit with the very young muggleborn.
i like the biting remarks now directed at hermione with the theivery and such.
and i like how things arent as easy and they were caught.
loved the a/n. ooooh remus now definately knows that something is definately amiss between the two. it betters his chance. its sad that she had not even attemted to get back the necklace of ron's. and loved the verbal sparing between the two men and how they tried to oneup each other in front of hermione.
ah i forgot to ask way earlier- why is molly the one taking care of teddy and not andromeda?
but oooooooo lupin! ^_____________^ wasnt he lovely. loved how he spilled the tea and was directly speaking to hermione to take her ad such.
very exciting.