New Chapter for Conversations
KingPig323 Reviews | 323 Ratings, 0 Likes, 212 Favorites )
***Winner of the Judge's Choice: Best Avada Kedavra in The New Library Awards 2008******** A conversation between two friends ignites a passion, if not an obsession, to uncover Severus Snape's dark and violent past.
Start ReadingChapters (19)
About KingPig
Member Since 2007 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 48 | 539 Reviews Written | 570 Review Responses
Professional illustrator. Fledgling fanfic writer. Student. Professional freelance graphic designer. Married. 25. Slytherin.
Reviews for Conversations
Wow, what a wonderful story!I've been finding those kind of stories for a long time.Love the way you describe Snape and his horrible past.This is the first time I've ever wrote a review on a fic.Please continue with your story! :)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so very much! I'm so honored to be the first receipient of a review from you! I know I haven't updated this story in almost a year, but my RL career has had me working overtime constantly, and I'm almost finished with my all-consuming project, and around this time next month, I should have the free time available to post the next chapter. Thank you again!
I'll say that you've continued to write wonderfully. I like your plot, and the way you protray the characters. I've happily favorited this story and hope to see it up-dated soon.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much! The story is on a little hiatus right now, as I have a deadline for my RL work – but in the next few weeks I should have time to come back to Conversations and update! Thank you again!
I LOVE your banner!! It looks amazing! And I really like the chapter! I hope the rest of this story is this good!
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so, so very much! I hope I don't disappoint!
I do love Luna. What a wonderful vehicle she is for all things wise. If you need any help with chapter 20, don't hesitate to poke me. I promise there'll be no more disappearances! ;)
Author's Response: LOL! I'd be really, really, really grateful and appreciative of any help you'd offer! Kittylefish has graciously offered to beta for me, but I can use all the help I can get! LOL.
I have all but the very beginning of chapter 20 – which may be superfluous anyway (the beginning). Not sure.
I just found this story by accident a couple of days ago. Now I see that you have not updated for months. I do hope that nothing has gone so terribly wrong in your life that you cannot finish this thrilling tale. That is a selfish attitude, I know, but it is all your fault for being such a good writer. I simply must know how Hermione wins him over and helps him to realize how precious and beautiful and special he really is. Please, please update soon. Don't abandon this exquisitly written piece of fan fiction.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
LOL, no, not a selfish attitude at all! I greatly, truly appreciate your review and encouragement! I do feel very guilty about the lack of updates, and thankfully I have no tragic excuse – I have just been extremely busy with "RL" issues regarding work, vacations, and, unfortunately, a horrible case of writer's block. However (!), I have written a bit of the next chapter, and am posting a little snippet of it on my livejournal today (I'm a bit worried that this particular section of the story might be too... fluffy, so I'm looking for some constructive criticism), which you can check, if you'd like, at ... please let me know what you think if you do take a look at it, and don't mind a bit of a spoiler. Once I get it all worked out, and find a willing beta, then I should have something posted here soon. Thank you, thank you, thank you again!
I've been reading all day long to read this story in one rush and it was so, so worth it! Psychological stories are hard to write and I have to say that I love this one! Please keep going! xox
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much! I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it, and I agree, psychological stories are very difficult to write (and very draining) – but without at least some psychological aspect, a story can become very hard to read. I am working on the next chapter, but I am stretched a bit thin when it comes to RL occupation, RL in general, and the SBB project... plus the fact that Severus is just not cooperating :( But I am working on it, so please stay tuned, and thank you again!
Oh, welcome back! I just love having my empathy beaten up from all directions at once. Your portrayal of Snape's PTSD is so believable. I can imagine that he must feel like a accident victim brought to a trauma center to have his life saved. First you're found (by strangers), then immobilized on back board and hard collar to prevent further injury (whether or not you find it uncomfortable or claustrophobic), then you're poked and prodded and a mask put over your face. Transported who knows where. Everyone is talking at you all at once. You arrive at the ER and then they cut off all your clothes in front of God and everybody and proceed to expose you, open your wounds, clean them out with industrial solvents, manipulate your body, more needles but no pain meds, blinding lights, a whole cacophony of incomprehensible sound, and no control, no say in what is being done, nowhere to hide, no way to escape. And all the while, they say they are helping and you're supposed to believe them. **small animal sounds of distress**Hermione will need every bit of her very old soul's experience to help this terribly battered hero with the new soul to learn that there really is love in the world for him. Bravissima. Please continue.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
I absolutely adore your review, and I don't think I could ever apologize enough for my response being so late. *hangs head in shame* I'm very, very sorry!I love the analogy as well, as I never really thought about it in that context, although I had quite a similiar experience! (On top of all that you described, my little sister had witnessed the car accident, and because they put me on a board with the collar, she called my mom and told her I was paralyzed, then she called my grandmother to say I was dead. She was only ten, and I 16, so you can imagine my surprise when I was wheeled out into the lobby in a wheelchair, with only superficial wounds and one cut needing a paltry three stitches, and my entire family – including some I had never before met – greeted me with tear stained faces and the expression as though they were looking at a ghost. I fear most of them were disappointed I didn't at least break a bone, LOL!)And I agree that Hermione will need to draw on her wisdom-beyond-her-age reserves, but she'll also have a few issues of her own, in regards to emotional maturity, so it probably become a "blind leading the blind" scenario for a small bit.Thank you, thank you, and thank you some more! I don't know when the next chapter will be posted, but I am spending what little free time I can to devote to it! Please stay tuned!
Minerva must have a lot of grief on hr plate. She made some serious mistakes with Severus over the years. Hopefully he will be willing to try to let her make amends.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much for the review! Yes, I believe Minerva is just now realizing the magnitude of her and AD's past behavior. I think Severus may be feeling as though it's really convenient, that MM and RL and PP suddenly want to apologize, now that the damage is done and was ignored for so long. But, that's not to say that Severus will completely shut her, them, out.Thank you again!
Yay! I'm glad you're back!This is a great story, gripping and intense, though I found difficult to read sometimes.A lot of authors who go high on angst can't portray their characters as -well- f#cked up enough for what they've allegedly been through - your Snape is a stellar exception!It's chilling to watch him vacillate between the persona of the controlled Professor and that of a wounded child. You make it all psychologically believable - great job!My only worry is how on earth will he be capable of forming any sort of functioning relationship with Hermione.You DO have "romance" listed in genre tags for that story, albeit at the very end - is that how long we'll have to wait to see some lovin'?Do you have this story mapped out, or do you write as it unfolds for you? (I think I've read in one of your Author's Notes that it started off as one-shot. Sorry if I got it wrong, I seldom notice A/N's when on a reading binge.)Good luck in all your RL exploits, may nothing distract you from updating ASAP!Thank you for a great evening!
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so, so much! Although it can be very difficult indeed, I'm so thrilled that you stay with it. And I very, very greatly appreciate your comment about my characterization of Snape as a realistic survivor of intense trauma. I often feel, because I'm my own worst critic, that I'm not truly conveying the gravity of his circumstances, so a review like yours means so, so much to me! I also share your concern over how he and Hermione will be able to form a healthy relationship – I know it will happen, as that's the true plot and original direction of the story, but <i>how</i> and how long it will take is a little worrisome, I admit. I do know that it is possible, as I write some of his childhood directly from my own experience, and I have found and formed a healthy relationship with my husband – it just took a while to do. And, also, I sadly don't have this story really mapped out, there was no outline – you are correct, it did just start as a one-shot, and I'm letting the story write itself. Which may upset some readers, because I have no idea how long this story will be, or exactly what obstacles it will contain, and I have a feeling people can tell that it's unfolding as it goes... mostly because, to me, it seems to jump around a lot, and there are a few scenes that have yet to be really explained (what Minerva saw when she walked into his room that made him so angry, what Hermione will do with the shoebox of mementos, what kind of potion Severus was about to drink before his fight with Remus...). Sorry to make this response such an epic novel in and of itself, but I really appreciate your insightful review, and I wanted to reply to it with the respectful explanation that it is due. Thank you so, so much again! Chapter 20 is in the process of being written as we speak!
“I bet this is a strange world to him.” Luna is so remarkably perceptive! And I do hope she is right about Hermione's ability to help this poor, tortured, brave soul.I think it may be a testimony to his courage that he did not become a true psychopath, that he did what he was driven to do yet still did not break into a thousand pieces.And good for Minerva trying to get through to him, telling him of her own shame and shortcomings, as well as of her love. He may never truly believe it, but his confusion suggests that perhaps he might be able to at least know that she believes it.Who is Patsy communicating so carefully with? And how will they use the knowledge of Severus' role in the family tragedy?Fascinating!
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much! In regards to the Luna comment, I'm really relieved that you enjoyed it. Their entire dialogue (HG and LL) was something I wasn't sure of including, even up to the point of clicking "submit." It was in constant risk of being cut, and I'm so glad that you liked it!As for Minerva and Pansy, I can't really elaborate on that just yet, as it's central to the upcoming chapters, but I don't think you'll be disappointed! Thank you again, your reviews are always delightful!
This was a most interesting chapter!! I loved the 'discussion' between Luna and Hermione. Luna always has such a deep understanding of life. I think her 'knowing' always leaves people a little confused. What really surprised me was the whole bit on Pansy's letter writing. It made me laugh as it is basically the same way I write things. The rewriting, the editing, the careful scanning to make sure it says only what I want it to say... it was funny to see my own unconscious process under a new light.I was also very taken with Minerva's heart-felt speech to Severus. "And every time you proved your intense loyalty, your passionate veracity, your inherent Light that shines so blindingly bright, it casts pale shadows over all the others I had ever perceived as heroes – every time, Severus, I would stand in awe..." - Oh Yes! That is our Severus.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you! I'm so relieved to hear that you enjoyed the scene with Luna and Hermione – it very nearly ended up on the cutting room floor. Even after it was submitted, I was very uncertain about it.LOL, yay, another person who writes things with such a neurotic process as Pansy and I do! I'm really bad about it, for because of this, it takes me forever to even type out a text message. And I see tones and inflections in emails, texts, etc., so people are always confused when I call them and say, "What did I do to make you so disappointed/angry/sad/etc?" They're like, "Wha?" and I say, "You used '...' after [insert word here], which could only mean you were slightly annoyed/uncertain/etc." It drives my friends, family, and especially my husband insane. And I'm thrilled that you enjoyed Minerva's speech to Severus, it was, admittedly, my favorite piece to write in this chapter. Thank you again!
this has to be one of the darkest fics i've ever read. but phenominally well written. everyone failed severus, everyone. and your story shows that perfectly. thanks so much and i await the next chapter.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much! The next chapter is currently in the works, but has been delayed due to a recent death of a family member as well as current job deadlines looming over my head. I hope to have something up in the next few weeks, please stay tuned!
well, the idea of young snape having to take matters into his hands that way is fairly disturbing, and pansy sending off that article with her letter is of concern. perhaps minerva's words will somehow get through to him. very dense and complex chapter.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so very much! Things are starting to come together, and the next chapter is in the works!
Can't wait for the next chapter! Plese don't make it too long! I've just discovered your story and I really appreciate its psychological depth. But I have to confess that so far, I really don't see how Severus and Hermione could end up together. Not that I don't want them to! Snape seems to be a "hopeless" case. But I trust you to make it credible:)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much! I know it seems bleak for our heroes, but love often pops up in the most unexpected, even inappropriate, times. I can say it won't be all roses and rainbows – but have faith... love may not be able to heal <i>all</i>, but it can still heal.Thank you again! The next chapter is in the works, but may be delayed due to a recent death in my family in addition to a looming job deadline. I do, often, give updates to the story's progress on my livejournal – my LJ name is kingpig (I'd post the link but I don't know if I'm allowed to...)
okay, so Pansy might just be caught in a bad situation and not really doing something wicked, although she knows she needs to be careful. Minerva has finally communicated to Severus, and I hope she sticks with her intentions. the article Pansy found is heart-wrenching, and I can see a small Severus always regretting that he didn't act soon enough to save his mother's life. stupid wizarding world had no Dept of Social Services to care for wizarding orphans and maltreated kids! Dumbledore was not a good parent-figure to anyone.thank you for the new chapter, and thanks to Sonia and shellsnapeluver for stepping in to help you!
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much! I agree, a Wizarding equivalent of a Dept. of Social Services is desperately needed – hopefully, in the future, Hermione will be able to remedy that. :)
I usually can't read stories that involve abuse and rape, but your writing manages to do that in such a touching manner that I find myself helplessly reading it all in one go. Thank you for such a powerful chapter.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you for such a wonderful review! I do apologize that it has taken this long to respond, RL has really caught up with me these last few months.RL as in real life, not Remus Lupin, lol. Just for my own clarification.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you for such a wonderful review! I do apologize that it has taken this long to respond, RL has really caught up with me these last few months.RL as in real life, not Remus Lupin, lol. Just for my own clarification.
Just re-read this wonderful tale, well as much as you have written, and am eagerly awaiting your next chapter...
Loves you, Sonia :)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much! I dearly appreciate your reviews. I did write a little of the next chapter, and it is turning out to be pretty dark. Grrrrr, I can't wait until things start to look up. Did you have a chance to go over the SS/HG x-change stories I sent? Did they send okay? I ask because the last time you replied to my email I didn't get it, only your message on LJ. If you haven't had a chance, I totally understand!
Response from sbrande (Reviewer)
No I went through it that night and wrote you back a lengthy reply as well as beta'ed it.
Damn it... Did you get either of them back??? I am VERY reliable and if I say I will do something I do. Shite a brick, I think I deleted it too. Please re-send.
I think you should go with the second one as the Zombie one will be too complex, unless you want to write like the wind. I like the Zombie one better for plot, but I think you will receive more reviews for the other one as that is what people want... NOT ME.
Love Sonia :)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Aaaw :( I'm so sorry. For some reason, it seems as though I can't receive emails from you, but I can send them to you. I'll give you another email addy to try ( when I resend you the files. I didn't mean to imply that you didn't do it, just that I'm afraid I can't receive emails from you, or that perhaps you are a little busy. I agree with what you said, and I will probably go with the first prompt (though I'm afraid to state either here, as the prompter may be reading the reviews...). It is less complex, but I really would have loved to do the, uh, more interesting one. But I agree, it is something that does not lend itself to a short story format – it is something I'd like to explore in depth. So, I'll do the the prompt that most people might want to read, and then after the exchange, I'll probably write the more interesting prompt in a chaptered format, dedicate and credit the idea to the prompter, and probably ask permission to write it. I'll resend!
Response from sbrande (Reviewer)
Okay. Have just woken up. Am feeding the dogs and then the kids are next however, I shall get right on it.
love Sonia :)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much! I dearly appreciate your reviews. I did write a little of the next chapter, and it is turning out to be pretty dark. Grrrrr, I can't wait until things start to look up. Did you have a chance to go over the SS/HG x-change stories I sent? Did they send okay? I ask because the last time you replied to my email I didn't get it, only your message on LJ. If you haven't had a chance, I totally understand!
Response from sbrande (Reviewer)
No I went through it that night and wrote you back a lengthy reply as well as beta'ed it.
Damn it... Did you get either of them back??? I am VERY reliable and if I say I will do something I do. Shite a brick, I think I deleted it too. Please re-send.
I think you should go with the second one as the Zombie one will be too complex, unless you want to write like the wind. I like the Zombie one better for plot, but I think you will receive more reviews for the other one as that is what people want... NOT ME.
Love Sonia :)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Aaaw :( I'm so sorry. For some reason, it seems as though I can't receive emails from you, but I can send them to you. I'll give you another email addy to try ( when I resend you the files. I didn't mean to imply that you didn't do it, just that I'm afraid I can't receive emails from you, or that perhaps you are a little busy. I agree with what you said, and I will probably go with the first prompt (though I'm afraid to state either here, as the prompter may be reading the reviews...). It is less complex, but I really would have loved to do the, uh, more interesting one. But I agree, it is something that does not lend itself to a short story format – it is something I'd like to explore in depth. So, I'll do the the prompt that most people might want to read, and then after the exchange, I'll probably write the more interesting prompt in a chaptered format, dedicate and credit the idea to the prompter, and probably ask permission to write it. I'll resend!
Response from sbrande (Reviewer)
Okay. Have just woken up. Am feeding the dogs and then the kids are next however, I shall get right on it.
love Sonia :)
Hey Babe,
I am going to read this wonderful story again now. Just read the first chapter because I love it so very much.
Love Sonia :)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
LOL oh no! If you read it all from the beginning, all the plot holes will become obvious!! *ducks*
Response from sbrande (Reviewer)
No, because it is not complete yet. If it were complete then sure there would be a whole heap of plot holes ;)
Love Sonia :)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
LOL I need to remember to fill those holes at some point...
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
LOL oh no! If you read it all from the beginning, all the plot holes will become obvious!! *ducks*
Response from sbrande (Reviewer)
No, because it is not complete yet. If it were complete then sure there would be a whole heap of plot holes ;)
Love Sonia :)
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
LOL I need to remember to fill those holes at some point...
Uh oh. So many intriguing questions! What is Pansy's role in all this (and it's interesting to see her reluctance); Hermione's decidedly odd not-Hermione'ish dream certainly explains her sleeping through the disturbance Pansy caused.I really liked Poppy here. Her concern for Severus feels achingly real.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much for the thoughtful, encouraging review! I very much enjoyed writing Poppy's scene, and I felt very saddened that I have to write him leaving like that, which only ramps up her anxiety and concern to new levels. I hope she'll forgive me.Thank you again!
I enjoyed Poppy the most in this chapter. Her concern made the chapter for me.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Oh, I am so glad you enjoyed that! It was very cathartic to write Poppy's scene, in a way. Thank you for the thoughtful review!
Ah so, the precious, precious shoebox and its contents have once again been "found." Hermione still seems to be tangled in Severus' most intimate memories. Is he in any way tangled in hers? And Pansy Malfoy ne Parkinson, a woman who feels scorned by everyone, presented with such an "opportunity"... What will she do with it? I wonder what happens when someone hands a beyond-Hades fury a monkey wrench? Welcome back.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much for this thoughtful review! Unfortunately, I'm not quite "back" yet... I will try really hard to update before Feb 1st, but as that is my newest work deadline, I can't make any promises. But I'll try! And, though it'll be explained more in coming chapters, I'll go ahead and answer at least one of your questions... No, Severus is in no way entangled in Hermione's memories. It's a one-way phenomenon. Thank you again!
The dream Hermione is having is quite interesting!
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you for the review! I'll be able to explain the dream more fully in the coming chapters.
Another tantalyzing chapter, filled with more questions than answers (that is not a criticism!).Poppy's concern is very touching, while Severus' near-catatonia is frightening. And what in heaven's name is Pansy up to, and at whose behest? (I know you've warned of a not-at-all-nice LM, so I'm assuming he's part of it, but part of what, I wonder?) That letter (and the box it came from) should be interesting--what is it doing there?And what's with that funky, odd dream? Who is dreaming, and how do Hermione and Severus get so mixed together, and in Lily's presence?SO many questions! Hope you have time to give us more soon--this is a dark and twisty tale, and I am hooked!
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
LOL, thank you so much!! I just adore your reviews! I had a lot of fun writing Poppy in this chapter, and I think if she had her way, she would have showed up at his doorstep intending to spend the next two weeks with him, 24/7.As for the dream, it will be explained in depth a little more later, but I'll try and clarify it a bit for you now. It's not quite so much a dream as it is one of Severus' memories, inexplicibly (for now, and did I even spell that right?) connecting her and Severus like a long-distance, unconscious Legilimency... thing. Heh. I promise, it will all become clear (...eventually)!I will try really hard to update before Feb 1st, but as that is my newest work deadline, I can't make any promises. But I'll try!
(blinks...) wha??? I need more, please!!! what did Pansy find, are Lucius-Cissa-Draco part of the thing she's in, who is masterminding the thing that Pansy is in, what is the meaning of Hermione's dream?? at least I know Severus is able to get about on his own, and he prolly feels "safe" at Spinner's End. I will cross my fingers for you to finish your yourdeadline! thanks for updating.
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much for this wonderful review! I really, really want to answer your questions right here in this response, but then I know it will take all the fun of discovery out of it. I will try really hard to update before Feb 1st, but as that is my newest work deadline, I can't make any promises. But I'll try!
so happy to see the update! and i do hope it won't be so long until the next, as what a place you've left off! i shudder to think of pansy seeing what's in that box - poor snape has already been violated enough. plus, not knowing what her agenda is, it worries me. anyway, i am still really enjoying this story. happy holidays and good luck with the work stuff. and i hope rl lets up soon so we can hear more from you on this story!
Response from KingPig (Author of Conversations)
Thank you so much for the thoughtful review! I do have a work deadline of Feb 1st, so I can't promise an update until after that date, but I will work really hard to try!