New Chapter for Unseen
Subversa75 Reviews | 75 Ratings, 0 Likes, 37 Favorites )
Written pre-DH. Winner Quill to Parchment Round 2, Best Marauder Era and Winner 2007 OWL Awards, Best in Hogwarts: A History.
Severus Snape has one friend at Hogwarts he can count on: Lily Evans. Lily spends summers at home with her beloved sister, Petunia, and in their twelfth summer, the two girls admit the remote, secretive Severus to their private world. Sadly, the older one grows, the more difficult life becomes. What changes will come when other boys begin to come around Lily in her summer hols - and what dangers can come of the dark, violent emotions that burn within a young wizard torn apart by the complications of the ever-darkening world in which he lives?
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About Subversa
Member Since 2005 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 1,367 | 226 Reviews Written | 1,394 Review Responses
Reviews for Unseen
Which story is the post-DH sequel to Unseen?
You've written an amazing tale of the making of Severus Snape. I see in your story a convincing scenario of the life Severus and Lily could have shared (when they were students a Hogwarts) that would have led to the marriage and deaths of Lily and James Potter and the placing of Harry in the care of his aunt and uncle.Well done!!!Beth
He had to be a man – had to do the right thing.With trembling hands, he reached behind his neck and unfastened the medallion she had given him when they were fourteen years old. Broke my heart, this did. But I knew something like this would have to happen, after all, I knew the ending before I started reading this wonderfully written story.Beth
There are more raging hormones and hormone affected behavior in this chapter than I know what to do with. Lily seems to be just as confused as ever, but I can see the makings of the Severus Snape, the controlled and snarky Potions Master of Hogwarts.I was taken aback with Lily's reaction to Petunia's relationship with Severus. She can't do with him and she can't do without him. All this must be painful for Severus, made to feel like a yoyo.I loved your description of Severus' first meeting with Lord Voldemort at Malfoy Manor. The evil man effected a brilliant seduction of this younger Snape, with hinted promises of influence and power to come.Brilliant!Beth
Is this the hopeful mention of a happy future for Severus in this chapter? Severus sighed; he was such a slave to his own good nature.My heart broke for Severus because Lily treats him so badly now. She did'nt hesitate to toy with his affections, and to kiss and encourage his passion for her, yet when he spoke of his feelings for her, gave her a ring, she just pushed him away. I wished that he could just empty his heart and soul of her, she will only make him sad....Great writing.Beth
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
I read the other reviews only after I had posted mine, and I had a *headdesk* moment when I realized that I had overlooked the reference to Sleekeazy in the Amortentia. Gah!
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
I read the other reviews only after I had posted mine, and I had a *headdesk* moment when I realized that I had overlooked the reference to Sleekeazy in the Amortentia. Gah!
The way Stephy died was just so sad! To lose a child is the most soul wrenching thing one can experience.The disappointment that Severus felt upon finding his father, and finding that he had a new family, was the cruelest blow of all. Everything he had dreamed of, reuniting his parents, his family moving away from Prince Glen, all his hopes were dashed. And discovering that his father had broken his mother's wand must have felt like the ultimate betrayal. That, coupled with her unbreakable vow, led to her never being able to completely move on after Stephy's death.The scene at the end of this chapter was bittersweet. I am unsure if Severus and Lily's interlude had included making love to each other, but either way, I felt like this sealed Severus' fate to become the "greasy git of the dungeons," the dour and haunted Potions Master and a Death Eater.....This is such a believable prequel to the life of Severus Snape. Well done!Beth
Reading of Severus' reaction to the invasion of their kingdom was so sad. It seems as if hurt and disappointment are the only constants in his life. Too bad that he did not see what had caused Lily to lift her hand to Potter's face -- things might have been different.The medallions that Lily brought with her on her visit to Severus made me feel sad because I know what the future holds, but it does reinforce the development of the personality of the future Professor Snape.Great writing!Beth
I learned a new word today, "Wyrd", and the meaning is so right for this story's theme.I enjoy seeing the relationship developing between the twins and Severus., but my heart breaks for him and the life he must lead at Prince Glen. His mother obviously loves him, but seems too weak to protect him, and the way his grandfather treats him speaks volumes about the man he would become.Mrs Evans seems a bit conniving to me, as though her every action is to keep the magical world at arm's length. Pepper is her favorite, or at least garners more of her attention/protection. Mr Evans, on the other hand, seems on a much more even keel. He and Lily are more alike.A great tale.Beth
I found this rec'd on an LJ post and had to come read it. Wish I could find the post where I found the recommendation, but can't seem to find my way back -- wanted to give credit where credit is due.I'm taken with this first chapter, and look forward to gaining a little better understanding of the scenarios that may have lead to Severus and Lily becoming the adults they were.Thanks!Beth
Even though I know I will be really tired for work tomorrow, I stayed up all night to finish this fic. This is without a doubt one of my all time favorite fics now. And I really don't like anything that isn't SS/HG but I love this story beyond all reason. It is very well written and emotion and depth you have put into this makes it one of the best works, not just fanfics, I have ever read. And I can tell you I have read more than my fair share of books. :)
If you get some spare time, I know I at least would love to read a SS/HG continuation off of this. I know it isn't exactly probable as it would destroy the notion that Severus spends the rest of his days greiving for Lily. But I really am desperate for Serverus to have a happy ending in this story line. If it helps any I will beg!!! :)
Just read this in its entirety - my first official SS/LE - and Sub, you practically have me in tears here. I'll have to write a proper review later, as I just don't think the emotions can stand it at the moment. *hugs* This is beautiful work - just beautiful.
Response from lady_rhian (Reviewer)
Am better. :) I think that was the most exquisitely beautiful and painful fic I have ever read. Beautiful. I got chills at your mention in a previous chapter of GG's insignia... having read DH, I just gaped at the screen for about a minute. Lots of beautiful details, and you've captured the relationship between Lily and Petunia beautifully, just beautifully. And the Marauders chatting Pepper up so they can get to 'Salt' - oh my goodness. So frighteningly IC, I fear! Eagerly awaiting your epilogue/last scenes...
Response from Subversa (Author of Unseen)
Thank you for all your lovely comments, my dear. This story has had possession of my soul since January of 2006, when Keladry Lupin sent me a mixed CD containing Aqualung's Strange and Beautiful, from which the title comes. The story grew quite a bit from that point, but that's where it started. I so badly wanted to get it all posted before DH, because I kept saying, after that, it won't matter what I think.
So, thank you for wanting to know what I think! I have about six thousand words of the epilogue done and will try to complete it and post, soon. Your interest means the world to me.
Wow. Oh, dear. Apparently, I'm always left with just saying wow. So close to the end right now and you still manage to give us something wonderful like this :) And oh, I was tearing up near the end of this chapter. Very well-written. But oh, this and DH all so close... *sob*
*wipes eyes* I loved this line: He had to be a man – had to do the right thing. So fitting. And so sad :( Especially the ending to this chapter.
Oh, so well done, as usual. I'm in awe that you still managed to get this up the day before DH comes out. Well done. And I hope you're managing alright :)
<i>When you need me, you have only to call,’ </i>GUH!! I'd have wanted to reach for my pendant and call him back right then and there!!&hugs& I love this story!!!
Let's look up the word STUPID in the dictionary shall we...hmm well yes that's your picture Severus! Outstanding chapter, by the way
YIKES.I tremble in anticipation of the conclusion to this tale.
Finally, my dear Subversa, I have dragged myself kicking and screaming from the exchange to catch up on Unseen.
My heart aches for not only Severus, but Pepper as well. Lily has become the typical teenage girl that runs hot and cold, wants to have her cake and eat it, too . That's not to say that Severus is blameless in the matter.
Lovely foreshadowing of Hermione in chapter 5. It warms my soul to know that while this story might not end happily for Severus, his love life will come full circle down the road.
Teenagers and should be one word! You always keep us on our toes...Pepper and Severus, who would have thought! So looking forward to the next chapter!
Your characterization of Lily Evans is splendidly authentic -- I can see the threads of her motivation, and you deftly sow the seeds of her estrangement from Petunia. On that topic, the final image of Petunia at peace whilst wearing the ring is utterly haunting. This imagery, like so many other instances in this piece, is visceral and emotion-charged. Your story makes me want to weep at the sheer hopelessness of everything.
I love the banter between Pepper and Severus when Potter came and took away Lily. You always peg his sarcasm and dry humor perfectly! I also like that, now that the characters are older, there is a little more R rated things going on.
I want to hate Lily for how she's treating Severus, but in truth, I was a teenage girl only a few short years ago, and I found myself in a similiar situation. Unfortunate that it happened, but hopefully Lily will learn of her true feelings for Severus and... well, that's silly, since we all know she ends up with James. *sigh* Poor Severus! And grrrrr Black. And grrrrrr Potter too, for having the audacity to be nice in this chapter and harder for me to hate.
Wow. Just wow... That was incredible! So much happening and all so exciting. I’m still amazed how well you’re depicting the characters as they grow up. And Severus and Pepper’s little scheme… hmm… Lily sure was angry. She seems so confused about everything. Seeing this new side of James and meeting his family… Still fancying Severus… And poor Pepper… I wonder what’s going to happen to her after all this. Well, that is... before the obvious being 'Vernon etc. etc.'
I’m curious to read the ending to this story. And how exactly you’re going to end it… I know it’ll be fantastic though :) Any hope for the SS/HG shippers, haha?Again, well done! And good luck writing. *kicks July 21st back* :D
Lily doesn't appear like an angel here, and I like it. That bit of shallowness makes her more human.
I'm not that surprised to see Severus use the same tactics against her. I now wonder how Lord Voldemort's offer to Severus will impact their relationship.
loved the chapter.... cudnt get one thing tho. why did pepper put on the ring and cry....... i mean she never wa sinterested in severus that way...... or was she??? have i missed something or is it just the realization that even severus preferred her sister and her spurining him means the end of a beautiful friendship????
How horribly sad! Gads, you sure know how to rip the boys heart out ! What's worse is we all know how this touching scene with Lily plays out. Just take out a big knife and hack him to pieces... I half expected Pepper to inform him that his dad had named one of the little girls, Stephy. Y'know, throw the kitchen sink at him, too.
No! I'm not trashing you or the story. Just the literary fates that seem to have it in for dear Severus.
Response from Subversa (Author of Unseen)
I know I'm being awful to poor Severus - but I really do think there are some definite reasons why he has the problems he does.
Had to laugh at the "kitchen sink" reference, though. As testy as she is, Pepper genuinely cares for Severus.
It's really painful telling this story - but it's been percolating in my brain since half-way through His Draught of Delicate Poison. Thanks for being willing to read it.
Squee!!! David Bowie was my first ultimate crush (started when I was 5) and to have him AND Snape mentioned in the same chapter!! **swoon** Now, to find a way to fit Trent Reznor and Cillian Murphy in...*cackles wickedly*
Response from Subversa (Author of Unseen)
Hey, Trent Reznor is my "version" of young adult Severus - every time someone makes an icon of him, I'm like, WHO THE HELL IS THAT? and it's always Trent Reznor, LOL! Don't know Cillian Murphy, though. Do you have a Live Journal?
Response from KingPig (Reviewer)
Reznor is always my version of Snape as well! I don't have a Live Journal, but I do have a deviantart page. It's
I used to have myspace but can't really keep up with it. Have you seen 28 Days Later or Red Eye? Cillian is the lead in both of those movies - he's also the Scarecrow in Batman Begins. Dunno how you'd be able to fit him in the story lol. Okay sorry rambled on a bit, I'm just so excited that you imagine Trent as a young Severus too!