New Chapter for Tabula Rasa
Tabula Rasa
ayerf30 Reviews | 30 Ratings, 0 Likes, 44 Favorites )
The past should not devour the present. A sequel to Redivivus.
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About ayerf
Member Since 2006 | 30 Stories | Favorited by 277 | 151 Reviews Written | 1,977 Review Responses
Jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon in 2000 (when Goblet of Fire was out in hardback). Prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite in the series, followed by Order of the Phoenix. I read and write in the SS/HG corner of the Potterverse.
Reviews for Tabula Rasa
I only found this just the other day, I didn't realise there was an inbetween piece to Redivivus & Resurgam. I quite like it, it's heartbreaking, yet sweet, I can just imagine Albus blowing up the potions classroom with his beard lol.Sorry I didn't review the other chapters, I'm a bit lazy hehehe. Hope you keep writing cos Redivivus & Resurgam are in my top 10 fav fics ever, I'd like to add some more of your stories to it :P
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
I'm glad Resurgam made sense without reading this first! Glad you like it!So far the plot bunnies keep biting, so I'll definitely keep on writing. I'm very glad to hear that you like Redivivus and Resurgam so much!
Another brilliantly written story.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Thank you! I'm glad to hear it.
Uhh, slightly mean. In the beginning I was hoping that it was Hermione that came crawling back trough the veil. Yet is is somebody else. Seems to be a necromancer. The only one I could remember was Grindelwald. On the other hand how could he know who Hermione Granger was, but what do I know about afterlife. So my guess. Grindelwald.
Response from nighthawk (Reviewer)
Okay, if had read the other reviews, I would have known that I couldn't be Grindelwald. Mhh, let me think about it some more....
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
I seem to have downsized from evil to slightly mean. If it was Hermione, then she'd have gone baaaaaaad.Thing about Grindelwald is that Dumbledore killed him. I suppose it's possible that the dead know of the living (or relatively newly dead in this case).The veil gives a lot of opportunities, as so little is known about it.
Response from nighthawk (Reviewer)
I know you won't tell, but let me guess. Your comments were:Seeing as Lucius was not a Necromancer, nope, it's not him. Well, how would we know before he rises?A new Necromancer. Grindelwald is deader than dead, and Voldy wasn't one. A new one, but it can't be someone, who just died shortly. Because, they would know Hermione and her powers and Mr. X seems to be surprised. Granger? That name I knew all too well. I fought down the surge of panic rising in me. She’s dead. She’s been dead for over a year here, she can’t come back. BUt was does "She’s been dead for over a year here" mean. Where else could she be dead? A parallel universe? And who has bad memories of her? Sirius Black went behind the veil without being actually dead, maybe he could come back. But why should he be bad? Oh darn, give me a hint. I'm going in circles.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Hint: as revealed in Resurgam's prologue, Atropos, the new necromancer, is female. So no, not Sirius.One of your guesses came close to the truth, but obviously I can't say more without spoiling the plot anymore than I already may have done.
OH my is that Lucious back?
Living the faithful readers on cliffside is not very nice dear author. Fortunately you've left it so intriguing what can we do but continue. I saw you've started another section of this story. Will have to wait until kids are in bed... Maybe if I'm lucky they will go to sleep early.
Will tell hubby you've completed this portion.
thanks a bunch.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Thanks!Seeing as Lucius was not a Necromancer, nope, it's not him.But cliffhangers are addictive! Maybe not for the poor readers, but they lend themselves to the story so well.
So...Hermione is still alive somewhere, right? Otherwise the ring wouldn't be glowing. For awhile I also thought that the Necromancer was Hermione, but now I see that it's not. Whoever it is, they know of her. Perhaps they met on the Astral plane?I eagerly wait the next installment.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Yet if Hermione was alive, the ring would be glowing brightly. It's not. But, yes, if she were irretrievably dead the ring wouldn't glow at all.You do make it hard for me to write a spoiler free reply! Atropos, the new Necromancer, knows of them. Which is not necessarily the same as them knowing of her.The prologue to the real sequel should be up soon. Look out for 'Resurgam'.
Response from Kore (Reviewer)
Judging by the title, "she shall rise again," eh?
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Could be. The summary being 'Darkness never dies' doesn't really reveal that, even if the title does.
who was talking in that last bit?was it Grindelwald or Voldemort?or someone else?it was a bit confusing
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
A new Necromancer. Grindelwald is deader than dead, and Voldy wasn't one. And he was atomised, so even if he was, he could no more bring himself back than Hermione can.Sorry for the confusion, but this Atropos character is meant to be mysterious. I expect questions about identity! None of which I'll answer in replies to reviews, mind.
Enjoyable short sequel. The mere idea of Filch and Hooch gossiping is hilarious. Quite an interesting series you got here.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Thanks! The idea is even more funny when the picture of Filch's trot across the great hall is film!GoF is added. Imagine that turn of, er, speed when he's got some gossip to share.I just hope that the real sequel will be as interesting.
Oh this was fantastic... I am so happy that you added the little end note... for nowThank you so very much for continuing this story as it is one of my favourites.Love Sonia :)
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Thank you! Considering that the prologue to the real sequel is in the queue, 'for now' seemed appropriate to add.
Wow, what a cliffhanger!! Who is that? I had my hopes up so much to think that Hermione might be back and then you completely throw a wrench into that theory. Youve literally put me on the edge of my seat.
Snapes grief is heart breaking. Its touching how Snape refuses all the people that are reaching out to help him, yet Dobby silently gives Snape comfort.
Redivivus was a brilliant story and I hope you will continue with these characters!
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Who 'that' is would be telling far too much! Help that he doesn't know about at the time of giving is the only sort that Snape can accept. Fortunately for him, house elves excel at that.I fully intend to finish my tale. Leaving it here would be far too cruel to poor Snape... and to my readers.
Answers. Are. Needed. Who is that Necromancer?
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
That would be telling! I'll submit the prologue to the queue as soon as I've thought up a summary. Problem is that I'm hopeless at coming up with them!
Response from septentrion (Reviewer)
Is the story finished? It isn't marked as such on the main page.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
It should be marked as such now. The problem here is that marking it complete while ch 5 was in the queue would give the impression that there were only 4 chapters.
damn damn damn--I can't guess who the "I" is in the last part! I know you're pretty busy, but I will be awaiting the sequel to this in hope.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
That was the idea! If you had been able to guess I'd have pretty much had to rewrite what I have written of the sequel. I'll be posting the prologue soon, followed by chapter 1. When I get the latter back from my beta, that is.
OK, that's one spine-chilling cliffhanger of an ending! You had me going for awhile there, thinking it was Hermione, and that maybe she'd come back "wrong" or something. Now I'm just dying (snicker) to know what's going on. So, you'll be posting that sequel soon, yes?
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Thank you! For fairly obvious reasons, Hermione can't bring herself back. I'll be posting the prologue soon, although anything beyond chapter 1 will be delayed by such horrors as preparation for exams.You couldn't resist that pun, could you?
Response from firefly124 (Reviewer)
Well, you've left a glimmer of hope with that ring, so even if Hermione can't bring *herself* back, perhaps something else can. Or not. Don't worry, I'm not fishing, just speculating. Exams are the one true evil. Good luck battling them! And no, I couldn't resist. ;-)
He's coming around, isn't he? Thanks for this very moving story.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
However much he didn't want it, all he needed was time. Thanks for reviewing!
Have to agree w/Minerva. Severus can't do the job as long as his 'head's not in the game.'
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Nope! Not while he's in no state to terrorise the students with anything other than incompetence.
Interesting insight into what happened at the Department of Mysteries and Severus' reaction. I look forward to the last chapter.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
I couldn't imagine him being happy with Hermione with her escapade there! The last chapter is no.4 in the validation queue, so might be posted by tomorrow.
scratch that. you are Eviler.
if i beg, will you post the sequel soon?
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
I take it that you mean the real sequel? I can't start posting that until I have finished Tabula Rasa. I also have to finish the rest of this before I can post it and there's also the necessary delay of each chapter being betaed and then edited in most cases.However, as Tabula Rasa is only going to be a few chapters long, I hope to be moving on to the real sequel by April. I can make no promises though! Begging unfortunately won't make my real life commitments magically disappear.
Response from sandstar08 (Reviewer)
as sad as the news is, i understand. it's the same reason i'm hesitant to post my story until i've finished writing and my beta's done editing. take your time. we'll be here waiting when you are ready. :)
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
That's good to know, thanks. But as soon as each chapter is ready for posting, I'll update, so I will be posting before the story is completely finished. I hope chapter 2 will be up by the start of March- it's been seen by my beta but needs some editing.
Response from sandstar08 (Reviewer)
yay! *dances*
like your reference to locke's theroy of raising children... not that these are children anymore, eh?but i think you should know as brillant of an author as you are (amazingly good isn't enough really) you are definitely Evil. with the capital E. that was a very cruel and unusual form of punishment. now excuse me while i go hurry to read the sequel. *sticks out tongue and runs away* :-P~
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
With spells like Obliviate, that theory can apply to more than just children!Me, Evil? Now, what can possibly have given you that idea?This is the second time a reviewer has called me both brilliant and evil. Maybe I should start believing it...
Aww... you're a big meanie! Fancy leaving a cliffy like that! I was planning on an early night, but now I'm going to have to go and read the next one. ;) Good story, though you should let up on torturing poor old Sev a bit, I think my heart might just break if he has to suffer much more. :'(
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
Good to know that the evil cliffie had the desired effect... I apologise in advance that the next is a wip.
Poor Sev indeed. I can only promise that he'll have a happier ending than in Redivivus at the very end.
So that's why Hermione knew to suggest Murtlap essence to Harry. Very clever of you! It's so heartbreaking to watch Severus going through this.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
It makes a change to Hermione just knowing it from books! I hope the heartbreak is realistic. Only a chapter or so of this to go now, then I'll be concentrating on the real sequel.
Response from firefly124 (Reviewer)
I do think it's realistic, and I look forward to the rest of it and then the sequel.
It's heart-wrenching, to see him going through his grief.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
The original aim for this was to explore the correspondence between Severus and Hermione. Now that seems more of a sub plot, with precedence given to the study of Severus's grief. The heartache is necessary for realism, sadly, although in the real sequel I'm not planning on having much heartache of the same sort.
The explosion was priceless. So was the Portkey. It's sad to think some of the letters were lost permanently, but maybe that's part of what he needs, to move on.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
I'm glad that I can successfully include some humour in this. Severus does need to move on through his grief, but I doubt that he'll ever be truly over the loss.
Response from firefly124 (Reviewer)
True. I don't think any of us are ever truly over a loss like that. But Hermione wouldn't want him spending the rest of his life, his short life if he keeps up as he was in that class, doing nothing but mourning and brooding.
*clinks glass in salute to Hermione & Sev* That Tricksy Albus! LOLOL* Yep, I think the forced sabbatical will do Severus' head good.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
*Cheers!* If the forced sabbatical doesn't work, at least he won't be in danger of having his head blown off by a potion gone wrong whilst busy brooding.
This chapter was more poignant than the previous one. To let somebody leave you is dying a little oneself, isn't it?
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
I suppose it is, to both of your points. Severus is either in a mess or is one at the moment.
It's nice to see this story continuing. I do like the flashback method that gives us some wonderful insight into Severus. I especially like that it is her diary he is reading and I really like the idea of pulling McGonagall into this. I think she will be the right person for him to grieve with. I don't know why, but I just think that they would make wonderful friends. I look forward to reading more.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
It won't be just her diary either, as her entries into that were few and far between.I get the feeling McGonagall has personal experience of grief, so can help others through it too. Sharing his memories (and his grief too) may keep Severus sane(r).With any luck, more will be up by the end of the month.
the predecessor to this story, "R" for short, was such a gut-wrenchingly angsty story. I was crushed by Hermione's apparent death. I'm glad that you're writing this and planning a real sequel. the stories that have Severus and Hermione happy (for a while) and leave him as a grieving widower are always the hardest for me to bear reading, even more than the Hermione-the-widow stories, since Severus has endured and lost sooo much that to have him lose Hermione is literally the straw that broke the camel's back. the heartbreak is especially difficult for Severus and a reader like myself since he doesn't even have a child, an heir for comfort and consolation (in your story) to remember her by. It's stabbing him (and the heartbroken readers like me) in the gut. Severus is left too much like Rochester after Jane flees Thornfield.
Response from ayerf (Author of Tabula Rasa)
I can hardly leave Severus in the lurch! Be prepared for more stabs in the gut as grieving!Severus is probably going to be in each chapter. Poor thing didn't even get the chance to be a husband.'R' is soo much easier than typing out the full title. I'm always afraid that I'll mispell it.That smiley pretty much sums poor Severus's situation in this up: stuck in the past.Ooh, the temptation to spill some spoilers. Time to sit on my hands, before they give the game away.