New Chapter for Too Wise to Woo
Too Wise to Woo
Lady Apythia86 Reviews | 86 Ratings, 0 Likes, 89 Favorites )
The war is over and the last of the Death Eaters have been rounded up and sent to Azkaban. Moved by the spirit of celebration and blissful in their own new-found contentment, Hermione Granger's friends begin to wonder if the never-ending battle of wits between she and Severus Snape isn't a hint of something more. When they decide to test their theory with a little matchmaking scheme, their meddling puts Snape in a position to save Hermione from a debilitating evil. But how far is he willing to go to help her?
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About Lady Apythia
Lady Apythia
Member Since 2005 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 45 | 58 Reviews Written | 195 Review Responses
Reviews for Too Wise to Woo
Loved it!
Fun story, good chapter, wonderful ending, great job.
Woohoo, Hermiones cured, Severus saved the day and her life. He is so wonderful, bless his heart.
Great chapter.
I love, love, love this chapter. Very sweet.
They are so precious together.
Hermione fell for it too. This is so cute.
I really enjoyed the set up for their plan, Snape fell right in to it.
Great chapter.
Sweet chapter, can't wait to see how "cupid" gets Hermione and Snape together.
Hermione was so mean, thats not like her. It must be the injury and the pain that is making her so mean to Severus.
Great chapter. Very funny.
Oh, poor Hermoine, it sucks that she can't be with her friends because of her injuries.
Interesting beginning, can't wait to see what happens next.
I knew when I started reading that there had to be a touch of 'Much Ado About Nothing' in this one. It really does seem to be the best Shakespeare tale for these characters. Although, it could prove interesting to see some sort of Twelfth Night twist, as well. LOL. The touch of the curse and the cure were well-woven to bring the story together without having to continuously involve outside influence to get them together, as happened in 'Much Ado'. Well done, well played out, and well shocking the intering fools at the end. Thank you for sharing.
Great job! I like what you left to the imagination, and the Shakespear is just fun. Thank you for sharing!
This was fun to read. I'm impressed you were able to work the Shakespearian dialogue into the story.
Thank you for this. I liked the part with the potion; HP fanfic should have magic after all! Magic worked as well as a Hero/Claudio subplot would have, and was less predictable. It's fine to take an inspiration and run with it. I think this is quite good for a first HP fanfic. I have truly enjoyed your story!
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Thank you! I am so glad you liked it. Thanks for taking the time to read it and leave your thoughts; I appreciate it!
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Thank you! I am so glad you liked it. Thanks for taking the time to read it and leave your thoughts; I appreciate it!
I swear i read the first chapter of this at another website. Did you once publish just the first chapter? I recall leaving a review. (probably just dreamt it) Anyway, I love Much Ado, and recognized the title immediatlely. I am enjoying this romp very much, thank you!
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
I did post the first chapter at Ashwinder forever ago, but it wasn't well received there at the time, so I took it down.
Response from pookah (Reviewer)
Ohh I'm glad you decided to publish it here, even though it took me this long to find it! Thanks!
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Glad you are enjoying it!
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
I did post the first chapter at Ashwinder forever ago, but it wasn't well received there at the time, so I took it down.
Response from pookah (Reviewer)
Ohh I'm glad you decided to publish it here, even though it took me this long to find it! Thanks!
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Glad you are enjoying it!
This was wonderful! All the best parts of my favorite play by Shakespeare, plus some great Snape snark.
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Thank you for reading and taking the time to leave a comment. I am so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!
A very good story. I read the first chapters when it was still a WIP and was trilled to find it finished when I surfed through the TPP archives. I loved the banter between Severus and Hermione, brilliantly done!
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Thank you for taking the time to read it and comment. I appreciate it and am so glad you enjoyed it!
Smashing Fic! I don't care if there's no smut, or babies, frankly, I like good writing, and you've got it!
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Why thank you! I reall appreciate you taking the time to read my story and for your great comments! I am so glad you enjoyed it.
Wow! Way to advance the plot! I'm taking notes, here....
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
I'm all about the drama. I had to write this in a few weeks to meet the exchange deadline, so I just dove right in.
Nice work on the dialog! Excellent blending.
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Thank you!
This story is so wonderful. I look forward to reading more. Big pout on my face right now about Hermione's injury...
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Thank you! I appreciate your comments.
Have faith, Snape will try to make her all better.
The next two chapters are in the queue already.
Alas if the world were only like this wonderful fiction I would know that no matter what the lovers would be together at the end and the love would be enough to overcome anything. Terribly sorry personal angst brought out by the very slight angst of the story. I only wish I had a magical balm to numb my scars, at least for a while. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story. I just wanted you to know how much it means to me.
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. It means a lot that you think so highly of this story!
And life would be so much more tolerable if we were all guaranteed a happily ever after, wouldn't it?
Thanks again for reading and commenting!What a wonderful adaptation!! I will certainly be following this story. Great job! GG
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
Thank you so much! I appreciate your comments.
Match maker match maker make a match..... This is gunna be good.....LOL yea they're not going to know what hit them huh...
Response from Lady Apythia (Author of Too Wise to Woo)
What fun is life if you can't interfere with your friends' love lives now and then?
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment; I appreciate it!