New Chapter for She Stoops to Conquer
She Stoops to Conquer
CiraArana30 Reviews | 30 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )
The diary of a young witch who is madly in love with Severus Snape.
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About CiraArana
Reviews for She Stoops to Conquer
OMG! I laughed out loud - in Starbucks- people gave me funny looks. That was wonderfully funny. I loved Parvati's pov, especially watching at typical SS/HG through the eyes of someone else. A very well done story.
That was a really good story. I didn't understand what was going on 'till you started calling The Enemy Poudle. Then It got alot clearer. Wonderfull.
This was very neat! I didn't get who it was until near the end. It was cool to see glimpses of Severus and Hermione through someone elses eyes. Recc'd on WIKTT, thanks!
What a great story, poor Parvati or is that poor Seamus, having to live up to Severus' standards for evermore. Thanks for the nod to this the WIKTT group.
Very well done. Your story was very well crafted. I wasn't sure who the diarist was until, I think, about the 2nd or 3rd chapter. You kept me guessing. You captured that quality of teen-aged crush very well. Good job.
What a brilliant story, I am very happy that someone was smart enough to give it high praise on the "potter-list". Truly brilliant writing!!!
(and that very last sentence really made the story even better:-))
Truly wonderful. Thank you for such an amazing and original story.
Interesting approach. Although it makes me feel a bit of pity for poor Seamus, as he will be living in the shadow of her first love forevermore lest the young maiden get over the past and search for the future.
That was a very long sentence. LOL
Cute story.
One more beautiful story from you. Thanks!!
It's amazing how much your narrator notices without being able to understand the situation. Kind of reminds me of myself when I was about eighteen, really, though none of my journal entries from that time are quite that chirpy. You're really showing this character's tendency to re-interpret everything according to her own obsessive beliefs; she even seems a bit scary sometimes with the depth of her desperation. Keep up the good work.
Incidentally, I must admit that before I read your end notes I wondered a bit about the effects of Ceilur; it reminded me of the Scottish Gaelic word ceilidh (or ceili in Irish Gaelic, I believe), which refers to a kind of party, usually involving live music--which is often provided by guests who happen to play musical instruments and/or sing--and a lot of dancing. Imagine the look on Snape's face if one of the students had accidentally let that one fly!
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Well, that would certainly be a nice defence spell, don't you think? A little bit like Tarantallegra ... Oh, oh. Just imagine Harry bursting in on a DE meeting, throwing a spell that makes them all dance around a room - preferably in a Scottish Reel, or something like this! You'd get rid of the Voldemort without throwing an AK because he'd die of shame and a burst blood vessel. ^-^
On a more serious note, I think the Old Irish equivalent to ceilidh would be cel; that means music. The l is palatale, and probably in modern Irish and Scottish they added the i before the l to make that clearer.
I think all teenagers/ young adults go through a phase where they think everything is about them (just don't remind me, please, it's so embarrassing!) - and some never leave this phase. But of course the narrator is a bit of a caricature; at least, I've never met one as far gone as she is, though there were some girls in my class that did come close ...
I think it is hilarious how she is interpreting the looks of others as she walks into a room as looks of appreciation, when in fact, I imagine it to be looks of horror. I mean, all those hairstyles ... I imagine her looking very much like a ... well, a poodle.
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
*grins* Yes, can you hear Severus snigger? I imagine that each evening, when he returns to his chambers, he sits in front of the fireplace and has a good laugh at that Gryffindor who looks like a circus horse ... and bats her lashes at him (like that one student in the first I think Indiana Jones movie who had LOVE written on her lashes).
Oh, I really wish I could see those hair styles
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
^-^ If I could draw, I'd show you how they look. But since I'm as talented with pencil and brush as Hermione at Divinations I'm afraid you have to use your imagination. *grins*
I'm really enjoying this story, it's a very refreshing take on the ship! Looking forward to more.
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thanks a lot! *bows*
Very interesting so far. I suspected that it wasn't Hermione's voice from the start--when, after all, would she start sounding like a hyperactive ten-year-old with her first crush? You've portrayed the narrator's desperation very well, and though you show us hints of what might actually be going on the narrator herself appears to be almost totally clueless (though I wonder exactly how clueless, considering her use of the term the Enemy). All in all, good work; I look forward to seeing more of this story.
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thank you very much. *bows*
Oh, she is clueless to what is going on, for several reasons which, I hope, will become clearer in the next chapter. And she has a reason for calling the other girl "Enemy". I wouldn't call it a very convincing reason, but I'm not 17 anymore (and never was the kind of girl that took everything said and done to her best friend as a personal offence).
Puzzling at first until I quickly realized it couldn't possibly be Hermione. Duh. Although Harry and Ron taking the person to Madam Pomprey is what had me thrown. I like the format, with the writer's desperation and obsession flowing through the entries.
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thank you. *bows* You are right, the writer isn't Hermione. And it wasn't Harry and Ron who took her to the infirmary. She wrote tht "her friends" took her there - not specifying who these friends are. And why would she? It's her diary and she knows who her friends are.
"The man (or woman) who knows not--and doesn't know that he knows not--is a fool: scorn him (or in this case, her)!" Entertaining and yes, just a bit silly... but I will enjoy reading more nonetheless!
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Yes, quite so. ^-^
Thank you. *bows* Chapter two will be up soon - it's going to be a bit sillier than this one, but it was a lot of fun to write, so hopefully equally entertaining.
Wow!! I like this! I have an idea! Why don't you do the next chapter with Severus writing in his journal! It would be great! Update soon!
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thank you. *bows* But no, no diary entry from Severus. I think when the last chapter is up and you re-read the story you'll see what he thinks easily enough. ^-^
This was a lot of fun to read, and I enjoyed the unique formatting. I do not believe I have ever read a Potions Under Duress story from a different character's POV. It's interesting to watch SS/HG from an outsider's (rather envious) view. There will be more, right?
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thank you. *bows*
The possibilities of describing a SS/HG romance from the view of a third person was what fuelled this little story. I just love narrations like this, where the narrator isn't aware of what is really going on while the reader does, if they read carefully.
Yes, ther will be more. The story has three chapters (for the three terms) and a short epilogue.
good beginning. waiting for more. p
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thanks a lot. *bows* Chapter two will come soon.
Wonderfully done, and the perspective it was given from was funny and simply delicious. Thank you very much.
It seems that Parvati still has a lot of maturing to do. (If not, she's really SOL!). Nice wrap up in the epilogue. Thanks for sharing your sense of humor and perspective.
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thank you. I'm glad you liked the epilogue because I wasn't sure if it wouldn't ruin the story.
Well, poor Parvati just had the shock of her life, hadn't she? For the best part of the year she believed Severus was in love with her, only to find out that she had been wrong all along. But I suppose that she'll soon realise what she has in Seamus. Maybe that will help her to grow up. ^-^
I could agree with the other reviewers who said that they felt sorry for Parvati--but I won't, and I don't! Hah! Your story was a great example of using humor to lampoon our worst faults. It's ironic that people can be so blind to the truth when it confilicts with what they want. I agree with the reviewer who said teens are so egocentric--I think most of us went through that phase. It is amusing (now) to look back and be able to poke fun at the way we once were. (Hopefully, we have/will all move past that self-centered stage of development into maturity!!)Thanks for the laughs.
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thanks for your review. ^-^ I'm glad you enjoyed the story - I had so much fun writing it.
A great ending of a great and very, very funny story!
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thank you very much. *bows* I wasn't sure whether to post the last chapter or not. It didn't quite turn out as I wanted it to, and so it makes me very happy to know I made the right decision. ^-^
A good ending for an interesting story. Brava!
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thank you very much. *bows*
A lovely little story.
Response from CiraArana (Author of She Stoops to Conquer)
Thank you. I'm glad to have been able to entertain my readers. ^-^