New Chapter for Faith and Persuasion
Faith and Persuasion
anogete18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 87 Favorites )
Hermione searches for and finds Snape months after Dumbledore's murderer. She believes he is a good man, but that belief might come into question when she confronts him.
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About anogete
Member Since 2005 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 258 | 8 Reviews Written | 655 Review Responses
I'm a 26-year-old Accounts Payable manager for a construction company. Basically, I'm paid to write checks and intimidate the menfolk around here. I live with my boyfriend and our dog. I wasn't sucked into the HP fandom until just after the release of HBP. So, I'm a newbie compared to most of the fans out there. I've written in several other fandoms (under different pennames) - Anita Blake, Buffy, X-Files, etc.
Reviews for Faith and Persuasion
Wow. That was very visceral. I felt like I was right there, especially when she kissed him. Story felt both dark and sweet, gritty and clear. Good job.
Great fic =]
what an exceptional story.Im not sure what it was exactly that I found so appealing,maybe just the right amount of intimacy between the two characters.Not too much,as can be the case.Thankyou.....
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
Thank you!
finally, a Snape more like the one i'd imagine! i'm not a fan of this "he's a lovely guy really" act.hope the rest of the story continues in the same way
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
I have such a difficult time writing Snape as an evil sort of fellow, but this fic was written to fulfill a prompt on the SS/HG Exchange. I'm glad you liked it and found him realistic, though! I tried to walk that line between making him a mean guy and still redeeming him (to a certain extent) at the end.
Response from Phantasm Phoenix (Reviewer)
Yes, I think that is the key to it all. Snape's flaws (and his bad guy thing) make him much more human and therefore more interesting to read about. I like the Snape who is good really, but not nice. The sort of thing you can see in my fanfic - coming Which I should really thank you for - without your guidance on myspace it wouldn't have made it this far!
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
Oh! Hey! ::waves:: I didn't realize you were from MySpace. Glad to see you made it here and submitted your story. I'll be sure to read it once it has been posted.
Loved it!~
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
Thank you!
I really love this. Great take on Snape and naive Hermione.
Response from ProustNotPotter (Reviewer)
One more thing: after reading the other reviews and seeing you a considering a longer version--please do! It deserves it.Also, the portrayal of both is very in character--don't doubt it.
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've been in somewhat of a writing funk lately, so nothing additional has been added to this particular fic. If my muse starts stroking me again, then I do have bits and pieces of ideas to continue it, but nothing concrete.
Very interesting, but I would love it when this hot oneshot would turn into an novel!Thank you!
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've thought about expanding it, but I'm just so busy with other things that I'm not sure if I have the right amount of time to devote to it.
Oh, I just love a complex Snape. He is such an intriguing character--so hard to pin down. You have captured this aspect of him so well. Bravo! Your portrayal of Hermione, too, is well done: courage, trust and a bit of naivete. Thanks.
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the fic.
Whew! That was a very, very, good way! I love how you wrote Snape in this--self-serving, the ultimate survivor/spy, yet still, redeemable--by the right person. Really neat.
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Good story! Intense and well written!
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
Oh, that was lovely! More please--another installiment in a separate story, yes??~Lotm
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
I'm wobbling back and forth on that. I have two little one-shots, but the other hasn't been posted. I have this nagging bit in my brain that wants to me continue them both. It just depends on my time and my muse. At any rate, I'm glad you liked it!
I'm certain Az appreciated this tale. I know that I certainly did. This is great. Thanks for posting it. I want to say that the sex was HOT! Had mah stomach tingling! Hehe... cheers
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
There could never be Severus-sex that wasn't way hot. ;-) Glad you enjoyed it!
I liked that he really was working for Voldemort, yet she managed to get him to change his mind by believing in him.Nicely written.
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
You can thank Azrael for the idea and inspiration for that bit of plot. I loved that I had the chance to show Snape's tendency to give his trust and loyalty to one person, not necessarily a cause. He gave it to Dumbledore before, and now he's giving it to Hermione. Let's just hope that she doesn't end up like our late and great Headmaster.
Wow, I go green with envy!
This is one of the very few face/offs between HG/SS which is realistic from the beginning to the end. They are both well in character, the dialogue is just brilliant and the smut...
*fans herself*
Well done!
Makes me want to know how it continues. Could I bribe you with chocolate frogs?
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
I'm glad you found it realistic. I'm still wobbly over whether I think they are IC. I have concerns about Hermione, but I did my best considering the time crunch and the length. I've thought about continuing it, and a couple people have asked me to do so, but I'm unsure if I can live up to anything expected of the fic. :-) Anyway, happy to hear that you enjoyed it!
Response from shalimar1981 (Reviewer)
Don't worry! The fic was great!
Much better than some others of this kind that I have read and I think it's very realistic. I can definitely see both Snape and Hermione behave like that in such a situation.
And regarding a continuation, I'm sitting here tapping the desk waiting for it! So please write a sequel!
I'm interested if she has really redeemed him and how their unusual relationship will progress.
Intriguing, exciting, tantalizing and well done.
ooh, this was great. Hermione did just what I wanted to do after HBP...
Response from anogete (Author of Faith and Persuasion)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!