New Chapter for Heart With No Companion
Heart With No Companion
michmak160 Reviews | 160 Ratings, 0 Likes, 89 Favorites )
"Well, Miss Granger, even incapacitated as you are, you are still causing me trouble."
Snape-Hermione angst/romance with a twist.
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About michmak
Member Since 2005 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 112 | 0 Reviews Written | 3 Review Responses
Mother of three, working out of the house in the field of public relations. I have a very understanding husband and lots of quirks, which probably make me more irritiating than interesting. I used to write lots of fanfiction, but have fallen away from it the past little while, mostly due to personal issues (although some fandom issues surfaced as well). Snape/Hermione is still my 'ship of choice, and that won't change despite what Rowling presents in the last book.
Reviews for Heart With No Companion
Your story has quite a few errors. Almost every chapter has one or more. While I am enjoying the story, I think you ought to consider a beta-reader in the future if you continue to wrtie.
If there's a fic equivalent to a warm fire, comfy clothes and a mug of chicken soup on a cold day, this is it.
Oh, thank god, I am so, so relieved. Well done, you, I got more involved in this story than I have in a story in a while. VERY well done! Oh, and a happy ending, thank you thank you!
Oh no, oh no, oh no oh no. I DON'T WANT TO KEEP READING, DAMN YOU!
First Leonard Cohen, now Gordon Lightfoot? You wonderful woman. Also, this is so surreal and yet amazing.
This is so creepy. So, so creepy. And so good. Also, WHY HASN'T HE FIGURED OUT SHE'S CONSCIOUS? The name of the spell almost gives it away!
Oh, oh dear. This is so dark. Poor Hermione.
Ooh, this is so, so surreal and well written. I approve! Thank goodness for random story button.
I read some of the other comments about this last chapter, and I must admit that I did get a little misty-eyed, but I didn't cry because I know that wherever they are, Severus and Hermione are happy. True, their friends here miss them, so I'm sorry for those friends, but Severus and Hermione have suffered so much. They deserve the perfect world that their minds can create.
Life is but a dream anyway. Whose to say which reality is the "real" one?
I hardly know how to start to describe the feelings this fic caused me. It was so beautiful to see the devotion that Severus had to Hermione and the vitality that she kept throught him. I felt angry with Harry most of the fic (although a little pity too), but I was very sory for him at the end. He had more guilt and pain added to those he already felt and it seems he will never have a really happy life, even with the baby and Ginny. I was very sory for Dumbledore too. Despite Hermione and Severus ended happy, I'm sad that the others suffered for them and that their happiness isn't in the real world, although it is better than have none at all. In relation to the staff, it was a big disappointment and I recent myself with their unjust conduct. Nettie was a wonderful person and I just wish she had seen the happy ending she wanted. It was a shock to believe that everything had ended well and then have that surprise in the last chapter, but it was beautiful and unique; it moved me very much and make me cry like a baby. Congratulations!!!!
cried and cried helplessly till my head ached and my heart too. This is such a sad and beautiful story. You have a rare gift.
Oh my gosh, what an ending! wow! I was expecting a happily ever after, even though i knew there was a possibility it would be sad, but you fooled me with the seeming happily ever after and then this final chapter, the view from the real world. Hermione would have chosen it, even if it meant she had to suffer, if only to be there to aleviate some of his suffering. a wonderful twised ending that will have me thinking about this tale in days to come.thank you for sharing this with us. five stars
I have really enjoyed this tale, but i wanted to say that in this chapter when you are repeating the story from Severus's point of view, that we just had from Harry's, it gets repetetive. probably fine for those who read it one chapter at a time. BUt i find that in stories where the POV changes like this one, too much repetition is a bad thing. Just my opinion, still love your story!
I forgot to say before that iIam so happy Minerva appologized! and now Harry is getting real. very nice, I don't know if you plan a happy ending or to have Severus trapped by the curse in the end. so I won't go to bed till I finish tonight!
I am really enjoying this story; thank you for writing it. I hope Malfoy gve Severus enough clues because he sounded pretty sinister to me. will the curse take out Severus in the end? Good tale, you do so well with an unusual plot and situation.
an excellent story! thank you for this.
Very touching and effective writing here!
I just found this story and I must finish it now! Wonderful beginning!
oh, this is a really good tale. thank you for writing and sharing it!
Oh. You wrote this just to make me cry. Not the sad lonely tear that elegantly rolls down a cheek. No, red splotchy faced tears with the runny nose and sniffles to go with it. I can't tell you how wonderful your fic is. You have such a gift for story telling. And you knew how to tug on all the strings. I was so happy when a mischevious Hermione duped Severus into kissing her. Or how much I enjoyed a petty clucking Poppy. And Harry laden with so many interesting conflicts. What a gem.
PS- Where should I send the dry cleaning bill for my blouse?
This story is truely fantastic even if I am sat here with tears streaming down my face again over my beloved potions master.I hope that they are happy wherever they may be.Thanks again for a fab story.
Thats probably one of the sadest endings I've ever read. I understand what you mean by sad-happy but I just wasn't expecting it. This is a record I think for me bawling over a story. Good writing, coherent plot and an overall toching story, thanks for writing it.
happy endings make me smile!
Ahhhh! You gave me a happy ending and then you took it away and made me cry!!
Okay, so yes, it's a beautiful and tragic story, but I liked my happy ending.
Damn you for being such a good writer. I'm getting that Kleenex now.