New Chapter for Rhyme and Unreason
Rhyme and Unreason
dracontia20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )
"Sev and 'Mione were hexed most severe
Not much space for plot there, my dear
Limerick form's not inviting
To logically writing
And still squeezing lemons in there"
Chapters (1)
About dracontia
Member Since 2006 | 69 Stories | Favorited by 208 | 51 Reviews Written | 1,397 Review Responses
Mostly Harmless! Though I have to admit, I'm even stranger than I appear. ;-) There's a pile of unbeta'd stuff on my LJ (dracfic) if you're interested in Raw, Untamed, fanfic.
Believe it or not, "How Argus Filch Got Wild, Got Laid, and Got His Magic" has been rec'ed by Know It Alls! It's true! They gave me this pretty lil' ribbon and everything! And in March 2007, they saw fit to likewise reccommend (as an antidote to angst) the story that started it all, 'Courtesy of Your Fairy God-Jarvey'--just in time for the first anniversary of that story's posting! *hugs Harm*
(I also have to admit that 'mostly harmless' may not be the most apt description of a member of the Mad Chatters...)
Finally, I just have to say... Storyville. If you were there, you know what I mean.Reviews for Rhyme and Unreason
Dracontia wrote this small story, It wasn't horrific or gory, There was a slight curse, That caused dreadful verse, But the wonderful cure gave her glory!
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
LOL I haven't written any limericks since! :D
...So where's the rest of this story?~Lotm
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Alas, this is where the plot bunny stopped. It was more of a snapshot bunny, I suppose. Or is that a Snapeshot?Thank you kindly for reviewing!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Aaaaaugh!! *sobs all over you until either you're drenched, or you write more...gonna need a 2 liter bottle of water to rehydrate before this is over...**snerk**pokepoke* At least consider dislodging said plot bunny and kicking it further down the storyline, pretty please?~Lotm
I enjoyed the story greatly,
I haven't read much comedy lately,
The theme must have been
Neville screws up again,
And Hermione doesn't act straightly.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
*looking over unanswered reviews* You had a busy afternoon of reading, I take it! LOL Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks very much for taking time to review. :)
Brilliant. "...screeched a consortium of highly prudish and slightly ethical neurons."- loved that line. :D
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
My neurons and I (ethical and otherwise) thank you kindly for the review!
Please this story wasn't fowl, but gloriously ammusing. I'm beggining to really like limericks, they are just too funny when coming out of Snape's mouth.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Thank you! I'm afraid it's going to be a few more months yet before I like limericks again. Coming up with a whole story full of them was a bit too much!
Poultry in motion?
Very enjoyable. I can see myself re-reading this one when I need a laugh. And the characters' predicament could've been worse--it could've been pantoums, villanelles or Petrarchan sonnets!
Good job; I look forward to reading more of your work.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Whee! I like the way you think.Laughs are my business. At least, I wish they were. *sigh* But if anyone has a Petrarchan Sonnet Challenge going, they'll have to excuse me from it!Looking forward to more? Well, don't get your hopes up too high for the Filch Challenge! I hope to find my footing again with my next (non-challenge) story.
why one would need logic, literary merits (ok, I could do with a Jarvey) when one can have a nice time reading this?
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
LOL Well, thank you! Come to think of it, the 'Jarvey Chronicles' ain't exactly great literature, either. But if I can brighted your day with a little amusing fluff, then I'm as happy as a daisy in a heap of Miracle-Gro!
I like it a lot. Even without Jarvies, logic or whatever you say it lacks (not that I think it does, but I try not the contradict the writers )
It was a really funny little piece of romance. And I insist: I like it a lot.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Hold that thought; it may help you forgive me for my Filch challenge response! I think funny romance is the most that could have been expected of this, so I'm pleasantly surprised. Thanks again!
I liked it .It was fun and i have no idea how you managed all those ryms.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Looking back, I'm not sure, myself! And I think if I hear another limerick before next year, it will be too soon. *grin* Thanks for the review!
So fun! Clever and entertaining, too. I quite enjoyed it! :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Thanks! I daresay though, I'm washed up on challenges for a bit. Hold on to that pleasant feeling--if you dare to sample the Filch story, you'll need a happy place to go to!
I loved it. Nothing to apologize for.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Why, thank you! That leaves me free to save my apologies for my Filch story, which DEFINITELY needs them!
I commend your use of limerick and wish that I had the ability to rhyme like that.? I'd be a big hit on St. Patrick's day.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Oh, glory! if only I could come up with them off the cuff, I might be as well! Thanks for the review. :-)
This story did make me laughIt even included staffHermione got laidand farewell was badeprops for you on my behalf!
Truely funny read, though a swearing, meddling, spunky Jarvey is equally as funny!
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Woog... thank you for the review, but no more limericks for at least a year!!! (burnt myself out on those things!);-)
Response from muzicfan5 (Reviewer)
i used to write limericks and "roses are red" type poems to my neighbor. Only time the Rhyming Dictionary I jokingly told my sister I wanted came in handy.
"his violet-limned vixen," Good show! I appreciate anyone who can use the word 'limned' properly. Also, your atrocious abuse of the limerick form, and the awful pun at the end of your A/N have convinced me that you're the girl for me. So though we've never met, dracontia, I must ask for your hand in marriage. Ahem. Or not. But as you can see, I'm really enjoying your story. By all means, butcher another limerick and throughly debauch another challenge any time the urge strikes you- I will be thrilled, and may have to propose again.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Oh... my. I skimmed back through my reviews, and I do believe this is the first ever marriage proposal! Thank you! I shall endeavor to please with future fic, but I fear limericks are out--writing this one may have put me off them permanently. (Puns are in the blood, though, no avoiding those!)
I cackled all the way through this story...great piece of humor...
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
I'm glad I could scratch up some laughs for you!
ROFL! That was highly enjoyable!
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
*bows* Thank you, dear Lady!
This was funny and very different. Good job
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Thank you! I aim for funny and different, and sure do appreciate it when someone considers it so!
I actually enjoyed the chicken coop analogy. I wouldn't mind letting Snape peck about in my free range...well, you get the idea. This was a fun little romp and needs no apologies.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
A review so nice you left it twice!
I actually enjoyed the chicken coop analogy. I wouldn't mind letting Snape peck about in my free range...well, you get the idea. This was a fun little romp and needs no apologies.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Thank you! I suppose I have just become so attached to my Jarvey that I can't help being, um, a little chicken?--putting something out for consideration without her manic presence to punch it up... As for Snape... Sigh. What a beak on that wizard.
This was lovely.
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Rhyme and Unreason)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)