New Chapter for Walking Into Bars
Walking Into Bars
michmak and zambonigirl40 Reviews | 40 Ratings, 0 Likes, 42 Favorites )
In answer to the "Hermione Walks Into A Bar" challenge. A combined effort between Michmak and Zambonigirl. In this chapter: Hermione walks into a bar. Literally.
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About michmak and zambonigirl
michmak and zambonigirl
Member Since 2006 | 1 Story | Favorited by 0 | 1 Review Written | 6 Review Responses
We're two insane people who got together over our Grissom/Sara obsession with CSI. Now we're ready to wreak havoc with Hermione/Snape.
Rest assured! We are working on WIB! Just because it's been over a year, don't lose hope. We're just having a hard time translating our completely AU story to totally AU territory.
Reviews for Walking Into Bars
Sorry to see that this highly entertaining piece lies incomplete. Laughed my butt off repeatedly, and I'm left wondering if Miss Granger did not, in fact, jump forward 4 years while she lay unconscious.
Alas, we shall not know. What is here, I find very entertaining and worth reading. Thank you for sharing.
I am entirely laughing my tail feathers off. This is very entertaining. Moving quickly onto the rest of the chapters.
Oh please, tell me this story isn't abandoned! AU-Shmay-ew. Who cares? This story is too good not to finish!
I hope you haven't abandoned this story! I want to know what happens next!
oh wow! I can hardly wait for the next chapter! *bounces up and down in seat* please? *give hopeful eyes*
MORE MORE MORE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE *faints**opens one eyes and glances around* did it work?
This was rec'd @ potter's Place so glad I checked it out!
i really love this story.
YIPPEE!!!!!!!! an update!!!
I'm so HAPPY!!!!! a most excellent chapter at that...I loved it...Now, I want to know what Albus will find out...and how is Severus going to get out of Hermione's little scheme...Although, I'm beginning to wonder if Hermione's concussion might not be the scheme...
Please don't make us wait again for so long. IT's rather depressing when that happens...
love the story..please give us more!
Oh I'm so glad you both have decided to complete this story, I have it in my Faves folder...and have missed it....Please hurry with the next chapter... Poor Severus....He is so dammed NOBLE.....Thanks for this update...
About time you updated--now update more, faster, quicker, better, bigger--you name it!~Lotmthe greedy
I read this over on SH and am so pleased there is an update! I keep wondering, don't ask me why, is Snape the one with the memory problem? I know, that thought doesn't actually make sense but it keeps tickling my brain! I keep thinking there is a trick here. Anyway, looking forward to the last few chapters!
i thought this was abandoned glad to see it back but all this time was waiting on him to put things together and it seems they're not any closer yet. looking forward to the next, i hope it won't be so far!
This is a great story, but it so fustrating when the characters that are taking care of Hermione still haven't figured out that she is from a different timeline. The clues are there, why can't they put it together?
I will patiently wait for the next chapter, even if the next chapter will cause me to wish that can knock some sense in the characters.
Response from michmak and zambonigirl (Author of Walking Into Bars)
Is she? Are there? Do you?We shall see. It's certainly a change from people insisting that Snape's the mental one. ;-)
I'm so glad for an update. Please don't make us wait so long! I love this story!
Hey I know that movie. Love the soundtrack. now i have one of the songs in my head. thank you ladies.
way to go zambi glad you got mich back on track. hubby's (medicdaddy) been inquiring. will tell him to check it out here. he will be so tickled.
she's a saucy little thing isn't she. poor sev he's trying so hard. is he going to floo albus and ask what next. will he confide in his brother and ask for advice. or will he finally tell hermione what's going on..
waiting for more. p
ps good thing this cliff has a staff to feed us and provide lodging or you ladies would be in big.... lol
Gosh - I'd forgotten all about this and am having a great time rereading it. I think Flavius and Xanadu are quite wonderful. Maybe they can get Severus to relax and enjoy his vacation with Hermione. One can wish....
I do have a question for you: don't you mean the Castro District in San Francisco? I don't think there is a Freemont District in the city.
Keep it up - I really do want to read MORE!
Response from michmak and zambonigirl (Author of Walking Into Bars)
Will fix this detail. Sorry, they've been a lot of places. Freemont District refers to a differnt state.
I first found this story on Ashwinder, and I fell in love with it immediately. I'm so glad to know it hasn't been abandoned. I hope you update again soon!
Hip Hip Hurray!!! Hip Hip Hurray!!!! I can't tell you how totally excited I am about this update! I'm hoping that you'll be updating a little more frequently now. I love this fic and I LOVED THIS CHAPTER. What is Sev gonna do now that she wants to renew her vows? OMG what a mess. I can't wait to see how it all plays out. Please.... Please....Pretty please with sugar on top update soon!!!!!!Hugs to both you wonderful authors!!!!Karen (muggle mom of 3)
omg....i was so glad to read a new chapter...i am still dancing in my seat...i cannot wait for the next chappie...hope it's not too long in the making...i love sev but i feel for him...he loves her so much...please end the angst so they can get together for real...please...i so love this story...take care
Good story this is. Impressed am I. Writing more you shall. Funny is gay brother. Borderline insane is plot. Watching too much Yoda for ones own good have I. Shall shut my trap now. Love the story...keep on writing and I will keep on reading. I am not usually one to laugh out loud, but Xan's dialogue gets me every time. Can't wait to see where this goes.
update soon
This is quite amusing! I'm very interested in learning eventually whether Severus is suffering the affects of some bar-walking-into, or if Hermione really does have quite the bump on her head.
I love the story and I love both of you guys. I know you both originally from YTDAW, and it was Michmak's CSI fanfic that led me to the Snape/Hermione fanfic. Keep up the great work and never stop writing!
Response from michmak and zambonigirl (Author of Walking Into Bars)
Zambi: OMG! That was a million years ago! Thanks for hanging in all this time, and finding us again!