New Chapter for Hermione Granger and the Taciturn Shopkeeper
Hermione Granger and the Taciturn Shopkeeper
PlaidPooka79 Reviews | 79 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Now complete. A hurried journey through the rain, a hastily turned corner, and Hermione runs right into a man she never thought to see again. No. That man is dead, so who is this doppelganger?
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Taciturn Shopkeeper
A great ending to a fun tale!
I’m out of time to read for today, so will stop in to say that I’m still loving this story. The reveal went much better than expected, and I glad he has Severus back, but has still retained Stephen as well. Looking very forward to the conclusion tomorrow.
So glad to see another story from you. I should review every chapter, but I’m short on time, and quite frankly, once I finish a chaper, I just want to plow right on to the next. I stopped here last night after being up way too late. So, just stopping in real quick to say how much I’m enjoying this. Off to read more !
I'm one of the old guard here and an author as well. I no longer write fanfic, but I can't tell you how happy I was to see an instantly recognizable author's name. No shade to anyone else; there are many talented folks here. But hey, I've had your stories on my favorites list for what, a decade or more now? Thanks for posting. It's a rainy May evening in Indiana, and I am happily settling in to read.
Wonderful story ! Thank you for the great reading piece
Too much fun! Thank you. (And a little inspirational. My Beloved thanks you, too.)
I’m starting to like frogs...
Steven Sondheim? Are we headed Into the Woods? About to discover someone to remind us about Being Alive? OK, I’ll stop now. This is going to be fun!
Thanks for your return to the HP universe! I enjoyed your story and will have to check out your other works as well!
Author's Response: Glad you enjoted it!
Well, he did wipe the floor with Ron. Lol.
Author's Response: Yes, he did rather. That was way too much fun to write. ;)
Oh boy, the red-headed twat is at it again, isn't he? 😒 Snape's going to wipe the floor with him.
Author's Response: *snicker*
I love that he's just overwhelmed by his need for her. ❤
Author's Response: Honestly, that's one of my fav scenes from the entire fic.
So glad he's no longer unicorn bait! And glad he wasn't a git and turned her away (at least for very long). So glad he's found real love, too. I'm such a sucker for this man, and feel his life could have been so different if anyone had bothered to show him some real kindness and affection.
Author's Response: Honestly, I never could resist being nice to the poor sod.
TheCopperDragon2004's response: ❤ ❤ ❤
Ok, Ron can die a slow, torturous death long before Snape gets his wand back. 😡😡😡
Author's Response: :D
I have to admit, I'd love to see Ronald show up just as Snape gets his memories (and his wand) back. *evil laugh*
Author's Response: ;)
Glad Severus is finally getting some lemons in his life! Lol.
Oh lord, what if he only remembers some of the horrible things he's done in his past, but not why? 😞
Author's Response: I couldn't be that cruel to him.
TheCopperDragon2004's response: That's good!! I hated how JK treated him, them doubly so when she only brought him back in CC to kill him off again. 😡😡😡
Ha, I was right! Snape's wand. I wonder if he senses the magic in other people too? Maybe why he was initially drawn to Hermione?
Author's Response: Perhaps. It would explain why he was so suddenly taken with her.
Hmm. I wonder if Harry had his wand or something in his bookbag? Snape's, I mean? (Did they ever recover it?) It could be Harry's own wand Snape is reacting to as well, though you'd think Hermione would have hers on her somewhere as well.
Author's Response: Clever little monkey. ;)
Bwahaha, I almost shot chai tea out my nose at the "unicorn bait" part lol. I did laugh out loud though. 😂
I'm curious to see which two tropes you're going with here; Snape survived and is in hiding, I'm assuming is the first one. I can't decide if Snape's lost his memory/had it removed is the second one or not.
Either way, I happily await lemons! ;)
Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed that bit. And thank you for all the lovely reviews. I think I hit a fair number of tropes with this one.
Thank you for all the work and time you have put into this story! It was nice to see Ron not getting too much bashing, instead a little redemption at the end. Thank you again!
Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed it. I had such fun writing it! :)
Thank you so much for a wonderful story, I know I am going to read this one several times more:-)Awesome work.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading it. :)
Thanks for dipping your toe back in. May your coming years be filled with unexpected opportunities and much success.
Author's Response: You are the sweetest! Thank you for reading. :)
Greetings from Sweden. No rest for the wicked... Thank you for the hot and lovely chapter!
Author's Response: You are very welcome, my Swedish friend! :)
Than two of them are absolutely totally perfect:-))
Author's Response: You are the sweetest! :)
What can I say? This smutty chapters makes me start the day with a wide grin on my face. I am totally in love with this story.
Author's Response: So glad I could get your day started on a high note! :)