New Chapter for Hermione Granger and the Taciturn Shopkeeper
Hermione Granger and the Taciturn Shopkeeper
PlaidPooka79 Reviews | 4.3/10 (79 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Now complete. A hurried journey through the rain, a hastily turned corner, and Hermione runs right into a man she never thought to see again. No. That man is dead, so who is this doppelganger?
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Taciturn Shopkeeper
Wonderful, you are back! Thank you for the new story. And as I am at home with a cold I will spend a very agreeable morning re-reading your other stories!
Author's Response: May your cold flee quickly!
Wow! It is a good thing it is about 39 degrees Fahrenheit outside (4 Celsius and the bus is not so much warmer. Thank you for an excellent start of my morning.
Author's Response: So glad I could keep you warm!
I'm sooo happy she agreed to tell Steven that she knew him 'before', without an angsty drag out. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Author's Response: About to update it now. :)
Such a wellwritten story, I look forward to read more of it.
Author's Response: I'm so pleased you are enjoying it.
What fun seeing Severus OOC for a good reason - he doesn't have Severus' horrid memories. Loving to see where this goes.
Author's Response: I've read such charming amnesia fics. I wanted to try my hand at it, and give Severus a chance at a little happiness.
I haven't even read the first paragraph but I know I'm in for a treat! A new story from a superb (and I mean that) author is like Christmas in September. I'll probably be up all night!
Author's Response: You are the sweetest! :)
Yes! Another sweet chapter for breakfast. Steven's reaction to his original name was fun to read. It is very reassuring to know that you have written so many chapters in advance. Thank you!
Author's Response: You are very welcome! When I wrote Night of the Nargles and Idiot's Repose, I finished the entire story pretty much before I began posting. I was too impatient to do that with this one, but I wanted to stay well ahead.
Even without his memories, he is very perceptive. He has sussed her out more than she expected. And she knows he longs for his wand.
I think if she were honest with him, he would handle it well.
And we all know who saddled him with that name ... JKR.
(Severus seems to lose those who lovingly help him in your stories. First Bob and now Franklin. I hope someday, he will get to keep a whole pile of loving friends for many years)
Author's Response: Awww. I never even thought of how similar it is to Bob. I am sometimes quite mean to Severus, but I always make sure he is rewarded well. I'd never take Hermione away from him.
What a cliffhanger.
Glad to see Minerva avoided any kitty snatchers.
Thanks for the fun story.
Author's Response: I pity the Animal Control worker who tries to catch Minerva! :D
Hot Damn
Author's Response: :)
Lemons! Phew, fanning myself though the outside temperature is 4 celsius (about 9 fahrenheit) in Sweden. Interesting cliffhanger, wonder what he wants to confess? Thank you for the story and taking time to reply.
Author's Response: Woo! That's cold! We're just starting to get into fall here, temps in the 70's to 80's (fahrenheit) instead of the 90's to 100's that we had too much of this summer.
I'm naughty, I love my little cliffhangers. I'll warn you, this isn't the worst one! :D But I will diligently keep posting a chapter a day, so you won't have to wait long! :)
svekor's response: Ooops, I lost a number. 4 celsius corresponds to 39 F. Swedens latitude is about the same as Anchorage, Alaska. Northern Sweden has already snow and winter-temperature, while the rest of us still have autumn.
Another swedish thank you for the excellent writing. Now the wand is out of the bag... Wonder how he survived, it will be explained? Anyway, thanks for sharing this story.
Author's Response: All questions should be answered by the time we get to the end. But I will naughtily make you wait! :D
Minerva's comment reminds me of a sign outside a Chinese restaurant in the hurricane Florence zone:
"Is your pet missing? Don't blame us. Blame Florence"
I think of sweet kitty Minerva being snatched up off the sidewalk only to cause a ruckus in a restaurant kitchen. Hopefully she can make it into the bookstore without incident.
Author's Response: That made me laugh right out loud! :D
mikimoto's response:
Kitties walking the street best have their wits about them.
Ethiopian food is such fun but I think they would have been preoccupied with one another even if they had gone to KFC.
They say that isolation is the thief of confidence. Maybe Steven has just been isolated for too long. He feels uncertain that his choices will be correct or that he will be acceptable. It reminds me that many people are fragile even if they look strong on the outside.
Author's Response: I swear I answered this review already, but my response must have been swept into the void. I think that emotionally fragile people often create an air of strength in order to protect themselve. And I agree about the KFC! :D
Taking my morning-bus, it is so refreshing to have a delightful chapter to read. The mystery with Harry’s knapsack is intriguing! Kudos from Sweden.
Author's Response: Thank you, my Swedish friend! :)
It is very difficult to wait patiently. It's been a long time since I enjoyed reading a story so much. Thank you!
Author's Response: Well, my fingers are flying, this story practically writing itself, so I'm hoping to keep posing a chapter a day. I'm so glad you are enjoying it! :)
This is so good! Please see this to completion!!! I couldn’t stand it if it somehow went abandoned. Can’t wait for the next chapters! :)
Author's Response: Things are looking good. I finished chapter 11 last night, and getting ready to start 12. I should be able to finish it tidily, barring acts of god or dark arts. Thank you so much for reading! :)
It makes me wonder if the bookbag is magical and Severus could detect it.
I wonder what would happen if he just held a wand without knowing what it was for. Would it do magic?
I hope their date includes a lot of conversations and "getting to know you" It will be interesting to hear how he describes himself and his life.
Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response: There is quite the conversation coming up, but it's not date one, so don't fret! Thank you for reading! :)
I love how Hermione obsesses.
Does no one think he was simply oblivated?
She'll know when she gets her peek under that sweater...
Author's Response: Well, no one knows what happened...yet. Mua-ha-ha-ha! But they are concerned about magical causes, of which obliviate would be one.
So many turtlenecks... :D
Here in Sweden it is almost midnight. 3 chapters (3-5) the same day! Going to bed with a happy smile. Looking forward to read more, nice pace and how the characters develop.
Author's Response: It always pleases me no end to have someone from so far way reading something I have written. Thanks for telling me! :)
Another lovely chapter, thank you!
Author's Response: You are most welcome!
There is just no point in waiting in waiting for the other to make the first move is there. It only exacerbates doubts. It also helps that Marta clued her in that her first move would be welcome.
You can almost tell she wants a peek at his neck...
Author's Response: Agreed. On all counts. :)
Well I don't think Hermione is dissuaded, especially as he is fodder for such vivid fantasies.
I like how her mind is already several steps down the road about revealing herself to Steven and whether or not he will find her acceptable.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Thanks for sharing your imagination.
Author's Response: Thanks for reading! :)
Hi! Thanks for the new story. I always love reading your writing. It makes me happy and a little nostalgic when the long time authors still come out to play in the Potterverse. What is your book series? I'll check it out.
Author's Response: Ghost in the Park, is the first in the series. The main character has many similarities to the Severus in my stories. But they aren't romances, their supernatural mysteries.
You know, I was reading some of my fav fanfics recently, thus the new story. Is is nostalgic reading those old favorites again.
Thank you for the intriguing story. Hoping that you will update soon! Reader from Sweden.
Author's Response: Glad you are enjoying it so far!