New Chapter for The Leather-Bound Promise
The Leather-Bound Promise
Helena Rickman95 Reviews | 95 Ratings, 0 Likes, 20 Favorites )
Snape is in a bad place following the war. Hermione wants to help. Can they find enough in common to become friends, maybe more?
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About Helena Rickman
Helena Rickman
5 Stories | Favorited by 33 | 51 Reviews Written | 135 Review Responses
Reviews for The Leather-Bound Promise
Just magic.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Thank you! Helena
I'm waiting for more!!!! Do you have more chapters written? It's so hard to wait.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
I do! Don't worry, the next chapter has been in the queue and waiting on the mods to clear and post - hopefully it on't be too long. I'm glad you are enjoying the story - thanks for th review! Helena
They sound destined for one another. Poor little Severus. I guess his dad was too afraid of him to beat him for it. And poor Severus' hopes about school didn't come true either. I hope by the end of this story Hermione can help mend some of the damage.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Isn't it sad? No child should have to go through that. I think Hermione might be up to it - thanks for reviewing! Helena
OMG, that was intense and a hell of a cliff hanger!!! Thanks for writing. I am waiting with bated breath for more!
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
I am cruel. But it keeps you coming back for more. Manipulative, aren't I? I promise I won't disappoint in the next chapter.Thank you for reading and all of your reviews, deedeebug! Helena
As a mom who is going through empty nest herself, I feel your pain. As a reader I am glad you are using your time to write!! I can tell you it is time well spent! I started this when you first started loading chapters, I am sorry to say I do not remember reviewing, I am fixing that mistake now before I go any farther. THANK YOU for keeping this ship alive, we need fresh talent to continue the love story!!Thanks to Dreamy for helping you along!As for this story, I lOVE IT, love a little fetish with mySS/HG
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
I am glad you are enjoying it. I hate to say, I see it could be easy to forget following it because updates take so long on this site!Please don't think I'm complaining - the mods here are wanting everything to be perfect.I couldn't do this without Dreamy. She has been an invaluable help! As for keeping th ship alive, I simply don't understand why everyone isn't on board - I love SSHG! Helena
didn't know bellatrix was that cruel! feel for hermione... happy that severus want to be with hermione and shown her love!! hope that happen for them, they belong together, so have new life filled with passion, and things that make life worth living!!
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
I can imagine Bellatrix being much more cruel than that. But you get to a point where gratuitous violience just doesn't make a difference. War is horrible. But we are finally getting to a point where these two can put their past away and move forward. Please keep following the story, more chapters are in the queue and will slowly be posted! Helena
such poetry flow from serverus's lips... great job!!!
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
That man is amazing at everything he does - including just simple speech. After the cliffie, I knew you would like this chapter. Thank you! Helena
hate cliffie so much...
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Aren't cliffies the worst? At least more chapters are posted. But the tension must build before it bursts. Keep reading! Love, Helena - cliffie emoticon to follow
love their dinner date! like rita got her just dessert!!. like what hermione told severus...
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Poor little Rita. Karma is a bug. I'm glad you liked the chapter! Thanks for reading my story and letting me know you liked it! Helena
love how their evening turn out! except for the flash of the camera.....
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
We have to have a little drama thrown in, don't we? I'm glad you liked their Italian date! Thank you for reviewing. Helena
Sad but wonderful chapter, thank you! I do hope these two will find solace with each other.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
let's hope so! Thanks for reading and reviewing. Helena
I definitely thought the first misspelling was accidental... But then it just seemed perfect; I can totally see Skeeter doing that!
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Yes, she is one insulting cockroach! Thanks for the review. Helena
Bellatrix should thank her lucky stars that she is rotting in hell, instead of at Severus' tender mercys.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
You have that right! I would hate to see his methods of revenge. Thanks for reading! Helena
Arrgghhh. That Bellatrix was a bitch of the first order! I wish Severus could resurrect that woman and torture her to death over and over and over again!I'm very happy that the two of them can see their path to sharing a lovely and loving relationship.Well done, my friend!Beth
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
Oops! I didn't think my first try at posting a review went through.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Arrrgghh! That Bellatrix was a bitch of the first order. I wish Severus could "resurrect" that witch and torture her over and over again.It makes me happy that both of them have been able to see the path to a lovely and loving future! *sigh*Beth
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
I'll have to (try to) wait patiently for more of your story! I really like it so far, and I admit I'm waiting to see if them becoming a couple changes Hermione's plans for readmitting him into society.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Hopefully it won't be too long! The next chapter is in the pending queue now :) I'm glad you are enjoying the story and I appreciate your letting me know! Happy Reading! Helena
well, it looks like I don't have to squash a bug now. ;)
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
It's about time someone did! I'm surprised I've never crossed a story before where someone did. Thanks for reading the story! Helena
poor snape, just where he wanted to go on his first real venture out: to Harry's birthday party, probably with a raging hard-on from being so close to Hermione and all.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Can you imagine? All he's done is dream dirty little dreams about her, and she's taking he to Grimmauld. Ought to teach him a lesson about agreeing to things before he knows what they are! Helena
Haha, I love that snape thinks she's wanting to open up an agency for illegal going-ons. brothel anyone? Lol.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Poor fellow, he's clueless about Muggle occupations! Don't worry, Hermione will set him straight. Thanks for reviewing! Helena
Awww, a beautiful, sensual chapter, can't wait for more.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Thank you! Yes, they've come this far, they should go further! Helena
Thank you for a lovely story. That sonnet always reminds me of Severus.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Me, too! It fits him perfectly. Thank you for compliment! Helena
Their first outing to the Potters' was a smashing success, and I hope their next one will be just as successful.Damn that beetle-brained Rita Skeeter! At least she didn't totally destroy their surreal moment – for a tiny moment they felt that surge of magic and know that something special has happened.Hummm... maybe having their photo splashed across tomorrow morning's Prophet will help (rather than hinder) Severus' acceptance back into Wizarding society.I enjoyed this chapter very much, Helena. Well done!Beth
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Beth, I am so glad you enjoyed the chapter and left a review! You and I both feel the same way about that dog-gone bug.The next chapter is in the queue and it may - just may - address some of your wondering - let's hope so!Thanks for reading! Helena
If it doesn't muck up your plot too much, please consider waiting for the success of Severus' PR campaign before getting them "together". Because, I admit, for me it's the anticipation which drives me to love romance stories. Anyways, I'm enjoying this! Please keep writing!
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
I am glad you are enjoying it! Keep reading and we'll find out if that happens. Thanks for taking the time to review,
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
DRAT! That blasted beetle, after such a good night she has to poke her feelers in. P.S. I don't like Rita Skeeter one little bit, Just in case you couldn't guess.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
That Rita is a nosy you-know-what! You never know, one day she may just get what she deserves! Thanks for leaving the review! Helena
Can't wait for the party.
Response from Helena Rickman (Author of The Leather-Bound Promise)
It's in the queue now. Should be posted soon! I'm so glad you're reading the story. Helena