New Chapter for Nevermore
Pearle47 Reviews | 5.91/10 (47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 59 Favorites )
The war is long over and life has settled into a comfortable routine. Harry and his team of specialists have been charged with tracking down and dismantling Dark objects. While not part of the team, Harry has had occasion to call on his best friend's husband to help them. What started out as routine turned out to be anything but. One question remained: how was he going to explain to Hermione her husband had been turned into a bird?
A response to SouthernWitch69's chapter challenge. A mystery complete in eight chapters.Rating for later chapters. HPB compliant.
Chapter 8 – Epilogue – Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore"A bit more information about Severus and Hermione, and a glimpse into the future.
This story is now complete.
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About Pearle
72 Stories | Favorited by 493 | 67 Reviews Written | 105 Review Responses
I am amazed and enthralled with the Harry Potter universe, with the emphasis on Snape. HG/SS is my favorite ship (you have been warned). I like sci-fi ? Star Wars, Quantum Leap, Star Trek, and Ray Bradbury to name a few. Horror also catches my interest as in Stephen King. I am a married, mother of two teenagers, multiple pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, turtle), and I work way too many hours. The rest is window dressing and subject to change without notice. I am also on staff on a wonderful new site called Playwitch. Visit when you get a minute:
Dances With Witches was a winner in the laughter category of the Multifaceted Awards (Round 2) - Thank you!
Here Be Pirates - Nominated for a Round Three Multifaceted Award in the categories: Endurance ~ The Challenge Response Award and Laughter ~ The Humour Award
Destiny is a featured story for September
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Reviews for Nevermore
Brava! See, I was nervous for nothing. In fact, I lik this version better. I certainly was not expecting it. :)
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Glad you like it. This seems to be the favorite ending. Both endings occured to me when Severus 'turned' into a bird. I couldn't decide between the two, so I wrote both. The epilogue goes with both endings. It will be posted tomorrow.
Let's see... that ending was so nice, I'm a little nervous to see the second alternate... Oh, heck. In for a penny, in for a pound. Here I go.
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
You're safe, both endings end on a happy note. One a bit sappy, one with a bit more humor. The epilogue will be up tomorrow.
Two for the price of one? *lol* That really was one of the funniest things I've read lately... Severus squawking soundlessly.
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Glad you liked it. Poor Severus is just too easy a target as a raven.
hmmmmm...i definately like this alternate ending better. i like snape with a sense of humor. great story pearle!
wind to thy wings,
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Thank you, glad you like it. Ending two seems to be the favorite so far.
I think Severus knows exactly how to fix this and is probably horribly annoyed at the lot of them. I know I would be. *lol*
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Yep, can't say Severus is all that happy with the situation.
I liked ending 2 the best
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Ending two does seems to be the most popular. The epilogue will be up tomorrow.
So what did Crookshanks find out about the raven?
Pearle,Your writing is always a treasure to read! Thanks for another great story!!Missy
Enjoyed this story. Preferred the first alternate ending. For me the epilogue stole the show though..........Caaaaw - bloody brilliant!
That was perfect timing for a little background story. And my, my, Severus did work quickly didn't he? He could invite me into the rose garden any time... oops. Sorry. Sort of got lost for a moment there.
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Grin, can't say that I blame you for drifting off. In my mind's eye, Severus is the ultimate of sexy.
Still very interesting. I love interaction between Hermione & Snape. I can totally picture this story,
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Glad you're enjoying the story. More to come soon.
I want a signed copy of Release the Animal in You! Lovely chapter, as always! I keep trying to fill in the blanks, but I've obviously not quite got it. Yay, more tomorrow! :D
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
A signed copy of, <i>Release the Animal in You</i> is winging its way to you via owl delivery as we speak...grinGlad you enjoyed the chapter. You will get to see the completed spell in the next two chapters.
Ah!! I wish I had more time to read today. I feel as though I could fly away from all the suspense... *lol* Wonderful job... I hope to get to the next couple chapters tonight.
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
LOL...nice word play on the bird theme. Glad you're enjoying the story!
I tell you woman, the way Hermione still nags at severus, in spite of his being a bird, is both sadly charming and absolutely amusing! Well done! :)
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Thank you, glad you're enjoying the story. Hermione is a bit stressed out at the moment, they should resolve their difference soon.
I think Severus keeps trying to tell them something.I know they are annoyed with him, but he's not exactly having a wonderful time is he.I liked the night scene when he came back to sleep on the headboard. That was sweet.Really glad you're updating regularly I don't think I could wait to long to find out whats going to happen.
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
You won't have long to wait, all will be revealed tomorrow. More to come soon!
I'm really enjoying this story so far.
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Glad you're enjoy it, more to come soon!
I do hope one of your endings is one in which Severus is un-birded! You make me want to weep for poor Hermione. I simply can't imaging being in that situation. Well done!
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Hello, Pook, so glad you're back. Glad you're enjoying the story. Hermione will manage to pull herself together soon. Severus will make it back to human form, but the original problem and it's resolution is completely different in the two endings.
Poor Severus, just found out he's going to be a daddy, and all he can do is caw and nod! Love it! :)
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Thank you, glad you're enjoying the story. Even as a bird, Severus tends to be snarky...grin
That was a brilliant chapter. Poor Hermione, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Mind early pregnancy hormones wouldn't help either.Best wishes,
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Thank you. The hormones are definately throwing her for a loop, but she will manage to pull herself together soon.
I bet Severus as got the bird for the way Hermione told him about being pregnant. Really romantic of her.Brilliant story, thank you
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Glad you're enjoying the story. Glad you're enjoying the story. Can't say that Severus is all that happy being a bird, but he didn't know of Hermione's pregnancy before.
Excellent beginning. Very original, too. I am looking forward to reading more. I'm definitely 'faving' this story ... turning Snape into a raven is too funny, especially when he is pecking at Harry's feet. I don't want to miss a chapter.
Response from Pearle (Author of Nevermore)
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the story. One of the quotes deals with ravens, that set the theme of the story from the begining. Harry and the Severus tend to be at odds with each other, no matter what. Even as a raven, Severus tends to be snarky.
Response from notsosaintly (Reviewer)
Yes, I loved the banter Harry and Severus had... even when Severus couldn't exactly speak.