Back to Headquarters
Chapter 16 of 20
Juli_MinThere was no answer yet anyway.
ReviewedA/N: Sorry for the time it took to post this, but I have a very good reason. I got married. Enough of me, on with the story.
Chapter Fifteen Back to Headquarters
A loud hooting sound rang through the silent house, rousing its only occupant out of her uneasy sleep. She winced at the popping sound her knees made as she stood from the uncomfortable kitchen chair. She rolled her shoulders for a moment, trying to work out the cramp the prone position had left her with.
With practiced motions, she turned to prepare a pot of tea for the people that would be arriving soon and to calm her frayed nerves. The news about Hermione's current location was as much a relief as a shock.
Percy had handed her the letter with an almost apologetic smile. An impromptu meeting of all the available Order members had been called, and they had formed a small squad to get Hermione out of her precarious situation, planned out the strategy... but one thing posed a great problem.
No one knew where Snape lived, or did they?
It was Percy who was able to give them directions. No one asked how he knew; they were all much too worried about getting their missing member out of harm's way.
'If everything goes well,' Molly thought, 'she'll be safe soon.'
The whistling of the teapot coincided with the sound of two bodies hitting the carpeted floor in the living room. There was a kind of shuffling noise before Hermione barged in through the kitchen door.
"Help me!" she urged the older woman, who in turn started open-mouthed at the brown-eyed young woman.
"What is it, Hermione dear?" Molly asked, concerned, looking her up and down. "Are you hurt? Come sit down." She tried to push Hermione into a chair.
"No, I'm fine," Hermione said firmly. "It's Severus. He's injured. Badly."
Hermione grabbed Mrs. Weasley's arm and dragged her into the adjoining room.
"I can't believe you brought him here after everything... Oh, my God!" The moment the motherly woman's eyes fell onto the barely-breathing man lying on his back on the floor, her protest about his presence in the house stopped. With often-used wand movements, she conjured a stretcher under him and proceeded to direct her floating patient towards the staircase.
"What did they do to you?" Molly mumbled to Severus' still form. It was uttered just loud enough for Hermione who was not going to let him out of her sight to hear and answer.
"We were attacked by Death Eaters," she explained. "They came for the potion we were brewing... and to kill us." The last was added very quietly. "The Order arrived just at the right moment."
There was a long silence as they ascended the stairs and turned into the bedroom that had recently served as Draco's. Carefully, the two women positioned Severus on the bed.
"He needs treatment," Molly stated the obvious. "I'll Floo-call Poppy. She's patched him back up more times than I can count." She started to leave the room, but turned again when Hermione let out an audible sigh of relief and exhaustion.
"He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"No, he saved me," she said sincerely, a tired smile on her face. 'In more ways than one,' a little voice in her added.
"How can you be sure?" Remus asked, his voice heavy with confusion and disbelief. "The award is Riddle's, yes, but the blood may have reacted because of something else."
"We did a lot of tests with it," Arthur added.
It was disconcerting to say the least, to know that a piece of Voldemort's soul had resided at Hogwarts for years without any detection. Yet, it was the only answer for the spontaneous occurrence of the unknown dark magic he could think of. How could something like a Horcrux have been hidden in a school, under the watchful eyes of Albus Dumbledore no less?
There was no answer yet anyway. And since the portrait of the deceased headmaster refused to speak, the answer would probably remain unknown for some time to come.
"I'm sure it's a Horcrux," Harry whispered. "I can feel it."
McGonagall looked up sharply. She didn't like any of this one bit. Dumbledore had kept the knowledge of the soul-pieces from her deliberately; instead he had confided in a boy not even out of school. The same boy that had meant more to him than his own life and well-being. He had watched over the boy all his life, guided and formed him. Dumbledore had put Harry through hardship and abuse only to turn a blind eye whenever the young Gryffindor rushed headfirst into danger with his two friends.
"What do you feel?" she asked in a rather harsh voice. She didn't mean to sound quite so snide, but the whole day had just gone from bad to worse. She had only come to inform the group that there had been news from Hermione, and now she had to deal with dark magic of the worst kind.
"I'm... I can't really explain," Harry's voice broke her train of thought. "I feel drawn to it somehow, like it belongs to me... but not completely..."
"May I suggest we return to headquarters?" Arthur interrupted before Harry revealed something he wasn't ready to divulge just yet.
"Yes, I think it would be for the best," McGonagall agreed. Remus and Ron nodded their approval, while Harry stared at the award he still held in his hands. His index finger was tracing the engraved letters, and his scar throbbed in answer. It wasn't pain he felt though; it was a pleasant thumping, like a small, regular heart beat. The red flecks that shone in his eyes for a moment were gone before anyone could notice.
The little pulse, however, remained even after he turned to follow the others out of the Trophy Room and out of Hogwarts.
Riddle's award and the little bottle of blood were still clutched in his hands.
'One step closer,' his mind acknowledged.
The two women came rushing into the room, wasting no time on keeping their entrance quiet. Hermione had moved behind Severus, whose head was again resting in her lap. Poppy Pomfrey didn't even bat an eye at the scene before her. She had seen a lot in her years as a nurse first at St. Mungo's, then at Hogwarts, a student comforting a man twice her age was just another thing to add to her list.
"Miss Granger," she said in a busyness-like voice. "I need you to tell me exactly what happened to him. Leave out no detail, it could well be vital."
Hermione recounted the events, ignoring Molly's gasps of horror. It was freeing to talk about it, though she realized again just how close a call it was.
Poppy nodded, passing her wand over the unconscious man, noting the red flecks in the light that surrounded him. After she had double-checked his heartbeat and brain functions, she let out a relieved sigh.
"He will be up and about in no time," she announced with an honest smile on her face. "His unconsciousness is due to stress and a concussion. The curses had surprisingly little impact."
Hermione mustered a smile, which turned into a huge yawn. Severus was going to be fine. All the tension left her body, and a heavy sleepiness took over. Without thinking much about it, she moved from behind Severus to lie by his side.
Molly wanted to protest, but Poppy held her back. The nurse produced an assortment of miniaturized vials out of her pocket. A wave of her wand and they enlarged. She leaned over carefully and administered a general healing potion that would take care of the concussion and all the minor wounds he might have. A good sound sleep would take care of the rest.
Molly, ever the mother, spelled away their shoes and part of their clothes, then produced a blanket and covered the sleeping couple.
"We have to keep his presence a secret, Molly," Poppy said soberly. "Whatever happened with Albus last year, I don't think we know half of the truth."
"Yes," Molly agreed. "It never made sense that the boy would do something like that out of his own free will. He adored Albus too much."
Together, both lost in thought, the two women descended the stairs. A cup of tea was what they needed now.
"Scum of the earth! Befouling the most noble house!"
"Oh, bullocks!" Ron's voice was barely heard over Mrs. Black's screaming. "Can somebody please shut her up?"
It took a Remus a moment, but he finally managed to draw the curtains on the portrait closed.
"We really need to find a spell to get rid of her," Harry said, frowning.
Before anyone could remind him that they had already tried everything, the door of the kitchen opened, revealing an annoyed Molly and a shocked Poppy.
"I haven't heard that voice for a long time," Poppy said with some humor. "A bit more high-pitched than I remember, but you can clearly hear the insanity."
Disbelief passed over the faces of the assembled before they broke out into laughter. It was quite refreshing.
"Well," Poppy announced. "I'll be on my way. Hermione is safely tucked in just..."
"Hermione is here?" Ron and Harry asked almost simultaneously.
"That's what I came to tell you," McGonagall answered. "She sent a letter, and the Order went to retrieve her after they had figured out her location."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Harry inquired through clenched teeth. He could barely contain his anger. Did people always have to keep things from him?
"If you hadn't run off in the first place..."
"We discovered something important, didn't we?"
The shouting match between Harry and Professor McGonagall would have gone on for quite a while, if Arthur hadn't interrupted.
"How is Hermione?" All it took was a simple question and both parties fell silent.
"She is fine," Poppy assured them. "But she needs to rest. No one, and I repeat no one, is to disturb her tonight. I have warded the room securely, believe me."
Ron was about to protest, but Harry would have none of it. "I know how it feels," he told his friend in a quite voice. "The best we can do is wait for her to come to us."
Ron nodded, though everyone could see that he wasn't happy with the decision.
"It's off to bed for you, I'd say," Arthur urged gently. "It was a trying day for all of us."
Although he was tired, Harry didn't sleep at all that night. He felt under his pillow for the award again.
The fourth Horcrux. Two more to be found.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Innocence Lost
87 Reviews | 7.29/10 Average
HI, I went through this in one go, and I liked your ideas here. Leaving this note so that you know that people are still reading and enjoying this story!!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. I really hope I'll manage to finish it, but I have so many projects going on at the moment that I hardly find the time to write anything for pleasure.
I hope the story is not abandoned. Good luck in fighting RL ;-)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. No it's not abandoned. I have just been very busy with my three month old baby boy. :)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. No it's not abandoned. I have just been very busy with my three month old baby boy. :)
Just saying hello and that I hope your real life is going well.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Too hectic and busy for my comfort. My job leaves me no time for much else. Apart from that I fine. Thanks for the concern. Hope you are and yours are fine.Juli
I hope there is an update waiting..
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
RL is very busy just now, but I promise that I'll not abandon the story.
*Sighs* It sucks that Draco is dead.. But I still want more of the story!!! LOL...
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Some things just have to happen.
Another great chapter.. With a special thanks to Jacob as well.!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks for the review. And I'll tell him.
You're right, they are not very long, but you have kept me reading so far.. Which is more then I can say for most Lol.. I normally turn around with my head behind my arse running like a mad man with some things. But you, you have me running in your direction to read more. Julianna
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Now that's nice. I know what you mean though, there are some stories that make me run as well.
Just thought you would like to know of a little error on this page dear.. [Quote]"He would find our eventually, wouldn't he? There was more important business now. Hermione Granger, for one [endquote]I believe you meant, "He would find out........" I'm loving your story by the way!! Thanks for allowing small people like me read it.!And that was an unbelieveable poem.. If you wrote that yourself.. Much congrats for that as well are in order!Julianna
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks, for telling me. I'm glad you like the story. The poem is one of the first I ever wrote and remains one of my best to this day I think.
Wait... you... you.... you let Lucius... kill Draco??? And Lucius is going to train a new Death Eater spy?? Nobody knew where Draco was going and that he was meeting with Lucius? EEKS!!!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
It is something that needed to happen for the story to progress.
Poor Draco!
I am so glad you updated! great chapter.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks for the review.
Okay did Draco kill his dad? An Draco took polyjuice or a glamour?
There's still not something right about Harry handling that coin. And Dumbledore needs to stop acting this way.
waiting for more. enjoying your story. thank you for the wonderful update. p
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
You are right Dumbledore is still acting like the headmaster talking to some little children. And much to understanding where Harry is concerned.Thanks for the review.
Response from pickles (Reviewer)
Hey you didn't answer my draco/luc question....
Oh my, he killed his son?
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Desperate times...Thanks for the review.
Oh no, not Draco! But something about that last bit sounds fishy to me. Is that Draco in a Polyjuice disguise? Please let it be so. Thanks for the new chapter!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks for the review. I have to bite my tongue to not give anything away.
Excellent story so far and I can't wait to read more.
I really like the recent developments. Narcissa approaching Dumbledore is a really original take. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you! I haven't read that before, and I thought that Narcissa would cover her bases' so to speak and make sure Draco is safe no matter what happens.
Woot! Dumbledore's back! Yey! *sighs* Finally, Harry has let go of his hate... I love this story!!
Please update soon!~Sarah
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Yeah, I'm happy to have Dumbledore back. I'm glad you like the story. Thanks for the review.
Well, I'm very curious about what happened to destroy the Riddle award, but I'm also concerned about Severus. Is it certain he's safe from all the Order members, and the Aurors? More catnip for Crookshanks!! Will ghost-Albus now hang around Grimmauld Place or Hogwarts, or go with Severus, or with Harry, or... Thank you for the new chapter!!!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Questions, question, questions lolI can't answer them now, really. All I can say is that there is an explanation for the destruction of the horcruxes. It all comes down to Harry - that's all I day for now.Thanks for the review.
I just got caught up on the last few chapters and I am impressed with the plot development. Look forward to the next installment :) As always, thank you for writing
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you for the nice review. I'm really glad that the plot works.
JULI!!! HURRY UP AND UPDATE!!!The power of christ compells you!(okay, too much austin powers for me...)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
I'll try.Thanks for the review.the Queen of Squick's response: ...oh, dear. I just got an image of you hanging on for dear life as your chair starts spinning out of control, and you trying to reach for the keyboard to type.BAD Queen! BAD!! CHANNEL YOUR OVERACTIVE IMAGINATION INTO WRITING!!! lol
I'm still worried about Severus' safety - what if Hermione isn't there and the boys find him? Can't count on Molly to be around all the time either, and Moody is too quick with a hex. Scary!! Thanks for the update.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Yes, I think Moody is the biggest problem. He can see through concret and such, can't he? I'll try to keep him safe, for how long... we shall see.Thanks for the review.
I love this story, it is emotional and well written with a great plot :)
well done and I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. We are in the middle of it all now. There will be some action soon.
oops, swooning. It was time they aknowledge their feelings.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Yes, I think so too. And besides I promised warty lemons and I she would have sent Pumbles after me for sure...
Congratulations! Very worthy excuse.
Good chapter! It's nice to know that Hermione's impulsive message wasn't a bad thing after all. Now to explain Severus' presence to the uninitiated...
Looking forward to more!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. Yes, they had more luck than they could have hoped. If the order had been a few minutes to late...Severus' presence at headquarters will cause some problems that's for sure.
Congratulations on the wedding!! I assume the dress fit, despite the temptation of any stray chocolates?
Thanks for the new chapter! So, Harry is influenced by the presence of the "medal" Horcrux - will be interesting to see how influenced he is. You won't let them hex Severus when they see him, will you? And that dratted Percy is still on the loose!! And where is Draco?! (Hey, as long as you're back from your honeymoon, you have nothing else to write besides thank-you notes for all the wedding presents... )
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. No the thank-you notes are my husbands job. I planned the wedding he can take care of that alone.The story is moving along nicely. I droped a lot of little hints and clues and will have to bring it all together.Oh, and I still have to finish my gift for the ss/hg_exchange.