Coping With Loss
Chapter 4 of 20
Juli_Min"Is she dead?" A blunt question, asked without preliminaries.
ReviewedChapter Three Coping with Loss
Night had fallen in the run-down area of London where two boys sat at the window, awaiting the arrival of their best friend. Any moment now she would be escorted back by Kingsley Shacklebolt and Remus Lupin.
It was an unusually clear night, unobscured by the thick mist that clung to Great Britain since the Dementors had started breeding. The few intact streetlamps illuminated the empty street below.
Two hours had passed since they first took the seats nearest to the window, occasionally looking outside. The friendly banter about the reason their normally-so-punctual friend was late her book bag finally bursting because of the thousands of books she tried to cram in it had died down some time ago. All that remained was an uneasy feeling of foreboding.
The old grandfather clock struck midnight, waking the dark-haired man out of his uneasy sleep. The whiskey bottle was lying in his lap; the glass had fallen to the floor, spilling the last of the liquid. Severus Snape stood up; his legs and back protested, but he had learned to ignore pain. With a swish of his wand, the remains of his late evening indulgence cleared themselves away. Alcohol helped him sleep, kept the nightmares at bay. Occlumency could only help to a point. He was able to repress certain images, memories of revels and night time raids, he couldn't, however, stop the image that kept plaguing him Dumbledore's kind blue eyes pleading with him.
Dumbledore had been the only one who understood him. The old headmaster had not only always believed in his loyalty, he had also treated the young teacher with gentleness, something that had been foreign to Severus. And he wished almost every night that he had never made that vow.
Mentally shaking himself, he made his way up the stairs burying all thoughts of his deceased mentor in the deep recesses of his brain. If he dwelled too long on things like that, he would lose his focus. He needed to be on high alert now that he had the girl to look after. One moment of inattention could cost her life and possibly the war.
The picture that met his eyes as he pushed open the door to his former bedroom made his breath catch. Hermione had obviously made herself comfortable when she became aware that Severus had left the room. She had changed out of her clothes and was wearing one of the nightshirts she had found in the closet. Her wild mane spilled over the pillows. The sheets were tangled around her legs, and Severus could see the back of one thigh and hip. He stared at the exposed expanse of flesh.
His chest constricted painfully. Emotions he had thought himself incapable of were all growing at a rapid speed. Longing, protectiveness, desire, admiration... all bubbled to the surface. One look at the young woman in his bed like that had broken the ice that had covered the lake of his feelings for two decades. For one so unused to feeling something other than annoyance or contempt, the experience was frightening.
Severus stumbled back out of the room and collapsed against the closed door. He had to get himself under control, needed to clear his head. Getting his broom out of the kitchen, he left the house in a rush.
A loud screeching woke the two boys out of their slumber. Mrs. Black was yelling profanities, but was soon silenced by a whispered spell. Harry and Ron looked at each other in silent understanding. Wrapped in the ever-useful Invisibility cloak, they made their way out of the room and down the stair, stopping every time the old floorboards creaked and moaned.
They could hear hushed voices and then something that sounded like sobbing before the people disappeared into the kitchen. The boys crept to the closed door, pressing their ears against the wood. The people on the other side were apparently trying to keep their voices down and listening to Shacklebolt's report. Occasionally they could hear Mrs. Weasley's strained voice interrupting.
Dread overcame the boys. "We don't know if anything happened to her," Ron tried to reassure his friend, who had sunken to the floor. "Hermione knows more spells than anyone."
But if he was honest with himself, he was as afraid as Harry was. Even someone as powerful as their Hermione would not stand a chance against fully trained Death Eaters. "Come on; let's get back upstairs. There's nothing we can do now."
Harry didn't move; he remained on the floor his head buried in his hands. Suddenly the door was pushed open, and a ginger cat with a squashed face emerged. "Crookshanks!" Ron exclaimed loudly, not caring if he woke the whole house. Surely that meant that their friend was okay, why would her familiar be here otherwise? Only seconds after Ron's relieved shout, a grim looking Remus Lupin walked up to Harry.
"Hermione?" Harry's one word question was met by a shake of Remus' head. He reached down and drew the boy to his feet, then motioned for Ron to follow them into the kitchen. Arthur Weasley conjured to chairs for them to take while Molly stood abruptly and left the room in tears. No one needed to say anything, the sadness and helplessness in the room was tangible.
"Is she dead?" A blunt question, asked without preliminaries.
"We don't know for sure," Remus answered, trying to gauge the young wizard's reactions. "We went to pick her up..."
"She is dead, boy," Alastor Moody interrupted. "They had better know the truth. This is war. You're doing them a disservice, if you give them hope like that."
"You know very well that we didn't find a body," Shacklebolt injected hotly. "She may still live for all we know."
"Don't be ridiculous; the house was in ruins. Even if You-Know-Who's scum didn't kill her, the tons of concrete she was buried under surely did," Moody snarled. "The faster they learn to accept the truth the better."
"But..." Ron tried to speak through the lump in his throat, "didn't you send people to look for her. What if she was injured but got away, she could have Apparated... or..."
"The were no traces of the girl, and I will not send out valuable forces to search for someone who is dead." That said the self-appointed new leader of the Order of the Phoenix stood and excused himself, leaving behind five desolate men, two of whom had started crying silently.
It was a beautiful, star-strewn night, a soft breeze caressed his face. Severus Snape took a deep breath, clearing his mind. The rough surface of his emotional lake slowly became still; a little ripple would disturb the water every time he thought of the girl, hopefully deep asleep and safe.
He had flown onto the roof of an old vacated office building overlooking the city of Newcastle. It had been his refuge since he was a child. Whenever his father had started lashing out at him, he would come here. Thoughts of his father made the familiar anger rise in him. He hated the man with a vengeance although Tobias Snape was long dead. And yet, Severus Snape had in many areas of his life become like his despised father. He was just as sour and treated people with the same lofty cruelty. Even with the similarities between them, there was one thing Severus would never do violate a woman.
True, he had killed and tortured, but he had never raped, hexed or beaten a woman. It had earned him many punishments, but he couldn't and wouldn't do it. His mother's pleas and her soulless eyes haunted him as much as Dumbledore's did. He saw her in every victim... He would never strike a woman, never.
Taking a last look at the sleeping city, he mounted his broom. The sun was already rising, painting the sky a pale pink. He needed to return to Hermione. If the young bushy-haired woman could forgive him one day, he would put his past to rest.
The atmosphere at headquarters was loaded with sadness and despair. After Hermione's supposed death, another problem had arisen.
"Nothing. He won't speak to anyone, not even Ron or Ginny," Molly informed her husband, two oldest sons and the assembled order members, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks and Minerva McGonagall. Since the night of Hermione's disappearance, Harry had locked himself in the attic. He refused to talk, refused company and had consequently not been seen by anyone for the last week. The only sign of life was the disappearance of the food that was placed in front of his closed door every evening.
The two youngest Weasleys felt as if they had lost two friends. Ginny had spent two nights in front of Harry's closed door, pleading and begging. He didn't acknowledge her. Ron was crying himself to sleep almost every night. He had hoped he and Hermione would get closer living together in one house. In his time with Lavender, he had realized that Hermione was the one he wanted, had wanted for a long time. Now it was all too late. He missed her.
"Mum," Bill ventured, "what if Hermione is still alive? Maybe we should search for her, check the neighbourhood, Muggle hospitals and hotels."
"Kingsley and I already did," Lupin answered. "He contacted some Muggle, who questioned the neighbours. No one saw anything."
"Okay then, I'll go check the hospitals. Charlie, you coming?" Bill stood waiting for his younger brother. Together they left; after all doing something, however useless, was better then sitting around idly.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Innocence Lost
87 Reviews | 7.29/10 Average
HI, I went through this in one go, and I liked your ideas here. Leaving this note so that you know that people are still reading and enjoying this story!!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. I really hope I'll manage to finish it, but I have so many projects going on at the moment that I hardly find the time to write anything for pleasure.
I hope the story is not abandoned. Good luck in fighting RL ;-)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. No it's not abandoned. I have just been very busy with my three month old baby boy. :)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. No it's not abandoned. I have just been very busy with my three month old baby boy. :)
Just saying hello and that I hope your real life is going well.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Too hectic and busy for my comfort. My job leaves me no time for much else. Apart from that I fine. Thanks for the concern. Hope you are and yours are fine.Juli
I hope there is an update waiting..
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
RL is very busy just now, but I promise that I'll not abandon the story.
*Sighs* It sucks that Draco is dead.. But I still want more of the story!!! LOL...
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Some things just have to happen.
Another great chapter.. With a special thanks to Jacob as well.!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks for the review. And I'll tell him.
You're right, they are not very long, but you have kept me reading so far.. Which is more then I can say for most Lol.. I normally turn around with my head behind my arse running like a mad man with some things. But you, you have me running in your direction to read more. Julianna
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Now that's nice. I know what you mean though, there are some stories that make me run as well.
Just thought you would like to know of a little error on this page dear.. [Quote]"He would find our eventually, wouldn't he? There was more important business now. Hermione Granger, for one [endquote]I believe you meant, "He would find out........" I'm loving your story by the way!! Thanks for allowing small people like me read it.!And that was an unbelieveable poem.. If you wrote that yourself.. Much congrats for that as well are in order!Julianna
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks, for telling me. I'm glad you like the story. The poem is one of the first I ever wrote and remains one of my best to this day I think.
Wait... you... you.... you let Lucius... kill Draco??? And Lucius is going to train a new Death Eater spy?? Nobody knew where Draco was going and that he was meeting with Lucius? EEKS!!!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
It is something that needed to happen for the story to progress.
Poor Draco!
I am so glad you updated! great chapter.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks for the review.
Okay did Draco kill his dad? An Draco took polyjuice or a glamour?
There's still not something right about Harry handling that coin. And Dumbledore needs to stop acting this way.
waiting for more. enjoying your story. thank you for the wonderful update. p
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
You are right Dumbledore is still acting like the headmaster talking to some little children. And much to understanding where Harry is concerned.Thanks for the review.
Response from pickles (Reviewer)
Hey you didn't answer my draco/luc question....
Oh my, he killed his son?
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Desperate times...Thanks for the review.
Oh no, not Draco! But something about that last bit sounds fishy to me. Is that Draco in a Polyjuice disguise? Please let it be so. Thanks for the new chapter!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks for the review. I have to bite my tongue to not give anything away.
Excellent story so far and I can't wait to read more.
I really like the recent developments. Narcissa approaching Dumbledore is a really original take. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you! I haven't read that before, and I thought that Narcissa would cover her bases' so to speak and make sure Draco is safe no matter what happens.
Woot! Dumbledore's back! Yey! *sighs* Finally, Harry has let go of his hate... I love this story!!
Please update soon!~Sarah
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Yeah, I'm happy to have Dumbledore back. I'm glad you like the story. Thanks for the review.
Well, I'm very curious about what happened to destroy the Riddle award, but I'm also concerned about Severus. Is it certain he's safe from all the Order members, and the Aurors? More catnip for Crookshanks!! Will ghost-Albus now hang around Grimmauld Place or Hogwarts, or go with Severus, or with Harry, or... Thank you for the new chapter!!!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Questions, question, questions lolI can't answer them now, really. All I can say is that there is an explanation for the destruction of the horcruxes. It all comes down to Harry - that's all I day for now.Thanks for the review.
I just got caught up on the last few chapters and I am impressed with the plot development. Look forward to the next installment :) As always, thank you for writing
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you for the nice review. I'm really glad that the plot works.
JULI!!! HURRY UP AND UPDATE!!!The power of christ compells you!(okay, too much austin powers for me...)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
I'll try.Thanks for the review.the Queen of Squick's response: ...oh, dear. I just got an image of you hanging on for dear life as your chair starts spinning out of control, and you trying to reach for the keyboard to type.BAD Queen! BAD!! CHANNEL YOUR OVERACTIVE IMAGINATION INTO WRITING!!! lol
I'm still worried about Severus' safety - what if Hermione isn't there and the boys find him? Can't count on Molly to be around all the time either, and Moody is too quick with a hex. Scary!! Thanks for the update.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Yes, I think Moody is the biggest problem. He can see through concret and such, can't he? I'll try to keep him safe, for how long... we shall see.Thanks for the review.
I love this story, it is emotional and well written with a great plot :)
well done and I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. We are in the middle of it all now. There will be some action soon.
oops, swooning. It was time they aknowledge their feelings.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Yes, I think so too. And besides I promised warty lemons and I she would have sent Pumbles after me for sure...
Congratulations! Very worthy excuse.
Good chapter! It's nice to know that Hermione's impulsive message wasn't a bad thing after all. Now to explain Severus' presence to the uninitiated...
Looking forward to more!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. Yes, they had more luck than they could have hoped. If the order had been a few minutes to late...Severus' presence at headquarters will cause some problems that's for sure.
Congratulations on the wedding!! I assume the dress fit, despite the temptation of any stray chocolates?
Thanks for the new chapter! So, Harry is influenced by the presence of the "medal" Horcrux - will be interesting to see how influenced he is. You won't let them hex Severus when they see him, will you? And that dratted Percy is still on the loose!! And where is Draco?! (Hey, as long as you're back from your honeymoon, you have nothing else to write besides thank-you notes for all the wedding presents... )
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. No the thank-you notes are my husbands job. I planned the wedding he can take care of that alone.The story is moving along nicely. I droped a lot of little hints and clues and will have to bring it all together.Oh, and I still have to finish my gift for the ss/hg_exchange.