Fight and Flame
Chapter 15 of 20
Juli_MinIt was a nightmare come true.
ReviewedChapter Fourteen Fight and Flame
Dust flakes swirled in the center of the Trophy Room, making the two boys cough and sniff uncontrollably. The light from the newly-conjured light spheres bathed the room in a warm glow. Supervised by the portrait of Albus Dumbledore, Harry and Ron had opened all the cabinets and were in the process of pulling one trinket after the other from the shelves.
"Seems I was the last one to clean up in here," Ron huffed, lifting a heavy golden bowl from the top shelf of the biggest case.
Harry smiled; it was nice remembering old times when everything was still a kind of game, deadly as it had been even then. They had all been so naïve, had so much trust in their own luck and Dumbledore's guidance. Hermione had always said that what he showed the public could not be all there was to him. Harry frowned; he had never listened to that. Yes, he had raved after Sirius' death, but could there be a dark side to the twinkling wizard?
"...a million shades of grey..." Dumbledore had said. Did he include himself in this; was it a hint? Harry shook his head slowly. Dumbledore was dead. He would not think about the bad traits he may or may not have had.
"So, what do we do now?" Ron asked, turning to face the tapestry. "Hey, where has Dumbledore gone off to?"
Harry looked over his shoulder to see that the former headmaster was indeed nowhere to be seen. Before he could say anything, the door was flung open with force.
"You two have some nerve," Remus bellowed, "traipsing off like that without informing anyone."
"But Dumble..." Ron started only to be nudged by Harry. He had dealt with an angry Lupin before and knew how to deal with him. He needed to get it all out before he could be reasoned with.
Most importantly, however, Harry was not sure if Dumbledore wanted anyone to know that he was involved. He had seen on two occasions how the portrait of Dumbledore pretended to be asleep or left the room when McGonagall or others were present. It was an odd behaviour, but after everything that had happened in the past, Harry had learned to not draw any rash conclusions. For now, Dumbledore's continued guidance would remain a secret.
"What in Merlin's name is the meaning of this..." McGonagall shrieked, indicating the trophies and awards that the boys had stacked pell-mell on the floor.
"We just..." Ron's attempt at an explanation was interrupted again, this time, however, by a shout of pain.
Severus had no sooner drawn Hermione to her feet than the wooden door was blown off its hinges. Splinters and dust flew everywhere, making the figures that had just forced entry quite unidentifiable.
Severus pushed Hermione behind himself, drawing his wand, ready to defend them. He was not sure who the intruders were or if he could take on all of them, but he would not allow any harm to come to the shaking woman behind his back.
"Well, well, well," came a sneering female voice. "Isn't that cosy?"
"Explains why the potion isn't ready yet," a cloaked figure added.
Hermione drew in an audible breath. Five Death Eaters stood just inside the house, fully attired, wands drawn.
It was a nightmare come true. He had lived with the knowledge that he would die sooner or later by the hands of his one-time allies, was resigned to the fact even. He never thought that he could be that afraid again. For his life. For Hermione's life.
The month with her had softened him up, it was true. But it was the potion that had taught him again what desire and longing felt like. And if he was completely honest with himself, he had to admit that he had more feelings for Hermione than were entirely proper. It was not lust or even love, but a longing for companionship. He loved challenging her, although he did it in a sarcastic way. No matter how difficult he made life for her and her friends, she had always respected and defended him.
"What do you want?" Severus asked, his voice cold, but not as steady as he would have liked.
"Why, how polite you have become," said the only female of the group. She made a show of removing her mask, lowering her hood and shaking her black hair back over her shoulders.
Bellatrix Lestrange looked nothing like she had when Severus had last seen her. Her face had smoothed out, the eyes were still dark, but she looked less drawn. A strange magic had surely been at work here, for she looked younger, but a lot less human. Hermione shivered and grasped Severus' robe for comfort.
"Yaxley, Avery, get the potion and ingredients," Bellatrix ordered. "They should be somewhere in the cellars. Bring them directly to our Lord; do not linger." The two smallest men of the group nodded and turned to comply. When they were out of earshot, Bellatrix turned to address Severus again.
"I always knew that there was something fishy about you. And here I find you protecting one of our enemies. When I was told that you were guilty of betrayal, I..."
Bellatrix never finished. Hermione had used her distraction to cast a non-verbal Petrificus Totalus. A moment of wonderment, and then all hell broke loose.
Spells were flying, destroying furniture and walls.
Hermione and Severus were separated by their enemies. The two male Death Eaters were advancing on Hermione while Severus was busy duelling with Bellatrix.
Hermione ducked an unknown spell and was hit by a slicing hex. She screamed in pain, clutching her bleeding shoulder. Severus turned at the anguished shout to see if he could help. This second of inattentiveness was all it took for Bellatrix to utter the Cruciatus Curse.
Severus fell to the floor, his muscles spasming from the power of it. His only lucid thought was Hermione. He could hear her sobs, could hear someone talking to her. The more he concentrated on her, the more the strength of the curse lessened, and he tried to crawl to her. He had vowed to protect her, and he would do so even if it cost his life.
He could see her, near the couch they had occupied. Someone was bending over her, watching the blood pouring out of a big cut. He needed to get to her. He tried to rise to his hands and knees only to fall down when his muscles burned in protest.
"Stupefy!" someone yelled, and the pain receded. Then all went silent around him.
"No! Please don't!"
Severus was slowly regaining his consciousness when Hermione's sobbed plea penetrated the haze of his mind. Believing her in danger, he tried to lift himself from the floor. Something heavy but soft was pressed against his back, and it took him a moment to realize that it was a human body.
"Hermione?" he croaked, his voice rough.
The person resting over him stiffened momentarily before the weight lifted from his back. Two knees came into his line of vision and tender hands helped him roll over.
"Hermione?" he asked again, trying to focus his heavy eyes on the concerned face hovering above him.
Hermione softly stroked his hair, undisturbed by the presence of Aurors and Order members.
He coughed heavily, trying to sit up to ease his breathing. Hermione moved behind Severus and carefully repositioned his head in her lap.
"He needs a glass of water," she said, catching Kingsley Shacklebolt's eye. "And then he'll need to see Madam Pomfrey."
"Miss Granger," the tall black Auror cautioned, "he is a known Death Eater and murderer. I can't... He'll get treatment at St Mungo's, but after that I'll have to turn him in. I would lose my job if I didn't."
"You'll have to get past me then," Hermione threatened. "I'll not allow you to take him away." Although the young woman knew that her threat was quite idle, she would not let Severus down. He was one of her friends now, and she always fought for her friends.
Bill Weasley handed her a glass of water, looking Snape over with a rather calculating expression. He seemed to take stock of the former professor's injuries. And then his eyes lifted to Hermione's face.
With an almost non-existent nod of his head, he whirled around, wand raised. "Obliviate!" he shouted, and a beam of bright blue light hit Kingsley squarely in the chest.
"Get him out of here!" the red-haired man shouted to his brother Charlie. He immediately complied and led the confused Auror out of the room.
"What...?" Hermione's confused gaze shifted between Bill and the only other remaining person in the room, Nymphadora Tonks.
"I won't tell a thing," the pink-haired woman assured her. "You better get him to headquarters before the reinforcements get here."
"I... " Hermione was at a loss for words. She couldn't believe that her friends trusted her judgement enough to allow a supposed murderer refuge.
Tonks drew an old handkerchief out of her pocket and brought it to the couple still on the floor. She thrust it at Hermione with a sad smile. "Portkey," she explained. "Ministry authorised. It'll take you directly to Grimmauld Place. It's empty but for Molly."
Hermione took the piece of cloth and wrapped it around Severus' hand. She then drew him closer against her body and took his hand. Tonks tapped her wand at their joined hands and mumbled a word to activate it. A blink of an eye later, the two were gone, leaving two relieved and concerned people in their wake.
All eyes turned to Remus Lupin, who was tearing at his robes with a vengeance. His face was contorted in pain, teeth biting his lower lip to keep from screaming out again. He felt as if he were on fire.
Arthur made to assist him, and winced at the fire that immediately set in his veins. He tore his hand away and reached for his wand. Sweat was running down Remus' forehead and his body shuddered as if he were under a curse.
Just when he was about to faint from exhaustion and pain, Harry yanked the robes from Remus' body. The heavy fabric landed with a thump on the floor, knocking several trophies over. The five watched with rapt attention as a strange green fire burned a hole through the dark brown fabric.
"What the bloody hell..." Ron wasn't quite sure what he wanted to say, but his outcry pulled the other four out of their trance.
Spells were cast, but the fire persisted. The light in the spheres flared high before they went out, casting the room in near darkness. The green flame flickered once more and went out with a hiss.
"Lumos!" the voice of Minerva McGonagall intoned, but nothing of her usual briskness was left. The lights went back on, and all eyes went to Remus' burned robes. A small vial, containing the blood of the boy Tom Riddle, was hovering over them, encased in green flame. It swung back and forth before it suddenly picked up speed and aimed for Harry.
He lifted his wand, ready to cast a Shield Charm or anything else that could deflect the thing. As if it could sense the resistance, it took a sharp turn and landed on a small golden shield at Ron's feet.
"That was totally crazy," Ron exclaimed. Without thinking he reached down and picked up the little bottle and the award. "They're stuck together," he told his flabbergasted audience.
"Let me see that," Harry said, his voice stern. He took the two objects out of Ron's hand and stared dumbfounded at the engravings of the golden shield.
"Remus, what's in that bottle?" he asked, dreading the answer he felt would come.
Remus moved to look over Harry's shoulder and in a quite voice answered, "It's the blood sample of one Tom M. Riddle."
Harry nodded, his eyes still fixed on the second object. It was an award for special services to the school, and it had been awarded to the Head Boy, Tom Riddle, when he had accused Hagrid of setting free the monster of Slytherin.
The pieces slowly clicked into place. The residual dark power in this room, Riddle's award, his blood, the disturbing reaction.
"It's a Horcrux," he whispered.
A/N: I know it's been a while, but I hope the chapter was a least worth the wait.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Innocence Lost
87 Reviews | 7.29/10 Average
HI, I went through this in one go, and I liked your ideas here. Leaving this note so that you know that people are still reading and enjoying this story!!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. I really hope I'll manage to finish it, but I have so many projects going on at the moment that I hardly find the time to write anything for pleasure.
I hope the story is not abandoned. Good luck in fighting RL ;-)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. No it's not abandoned. I have just been very busy with my three month old baby boy. :)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. No it's not abandoned. I have just been very busy with my three month old baby boy. :)
Just saying hello and that I hope your real life is going well.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Too hectic and busy for my comfort. My job leaves me no time for much else. Apart from that I fine. Thanks for the concern. Hope you are and yours are fine.Juli
I hope there is an update waiting..
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
RL is very busy just now, but I promise that I'll not abandon the story.
*Sighs* It sucks that Draco is dead.. But I still want more of the story!!! LOL...
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Some things just have to happen.
Another great chapter.. With a special thanks to Jacob as well.!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks for the review. And I'll tell him.
You're right, they are not very long, but you have kept me reading so far.. Which is more then I can say for most Lol.. I normally turn around with my head behind my arse running like a mad man with some things. But you, you have me running in your direction to read more. Julianna
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Now that's nice. I know what you mean though, there are some stories that make me run as well.
Just thought you would like to know of a little error on this page dear.. [Quote]"He would find our eventually, wouldn't he? There was more important business now. Hermione Granger, for one [endquote]I believe you meant, "He would find out........" I'm loving your story by the way!! Thanks for allowing small people like me read it.!And that was an unbelieveable poem.. If you wrote that yourself.. Much congrats for that as well are in order!Julianna
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks, for telling me. I'm glad you like the story. The poem is one of the first I ever wrote and remains one of my best to this day I think.
Wait... you... you.... you let Lucius... kill Draco??? And Lucius is going to train a new Death Eater spy?? Nobody knew where Draco was going and that he was meeting with Lucius? EEKS!!!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
It is something that needed to happen for the story to progress.
Poor Draco!
I am so glad you updated! great chapter.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks for the review.
Okay did Draco kill his dad? An Draco took polyjuice or a glamour?
There's still not something right about Harry handling that coin. And Dumbledore needs to stop acting this way.
waiting for more. enjoying your story. thank you for the wonderful update. p
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
You are right Dumbledore is still acting like the headmaster talking to some little children. And much to understanding where Harry is concerned.Thanks for the review.
Response from pickles (Reviewer)
Hey you didn't answer my draco/luc question....
Oh my, he killed his son?
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Desperate times...Thanks for the review.
Oh no, not Draco! But something about that last bit sounds fishy to me. Is that Draco in a Polyjuice disguise? Please let it be so. Thanks for the new chapter!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thanks for the review. I have to bite my tongue to not give anything away.
Excellent story so far and I can't wait to read more.
I really like the recent developments. Narcissa approaching Dumbledore is a really original take. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you! I haven't read that before, and I thought that Narcissa would cover her bases' so to speak and make sure Draco is safe no matter what happens.
Woot! Dumbledore's back! Yey! *sighs* Finally, Harry has let go of his hate... I love this story!!
Please update soon!~Sarah
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Yeah, I'm happy to have Dumbledore back. I'm glad you like the story. Thanks for the review.
Well, I'm very curious about what happened to destroy the Riddle award, but I'm also concerned about Severus. Is it certain he's safe from all the Order members, and the Aurors? More catnip for Crookshanks!! Will ghost-Albus now hang around Grimmauld Place or Hogwarts, or go with Severus, or with Harry, or... Thank you for the new chapter!!!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Questions, question, questions lolI can't answer them now, really. All I can say is that there is an explanation for the destruction of the horcruxes. It all comes down to Harry - that's all I day for now.Thanks for the review.
I just got caught up on the last few chapters and I am impressed with the plot development. Look forward to the next installment :) As always, thank you for writing
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you for the nice review. I'm really glad that the plot works.
JULI!!! HURRY UP AND UPDATE!!!The power of christ compells you!(okay, too much austin powers for me...)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
I'll try.Thanks for the review.the Queen of Squick's response: ...oh, dear. I just got an image of you hanging on for dear life as your chair starts spinning out of control, and you trying to reach for the keyboard to type.BAD Queen! BAD!! CHANNEL YOUR OVERACTIVE IMAGINATION INTO WRITING!!! lol
I'm still worried about Severus' safety - what if Hermione isn't there and the boys find him? Can't count on Molly to be around all the time either, and Moody is too quick with a hex. Scary!! Thanks for the update.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Yes, I think Moody is the biggest problem. He can see through concret and such, can't he? I'll try to keep him safe, for how long... we shall see.Thanks for the review.
I love this story, it is emotional and well written with a great plot :)
well done and I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. We are in the middle of it all now. There will be some action soon.
oops, swooning. It was time they aknowledge their feelings.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Yes, I think so too. And besides I promised warty lemons and I she would have sent Pumbles after me for sure...
Congratulations! Very worthy excuse.
Good chapter! It's nice to know that Hermione's impulsive message wasn't a bad thing after all. Now to explain Severus' presence to the uninitiated...
Looking forward to more!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. Yes, they had more luck than they could have hoped. If the order had been a few minutes to late...Severus' presence at headquarters will cause some problems that's for sure.
Congratulations on the wedding!! I assume the dress fit, despite the temptation of any stray chocolates?
Thanks for the new chapter! So, Harry is influenced by the presence of the "medal" Horcrux - will be interesting to see how influenced he is. You won't let them hex Severus when they see him, will you? And that dratted Percy is still on the loose!! And where is Draco?! (Hey, as long as you're back from your honeymoon, you have nothing else to write besides thank-you notes for all the wedding presents... )
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Innocence Lost)
Thank you. No the thank-you notes are my husbands job. I planned the wedding he can take care of that alone.The story is moving along nicely. I droped a lot of little hints and clues and will have to bring it all together.Oh, and I still have to finish my gift for the ss/hg_exchange.