New Chapter for Reason for Living
Reason for Living
MuseAmusant82 Reviews | 82 Ratings, 0 Likes, 87 Favorites )
Hermione Weasley is given devastating news that shatters her world. Can she find a new reason for living?
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Reviews for Reason for Living
I really hope you will continue and finish this story, it has so much promise of Ron-bashing that I can forgive Hermione for her temporary insanity of marrying him in the first place. Add that the story is extremely well written and plotted, it really brings out the emotions, and you have a story I would love to see finished.
Ron is a right old bastard! And Rita....AHHHHHH!
Keep this one rolling....I love it!
Well, Lavender didn't waste any time did she? Typical of the less than secure man, Ron just ate up the garbage she spewed to get her man. Pfft, they deserve each other. Now Hermione will be free to find happiness with someone more deserving, nudge, nudge. Wonderful story, I've been enjoying catching up. Thanks for the enjoyable sanity break!
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
I think Lav's been stuck on Ron for a really long time and has decided that she's prepared to do whatever is necessary to get what she wants. But at what cost?As for our Hermione, while things will be getting darker for her in the immediate future, she has many people ready and willing to stand by her. And you're so welcome! Thank you for reading and reviewing, it's so appreciated. :)
I bet Voldemort used some dark curse on Muggle-borns and half-bloods to prevent non-pure offspring.I hope the Healers together with Snape will find what's going onl, and how to help those couples - or the Wizarding World will come close to extinction soon.As for Lavender and Ron having a baby - I don't remember if Lavender is a pure-blood or not, so maybe she will be able to have this baby. But she doesn't strike me as the motherly type. Poot baby, with those parents ...
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Is Voldemort responsible? Well, maybe not him exactly, but you're on the right track. About Lavender: I understand JKR has waffled back and forth about Lav's blood status. But in her original class draft, Lavender was listed as pureblood, which is what I'm going with in this story. I don't see her as the motherly type either. Poor baby, indeed.
Goodness grace! How can anyone be so cruel to someone he supposedly loves - or rather loved, if I interpret that Lavender comment right.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Something's definitely up with Ron and his aberrant behavior. We will learn exactly what as the story unfolds.Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! :)
Oh, how sas for Hermione. Not only was she alone at St. Mungo's when her live obviously was in danger, but also did she have to receive such a devastating message without the support of her husband. And now she will be worrying about her relationship, because her husband wants to be able to have a quidditch team of his own children.Poor woman.A very intriguing prologue. You definitely made me curious for more.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Hermione's definitely going through a very rough patch at the moment. But even though she doesn't have her husband there to support her, she does have some wonderful friends who truly love her and will be there for her.Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, it's greatly appreciated!
Hmmm! Lavender expecting? Dissing on Hermione's misfortunes? And the Healers don't know what's going on? I see divine retribution ahead. ^_^Not that I'm wishing harm to anyone, but I get the feeling that Lav-Lav may be the first pureblood-pureblood case.This is an excellent treatment of such a delicate subject. My sister-in-law had three miscarriages between her first and second babies. I held her hand for two of them because my brother was stationed overseas. I can really sympathise with the families in this story.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Divine retribution? You could say that, yes. But perhaps not in the way you might think. :)I am so glad you think I'm handling this delicate subject and the characters involved in an appropriate and respectful manner. I was rather concerned about that. BTW, it sounds like your sister-in-law is an incredibly strong woman with a wonderfully supportive family. Kudos to you all!
Sad chapter but a good update.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Things will be difficult for Hermione, Ginny and Harry for awhile, but things have a way of turning themselves around for good people like them. :)
Really good story line.(unique little gem). So.. ummm I get to ron and lavender. Don't like her. When will we see what happens with ron and lavs baby? Please update soon.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Thank you! I'm so pleased to hear you're enjoying the story. On the subject of Ron and Lavender's baby: Well, bear in mind that only mixed couples have been affected so far. As a pureblood-pureblood couple, they're probably safe.The next chapter is already written and is currently being beta read, so the next update shouldn't be too far away Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review! :)
Holy Hannah! What???? I mean What A JERK!!! Oh, I say that every chapter, don't I? Wait, I mean what a pig. Man, you really get me riled with this Ron guy. Poor Harry and Ginny, but it's good that they're one step closer to figuring everything out. Am interested to see some Severus/Hermione interactions eventually. (Sooner than later.) :) Anyhoo, exciting update, in that it got my blood boiling.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Well, you're in good company as Ron seems to be doing a bang-up job of infuriating everyone around him. Unfortunately, he will continue to do so for a while yet. But we'll also start getting a clearer idea of when and how Ron started to change, from Hermione's perspective, in the very next chapter.Poor Harry and Ginny indeed. And you're right, though the loss of their child is heartbreaking, it gives Severus and his fellow researchers one more crucial clue in their fight to identify the substance and find a cure.As for Severus and Hermione working together, I can say that it will be happening sooner rather than later. Perhaps as soon as Chapter 5. :)
It will be interesting to see what Ron thinks when he finds out about his sister. And if Lavender and Ron want to be together, I say go for it. No one else will want either of them!
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
True, Ron and Lavender are doing a bang-up job of alienating those around them. Especially Ron. And things are about to get much, much worse.As for Ron's reaction to Ginny and Harry's loss, that remains to be seen. But he had best remove his head from his arse before he talks to either of them, or Bat-Bogeys will be the least of his worries...
OH UGH. Ron is just so horrible. I can't wait until he finds out about Ginny!!
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Oh, he'll find out. But how Ron will react to the news remains to be seen. He may have unleashed a whole 'nother hornets nest by then...
Just wait until Lav-Lav miscarries as well, and the Healers find out that she has the same problem Hermione does! In canon, if memory serves, Lavender Brown is a Muggleborn like Hermione -- in PoA, Lavender Bown is one of the few students with a puzzled look on her face when Trelawney mentions The Grim (but if she were either a pureblood or a half-blood, she would probably already know what a Grim is). So the question is...will Ron be there for Lavender when he wasn't willing to be there for Hermione, or will he admit that he was wrong?
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
About Lavender: From what I've read, Jo waffled back and forth on the subject of Lav's blood status. But in her original class draft, Lavender is listed as pureblood, and that's what I'm going I'm going with in this story. At any rate, Lavender would had to have been either a pureblood or a half-blood, because she did attend Hogwarts during the year Voldemort was more or less in control and requiring all Muggle-borns to register with the Ministry.
Response from MlleGigi (Reviewer)
I gather that means Lavender isn't going to miscarry, since both she and Ron are purebloods in this Ginny's miscarriage will probably have to be the one which sets him straight. For Hermione's sake, I hope Ron's repentance will be heartfelt and not simply an example of adding insult to injury...but no matter how sorry he might be, there are some wounds for which no amount of apology can compensate. The infidelity was bad enough...but the accusations which he flung at her on top of it were incredibly cruel and completely unjustified.
I really feel for Harry and Ginny. I think that Hermione and Ginny will be good for each other. As far as Ron and Lav Lav go, I hope you write them to hell. I look forward to your next update.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Harry will definitely be there for Ginny and so will Hermione. They'll really need each other in the days and weeks ahead. Ron and Lavender will get what's coming to them, eventually. Count on it.As for the next update, Chapter Four has already been written. It may be delayed a day or two, but that's only because 'Reason' has finally acquired a beta in the lovely and talented Luvsev! :)
I am so happy to see the update, brilliantly written as usual:-)) I am very sorry for Harry and Ginny loosing their baby too, hopefully some good will come of it, making it easier for Severus to find the reason behind and hopefully a cure. Into this, Ron has a reality check comming his way doesn't he? I bet that a bat-boogey hex will be the last of his worries if he utters one bad word about loosing babies around Ginny and Harry, though I am quite sure he will manage to put his foot in his mouth more than once more. Say, I honestly don't remember, is Lavender halfblood or pureblood? Not that I would whish for anyone to loose their baby, but at the same time I wouldn't mind the bitch Lavender to feel some of the pain Hermione, and other women, has gone through. Not to mention how happy Molly and Arthur will be to be presented with the proof that Ron not only is a lousy husband, he is a cheating husband. I can fanthom it will sit well with Molly that at the same time Hermione miscarried, he shared Lavenders bed. I can also see a Harry and Ginny accepting and be grateful for the help from Severus (and the other healers of course), Ron on the other hand..... I am very much looking forward to read more.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Thank you for such a lovely compliment! :)And you're right... while the loss of their child is heartbreaking for Harry and Ginny, it has given Severus and the other researchers another crucial clue, hopefully bringing them one step closer to a cure.Re Lavender: From what I've read, Jo kind of waffled back and forth with regard to Lav's blood status. But on her draft class list, Lavender Brown was listed as a pureblood witch, so that's what I'm going with here.About Molly's likely reaction to the news that Ron has been cheating on Hermione for some time... I think it's safe to say that Won-Won's bollocks are in mortal peril. And then there's Hermione. While she's had her suspicions, she's about to get presented with irrefutable proof of her husband's infidelity...
Hmm, what's up with Ron? And is it something that Lavender is doing? She seems a little too sure of herself regarding Ron, so I wonder... Also, if Ron is being manipulated by outside forces, how will he react to the news that his sister Ginny has lost her baby now? Especially if he's made aware that the circumstances are eerily similar to Hermione's?What a mystery! I look forward to reading more about Severus' attempts to isolate the cause, and hopefully having Hermione him in the process. I'm sure she wouldn't wish any of what happened to her on Ginny or on any other witch (not even Lav-Lav).
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
On your questions regarding Ron and Lavender, let me just say you're very perceptive. We will learn more about what's going on with them as the story continues to unfold. As for Ron's reaction to Ginny and Harry's loss, that remains to be seen.Severus is working hard get to the bottom of this medical mystery... someone with motivation and a real talent for research like Hermione would surely be a tremendous asset right about now. :)
And you're right... Hermione is much too civilized and compassionate a witch to ever wish such pain on anyone. Even her worst enemy.
Like Snape, not something I would wish on anyone, but after their treatment of Hermione, I hope Won-Won and Lavvy have a troubled pregnancy!
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Hm. Well, let's put it this way. Ron and Lavender will have their share of troubles. Whether those troubles are pregnancy-related remains to be seen. Thanks for reviewing! :)
Oh I feel so sorry for Ginny and Harry. Now what did Voldy do? Obviously something.....I hope Ron sees the light but I doubt it especially since Lavendar will probably carry to term....because she is a pure blood and nothing will happen to her baby.Keep up the good work!
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Poor Ginny and Harry, indeed.Is Moldy Voldy responsible for what's happening? Well... maybe not him personally, but you're on the right track. On Ron seeing the light: Not likely to happen. At least not anytime soon. As for Lavender, while there has been some question about her blood status, I am going with Jo's original class draft in which Lav was listed as pureblood. Thanks!
Well thank God that Molly and Arthur are on Hermione's side...and kicked Ron out. How dare he think that just because he was their son that they would think that she would lose a baby on purpose. I am so glad Molly slapped him.WAY TO GO MOLLY!!!!!
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Molly definitely gave her errant son at least some of what he so richly deserves. Unfortunately for him, he seems to have forgotten that Molly is a mother too, one with strong maternal instincts. We'll learn more about why Molly and Arthur both are so supportive of Hermione in the next chapter.Thanks for taking a moment to review! :)
Ron is such a could he even think that she would purposely lose a baby. As someone who has been there, I have know idea why anyone would want to do that on purpose. I can't believe that not only did he think that she would do that but he really doesn't care if he is cheating.....I hope he gets what he deserves.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Ron's a jerk who is letting his dangly bits do the thinking for him at the moment. And while there are other major factors at work here, I think that part of Ron's hideous accusations against Hermione may be coming from his own underlying guilt and insecurities.Ron will get exactly what he deserves... and then some.Thanks for reading and reviewing! :)
This is a fascinating story so far. Looking forward to reading more.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Thank you! I'm so delighted to hear you're enjoying the story. :)
poor Ginny and Harry..with this information Ron is going to blame Hermione all the more....can we kill him? please?????great chapter, just wish it was longer
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
I don't know about actually killing Ron, but trust me... Ron will pay a hefty price for his duplicity. In fact, in a sense, he is paying already. He just doesn't know it yet. About the chapter length: This is where the muse decided to stop, and I decided to follow her lead. Next week's chapter is a bit longer. We're currently at 1700+ words and counting. Also, it may be delayed a couple days or so as this fic has just acquired a beta reader: the lovely and talented Luvsev!
Wow, I'm glad that Molly slapped Ron he deserved that and more. At least it's clear that Hermione had the comfort and support of Molly and Arthur if not her own husband. They seemed surprised by his actions, so I am wondering is this harshness from Ron is a new occurance? Or has Hermione been protecting his parents from finding out what a complete ass their son turned out to be?I'm also glad she has Luna for a friend, Luna is one of my favorite characters. Can't wait to read the next chapter. :)
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Ron definitely deserved what Molly gave him. If he hadn't been her child, I expect he would have gotten a few nasty hexes as well. Yes, Molly and Arthur have been there for her when Ron wasn't. In the next chapter, there is a flashback of sorts from Hermione's POV that I think will clear some things up with regard to how things went so wrong with her marriage to Ron.I also love Luna... she will be popping up quite often, as she is an essential character to this story.Thanks again, for taking the time to read and review. :)
Wow! What a jerk your Ron is. I can't believe how totally selfish and unsympathetic he is being to Hermione. If this is how he has behaved throughout her other miscarriages and their marriage I am surprised that she has stayed with him up to this point. Of course being a HG/SS shipper, I want to see her with Severus anyway so I am glad to that she is getting away from Ron.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
I know that Ron's behavior seems somewhat uncharacteristic... while in the past he's been shown to have a rather vindictive, even cruel streak (as evidenced by his treatment of Hermione in HBP, in particular) his actions now are way beyond the pale. There's a bit of a flashback coming up, which will be from Hermione's POV, in which we will get a clearer idea of exactly how things things went so wrong in their marriage. I think things will make a bit more sense at that point.Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! :)
Very good start and how very sad for Hermione. Plus how awful to have to go through that and receive such devastating new all alone, where is Ron? He should have been there for her through this.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Reason for Living)
Very sad for Hermione, indeed. We will see that Ron's been... otherwise occupied. He should have been there for her, perhaps things would have turned out differently if he had.Thanks for taking a moment to review!