New Chapter for Future Perfect
Future Perfect
Doomspark136 Reviews | 136 Ratings, 0 Likes, 78 Favorites )
Fourteen year old Severus discovers that there's a very good reason why Time-turners are restricted.
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About Doomspark
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 152 | 35 Reviews Written | 531 Review Responses
Male. Married. Live in Florida. Owned by two Egyptian Maus, a red tabby, and a hairball-emitting pile of fluff.
Reviews for Future Perfect
Oh, I do so wish you'd continued this. It's [still] an enchanting read.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Future Perfect)
New chapter uploaded for your reading pleasure.
I almost fled in terror at the phrase "AU," but I'm somewhat glad so far I haven't. The beginning was really weird, with Tom being good (?) and headmaster, and some of the married pairs really threw me too. But overall, I'm trying to not think to much into it, and find out what happens to severus in this new world.
Okay, I read the first seven chapters on Ashwinder and the last three here. I repeat: WHEN DO YOU PLAN TO FINISH THIS STORY? *grin* It's fascinating to watch a different time-line play out. ^_^
What an interesting story! The future is so different because of the change. The characters are so different as well. Amazing what one little mishap can cause. I am assuming there will be interaction between Severus and Hermione. This is a great read.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Future Perfect)
Thanks! This was inspired by one of those "what would have happened it..." moments.
I love what you've made of this alternate time line. I hope Severus will become friends with Hermione at some point.
This is a really fun changing doors type story. I look forward to the next chapter.
This is truly an alternate universe, and I'm enjoying learning along with Severus how this world compares to the one he came from. I'm anticipating Severus meeting Hermioine.
I'm really enjoying your alternative timeline, but I can't quite get my head around Tom Riddle being so pleasant, and can't help thinking things are going to go awry for Severus at some stage. I look forward to the unfolding of the rest of your tale.
This is so cool, that Severus is going to have a much better year in this universe than in *his* universe. And no Marauders! Still no idea where you're taking this story or if there are any villains, but that's fine. I'm just hoping you don't return Severus to *his* universe and have him forget his new self-confidence, or to get confused between the different Tom Riddles. Thank you for updating, and YAY FOR YOUR MUSE!!!!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Future Perfect)
Well... things won't be all roses and sunshine... but this is (generally) a light and happy tale. Stay tuned for more little twists and turns.
I'm not a Dumbledore fan, so I'm finding it interesting to see how things could be different in this timeline. Poor Hermione though, with those bullies on her all the time.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Future Perfect)
Glad you're enjoying it.
Thank you. thank you, thank you for the update. This is a fantastic story and every chapter I read makes me hungry for more
Response from Doomspark (Author of Future Perfect)
You're very very welcome!
Why do I get the feeling it's all too perfect? :)
Response from Doomspark (Author of Future Perfect)
Because you know I'm a sneaky devil with a penchant for twisting things around?
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Yep, that's the one! :P
Glad you updated. Hope to see more soon. Quite the reaction from Severus. Can't wait to see what happens with Hermione and him.
Can we expect he will befriend Hermione later on? After all they have quite a lot in common.
Poor Hermione! How awful those boys are to her. No heroes there, IMO. Thanks for the update on this excellent tale.
Pettigrew and Narcissa? Wow, that's even more of a surprize than James Potter and Petunia. Very interesting! Thanks for this tale.
Continuing reading this after 2 years. amazing so far.
A fun idea: if Severus (or Malfoy) rescued that mirror in the junk shop, he could befriend it and get it placed somewhere useful. (Headmaster's office, maybe) Then he could communicate with it and learn stuff.
I've just read all chapter up to this one in one go. Sorry that I didn't stop to review, but I was just so caught up in your story.
Quite fascinating, all those differences between the two time-lines. The explanation with the time-line streams was rather intriguing.
I'm looking forward to a continuation of this tale.
I must admit that I had to go back to the beginning and re-read the whole thing, but it was well worth it. This story is fascinating. I love the whole quantum physics theories about how each event has an infinite number of possible outcomes. And the time-line streams that Flitwich explained make perfect sense. If Tom's mother had chosen to live and raise her son in a loving environment, how different would he (and history) have turned out?
I hope Severus befriends Hermione, partly to make up for the wrong he did to her doppleganger from his past, and partly because he can relate to her situation.
Hopefully you won't make us wait so long for an update next time. :)
I don't know how I missed this story, but it's a fascinating read. I'm curious to learn more about this young Severus, but the rape in his past took my by surprise.
Harry and his friends are the ones that really made me cringe, though.Actually, I wanted to slap the lot of them. Clearly they're the Marauders of this time, with Hermione being treated much like Severus was by his original time's Marauders.
I feel like he sympathizes with her situation, but her resemblance to the girl he victimized had to be a real kick in the teeth. I'll definitely be back to see how things progress from here.
Oh've certainly turned the Harry Potter world on its head, haven't you?
You seem to have a preference for Lucius, based on other works I've read by you. He a favorite character of yours?
I'm very interested in this fanfiction, I'll be reading more if new chapters arrive!
Please keep it up. :)
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! PETTIGREW with NARCISSA!?!? *twitch**shudder*
Response from Doomspark (Author of Future Perfect)
*chortle* Trust me, there's a reason for it.
Oh dear god. Boy he went and got himself in deep dinnit'e?
I just found this story today. Just proves that so much of who we are depends on our circumstances. I wonder if Merope lived and was a loving mother to Tom Riddle. Will we ever find out?This is a fascinating story. I'm glad I found it.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Future Perfect)
10 points to the House of your choice!
LOL. Love all the surprising twists! :)