New Chapter for Cold Moon
Cold Moon
chivalric128 Reviews | 128 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )
Remus Lupin, unemployed and unhappy, makes a deadly, if not to say stupid, decision: he becomes a full-time wolf. Only Severus Snape has no intention to accept this.
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About chivalric
Member Since 2007 | 65 Stories | Favorited by 776 | 213 Reviews Written | 4,182 Review Responses
Located in Germany. Female, around 40. The first chapters of my published novels/novellas can be found here on the archive.
Other than writing, I am reading, cycling, running, and singing in a choir.
In case I don't react to mails for a considerable lenght of time (I usually get back to people within the week), please contact shellsnapeluver or Dreamy_Dragon. They both know how to get through to me.Or simply mail me at
Reviews for Cold Moon
I like Snape's reverse psychology. That was what Lupin needed. I do hope that it was only claws and not teeth attacking Severus though.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Just claws indeed, no teeth. Snape won't turn into a werewolf, if that's what you worry about. Reverse psychology... I like that term ;-)Thanks for reviewing. You do know that this will end up in slash, don't you?
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Just claws indeed, no teeth. Snape won't turn into a werewolf, if that's what you worry about. Reverse psychology... I like that term ;-)Thanks for reviewing. You do know that this will end up in slash, don't you?
I have to say that's not how I picture Andromeda, but given the house she grew up in, I can see it. And I can see how it would utterly drive Lupin mad.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Nor have I, I must admit. But for this story, I altered her - if Lupin had a happy live, he wouldn't go for such drastic measures. And A. is a Black, after all...
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Nor have I, I must admit. But for this story, I altered her - if Lupin had a happy live, he wouldn't go for such drastic measures. And A. is a Black, after all...
Interesting concept about the wild werewolf. And how sad that poor Remus is still discriminated against and there seems to have been no headway on his treatment and lot in life.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Canon gives us not many hints about werewolves, and Lupin seems to be the only one who fights for the light. So I added my own theory to make this story work. Thanks for reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Canon gives us not many hints about werewolves, and Lupin seems to be the only one who fights for the light. So I added my own theory to make this story work. Thanks for reviewing!
Fantastic chapter, and I just love the musical choice.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
I adore Nick Cave; when I found the CD, I couldn't resist to put it into the fic. Thanks for liking it!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
I adore Nick Cave; when I found the CD, I couldn't resist to put it into the fic. Thanks for liking it!
I love that they have this friendship were they can say such brutally honest things to each other!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
In my world, they are always friends, or lovers, occasionally. And true friends can be honest without destroying their friendship. They can even kiss ;-)
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
In my world, they are always friends, or lovers, occasionally. And true friends can be honest without destroying their friendship. They can even kiss ;-)
Eep! Lupin may have received the potion, but lpotentially at the expense of Severus' life. I think you are doing are great job explaining Lupin's thought processes. Well done!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
I was worried about that, so thanks a lot for reviewing on that part. And of course Snape is not dead - I mean, I would get killed by lightning if I as much as tried to kill him ;-)
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
I was worried about that, so thanks a lot for reviewing on that part. And of course Snape is not dead - I mean, I would get killed by lightning if I as much as tried to kill him ;-)
Hm... it seems like Tonks has just given up on her husband. It is unfortunate that their financial situation led them to that point. Stupid Mother-in-laws, usually messing things up.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Living with someone who doesn't want to live and who. apparently, is not interested in neither your love nor the love of your son - that can't be easy. But no, she hasn't. Not totally!Thanks for reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Living with someone who doesn't want to live and who. apparently, is not interested in neither your love nor the love of your son - that can't be easy. But no, she hasn't. Not totally!Thanks for reviewing!
Severus to the rescue... as always. Silly Gryffindors never know how to stay out of trouble!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
ROFL - I haven't thought about it that way! True, they never learn!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
ROFL - I haven't thought about it that way! True, they never learn!
Tonks and Hermione! I hope Tonks' secret girlfriend is Hermione. Fabulous end to the whole story!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
The sequel is brewing, dear, promise. With Hermione and Tonks. Thanks for reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
The sequel is brewing, dear, promise. With Hermione and Tonks. Thanks for reviewing!
ROFL! Perfect that DD caught them.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Couldn't resist temptation. Thanks for liking the interruption ;-)
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Couldn't resist temptation. Thanks for liking the interruption ;-)
I loved everything you put into this chapter. Is Severus going to take up with Hermione, as well as Remus? (Yay!, the next chapter is already up and I can see if any of my questions are answered!)
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Of course he is - I didn't expect it though when I began writing this story.Hope all your questions were answered!And... thanks for reviewing.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Of course he is - I didn't expect it though when I began writing this story.Hope all your questions were answered!And... thanks for reviewing.
Excellent story!! it combines my two favorite ships ssrl and sshg. perfect!! as if you couldn't tell i quite enjoyed this story. thanks for writing.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Thank you so much for liking and reviewing it! I dind't't find too many SS/RL I really like, so I assume it is not the most favourite ship. There will be a sequel, though, with those two again. To be posted after the voting, of course ;-)
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Thank you so much for liking and reviewing it! I dind't't find too many SS/RL I really like, so I assume it is not the most favourite ship. There will be a sequel, though, with those two again. To be posted after the voting, of course ;-)
I love the twisty relationship that the four of them (five, with Tonks' lover, unless that's Hermione) have. (If it isn't Hermione, who is Tonks' female lover?)
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Thanks for liking and reviewing the story ;-)I only realised that Hermione is Tonks's lover when I wrote the last sentence of the story, and was quite surprised by it myself. However, there will be a sequel featuring those two... To be posted after the voting, of course.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Thanks for liking and reviewing the story ;-)I only realised that Hermione is Tonks's lover when I wrote the last sentence of the story, and was quite surprised by it myself. However, there will be a sequel featuring those two... To be posted after the voting, of course.
Lovely Epilogue! I had my doubts wether it would be possible to make this work, but indeed it does, and you told us about so wonderfully.
Thank you for this wonderful and entertaining read!
Author's Response: Thanks! I had doubts too, especially as quite a few reviewers asked how I intend to solve the Tonks problem with Remus and Severus being in love. I decided to outbalance it by creating a foursome, sort of.
Thanks a lot for reading and reviewing, dear!
A comfortable end to this story for all characters involved. :)
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Thank you so much!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Thank you so much!
O my god you double paired ss/hg and rl/nt that is so brilliant! and very sexy!i would love to see more of there action (maybe a nice idea for a spin-off hint hint!!!)how did herione and tonks get together??... grimauld place of course!! bloody briliant to say it with the word of ron speaking of he wasn't awwar of herm's other attraction beside books ?i love this twist!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Confession: there will be at least three sequels to this story: one threesome (HG/SS/RL), one femmeslash, one slash. My wonderful beta already demanded a story with Hermione and Tonks, so many thanks for the hint how they could have come together. Posting not before November, of course ;-)And thanks for reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Confession: there will be at least three sequels to this story: one threesome (HG/SS/RL), one femmeslash, one slash. My wonderful beta already demanded a story with Hermione and Tonks, so many thanks for the hint how they could have come together. Posting not before November, of course ;-)And thanks for reviewing!
Brilliant my dear. I love how everything turned out wonderful. Great work.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Thank you so much! As I am working on the sequel, I would like to ask if you might be willing to beta-read it? Can't drown my regular betas with work ;-)Leave me your mailadress in case you are interested!
Response from Arabella Bloodgood (Reviewer)
I have never done it before but I could give it a
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Thank you so much! As I am working on the sequel, I would like to ask if you might be willing to beta-read it? Can't drown my regular betas with work ;-)Leave me your mailadress in case you are interested!
Response from Arabella Bloodgood (Reviewer)
I have never done it before but I could give it a
I love the fact that Remus just flat out answered the questions. Good ending to the story.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
*phew*Thanks for liking it. I consider Remus an honest man, who doesn't try to weasle his way out of situations. Apart from that, he isn't embarrassed about his love for Snape, so naturally, he would answer straight away.Thanks for reviewing, dear!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
*phew*Thanks for liking it. I consider Remus an honest man, who doesn't try to weasle his way out of situations. Apart from that, he isn't embarrassed about his love for Snape, so naturally, he would answer straight away.Thanks for reviewing, dear!
i liked your luna here, especially the tiny stars dropping from her fingertips! and i liked that the question ron asked was 'is he nice to you?' because really, that is the only thing that matters, isn't it? it makes sense that when asked point blank by dear luna, remus would tell the truth, so i guess that makes this a plausible enough scenario (contrary to my initial reaction). all in all, a pretty satisfying ending - although maybe not for those who would want to see more of the ss/hg aspect of things! ; )
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Right then, dear, I sense you would be willing to beta the sequel, which will be a threesome. My betas usually don't beta threesomes, at least not with this pairing; so if you are interested, leave me your mailadress.Glad you liked the ending - but I am curious: your initial reaction was what? That Remus would deny his love for Snape? I consider him an honest man, not embarrassed of his love (only of his wolf-half). I intentionally didn't put too much SS/HG in this story. It began as friendship between Snape and Lupin, it turned into slash, and I didn't want to overload it. The SS/HG aspect will definitely be in the centre in the sequel, which I won't post before NOvember, of course.Thanks for reviewing! And thanks for liking Luna and her stars ;-)
Response from kittylefish (Reviewer)
not that he would deny it if asked, but that he wouldn't necessarily announce it in a large group like that if not asked. not because he was embarrassed, but because it's kind of nobody's business and also in this case because severus is such a private person. i'd probably want to make sure he was okay with whatever revelations i might make. which maybe remus did. (and probably it's really just because i myself a private person who'd be much less likely to announce it to a group than to tell people one or two at a time, mostly because one never knows how people will react, and i find it easier to deal with them in smaller numbers.) and i'd be delighted to beta your sequel. i must warn you that i'm new to beta'ing - i'm actually just now beta'ing my first story. but i find i enjoy it, so i'd be happy to give it a try with you. my email address is : )
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
I think he had no choice here, as being asked so bluntly. He could have tried to bluff, he could have lied, or he could have told the truth. I believe he would have done the latter. By then, he and Snape are together since months, and have talked about the possibility that people would find out. Plus, Hermione is Snape's lover now as well, and she certainly wouldn't want to live with such a secret. Now all the really important people in her life know.Will get in contact with you!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Right then, dear, I sense you would be willing to beta the sequel, which will be a threesome. My betas usually don't beta threesomes, at least not with this pairing; so if you are interested, leave me your mailadress.Glad you liked the ending - but I am curious: your initial reaction was what? That Remus would deny his love for Snape? I consider him an honest man, not embarrassed of his love (only of his wolf-half). I intentionally didn't put too much SS/HG in this story. It began as friendship between Snape and Lupin, it turned into slash, and I didn't want to overload it. The SS/HG aspect will definitely be in the centre in the sequel, which I won't post before NOvember, of course.Thanks for reviewing! And thanks for liking Luna and her stars ;-)
Response from kittylefish (Reviewer)
not that he would deny it if asked, but that he wouldn't necessarily announce it in a large group like that if not asked. not because he was embarrassed, but because it's kind of nobody's business and also in this case because severus is such a private person. i'd probably want to make sure he was okay with whatever revelations i might make. which maybe remus did. (and probably it's really just because i myself a private person who'd be much less likely to announce it to a group than to tell people one or two at a time, mostly because one never knows how people will react, and i find it easier to deal with them in smaller numbers.) and i'd be delighted to beta your sequel. i must warn you that i'm new to beta'ing - i'm actually just now beta'ing my first story. but i find i enjoy it, so i'd be happy to give it a try with you. my email address is : )
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
I think he had no choice here, as being asked so bluntly. He could have tried to bluff, he could have lied, or he could have told the truth. I believe he would have done the latter. By then, he and Snape are together since months, and have talked about the possibility that people would find out. Plus, Hermione is Snape's lover now as well, and she certainly wouldn't want to live with such a secret. Now all the really important people in her life know.Will get in contact with you!
The way they dropped the bombshell was priceless!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Well, that happens when one asks rude questions - you get honest answers ;-)Thanks for reviewing, dear!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Well, that happens when one asks rude questions - you get honest answers ;-)Thanks for reviewing, dear!
So, is there going to be a femmeslash sequel with Hermione and Tonks? Or is that just wishful thinking?
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
I think I already confessed how much I like wishful thinking?There will be several sequels to this story, and one will be femmeslash. Posted after the voting, of course ;-)Thanks again for reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Um, forgot to ask: as my regular beta are allergic against the pairing here (Snape/Lupin), could you imagine to beta the sequel that centres those two once more? If you are interested, just leave me your mailadress.
Response from peppermint (Reviewer)
The only thing I can't help with are commas. Completely failed that part of the PI test. I'd be delighted to take a crack at it,'s voxangelus at gmail dot com
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
I think I already confessed how much I like wishful thinking?There will be several sequels to this story, and one will be femmeslash. Posted after the voting, of course ;-)Thanks again for reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Um, forgot to ask: as my regular beta are allergic against the pairing here (Snape/Lupin), could you imagine to beta the sequel that centres those two once more? If you are interested, just leave me your mailadress.
Response from peppermint (Reviewer)
The only thing I can't help with are commas. Completely failed that part of the PI test. I'd be delighted to take a crack at it,'s voxangelus at gmail dot com
Eww Sybill and Filius, Minerva and Poppy. well I guess everybody needs it sometime or other oh another yummy chapter
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Originally, it was Minerva and Filch, but my beta nearly flipped at that pairing. And I wanted another homosexual couple to show that it is normal in their world. At least more normal than in ours ;-)Next chapter is in queue and should be up in a few days. It will be the last one and I hope you like it.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Originally, it was Minerva and Filch, but my beta nearly flipped at that pairing. And I wanted another homosexual couple to show that it is normal in their world. At least more normal than in ours ;-)Next chapter is in queue and should be up in a few days. It will be the last one and I hope you like it.
That was erotic. Wow Severus still having some virginity left, wouldn't have thought of that. Does Tonks know about Remus' past with men and where does leave their friendship?
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
*blushes* I like Virgin!Snape, I must admit. Thank you very much for reading and liking this chapter!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
*blushes* I like Virgin!Snape, I must admit. Thank you very much for reading and liking this chapter!
Sometimes I think Albus has some evil in him. I can't wait to see how you get them to confess their desire for each other so I'm moving on to the next chapter.
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Of course he has, even in canon. But I like him being nice, at least in most of my stories :-) And in my opinion, he cares for Snape.Thanks again for reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Of course he has, even in canon. But I like him being nice, at least in most of my stories :-) And in my opinion, he cares for Snape.Thanks again for reviewing!
Saying Coward does have that effect doesn't it? Inconvenient timing that was bloody brilliant
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Of course Snape knows exactly how nasty it feels to be called coward when, in fact, you aren't. And it worked, too *g*
Response from chivalric (Author of Cold Moon)
Of course Snape knows exactly how nasty it feels to be called coward when, in fact, you aren't. And it worked, too *g*