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10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Hermione must make the most difficult decision of her life. She hopes Harry can help her.
1,203 Words, Started 05/14/2011, Completed 05/14/2011
Sweet Slumber
by blue_nadir
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )[ART] Severus, Hermione and Lucius find comfort in each other's arms.
188 Words, Started 11/12/2005, Completed 11/12/2005
Scary as a Dragon
by blue artemis
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )A dragon becomes overly fond of Charlie. Why?
1,470 Words, Started 05/08/2011, Completed 05/08/2011
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Another lonely boy, far from his home, finds his heart's desire in a place he would never have looked.
484 Words, Started 05/09/2011, Completed 05/09/2011
Colour Me Free
by sunny33
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )My world lost all colour on the day Danny died.
117 Words, Started 05/08/2011, Completed 05/08/2011
The Fairy Lantern
by magalena
10.0/10 (2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Hermione finds herself in a difficult situation. Severus to the rescue.
This fic was 2011 birthday fic for talesofsnape, her only prompt was fairy.
2,979 Words, Started 05/03/2011, Completed 05/03/2011
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )A choice is made...
219 Words, Started 05/02/2011, Completed 05/02/2011
Beltane Fires
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Some Durmstrang students celebrate Beltane according to the old ways.
449 Words, Started 05/01/2011, Completed 05/01/2011
Handstands on the Lawn
by blue artemis
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Luna attempts to cheer Draco up.
314 Words, Started 05/02/2011, Completed 05/02/2011
Hey Hazel Eyes
10.0/10 (2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )A poem I wrote for my mom, but I suppose most people will see it as, well, overdramatic.
159 Words, Started 11/09/2005, Completed 11/09/2005
Dumbledore's Hubris
by blue artemis
10.0/10 (2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Voldemort wins. Hermione helps set up an underground to take Britain back.
9,112 Words, Started 04/19/2011, Completed 04/27/2011
The Wolf's Cubs
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Remus and Dora Lupin have to deal with their offspring's spats.
1,316 Words, Started 05/01/2011, Completed 05/01/2011
Out of the Blue
by Juli_Min
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Just a little something I wrote during a boring Politics course.
376 Words, Started 12/11/2005, Completed 12/11/2005
Happy New Year
by articcat621
10.0/10 (2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Harry and Draco ring in the new year together.
121 Words, Started 01/06/2014, Completed 01/06/2014
Blame it on the Cat
by blue artemis
10.0/10 (4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Hermione is bound by the Ministry's new Marriage Law, so Crookshanks helps her pick the right wizard.
3,527 Words, Started 04/03/2011, Completed 04/03/2011
For His Child
10.0/10 (4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )It’s the first Christmas after the war, and Morgaine mourns her Severus. Her life has lost its meaning, and she longs to be with him again. But there is a light in her darkness. (Set after Morgaine’s Story.)
407 Words, Started 12/26/2013, Completed 12/26/2013
My Last Day...
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Draco and Hermione make the ultimate sacrifice for the wizarding world, and themselves... One Shot Rated T for one curse word
1,296 Words, Started 09/18/2008, Completed 09/18/2008
Why Can't Ghosts Cast Crucio?
by blue artemis
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Ghost!Bella decides to matchmake for Severus and Hermione but the results are not what she expected.
1,950 Words, Started 03/29/2011, Completed 03/29/2011
The Demise of Numerius Plankton
by Pennfana
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )People are laughing at the Daily Prophet's coverage of the death of a wizard who fell off his broom. What's so funny about this tragic story?
892 Words, Started 03/27/2011, Completed 03/27/2011
Finish Line
by RachelW
10.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Reaching the finish line: There are many to reach, to cross, but the one I see and the one you see might be different.
905 Words, Started 10/30/2005, Completed 10/30/2005
Woman's Magic
by blue artemis
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Hermione finds a way to cleanse the Dark wards at Malfoy Manor and helps redeem the entire family.
3,849 Words, Started 03/21/2011, Completed 03/21/2011
If You Didn't Get It Right the First Time ...
by diabolica
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )On the brink of his second marriage, Lucius Malfoy is certainly not nervous.
813 Words, Started 03/22/2011, Completed 03/22/2011