New Chapter for The Uninvited
The Uninvited
Subversa102 Reviews | 102 Ratings, 0 Likes, 67 Favorites )
The uninvited ones in life are seldom wanted, usually disregarded, yet frequently, we encounter angels, as well as demons, unaware. One man's angel is another man's demon. Which will it be for Severus Snape?
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Member Since 2005 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 1,367 | 226 Reviews Written | 1,394 Review Responses
Reviews for The Uninvited
Great story.
This is a very enchanting idea - much more intimate than sex indeed... Thank you for another wonderful piece of fiction!
Beautiful & well written. I am wondering if you are a psychologist or therapist - a lot of inner chid/angst stuff going on. I loved it - thanks for writing.
A lovely ending for our hero and heroine! Well done!Thank you for your wonderful writing and SubHub for his brilliance at plotting. And most of all, thank you for sharing your gifts with us!Beth
Hermione has seen what Snape's life has truly been like from his earliest childhood on, and she has realized that he was given immpossible to acheive tasks, and blames himself for Lilys death. He has felt betrayed by Dumbledore for not being allowed to know that Harry was being prepared to be killed by Vlodemort.He wished the Healers had just let him die. "Why could the Healers not leave well enough alone?’ He still doesn't know that it was Hermione who saved him by giving him some of her life-force.Hermione finally realizes that Severus does not want to come back because the other Severus will return with him and he has become to tired to fight him any longer. He would rather die.As she watch the Snapes battlling with each other, all she could think of was, ‘I want you in my life,’ and then she fell into an exhausted coma herself.A lot happened in this chapter! Great writing.Beth
Now I'm getting worried. Snape is back in a coma, and Hermione is exhausted. Will the Professor really wake up when he is more rested? And what will happen to the doppleganger?Only one more chapter to go.Great story!Beth
I thought what Hermione told the 16 year old Snape was great advice. He had behaved like a worthy man.Glas she got to see Snape as an adolecent: Here was a striking boy any witch in her right mind would be happy to fancy – unless, of course, the witch in question was Lily Evans.Snape's fantasy is funny, and I loved Hermione's retort, ‘Because I’ve seen the damn movie!.’ Great chappie!Beth
The memory of Severus as a four year old boy was too sad for words. That child had no chance feel safe and wanted, to grow up as a normal child. I was glad Hermione was able to hold him and wipe away his tears. She will forever have a new appreciation of Severus Snape.Now I'm wondering how these two itterations of Severus Snape came into being in Severus' mind.Great Chapter!!!Beth
This is an interesting take on Severus' surviving Nagini's bite.
Since Madam Light has determined that the patient "spent time on the Other Side," I found myself wondering if Severus were given a directive from some being (e.g. a gate keeper) to return to this side of the Veil – perhaps it was felt that because he had worked so hard to defeat Voldemort – he deserved a chance to do good and thus redeem his soul.Intriguing and well written beginning. I just have to read on!Beth
I really enjoyed that. I'm glad he rushed to her bedside. That was lovely.
Captivating story! Ejnoyed it I do all your work.Thanks for sharing.
I am glad that Severus woke up safely and that he was eager to see Hermione. It definitely speaks wonders taht Severus was willing to give up some of his life force to Hermione. Obviously he somehow realized that she must have been the one to keep him alive in the Shrieking Shack. I never would have pictured Marcus Flint as an orderly in a hospital. I don't know what job I'd expect him to have, but not something in which people must rely on him. Since he repeated a year at Hogwarts, I'm guessing he's not very bright.
That was excellent! I'm sorry it's over, but I can't imagine stretching it any father without weakening it. Thanks so much.
Lovely story
Well, it was totally different, but I really enjoyed the ride. Thank you very much!gabPS: Now, maybe another chapter "The love you take"?? Please?????
It was beautiful. Thankyou.
wow what a story!!!!!!!!! loved it...... so very different and refreshing...... do u plan to write a companion piece????
interesting concept
What a lovely story. I enjoyed reading it very much.
What? harry is so spot on in this. I love all the St. Mungo's milling around. cool story
Oh good. she did have an effect afterall.
So he thinks he can persuade her, revulse her by showing her his Death Eater ways? Not to bright, I'd say - or he doesn't know who he's dealing with.Loved the line about the movie! LOL
Oh, little Severus was so adorable! I'm glad Hermione was able to hold him like that.
Claps and cheers - loved the ending - what a great ending. I loved how you had him determined to see her first thing and how he shared his life force with her. Great writing and what a good concept.
Oh, poor Severus! Now I understand the picture...