New Chapter for The Plan
The Plan
Memory8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
What if Snape hadn’t really been following any one of his masters but a stronger, mysterious inspiration? A dark tribute to the ambiguous Snape we used to know. HBP compliant.
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About Memory
Member Since 2007 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 24 | 54 Reviews Written | 343 Review Responses
Italian, born in 1960, married, two kids.
Thanks to all those who will read my stories.
Reviews for The Plan
This was a well done take on the inner Severus. You made me feel his turmoil. You and your betas did a good job. I would never have known that English wasn't your native tongue.
Response from Memory (Author of The Plan)
Wow! Thank you for your compliments! My betas surely did a great job and I bow at their devoted commitment. But, if you read my answers to the reviews, you understand immediately that I am Italian...
I'm glad you liked my story. Thank you again for leaving me a message. Best regards from Italy.
Well worth the read, although I wish the story was longer. Having "The Plan" be sentient made it all the more interesting.
Response from Memory (Author of The Plan)
Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you like my story. I too would have liked to make it longer, but it was my first attempt, more than a year ago... And, after DH, I don't "feel" it anymore... Thank you very much again. Best regards from Italy.
I want to know what happens next! I can't even guess where this will go, but I do hope Snape survives and lives as happily ever after as he can, but do worry that's hoping for too much. I'll be looking for your next update -- and thanks for your work!
Response from Memory (Author of The Plan)
Thanks for your kind words! I'm glad you like my first chapter and want to know more... I am posting a finished story, so you will soon have an answer to your questions. Thank you very much again for leaving me a comment. Best regards from Italy.
I, of course, love this beginning. Having been one of your betas, I know what's coming next, and I need to say that it is an interesting post-HBP theory ... and one definitely worth reading!! I'm so glad you finally decided to post.
Response from Memory (Author of The Plan)
Sei infinitamente gentile! Thank you very much again for all your help and encouragement.
Ahhhh, what happened! So Fawkes was not really there. What the hell is going on? I'm on the edge of my seat.
Response from Memory (Author of The Plan)
Thank you for your comment! Next chapter will solve all your doubts... at least, I hope so! Best regards from Italy.
Wow, that was a powerful chapter. So many seemingly mystical things happening. Was Hermione channeling Albus for a moment or does she carry a part of him with her, like a Horcrux? It looked to me that Fawkes was protecting Snape, but Harry seems to think that Fawkes is going to punish him or take Snape to punishment(?). Your story is very interesting, please continue.
Response from Memory (Author of The Plan)
I'm glad you like my story. Unfortunately, I can answer only to your first question about Hermione, the other situation is a surprise and you will have to wait next chapter (which is already in the queue) to know.
Yes, Hermione was channeling Albus for a moment. In this story, she is particularly sensitive. About the story, don't worry, this is a completed one. There are only two chapters left before the end.
Thank you very much for leaving me a message. I hope to hear from you again!
I'm not sure Voldemort knew that Harry and Hermione would be there unless he sent a "suggestion" through his connection to Harry. It certainly seems that Volde is toying with Snape, but for what purpose other than entertainment and power, I cannot guess yet.
Response from Memory (Author of The Plan)
Well, you will have to wait to know... this is all I can say ;)
Thank you very much for leaving me a message. Hope to hear from you again after next chapter!
Whoa, this is a bleak tale. What the hell was his "plan" anyway? Was it just to carefully be on both sides until one side won and he would be well placed and presumed loyal to that winning side or is it more than that? You wrote as if the "plan" almost had a life of its own. When you say he is hidden in the future do you mean he is reminiscing or hiding in the future by time turner? Yes, all this and more I am interested in knowing. I will await another chapter.
Response from Memory (Author of The Plan)
Hi there! Thank you very much for your review!Sorry for being so late to answer, but work and family have been very demanding lately. Also, sorry for my terrible English. My answers aren't betaed, so you can see the hard work my revisors have to do with my stories.Now, about your questions: yes, I have imagined the Plan as an entity of its own, which is guiding Severus along its mysterious paths. When I wrote this story, book 6 had just been published in Italy and I was greatly worried for our dear Potion Master. So, I imagined a situation in which he wasn't really following any one of his masters, but a supernatural entity. As a result, Severus is “playing two parts in a comedy”, as we say here, but he isn’t totally conscious of the reasons why he is doing that. He is attracted by both sides, because both have something to offer him. It’s a situation of great ambiguity and, consequently, it implies big risks and dangers, as you have seen.When I say that he is in the hidden place of the future, I obviously refer to the Shriecking Shack, where he goes – in my story – to meditate and hide safely from the Aurors’ search.Hope my explanations can help. Unfortunately, it’s a vast subject, and to debate it properly would take too much space. Thank you very much again for reading and commenting my story. Best regards from Italy.