New Chapter for Verus Votum
Verus Votum
Moreteadk39 Reviews | 39 Ratings, 0 Likes, 44 Favorites )
Severus is hit by a stray spell that makes him behave... rather oddly! Especially towards Hermione.
Response to prompt number 22 of the Winter 2007 prompt challenge at the Potter_Place Yahoo group. The prompt in its entirety is included below the story.
Not HBP-compliant
Chapters (2)
About Moreteadk
Member Since 2006 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 19 | 146 Reviews Written | 250 Review Responses
Born in Denmark in the year of '79. Drink a lot of tea and is completely an utterly addicted to my dearly beloved LJ account. Feel free to friend me if you're so inclined.
I'm only posting my own favorites and newer stuff here. All my other stuff can be found at my fic comm on LJ, but I'm a fairly mediocre writer though, so consider yourself warned.
There's a lot of Draco/Hermione, a somewhat smaller amount of Severus/Hermione and a wide-ranged smattering of minor pairings including but not limited to Adrian/Hermione, Neville/Lavender, Albus/Sirius, Filch/Luna, Draco/Ginny, Harry/Pansy and Ron/Voldemort. There's also some general stuff and some original fics there.
Reviews for Verus Votum
nooooooo - it's not oveeeeerrr!
brilliant as usual my dear!Hope Sev realises that old Romeo came to a bad end!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :)
Yep. best he stops marking essays, wouldn't want to hand one back with hearts and SS -HG on it would he?
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
I don't know, I think I'd rather like to be the fly on the wall for that. And you just know that when he realised the mistake he would pretend the student had been the one to draw them and scold accordingly... :p
This is so funny and sweet, too. Thank you for writing it!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you like it. :D (And you're quite welcome )
great story.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)
Scenen med stigen havde mig flad af grin. Håber de havde en hyggelig middag! *smiler*
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Jeps, det var også min yndlings. :D Jeg glædede mig som en vanvittig til at sætte ham til at lege Romeo.
Og det er jeg sikker på de havde. ;p
Cute story! I liked the reactions that Hermione showed -- very Hermione- esque!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)
I'm also glad that you think I 'caught' Hermione. I'm always a bit uncertain about such things.
Stakkels stakkels Snape. At tegne hjerter på opgaverne. Hvilke ydmygelse! (for slet ikke at tale om sjovt for os andre). Glæder mig til næste kapitel...
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Hihi, tak. :)
Endnu et af mine yndlingssteder. Du finder mit absolutte yndlingssted i anden halvdel, den scene jeg glædede mig som en vanvittig til at skrive siden jeg skrev mit outline. :D
Awwwwwwww, soooo sweet. And more importantly, hopeful.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)
Very cute and enjoyable!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
Thank you for this wonderfully crafted romance.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
You're quite welcome. :)
Wonderful and fun!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
Very sweet and funny. The 'Balcony Scene' had me in stitches. A nice twist on some old cliches.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
Hee! The balcony scene was one of my favorites too. From the moment I finished my outline, that was the bit I was looking forward to writing the most.
Very enjoyable. Poor Severus!! I really liked the way you had Hermione handle the situation.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
AUGH--that cannot be it!? That's all you're going to write?? No post-spell snarky-meal follow-up?--NO SMUT???*flops, disconsolate, at your feet...deliberately tripping you into your keyboard*Write more, dammit!~Lotm*purrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Well no, no smut, cause... it's rated TEEN! :p There's kissage, though.
I'm... oddly pleased to have disappointed you. :D
(But sorry, I sincerely doubt there'll be a follow up. It gave me FAR too much trouble while writing it, and as a result I hate it too much for me to even be halfway tempted to do that. Sorry.)
Aww this was so cute! I didn't want it to end, but I have to concede the ending was nice.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
Oh, that was entirely too cute. I laughed like mad at the image. :) Very nice.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
A very fun story. I hope they make a go of it with Severus in his right mind. :) Thanks for writing it!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
I'm sure they will. ;) And then there won't be any spells or similar to make him back out. :p
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
Great story!!!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
This made me laugh out loud. Ingenious and very welcome!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
Thank you for the most delightful read. I laughed through most of it, poor Severus... but in a good way.
Please write more stories!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
(For my other stories, check my fic comm at LJ. (
That's where I post all my other stuff of more or less questionable quality. I prefer to have my fics there only, you see.)
Poetry and serenade: poor Severus had to go through all the clichés! LOL
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
He did indeed. I had a long list of things to include and was even at the library borrowing a huge book to get the Romeo & Juliet quotes. (Only to discover that it would have been a whole lot easier to just google it in the first place. Don't know why I didn't think of that).
I'm glad you liked it. :)
If I could draw, I would sketch a scowling Severus holding out a bunch of flowers. Alas, my artistic skills are nil. What a fresh and inventive story! You had me laughing all the way through. I particularly liked that Severus took points off for Tommy's potion being the wrong shade of purple, even though shade wasn't relevant to the efficacy of the potion. A perfectly Slytherin way of getting revenge for a slight. Who could question him? Bravo!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
OMG what a shame you can't draw! I've never had anything of mine illustrated before. :)
I'm really glad you liked it. (And I commend you on your impeccable timing. Review came just as I was bitching about something else elsewhere and needed a pick-me-up. :) It totally worked too.)
Hee, I thought it seemed like a very Snape-ish thing to do at the time. :) Especially to a Hufflepuff. :p
I loved the image of Snape flipping through the homework essays to be sure he hadn't drawn hearts on them!Please update soon!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
Hee! Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)
The second half is already in the submission queue so it's just a question of time. :)
Oh Pahleeeze, dearest author ... make more words!!! I've run out and I wasn't done reading. Pretty please with chocolate sprinkles on top!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Verus Votum)
No worries. :) The other half is on it's way. Just a question of time.
I'm glad you liked it. :)