Chapter Two
Chapter 2 of 17
notsosaintlyHermione bumps into Harry in Diagon Alley unexpectedly, and he knows exactly what to say to make her lighten up a bit.
Author's Note: As I will in every single chapter, because they deserve it, my heartfelt thanks go out to my two betas, ladyofthemasque and Southern_Witch_69. Without your keen eyes and your support, I would be floundering.
Disclaimer: My thanks to JK Rowling for having such a splendid imagination and for allowing us to play around with her characters in the fanfiction universe. She gets all the credit for anything you recognize; the plot for this story is entirely mine (though I don't get paid).
Chapter Two
The book she had chosen to wile away her worries lay ineffective upon her bosom, pages pressed flat against her chest, her hand resting upon the splayed-open spine. Her breath caused a gentle rise-fall of the book, and to any onlooker, it would look as if she lovingly cradled a child to her bosom. The book was not forgotten, merely a means of comfort as she slipped deeper into sleep. It wasn't long before the dreams began. She gripped the spine of the book harder, her eyes moving sharply beneath their lids, as though subconsciously she hoped leather and parchment could make the dreams go away....
"No." She refused to believe him. Harry had always hated Professor Snape, but aside from Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall, he was the one she looked up to the most. She wouldn't believe him. Snape wouldn't have done something so ... so heinous ... so unfeeling. Would he?
He had walked between the worktables in the Potions classroom, and whenever he had passed hers, his face would become blank, and he would either walk past without a comment if he was having a particularly bad day, or he would mutter, "Well done, as usual, Miss Granger," beneath his breath on his better days. No matter that he was unable to rid his tone of that ever-present mockery.
He had taught Defense Against the Dark Arts the same way, teaching defensive spells that she already knew because of the D.A. sessions, and commented similarly, though sounding less caustic and more defeated as time wore on. She was worried about her professor, about his subtle change of mood.
No. He couldn't have done it. Could he?
Dumbledore's form lay upon cold, hard stone. But she couldn't see him beneath the shroud. How could she be sure it was him? Fawkes flew overhead, his mournful cry piercing the silence. Sorrow pierced her heart. It was he. The seemingly invincible Albus Dumbledore lay dead, as cold and as hard as the stone he lay upon.
His murderer had fled. Her cheeks burned as she branded Professor Snape with such a title. Murderer. How could he have done it? He couldn't.
He wouldn't.
She refused to believe it.
~ o ~
A charmed dawn broke through the window of her bedroom, forcing her eyes open. Alarm clocks never had worked well for her...she had learned to sleep through noise of varying levels throughout her years at Hogwarts...but she never could sleep unless the room was dark. Hence, the charmed window; she had developed the charm herself, and even Filius Flitwick had been impressed. She had it set to brighten at six a.m. every morning, being of the mind that sleeping any later was time wasted. It was a good thing she didn't have to set it every night as she always fell asleep before she thought about doing so, usually with a book draped across her chest. This morning was no different.
Still, she felt no driving need to get out of bed. The errands of the day weighed her down. Not that there were too many...she had very few, as a matter of fact...but the errands she needed to take care of today meant there would be less money in her bank vault. She had to pay her mortgage and her suppliers, and there was that trip to Gringotts, which made her want to burrow her head deeper into the pillow and go back to sleep. Except that she couldn't sleep with her stomach in knots and the gears of her mind churning. The bills were multiplying. Her savings was dwindling. Lately, every day was a struggle, and she wasn't so sure anymore that her business venture was going to succeed.
Responsibilities were responsibilities, however, and she eventually dragged herself out of bed and climbed into the shower to wash away sleep. The water trickled through her hair and slid down her face, slowly waking her, coalescing her thoughts, even somewhat solidifying her determination. It was not productive to lose hope, she reminded herself. If she lost hope, her dreams would be lost as well. If worse came to worse, she knew she would never be destitute. She would just have to sell her shop and get a "real" job. The bookshop could always be reopened at a later date, and she would make wiser, more profitable choices the next time around. A lump rose in her throat. It couldn't come to that. She wouldn't let it come to that. Things would get better ... she hoped.
A cup of coffee and she was out the door before seven o'clock, wanting a good two hours before the shop opened to send her owls and go to Gringotts. A nice, brisk walk on a clear morning always worked wonders for her state of mind. She breathed in the crisp, air of late winter, enjoying the way it made her feel alive and strengthened her resolve to do better, to make everything work. She loved clear mornings, even though they were colder than overcast days, and the cornflower-blue of the sky was doing wonders for her mood. By the time she reached the post office, a smile had unconsciously appeared, and she was beginning to feel a little silly that she had felt so hopeless just moments before.
The clerk looked up from his book, noticing Hermione's wind-brushed cheeks and breathless smile, and grinned in return. "Oi, lassie. Yer lookin' brigh' 'n' cheerful this mornin'. Wha's the occasion?"
"Oh, nothing really, Andrew. It's just a beautiful morning, is all," she said, handing the postmaster five pre-addressed envelopes. "I need to send five today. They need to be there by tomorrow at the latest." She handed him a Galleon in payment, the last coin in her purse.
He eyed the empty purse warily and held up a hand. "It's on the 'ouse today, lassie. I owe yeh fer findin' me tha' book las' week. The missus is readin' it for the third time, yeh know." He winked at her conspiratorially.
Hermione laughed and placed the lone Galleon back in her purse. "Thanks, Andrew. I appreciate it." She wasn't about to argue. Walking around with an empty purse was asking for trouble. Too many "what-ifs" plagued her mind every time she dared to venture out Knutless.
"'Ave yeh 'eard the lates' bi' o' gossip, lassie?" Andrew leaned in closer, elbow on the counter. He always loved imparting the latest gossip of Hogsmeade. He felt rather smug, too, when he beat Madam Rosmerta to it. "Seems Connor go' 'imself in qui' the pickle las' nigh'. Tried kissin' ol' Rosie affah a few, an' now ol' Connor's sportin' a face fullah pink spots. Two Healers a' the pub refused tah 'elp 'im, so Connor's paradin' down the street this mornin' an' grinnin' li' a Cheshire a' all the passers-by. Qui' a sigh', tha' 'un."
Hermione stifled a laugh behind her hand. "Oh, good one, Andrew. I hadn't heard about that yet. Now I'm sorry I didn't go down to the Three Broomsticks last night."
"Yup. Yeh missed a good 'un, fer sure. Don' be a stranger, alrigh', lassie?"
"I'll see you later, Andrew," she called over her shoulder as she left, still giggling and keeping an eye out for the miscreant Connor.
~ o ~
At least Apparating is still free, she thought as she reappeared outside Gringotts Wizarding Bank in Diagon Alley. She hesitated merely a second, trying not to be too upset that she was withdrawing funds from her personal account when her business should be grossing enough to pay for the essentials. She hoped this wasn't going to become a habit, especially since she hadn't put anything into her vault for going on a year. Just as she placed her hand on the handle of the giant oak doors, a familiar voice called out from behind.
"Oi! Isn't that Hermione Granger, friend of the famous boy who spat in Voldie's face and made him die?"
Hermione spun around to see none other than Harry Potter bounding up the steps two-at-a-time towards her. The sky whirled overhead as Harry picked her up and spun her around.
"Harry!" she screamed. "Oh, Harry. I've missed you so much! How have you been? What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be with the team in Ireland."
"Oh, they rearranged the schedule this season. Some nonsense about the Minister's daughter's wedding...."
She swatted him on the arm. "How is Ellie? You still making her jealous with Ginny?"
"Aw, she's over it. Since Ginny married that great brute, Alpin, Ellie doesn't mind so much anymore when she visits. Still don't know what she sees in him," Harry grumbled.
"Her two children are probably awfully glad she does see something in him. Oops! Make that two-and-a-half. Did you know Ginny's pregnant again?" Hermione grinned, partly because she was ecstatic for Ginny and partly because she knew the news was going to make Harry wince.
"Don't remind me." He shuddered at the thought. "At least she's getting the children she wanted." He waved his hands like he was glad he had no part in it.
"Yes, she's very happy." Hermione nodded.
"Sickeningly so," Harry agreed, falling silent for a moment.
Family was important to him, especially since he had lost his mother and father at such a young age. If it weren't for the Weasleys, he would never have had an example of a normal family, of parents who loved their children. Still, he had grown up in an environment where love was not given freely and was conditional. He didn't think he would be that kind of parent, but at the same time, he didn't know how to be a parent.
Truth be told, children made him nervous. After getting back together with Ginny the year after Voldemort had been destroyed, they had spoken often of their future. Whenever she talked about having kids, though, he froze up inside. He had no idea how to relate to a small child, much less a baby. He had never been around any other children other than Dudley until he went to Hogwarts, and then he only knew children his age and older. It really was understandable. Ginny understood, and she wasn't willing to wait around years to see whether this was just a temporary anxiety or a lifelong one. In the end, they had parted amicably.
"I went to the Weasleys for dinner last night. Ron won't be able to come to the wedding. It seems a Horntail mother was killed, and she has two babies that need tending."
Hermione worked hard at not showing her relief, as it seemed to upset Harry that Ron wasn't going to be there. Ever since she and Ron had parted soon after Voldemort was killed, it had been really awkward being around him. His family still accepted her as one of their own, which was wonderful since she was still good friends with Ginny, but Hermione tried to avoid family functions that Ron attended.
"He was supposed to be your best man, wasn't he?" she asked.
"Yeah. Well, Ellie's brother is going to stand in Ron's place. It's no problem. He let us know far enough in advance. There's still a month to go, and announcements haven't been printed yet." Harry brushed off the subject as if it didn't matter, but it was obvious that it did matter very much.
"So," Hermione said, trying to change the subject. "What are you doing in Diagon Alley today? Is Ellie with you?"
Harry grinned. "Well, I heard the most beautiful witch in Great Britain was going to be here, and I had to come." He winked at Hermione and shied away from another swat. "No, Ellie's not here. She's visiting a sick aunt in Yorkshire. Supposed to be away for a week."
"Oh, it's too bad that you won't get to see very much of her while you're home." Hermione's tone sounded more disappointed than Harry looked.
He shrugged and looked at his feet. "Just gives me more time to do other things," he said. "Besides, after next month, I'll be seeing her every day I'm home for the rest of my life."
Hermione looked at him curiously. He didn't sound like a man dying to be married. "You need to talk about it, Harry? I'm here, you know."
Harry's head jerked up, and his eyes twinkled to cover for his momentary lapse in joviality. He grasped her hand in his. "More than that, I'd love to get dinner tonight with you, if you'd accept a date from Puddlemere United's humble Seeker."
Hermione giggled. "It's a date. Be at the shop by seven. I'll close early. I think Harry Potter visiting Hogsmeade is considered a special occasion ... if not a downright holiday."
~ o ~
Even though she had looked forward all day to her "date" with Harry, she still felt a pang of guilt at closing early. She had only two customers all day, and one hadn't bought a thing. Her practical side wanted to stay open just in case another customer stopped in, and it kept nudging her to go owl Harry and make it nine o'clock instead of seven. Then her common sense prevailed. How many times did Harry make it into town anyway? She would post a note on the door, and undoubtedly anyone who stopped by...if anyone stopped by...would understand and come back tomorrow.
Seven o'clock on the dot, Harry walked in the door and made sure she knew it, too. "Her-MY-oh-NEE!" he sang. "Tell your practical side to take a flying leap off the Astronomy Tower, and let's go!"
From somewhere in the maze of shelves, Hermione's laughter rang out. "You know me too well, Mister Potter."
A couple of bumps and thuds preceded Hermione as she very dustily made her way to the front, wiping her hands on her jeans.
"There's my little dust bunny." Harry mockingly turned up his nose.
"This coming from the poster boy for cleanliness," she snorted. Harry had sent her a poster-size photo of himself during the game between Puddlemere and Chudley. He was reaching out for the Snitch and was covered goggles to boots in mud.
"Liked that picture, did you? I thought of you when the photographer sent it to me." Harry grinned like a little boy overjoyed with the thought of a romp in the mud and ran a hand through his hair. "Well? Let's go. Brush off that dust. I have reservations at Madam Puddifoot's."
"You do not," Hermione chided, cast a couple of Cleaning Charms, and thought briefly before Transfiguring her clothing into something a little more dressy-but-casual. "No, really. Where are we going?"
"Oh, nowhere special. Only Madam Rosmerta caught me on my way here and threatened me within an inch of my life if I didn't bring you to the Three Broomsticks."
She laughed. "I knew something like that would happen. What do you expect? People around here aren't used to seeing anyone famous...well, at least since you went to school here. Dark-Lord-Slayer-turned-Puddlemere-Seeker is a pretty big deal to them." She tried to keep a straight face as she said it, but ended up giggling by the end.
"Ha ha. Very funny, Miss Smarty Pants. Still can't tell your own jokes with a straight face. Haven't changed much." He tucked a much cleaner Hermione under his arm and headed for the door.
"Oh, wait. Almost forgot...I have to lock up," she said as she pulled away to douse the lights and lock up the till. She ushered him out the door, placed the note her common sense side told her would Harry's great amusement...and locked up tight. She threw up a few wards for good measure.
"Expecting trouble?" he asked, eyes widening at the last ward she threw up. He hadn't heard that one since their missed year at Hogwarts.
"One can never be too careful. Con..."
"Constant Vigilance, I know. But that particular ward was one Minerva used to lock up the meeting room at Headquarters. You don't need that, do you? Or is there something you aren't telling me?"
The apprehensive look in his eyes made her pause. It had been a while since she had seen Harry look so concerned. Ever since the war, he had been so carefree, not wanting to take much too seriously. Even when he and Ginny had split, he had adopted the stance that it just wasn't meant to be. Everyone knew the thought of kids scared the pants off him, though, so no one was too surprised at his attitude.
She threaded her arm through his and started to walk in the direction of the Three Broomsticks. "Well, for some reason, I've had this really eerie feeling for the past few weeks. I'm probably being silly, but I swear it feels as though someone is watching me. I'm okay during the day; it's just the nights are kind of creepy."
"There's nothing else going on? Strange visits? Anyone say anything odd?" He stopped walking and turned her to face him.
"No. If there were, I'd tell you. Honestly! It's just my overactive imagination. I think maybe I've just been alone too long. You know, with my parents still abroad and all my friends so far away or busy with their own lives, no one would know if something happened to me until the deliveries started to obscure the windows...." She trailed off, feeling a little foolish at having divulged one of her relatively minor fears.
"Hmm ... let's see, books piled high against the windows. Nope, I doubt anyone would notice even then," he chided her.
She swatted him on the arm, hard.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Strega Letteraria
418 Reviews | 7.02/10 Average
I know it's been a while since you've updated and/or worked on this story, but I missed your writing and was browsing backwards through the pages and remembered how enjoyable Strega Letteraria was. The acceptance between Hermione and Severus is soothing in the midst of all the unsettling circumstance. The fact that I would love to own such a store doesn't hurt, either. Hope you are well and with no shortage of muses.
Hellllooooo out there! Apparently I didn't review this back when I was reading it. So, I will do so now as a shameless ploy to drag you back to this story. I had to pull this off my bookmark list and dust it off a bit ;) Kidding aside, I was really enjoying this and hope that you are just on hiatus, and not gone for good. I am sure you have a million better things to do than work on this story, but just wanted you to know that there are still folks out here who would love to see this finished! And hey, it worked last Christmas... Anyway, have a happy holiday and I'll be looking under my tree for the next installment of this lovely tale.
Excellent story!! Harry what a 'butthead'!! Can't wait to see what Severus is going to do to Draco.
While not wanting to start a flame war and while admiring the insouciance of MHaydn, it must be emphasized that a review of a fan-fiction should respect the value of the genre: all girls think about is that all boys think about is getting in their knickers and it’s never the right boy, damn it, except in fan fiction. Also, it is never fair to chide a female author for not capturing the elements of romance. A little sensitivity in these matters is not amiss.
Our frustrated friend would have done better to point out that the exalted lust in this chapter is subtler and deeper than in the previous chapter. The hero protects the heroine from herself in her current unstable mood. She believes she can talk to him – venting before she explodes. He calms her and makes certain she rests. He does better than her parents: he is there for her but gives her space. Words are good, but these are deeds.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
, my dear
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
, oh how I missed you. It is too true that girls do think (once they reach the age of maturity and have been burned quite a number of times) that all boys want is to get in her knickers. The key is to mature first before discovering that MEN aren't always like that. Boys, however ... there are the rare few who are incredibly more mature than the female gender gives them credit for.Don't be too hard on MHaydn. Intentions are all good and I know a hard time when I'm getting one. I'm rather a bit of a masochist and enjoy it. But, at the same time you are correct. There is a level of relationship that goes beyond romance or even physical intimacy, and that is exactly what is occuring in this chapter when Severus weathers her (understandably) violatile mood and fields would-be mood triggers.So ... will I see you around more? I do miss old friends. I should remove your validated status just so I can talk to you more often in queue.
(You know I'm only joking, right?)
The author note preceding this chapter ruined my plan for writing a series of sarcastic reviews about a lust-writer trying her hand at romance. They would have begun with the first chapter by pointing out that Hermione should be fuming because she stocked her store with the items everyone should read – <i>Ulysses</i> and <i>Palefire</i> and <i>101 Ways to Improve Your Kitchen</i> – but the ungrateful clots weren’t purchasing the volumes. Next, the reviews would have performed a checklist for a romance novel
Heroine in distress: check.
Mysterious lurking stranger: check.
Pesky and unsuitable suitor: oops.
The reviews would have continued providing unasked-for opinions until arriving at chapter twelve where they would have pointed out that the authoress had written herself into a hole by having the hero declare his undying devotion. For most readers, the relationship has begun, but since the authoress is a non-romantic, the thrill is in the chase, and the chase is over.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
– frustrated evil-reviewer
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
I would have known it was you anyway.
This chapter was worth the wait. Thank you so much for the update.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
I'm happy you thought so! Sometimes plot points need to simmer for a while before they're done. This one needed extra simmering.
Well, darn, I thought that this story was complete. I guess I should pay more attention when I click on something so I won't be disappointed.I really like what you've done here--there aren't many stories around where Hermione and Harry have any sort of sexual involvement and Harry is the one being a jerk (usually Ron has that role). I was so happy when Severus became a partner at the shop. I love him in this story!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
I really love to try out things that haven't been done much or done before, and I love to toss in the unpredictable wherever I can. No, this story is not quite finished, though I solemnly swear I shall not write a multi-chapter epic. No idea where the cut off will be, but we are certainly past the halfway point. I'm happy that you like it!
Thank you so much!!! This is just what I needed before all these crazy vacations come upon us!Love the tiny cliff you've left us on, but please please just throw us over! Any new writing is appreciated!!!
Thank you again!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Hmm ... No one's ever asked me to throw them over a cliff before. *lol* And thank you!
yeah! amen! you go, sister! right on! great update. thanks so much
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Yup, Hermione needed a 'tude ... so I gave her one.
Thanks for the update! The Potter Place wish list really worked. How cool is that? Its nice to see victim!Hermione is gone. Im looking forward to her endind Draco. Its not good to be violent when preggers!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Very true. Have to keep positive vibes. I'll have to find a way to make sure Hermione does this intelligently.
Wow. This story is fantastic. I just spent most of the morning reading it. You have interesting characterizations of Snape, Harry, and Hermione. They aren't particularly out of character, just emphasizing parts of the personality that may not have been prominent in canon.I can't wait for the next chapter.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Thank you. I do try to keep them in canon as much as possible while introducing a storyline which would never be used by JKR. Sort of making the characters more 'real' than fantasy-like.
Harry has proven that his jealously of the situation has rotten his brain. Hermione and Severus are better off with him out of the picture, although I am sure it is very hurtful for Hermione. Severus is a rock He is so wonderful to her and for her. I hope Hermione realizes what she has in him.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
I think she will see. He is a good guy and I don't think there's any danger of her taking advantage of him.
How wonderful! I'm so glad you were able to update and I'm afraid I'm a bit greedy in wanting you to write more... soon... ish :)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Well, soon ... ish sounds doable. Who knows? I'm thinking about the story a lot these past couple days, which can only mean more writing is in store.
Thank you so much for the update, I was trilled to see a new chapter!!!I loved that Hermione at the end placed her anger where it belonged; at the Malfoys! Not that she doesn't have reasons to be angry at Harry, but on the other side she should be glad not to have that prat hanging around her child in the years to come, the only looser is Harry, she should find joy in that!I hope we won't have to wait so long for the next update?
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
I hope you won't have to wait long too. If it's any consolation, the story is very much on my mind. So much so that I think Tutoring Session won't get updated because of it (and that was on the wish list too).My whole theory, when I feel irritated and ornery, is that the only people who should benefit from my ire are people who deserve it (i.e. the jerk who speeds out of his driveway without stopping and looking, nearly causing an accident, or the woman who ties up the handicapped spot for five minutes as she walks her kids into a rehearsal, leaving someone who needs the space driving around in circles and waiting because she can't walk 2 blocks). I thought I'd let Hermione do the same.
meeps! well, no romantical thoughts about Severus in this chapter, but I'm glad she at least has realized that it's futile to try to knock sense into Harry's head, and glad Severus stopped her from sending the owl to Ellie. still suspicious about the Aurors, although surely someone would remember that she "killed" Lucius, whose widow and son are still zipping around. thanks for the new chapter - very good to see you again!!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Good to see you too! *waves* Nope, no romantic thoughts this chapter; her anger won't allow her to concentrate on anything else. But hopefully it will all be resolved soon and we can get back to the more loving feelings. ;)
Glad to see this updated. Hope Hermione doesn't go off on her own, whether in person or not, to seek revenge on the Malfoys. Not only could that put her in more danger or get her caught and arrested herself, but it could interfere with whatever Severus has planned... Team vengence would be a lot less messy.
(Of course, I don't want my petty little mutterings to influence your plot in anyway. I'm sure whatever you have planned is much better than what I could come up with...)
Enjoyed this thoroughly!
Looking forward to the next.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Anything is possible at this point. Hermione hasn't entered that 'planning' stage yet (in my mind), and you know how she loves to plan.
*sighs in relief* oh my goodness, I am so happy that you did not give up on this one! And what a great chapter it was... I hope it got you in the mood for more!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
No no no ... I would never give up on a story. Sometimes the plot stagnates and I don't know what to do. I've deviated from my original plan; it seems as if the story writes itself at times. I thrive on suggestions since it gets those creative juices flowing. I am definitely in the mood for more.
I'm with Severus on letting him take care of them. Harry is a jerk, they don't need him. Great chapter, i'm really glad to see an update.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Thank you. I was glad to be able to update.
poor hermione ~pats~ if she likes i can string harry up by his unmentionables over a meat grinder? ooo! or better yet! inform his wifey of his misconduct and how hermione is sooo sad and what an awful person harry's being ~nods and sends lots of little helpful goblins to get right to work!~
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Well, let's see... if you string him up by the unmentionables, then those won't be the first to hit the meat grinder. We'll have to think on that a bit....
Response from keske (Reviewer)
no...they wouldn't be...but i imagine it would still hurt quite a bit, no? ~is...perhaps a little too vindictive...but oh well! lol~
Nice chapter, I suspect our Hermione is in the plotting stage. I wonder what she will do to make the Malfoy's suffer?
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Hopefully Hermione is as creative as she is smart. She's still working on the particulars. ;)
Glad to see this updated. Looking forward to seeing what Hermione and Severus have in store for the Malfoy's. More soon please.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
I hope I'm able to write more soon. Perhaps with Christmas vacation coming up, I will.
Oh yeah, have at those Malfoys, girl! :)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Uh-huh. I'd lke to have at them, but not in the way this story is making them out to be....
Oh, that was so perfect. So sweet that my eyes welled with tears. I cannot wait to see what happens now that Harry is there. And I'm glad her parents are there, too.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
I loved the various responses to this chapter. It really was interesting. Aren't you glad you waited for chapter 15 to be posted instead of it ending at 14, though? Now that might have gotten me a sound scolding, I think.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
I loved the various responses to this chapter. It really was interesting. Aren't you glad you waited for chapter 15 to be posted instead of it ending at 14, though? Now that might have gotten me a sound scolding, I think.
I did love the mirror idea. I also really like how you described the potion's characteristics. I'll have to check out lotm's books soon! You do a really wonderful job at story-telling. I enjoyed also the public persona, Samuel Prince, that you created for Severus.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Hehehe ... I sort of like how he mildly (?) resembles Lucius myself.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Hehehe ... I sort of like how he mildly (?) resembles Lucius myself.
Hehe! This is so exciting!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Glad you thought so. Boy, was that difficult trying to find the right way to make this happen.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Strega Letteraria)
Glad you thought so. Boy, was that difficult trying to find the right way to make this happen.