New Chapter for One Who Is Loved
One Who Is Loved
Soul Bound221 Reviews | 221 Ratings, 0 Likes, 36 Favorites )
A series of 100 word snapshots, telling the story of Severus and Hermione's daughter from their points of view.
Start ReadingChapters (40)
About Soul Bound
Soul Bound
Member Since 2006 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 103 | 203 Reviews Written | 378 Review Responses
I'm 22, happily unmarried and happily enrolled in the University of my somewhat limited choice... I read constantly and write whenever I have the chance to do so. I sing, I work, I sleep, and I enjoy bickering with my awesome family. That is all.
Reviews for One Who Is Loved
many new elements were introduced at once... so i guess the ending is hard to corral?
Oh how I miss new chapters of this story!
Under normal circumstances, I do not read unfinished works, but I do enjopy drables and the idea of 40 chapters intriged me.
Please Please .... you havent updated for well over a year, please finish it. It is being put in my favorites even unfinished
Okay, so I didn't specify who should go make her feel better. Adonis is a good place to start. And if he's feeling responsible for her tears because of his gloating behavior, he's an even better place to start!
Gryffindor favors again!?! I want some points off, darn it! I want justice for Slytherin! Oh, yeah. Wait a minute. Those stupid house rivalries are the whole basis for this silliness. Never mind. Someone just go make Amanda feel better.
And those nasty old grudges strike again! Snape hates Potters. Potters hate Malfoys, and vice versa. Doesn't matter who gets hurt. Or does it?
Oh, grudges can be curiously stubborn things! But surely his little girl is more important than an ages-old grudge. Listen to Hermione, Severus. She is your resident know-it-all.
Well, Severus' fun was short-lived. His baby girl is hurting and he's responsible for part of that pain by enjoying Potter's predicament. Hermione has a valid point. Now what is Severus going to do about it?
“WHAT were you thinking?” Oh, generally the answer to this is he wasn't thinking! It might be more fun to just watch Amanda take care of this! Her father can always take off points later.
Now he looked like the jerk… And that would be because he's acting like one. Something in the Gryffindor genes, no doubt. Now let's see. An unprovoked, yes unprovoked, attack on an innocent student is worth how many points off? Or is it just detention for life?
“POTTER!”Yep, that one word out of that particular mouth has killed a whole lotta fun over the years. However, this time Potter more than deserves to have his fun killed, possibly along with something else.
Oh, dear! A brash Gryffindor attack on an innocent bystander of a Slytherin. I can't wait to see which three hexes Malfoy got off!
Just as she resigned herself to hopeless boredom, the night suddenly got a lot more interesting. Oooooh! A cliffhanger in a drabble series! There's something you don't see every day. I wonder what's brightened up Amanda's evening.
Hmmm. Now is Amanda revelling in being gloated over, or ticked at being looked at like the prize in a bet? Or is she just Slytherin enough to be using Malfoy to make Potter jealous?
Soon, the two of them left, and Severus was left to continue pondering ways to hide a body.Hmmm. I wonder how good Severus was in transfiguration. That's not foolish wand waving when you have a body to dispose of.
All right, it was better. But not by much. ~Laughs out loud.~So now what does he have to complain about. Oh, yeah. The whole nobody's good enough for her thing!
Looks like another James Potter is going to be dying young. Or perhaps, just wishing he would.
Oh, this is definitely not good. Well, Potter certainly seems to be fitting that description of the fool who comes between them.
This could be stunningly devious. After a while Amanda will start thinking James is potty because her adorable, harmless father freaks him out. It's a plan.
Oh, yeah, Severus! You'd better go. Especially if you want to avoid the "or worse" scenario.
Oh, it's still a competition with a Potter! These intergenerational grudges are amazing things. Here's hoping summer does still belong to Daddy.
Severus gave serious consideration to Obliviating himself.Bwahahahaha! Poor Severus. Live and learn. She's not so little anymore.
Life seems a little more than livable. It's a lovely thought to see him genuinely happy.
Oh, no boy is ever going to be good enough for her! It's not going to matter if Potter or Weasley comes out the winner. Hey, maybe he should be keeping his eye on that Weasley kid, too!
Fate, it seemed, had a personal score to settle with Severus.Yep, the universe has it in for you, Snape. There's no other possible explanation.