New Chapter for Tear Away
Tear Away
Shanastay21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )
Companion fic to "My Happy Ending" and "Slipped Away" done by your request! Third part of the "Unhappily Ever After" Series detailing Harry's POV. Read "My Happy Ending" and "Slipped Away" first.
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About Shanastay
Reviews for Tear Away
I am glad that you have continued this here - but there is just enough to tittilate, not enough to answer my initial questions (from the earlier installment at ashwinder)! Please do finish with the nextpart you were referrin to - Unhappily Ever After - or if it has been written,pleaselet me know where??!! xikum @ hotmail. com
I left a review for this either on the old Ash or the short-lived SycophantHex.
I voted for a sequel. Where is the sequel?
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
I am currently working 17 hours a day 6 days a week at two full-time jobs to pay off several account settlements from an ex-boyfriend who stole my identity. I do not have internet access (I'm on a friend's computer now) and while I have long-hand notes and chapters for the promised sequel I have no time to type it out or access to the net to post. I'm sorry, but when things settle down I will update all my fics as well as start posting the sequel you mentioned. I'm glad you liked the original trilogy enough to want more.
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
Sorry to hear your life is so hard right now. As much as I look forward to a sequel, it's more important to get your life back on track. Good luck.
GGGRRRRR! Evil Harry really pisses me off! Crippled war hero or not, I just want to knock his ass outta that chair and scream at him, " What the fuck is wrong with you! Grow up you backstabbing Git! Get on with you life and make something happen yourself, don't sit back and just veg. Shit happens!" Whew, I feel a little better. I know its just a fic but.....anywho. I love it and can't wait for more. Of course I have a few song ideas to go with some chappies, do I get a sneak peak?? Please? Or I just might pester you for them. Kinda like obnoxious children in the back seat, "Are we there yet, ... are we there yet, ...are we there yet?"No seriously, Love your work and wait for more
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
Thank you for all your help and loyalty as always. You have been an incredible help and I wouldn't have been able to get back on my feet without your help.
I think this one may be the best of the three (not that I don't really like the other 2 mind you) I've said before that I don't really care for DarkHarry, but you've explained his emotions wonderfully. I can perfectly understand his thinking. Not that I like it, but I get it. haha You've got a lot of talent and I have to say that I'd definitely read a sequel to this. I'll be looking for more of your work.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
I'm glad you've enjoyed these. More are coming, but in the meantime you can always check out my Snape/OFC fic The Lies You Tell Yourself. I would love to know what you think of that one too! *hugs*Shana
Let's hope he next one is happier for Severus.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
short term, no. Long term, maybe. Not giving anything away. Glad you liked this enough to leave a review. Thank you!
please!! sequal!!! I really want Hermione and Severus to work this out
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
As soon as my life settles down and I'm not working 2 full-time jobs just to get by I will start posting the sequel. Thank you for reading and reviewing!
I don't like evil Harry, so I'll look out for a sequel to this one. The writing is excellent, it really makes up for evil!Harry.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the writing. More is coming. Please stay tuned!
Hello!I just read your three stories now, and I really must beg for another... This was very depressing and I want a happy ending!!!! Please? Even if it takes some more stories to reach the happy ending...xoxo
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
It's coming! I promise! Thank you for reviewing.
Oh but you have to continue this... the setup is just too good. This is beyond a doubt one of the creepiest Harry's around. So bitter and really sad. What does he really think will happen next? Hermione is going to find out -- they always find out -- then is she just going to let him get away with it? I think not. I am guessing the one who overheard Harry in the cellar was Dobby? Interesting, interesting. Can't wait for more. Thanks for posting. JoAnne
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
Your question about Dobby leads me to wonder if you read the other 2 parts to this trilogy because they reveal who is on the stairs. I not, please check them out! Thank you for reading. More will be coming.
Response from JoKK2 (Reviewer)
Boy I don't know how I missed that second installment, but I must have not read it or just glossed over that part. Thanks for the redirect. It has been awhile since I read those three perspectives. It is an interesting take on the post Voldemort Harry. You don't often see him so bitter. I hope you do more on this storyline it is very intersting. (and of course, I still hope Hermione gets back with Severus and rubs Harry's nose in it too.) Thanks, JoAnne
No!!! make Hermione and Severus forgive each other and make something terrible happen to Harry!!! Make Harry DIE a very very painful death... hehehe
(i seem to ask you to do that, or something similar after each installment)
its just that i hate potter and your story brings out all my latent homoicidal tendancies. of course they only exist to get revenge for Severus and Hermione...
love your story and i realise that perhaps it is fruitless to ask for a happy ending, especially after noting what the thing is called, but i do so
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
The title doesn't necessarily mean no happy ending. The story is still unfolding even for me as the author so stay tuned! There is more to come!
Absolutely brilliant!! This answers many questions the first two stories created in my mind.... Oh, and yes! I do want a sequel. I have a few ideas of my own of what may possibly happen afterwards, now that Severus has been released from his debt. Author's Response: This is high praise indeed coming from you! Thank you! There is more to come but it may be a while before it gets posted! Thank you for taking the time to let me know what you thought!
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
's response: You're more than welcome. I will wait patiently for more, whenever you have the time. ;)
Heartbreaking, awful, and leaves you coming back for more time and time again.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
Thank you for the compliment! Thank you for reviewing. There will be more to come.
I think we definitely need to see at least one more story -- I realize that in real life, this might very well be where the story ends since happy endings are in rather short supply. However, this is fiction -- and Harry simply cannot be allowed to get away with this, suffering war-hero or no. I don't know that it's possible for Hermione and Severus to mend their relationship and become a couple again -- as I think I mentioned in a review somewhere of "My Happy Ending", it's almost impossible to put a relationship back together successfully once a heart has been broken as badly as Hermione's has been (I should know). However, Hermione and Severus deserve to get revenge on Harry for such a malicious betrayal.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
Stay tuned for "Unhappily Ever After" where they just might not.... Thank you for leaving a review!
Please finish this - kill off Harry if you must - or whatever it is inside him - just get Hermione and Severus back together again!
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
Check back for the multi-chapter fic "Unhappily Ever After" coming soon! No hints as to what's gonna happen to Harry though....
Definitely not my kind of Harry, so yeah, I'd vote for a chapter 2 to see wtf is going on. I suppose I'll have to go read the prequel to this now, as I hadn't before. I'd always bypassed it, not wanting to read the angst. From what I gather here, Snape didn't cheat on Hermione? Simply told her he did? Hmmm. I hate that she was so easily duped. Was she the one who was listening to Harry talk to himself before he Disapparated? Hopefully, she went back and heard the exchange between them.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
check the prequels... No Sev didn't cheat and no he didn't TELL her he cheated. It's all that rotten evil Harry that's chasing me.... Thanks for stopping in!
Sequal evil Harry must be stopped
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
you'll have to check back for the sequel "Unhappily Ever After" to see if that's what actually happens. Yes, terrible and wrong, but it's so much fun to stretch a character to his limits. Thank you for leaving a review!
I was in such a hurry to leave an answer that I missed tha part where you ask for a vote: of course I want a sequel, something which will ties up loose ends. I like open endings, but not too open.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
The sequel is coming! Too many people have clamored for answers. I can't leave you all hanging! Or can I?
You're really horrible for giving us just bits of this nightmare, without any inkling of how it will go: truly horrible until the end, or will Hermione and Severus be able to salvage something of their relationship? Waht about Harry? The worse is we come back to your writings...
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
MUAHAHAHAHA! I know, I'm evil for these little vignette cliffies! I have been mapping out the multi-chapter sequel that will hopefully answer quite a few questions... but no promises. Thank you for stopping in and taking the time to leave a review!
Hermione needs to discover the truth.Harry has orchestrated the enire nightmare!
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
Thank you for reviewing! There is more to come.
ERM...more please?
Response from Shanastay (Author of Tear Away)
Working on it! Having no internet connection doesn't help speed things along unfortunately