New Chapter for Birth Control and Bananas
Birth Control and Bananas
muzicfan552 Reviews | 52 Ratings, 0 Likes, 45 Favorites )
Students becoming pregnant on school grounds? Parents are outraged! See what happens when Sex Ed comes to Hogwarts. Chapter summary: returning to Hogwarts and teacher assignments
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About muzicfan5
Member Since 2006 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 8 | 28 Reviews Written | 43 Review Responses
I'm an occasional writer, I don't tend to plot out my stories, I write them as I feel inspired. Most of my work ends up being Harry/Hermione, though I do have a soft spot for reading Hermione/Severus
Reviews for Birth Control and Bananas
Very well written! Great story, even if it was a little predictable. Keep writting!
Funny story. Dry enjoyable
great story!
Response from muzicfan5 (Author of Birth Control and Bananas)
thank you for all the lovely reviews. i'm glad you liked it. it was really fun to write!
Ah there are the bananas, and some lemons!
still wondering about those bananas
very funny!
now that was a very open discussion , heaven knows what the 7th years are going to ask?
menacing scenery indeed!
LOL I liked the bit about getting the robe billowing just right, and her threats at the end!
Ah, good ending. I loved the story.
Response from muzicfan5 (Author of Birth Control and Bananas)
glad you liked it and thanks for reading! it! reviews are always appreicated!
Yes! I hope the loveliness lasts.
WHOO HOO! Now Severus is catching up
Hee heee! I so love Snape's reactions to Hermione's candor. I'm ejoying this quite a lot.
What was she thinking? Hmm....
Good chapter. I enjoyed the shampoo sub-plot. Where can I get some?
Cute. Liked the ending =)Hilarious when Snape had to remove the condom from the banana.. I would´ve killed to be a fly on that wall!
Interesting story, it had me staying up late to finish it.
Response from muzicfan5 (Author of Birth Control and Bananas)
thanks for reading. i'm glad you liked it.
I like this story, but you lost me at punk-ass, ass-gremlin. I'll just pretend I didn't hear that. ;-) Good work, thanks for sharing.
We had co-ed throughout my schooling starting in 4th grade. Hahaha. "Son, I've noticed you've been changing your bedsheets a lot lately."
ass-gremiln lol
I can't belive I missed and update! But I shouldn't complain, it gave me more to read tonight. :-) I really loved this story, from start to goal! It's a five star!
Response from muzicfan5 (Author of Birth Control and Bananas)
aww thanks! you kind words mean a lot!
great story. thank you.
Response from muzicfan5 (Author of Birth Control and Bananas)
*insert shameless self plug* If you like my style of writing you may be pleased to know that I'm working on something else. It's considerably darker than this fic was. It may be more angst, i'm not sure yet. I also haven't decided if there will be any romance. It takes place about 20 years earlier in Hogwarts. I hope to have the prologue posted in the next few days!
Response from pickles (Reviewer)
sounds wonderful.
just a little my-self pimping. i posted a challenge at wiktt. it's called the little black book challenge. check it out.
waiting for more stories. p
ps let me know when you've posted your new one.
excellent chapter. was there a silencing spell in place. what are the professors thoughts leaving the classroom with a smug look i'm certain. waiting for more. p
Response from muzicfan5 (Author of Birth Control and Bananas)
no silencing charm in place. no time for such silly things. besides, they were <I>mostly</i> quiet. I didn't picture Severus looking smug as he was leaving, just sweeping away in his typical manner.
glad you liked it! more should be up within a few days!
I like the story its very funny. it reminds me when what I learned in sex ed. I had a teacher bring in apiece of wood shaped like a dick. I was like WTF.We all had to place a condom on what we called Mr.Woody. I remeber when i was called . I had to go up.. I did not know what to do, at that time i never had sex or much less talk of it. When i tried it on.. I placed it too tight and it ripped and I had to take it off and pressed the tip too hard. ..That was the worst day of my life... back then it was bad being called on last it meant your doom..anyway this chapter made me think of it back then...........oh funny.
Response from muzicfan5 (Author of Birth Control and Bananas)
Believe it or not we did the same thing in college, of all places. silly living learning classes. Someone from planned parent hood came in, and she brought her wood dildo, which was also named "woody." thankfully they didn't make us all put a condom on woody lol.
we'll i'm glad you could find amusement in this story. I definately did a bit of laughing while i wrote up this crazy piece of work.