New Chapter for Out of the Shadows Came a Rose
Out of the Shadows Came a Rose
gingertart263 Reviews | 263 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )
Molly interferes, Ron is a twit but gets over it, Lucius is reformed (well, a bit), Draco grows up, Ginny is a good friend (apart from recommending the shoes), Harry is a hero, and Hermione has fun and spends a lot of time in a library. Snape, meanwhile, considers that he is getting his usual shit deal from fate, although to be fair, he never expected to find a family of his own.
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About gingertart
Member Since 2009 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 63 | 2 Reviews Written | 729 Review Responses
Reviews for Out of the Shadows Came a Rose
Still a wonderful story, I had a grand time revisiting:-))
This story is still as brilliant as the first time I read it, I have had a wonderful time re-reading it:-))
Great story.
Dear gingertart,
I am writing to inform you that you've been nominated for the following category for the Fall-Winter 2013 Round of The HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards (hpfanficfanpoll . livejournal . com):
CATEGORY: BEST THREESOME/MORESOME SMUT for "Out of the Shadows Came a Rose"
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The nominations period ends on October 28, 2013.
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Congratulations on your nomination!
Melissa, The HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards Moderator
warmly written. love it!
Thank you for the wonderful story. Normally, I avoid stories with mpreg, but for yours I made an exception. ;-)I really hope, you write a sequel - your story calls for it!
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I delighted that you enjoyed it (despite the mpreg!)
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I delighted that you enjoyed it (despite the mpreg!)
You had me hooked, the whole way through, and how glad I am that I didn't let what I thought was an incurable squick about mpreg keep me away. I would have missed a great story -- tender, funny, hot and suspenseful. It ends on a wonderful note of hope and I just love how it tied everything together so well. Thank you for the adventure!
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thank you so much! I'm delighted that I convinced you to read it despite the mpreg squick - yay!
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thank you so much! I'm delighted that I convinced you to read it despite the mpreg squick - yay!
wedding bells??
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Ding dong, ding dong....
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Ding dong, ding dong....
Hahhahah, Hermiones conversation with Uppity was just too damn funny, thank you for that I needed a good laugh. I love where this going.
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Yes, I'm very fond of eccentric elves...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Yes, I'm very fond of eccentric elves...
This story continues to be a fantastic read. The answers to all the questions about who did this to them are very satisfying --I'm hoping there isn't another nasty shoe waiting to drop, and that Hermione can sort Severus out quickly.
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Glad you're enjoying it! Read on...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Glad you're enjoying it! Read on...
So now we know who this to them, I bet they will be very sorry they tried to hurt every one. I'm sure all will make them pay one way or another. I hope Hermionie asks Severus to marry her and become a family, of cource Severus will not make it easy for her, she will have to convince him she dose love him. Job welldone with this chapter.
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thank you very much for your lovely comments! Yes, I doubt that Lucius and Severus will allow anyone to get away with that...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thank you very much for your lovely comments! Yes, I doubt that Lucius and Severus will allow anyone to get away with that...
As always totally trilled to see an update to this magnificient story. Brilliant as always:-))
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thank you so much!
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thank you so much!
Uppity is a very uppity elf! Loved the crack about Lucius being on the "Dream Team". *grin* But, what about Molly? ^_^
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think that Molly will regret what she did as she sees how happy Hermione is - without Ron!
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think that Molly will regret what she did as she sees how happy Hermione is - without Ron!
Whew. Everyone made it back. Thanks for giving us a chapter where everyone is safe and gets to have baths, at least for the moment. And Ginny rules -- I almost yelled back at Healer Strood for criticizing the delivery. Now to find out who made that rotten Portkey ...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Heh, read on! All will be revealed...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Heh, read on! All will be revealed...
Good move, Herms! :)
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
She's not called an over-achieving know-it-all for nothing!
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
She's not called an over-achieving know-it-all for nothing!
Thank Merlin! everyone is safe, for now at least. I wouldn't want to be in the culprit's shoe's, when Severus and Lucius get their hands on them. If there is anything left of them, then Hermione will make them pray for a nice, peaceful, quite cell in Azkaban.
I just had a thought, { it does happen sometimes } is Molly involved somehow? I'm still waiting for her to get her comeuppence
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think that perhaps Molly will regret her interference when she sees how happy Hermione is - without Ron!
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think that perhaps Molly will regret her interference when she sees how happy Hermione is - without Ron!
All are safe thank goodness. Loved this chapter. It seems Lucius will learn a few new things if he wants to keep both of them in his life, I dought Severus will leave his son or Hermionie at this point. I'm sure Lucius will find a way to adjust.
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think Lucius can be quite, um, flexible. For a wizard of his age...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think Lucius can be quite, um, flexible. For a wizard of his age...
Oh, good, I was hoping that's what Ginny wanted the knife for. I didn't want to say it if I was oversimplifying. Really good chapter. Your imagery of Lucius here was very enjoyable. And the fact that he and Hermione couldn't hold off on a debate even in the midst of all of this seemed appropriate.
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think that Lucius and Hermione will spend the rest of their lives debating. And the make-up sex might be pretty good, too.
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think that Lucius and Hermione will spend the rest of their lives debating. And the make-up sex might be pretty good, too.
Thank you so much for the update, I am so happy they are all out of Azkaban, and alive.
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I'm far too fond of everyone to kill them off! *nods*
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I'm far too fond of everyone to kill them off! *nods*
Now I can breath,,,, thank goodness... can Lucius please do something horrid to whoever left them there?
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think that Hermione and Severus will prevent Lucius from doing anything rash... or anything detectable, anyway.
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think that Hermione and Severus will prevent Lucius from doing anything rash... or anything detectable, anyway.
I guess they haven't yet figured out who sent them to Azkaban. It seems as if the bad guys just keep multiplying...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Oh, there are some clues...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Oh, there are some clues...
thank god everything went "rather well" , poor Severus having that birth experience (never thought i'd right those words in that order), will it be revealed in the next chapter who send them to azkaban? Whoever did this, there will be hell to pay. Great chapter, I hope to read the next soon
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thanks for reviewing! And the next is up...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Thanks for reviewing! And the next is up...
And the age-old debate resurfaces! ^_^
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
Oh wow! What a way to end the chapter! Interesting about how its different for Slytherins and Gryffindors in terms of the law.Bunter is going to so regret this, I hope.
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think Bunter may have over-reached himself...
Response from gingertart (Author of Out of the Shadows Came a Rose)
I think Bunter may have over-reached himself...