New Chapter for Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra
Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra
TeaOli43 Reviews | 43 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
After dying in the Shrieking Shack, Severus Snape is sent back so that he can learn to be a functional human being. In spite of the strides he appears to make, he and his very own “Clarence” know that it’s mostly window-dressing.
Hermione Granger doesn’t regret the choices she made during the war, but that doesn’t stop her seeking some sort of absolution for some of the consequences. If she could let go of her guilt, she might learn to believe she’s got abilities beyond being a swot.
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About TeaOli
Member Since 2011 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 36 | 101 Reviews Written | 713 Review Responses
Reviews for Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra
I wonder what those two felines could possibly be up to sitting together on a chair and 'chatting' to the computer.
Maybe if H finds a way to make her mother's visons reality, she'll be painted into the artworks as well. The pictures have a bit of a lonesome feel about them, and I wonder if it's because she's not in them - and she knows she should be.
I'm enjoying the interplay between Real Life and flesh-suit life, where actions take place in one plane, and are experienced as comfort or connection in another, regardless of 'when' the action took place. Especially intriguing is that in Real Life, time does not have the linear quality that flesh-suits are subject to, but it seems to not exist, to exist in another - traversable - form, or to be an expression of Oneness. It's hard to imagine the dimensionless without trying to assign dimensions!
Fred shouldn’t let Lily off the hook. She treated Sev like dirt, and should jolly well feel guilty about it.
And frankly I find it hard to believe that either of the horrible bullying Weasley twins is more “spiritually mature” than Severus Snape, Protector of Children.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
I've written the characters according to how I perceived their canonical personalities and behaviours. As our perceptions of those two things – as well as what lay behind them – appear to differ fundamentally, this is very likely not a story you will want to continue reading.
i don't usually read uncompleted stories but this is seriously good!!
~shivers~ The old Prince estate has me mentally scrolling through snippets from Edgar Allen Poe's poems... Stones remember, I'm sure of it. I wonder if Jack would be able to hear what they have to say - if they are willing to speak of their secrets. Perhaps Hermione landed on the right track when she answered that magic "...just is."
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Now you've got me shivering. After all, you were first person to tell me about "singing the stone"( I shall have to edit the Author's Notes to reflect that); what more do you know that you haven't yet told me?
This is an odd story, but I keep wanting to read on to find out the gaps that are left each chapter, like who he was "speaking" with in his dream. I like it though, I'll keep an eye out for updates!
Is that all there it's to chapter two? Five short paragraphs??
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Yes. Only, what you've read is not "Chapter Two". At this point, you've not even read Chapter One. Since TPP software automatically numbers chapters, we writers who add prologues and book/section headings with a little bit of something to explain each book/section and other bits that don't fall into the "One, Two, Three, Four, ..." format must find other means of conveying the correct numerical chapter. I did it by putting it in the "chapter" titles. Obviously, I know some people don't read chapter titles. But alas, such are the limitations of not publishing a printed book... I've done what I can.
Response from TheCopperDragon2004 (Reviewer)
Chapter two was the only way I thought to designate which chapter I meant, lol. I was curious if some glitch had occurred, and the rest of the chapter hadn't posted correctly. Good to know it's as should be.
It still feels so lonely when Severus wakes up without asking his question - especially when E & T are there for him, but he can't feel them in waking hours. At least he has Knowi to hiss him in the right direction! I saw a BBC program on TV a while ago and Cornwall was featured - yep, those Cornish lads can build alright, when they 'speak' to stone, I think it listens! (Can't recall if one of them was named Jack...).
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
His life is very lonely still, despite the positive changes changes that have come to it. He's still learning how live, I suppose, and that is one of the more painful lessons.Heee! I think "stone speakers" might need to be inserted into this fic somewhere, even is Jack isn't one of them. :-)
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
His life is very lonely still, despite the positive changes changes that have come to it. He's still learning how live, I suppose, and that is one of the more painful lessons.Heee! I think "stone speakers" might need to be inserted into this fic somewhere, even is Jack isn't one of them. :-)
Tea, your stories are a bit like a kaleidoscope... or maybe a pair of slightly out of focus binoculars. Each chapter changes the focus just a bit until all of a sudden everything pops into place. I love that about you. :) It helps, too, that you always have a deeper point. This one is a work of art. Thank you for sharing.hm88
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
I can't tell you how much this review means to me,
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
. Thanks so very much.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
I can't tell you how much this review means to me,
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
. Thanks so very much.
True, sometimes to destroy a foe. one destorys ones self.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
That is one of the unfortunate possible consequences of enmity.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
That is one of the unfortunate possible consequences of enmity.
Interesting start.I know some people are having trouble understanding,but I'm a medium, so have an open mind when it comes to these things.Looking foreward to seeing where you take this.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Thank you!I hope that the story will become clearer to all as it goes on.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Thank you!I hope that the story will become clearer to all as it goes on.
I love the way you are writing Severus, he always seemed like a young soul to me.He takes things so much to heart, and rushes in with out a thought for the outcome. I am becoming a fan of Miss Knowi Tall. Ron and Harry ploting, what could possiblely go wrong?
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
What could go wrong? Thanks for understanding the way I see Severus Snape, here. It's been a tough sell for some.Knowi is the sort who either grows on you or irritates you into wanting to hex her.
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Who but a young soul, could show so much courage, to redeem a mistake? To the young everything,is black and white. P.S. Knowi could never irritate me, even if she dug her claws in, I would smile and say how cute, my four footed Masters have trained me well.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
What could go wrong? Thanks for understanding the way I see Severus Snape, here. It's been a tough sell for some.Knowi is the sort who either grows on you or irritates you into wanting to hex her.
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Who but a young soul, could show so much courage, to redeem a mistake? To the young everything,is black and white. P.S. Knowi could never irritate me, even if she dug her claws in, I would smile and say how cute, my four footed Masters have trained me well.
Intriguing concept.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Thank you.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Thank you.
Sounds like they're pussy footing around a child who is slow.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Oh this story is so intriguing! I hope you'll be updating soon -- I've always thought of Snape as being a Young Soul, and I love that he is the youngestof the RP group, and was precoscious enough to follow his parents when it clearly was too early for him to do so.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Thank you so much for your kind words!Alas, I probably won't be updating very soon at all because I can't stop fiddling with the next few chapters. I hadn't intended to post at TPP till after HG/SS Exchange ended, but I was getting no feedback elsewhere, and as this is a fairly long (for me) story which doesn't really follow a well-trod path, I was suffering some doubts about it. So I was encouraged to post a couple chapters here to gauge interest.
Response from KingPig (Reviewer)
Well, for what it's worth, I'm incredibly interested -- and fascinated and intrigued and captivated and borderline obsessed... So if/when you do decide to continue it, know that there is at least one die-hard fan chomping at the bit to read it!
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Thank you so much for your kind words!Alas, I probably won't be updating very soon at all because I can't stop fiddling with the next few chapters. I hadn't intended to post at TPP till after HG/SS Exchange ended, but I was getting no feedback elsewhere, and as this is a fairly long (for me) story which doesn't really follow a well-trod path, I was suffering some doubts about it. So I was encouraged to post a couple chapters here to gauge interest.
Response from KingPig (Reviewer)
Well, for what it's worth, I'm incredibly interested -- and fascinated and intrigued and captivated and borderline obsessed... So if/when you do decide to continue it, know that there is at least one die-hard fan chomping at the bit to read it!
Ah, conivers. But who would have thought that Harry and Ron would be plotting such a thing as Snape and Hermione together? LOL Well, they'll need to work hard. He's a tough nut, as we can see. And now the cat... very interesting.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Well, Ron is something of a strategist, if you'll recall. So, I shouldn't think it too much of a stretch for him to be planning something. Harry,as you saw, is bit more sceptical and takes convincing to get in on plans. (Perhaps Dumbledore left him wary of people come plotting?)And Knowi? She's... special.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Well, Ron is something of a strategist, if you'll recall. So, I shouldn't think it too much of a stretch for him to be planning something. Harry,as you saw, is bit more sceptical and takes convincing to get in on plans. (Perhaps Dumbledore left him wary of people come plotting?)And Knowi? She's... special.
I'm confused, intrigued and addicted. :)
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Yay, yay and yay!!!!!!!!!!!! My evil plan is working.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Yay, yay and yay!!!!!!!!!!!! My evil plan is working.
I have a feeling there's something you're not telling us!
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
I can promise there's quite a bit I'm not telling. That's generally how the more interesting stories work, and I do hope this one will hold readers' interest.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
I can promise there's quite a bit I'm not telling. That's generally how the more interesting stories work, and I do hope this one will hold readers' interest.
I take it this chapter is a warning? ;0)
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Not as such.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Not as such.
I must have missed the first chapter but now am thoroughly hooked. I am looking forward to where you will go with this.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
I'm pleased you're enjoying it. Thank you.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
I'm pleased you're enjoying it. Thank you.
Why am I getting an uneasy feeling when I read of HP and RW... plotting and scheming? LOL, Miss Knowi Tall - S has made an interesting choice of name and physical characteristices.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
! You know Ron and Harry always usually mean well. What could possibly go wrong?As for Miss Tall, well, I think you've said it all, haven't you? Thanks for reading!
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
! You know Ron and Harry always usually mean well. What could possibly go wrong?As for Miss Tall, well, I think you've said it all, haven't you? Thanks for reading!
Well, he's a different person, to say the least. What happened in the cottage with Pince, anyway. You've lost me. ^_^
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Who is a different person? And what this about Pince?
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Who is a different person? And what this about Pince?
hello , It is wonderful, dense, love this story,update, Please!
Looking forward to the second half of the, "What is Magic" conversation.
It's going to be interesting,to see what they are really up to.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Oh, thank you so much for this! I hope it lives up to your expectations. We're a very long way from the end, and I hope the story will be eough to tempt readers to go the distance.
Response from TeaOli (Author of Lessons in Metempsychosis and Saṅsāra)
Oh, thank you so much for this! I hope it lives up to your expectations. We're a very long way from the end, and I hope the story will be eough to tempt readers to go the distance.
I had to read this chapter a couple of times, but I think I have it straight. ES and TS seem to think HG is on the right track at last, I hope so, their children want to be born so much.