New Chapter for Discard
Doomspark84 Reviews | 84 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
EWE. Marriage is not all roses and sunshine, when Nagini's venom proves unexpectedly potent. Angst, angst, and more angst.
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About Doomspark
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 152 | 35 Reviews Written | 531 Review Responses
Male. Married. Live in Florida. Owned by two Egyptian Maus, a red tabby, and a hairball-emitting pile of fluff.
Reviews for Discard
I am just roaming through my bookmarks tonight, leaving a note on those stories that haven't been updated for awhile. Just a quick message to say that I- and surely many others- would still love to see this updated. Happy writing!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Working on it!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Working on it!
Bravo, Severus is on the road to recovery. I'm surprised that Delchir made no mention of letting Hermione know what was going on.
Very interesting on the history of the elves - I mean to mention that.
Lastly, I hope that this has not been abandoned, only that the muses took a vacation because I find this truly fascinating and I would love to know how Hermione reacts, and he reacts to finding out about what she's been up to (love Harry drawing the same conclusiong that Severus did), not to mention if Severus is able to avert war with the Sidhe.
Well, that could be a fortuitous conversation with his house-elf. Hopefully he makes the decision, of course his absence will further worry Hermione, but frankly, she does deserve it.
Oh the hardheadedness just makes me want to scream.
Severus, whatever you are planning, it's not a good idea. You really should have a conversation with your wife. But we know he won't because he's that sort of guy.
Hermione, that wasn't a real conversation. You're just making it worse.
Oh the horrible misunderstandings that occur when folks don't communicate properly. I hope they can find a way to have a real conversation.
Oh, how horrible, for them both. Such a sad thing to happen.
I must tender apologies. When I read the initial chapter I thought of an old song "Delta Dawn" (?) and never read any further. However, today being a lovely morning out on the deck, and not wanting to start the day, decided to see where your story was headed. Nice surprise - I look forward to reading the rest of your tale.Although personally I think that Snape would be planning on quietly killing himself, so as to allow Hermione to go free. Thank you for your marvelous story crafting.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Discard was originally supposed to be a one-shot. Then it sort of took on a life of its own. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Discard was originally supposed to be a one-shot. Then it sort of took on a life of its own. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
I'm sorry I haven't read the last two chapters up until now, and this is exactly where the story really unfolds. And oh, how interesting it's turning out to be! Severus speaking for the Sidhe, or Sidhe disguised as house elfs? Amazing. I wonder what will happen with that mess with Hermione now!
For once, I think Harry is right on the money about Snape. He's gone and assumed the worst about Hermione and, with Max apparently involved, he's most likely bent on destroying Hermione in every way possible. Whatever happens, somehow I think all this is going to come around and bite a certain Potions master right on the bum. I have a feeling all this is going to turn out very badly for everyone concerned.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
*whistles innocently*
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
*whistles innocently*
For once, I think Harry is right on the money about Snape. He's gone and assumed the worst about Hermione and, with Max apparently involved, he's most likely bent on destroying Hermione in every way possible. Whatever happens, somehow I think all this is going to come around and bite a certain Potions master right on the bum. I have a feeling all this is going to turn out very badly for everyone concerned.
Response from MuseAmusant (Reviewer)
Ooops, accidentally hit 'back' and posted this in the wrong spot. Sorry 'bout that.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
No worries - I've done that myself. And I'll just sit here and whistle innocently at your speculations.
Response from MuseAmusant (Reviewer)
Ooops, accidentally hit 'back' and posted this in the wrong spot. Sorry 'bout that.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
No worries - I've done that myself. And I'll just sit here and whistle innocently at your speculations.
Good to read an update. Part One of the second stage of the story...?At first it seemed doom-laden decay and sadness. Now the action begins.I wonder how Severus will speak for them, and how Hermione will fit in. I wonder how he will adjust to his changed circumstances. Thank you!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Lots of fun and games in store, for sure!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Lots of fun and games in store, for sure!
Oh, an angst-free chapter. Must be the calm before the storm. I am glad that Harry gave Hermione some things to think about. I would be worried that it is too late, but I suspect Severus needs her if he is to keep his bargain with the Sidhe.
So glad to see you back!
Delchir is surprisingly patient. :)
Delky! Ooh, very clever and sneaky, and I hope Severus does show "Delky" more respect from now on. I wonder whad Delky knows of Hermione's activities and the state of Severus' thoughts on his marriage. This Max Sebastian sounds like big trouble, and I hope Severus didn't sign a binding contract with him.
Delchir... amazing! Well done, Doomspark.
Bravo - you're back !!!!! I was thinking of this story the other day and wondering if you planned to return to it !!
You know I don't normally read angsty stuff, but this has got me intrigued. Did the first chapter used to be a stand-alone story? Because it seems very final to me. I'm scared because of the Character Death warning, but I'll try to bravely soldier on as you write.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
*grin* Discard was supposed to be a one-shot - but I got begged by my intrepid readers to expand it... and after that, it took on a life of its own.
Fascinating story. You have twisted it in a direction that I never saw coming -- that is the mark of really fine writer. The pain that Hermione and Severus both have seems almost insurmountable - so many misunderstandings, on both sides. Can't wait for the update.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Discard was *supposed* to be a one-shot... but my readers asked me to expand on it, and after that it sort of took off on its own. I'm working on a new chapter.
Ooh, I like this! Well, I'm excited to see Snapey healed, and I just wonder if there is a catch to the Sidhe's bargain -- or if being their spokesman is really all they want from him. But how did Delky get involved? That Merlin was a cad, to enslave their people for 3000 years and to breed them like animals, so I hope Severus can represent them well and stave off a war. Now, what will Hermione think, and will Severus be allowed to tell her....Thank you for the new chapter! What a twist.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
*grin*There's always a catch when dealing with the Sidhe. Maybe they'll make Snape marry Umbridge.
Response from June W (Reviewer)
NOOOOOOOO!!!! Marrying Umbridge is a fate reserved for the wicked Merlin, but you'd need to resurrect Merlin first.
I like your history, it works nicely. Now, will Sev be bright enough to enlist Hermione's help?
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Will Hermione be willing to listen to him, or will she assume he's gone mad?*grin*
Interesting. Possibilities. If Snape goes as a messenger as he is it's unlikely they will listen. The WW is too complacent, used to lording it over other magical creatures. But if he were healed by magic beyond the WW ability and comprehension they might listen and negotiate....or prepare to fight.Hermione could end up caught between the two. She aught to be honest with Snape.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Possibilities, definitely. Even I don't know what's going to happen next!
Hw'd be silly not to accept.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
True. And Snape is not silly.
Well, this is going nowhere near where I expected, and yet, I like it a lot. It is certainly a nice distraction from Severus' lousy life and marriage. And because I think that he and Hermione had something good, once upon a time, maybe they can work together on this and rediscover what they thought they'd lost. Maybe. *is hopeful*
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
I think Snape's going to discover his secret passion for Dolores Umbridge, while Hermione marries Goyle. *grin*
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
Wipe that grin off your face! Ugh! *Dies a little* :)
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
*grin* Even I wouldn't do that to my favorite HP couple.
Sounds like a fair deal to me. :)
Response from Doomspark (Author of Discard)
Except that there's always a catch when dealing with the Sidhe. Remember how they are in Catspaws.