New Chapter for Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart
Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart
Squibstress59 Reviews | 59 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )
If war is hell, Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall are in the Ninth Circle. During Snape's awful year as Headmaster, he and Professor McGonagall draw closer as they are forced into a desperate arrangement.
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About Squibstress
Member Since 2010 | 36 Stories | Favorited by 103 | 43 Reviews Written | 528 Review Responses
I'm a middle-aged, professional writer of non-fiction and would-be professional writer of fiction who also writes Harry Potter fanfiction just for fun.
I’m a proud member of the Harry Potter Old Lady Smut Brigade, which means I’m most interested in the older female characters in the Harry Potter saga, particularly Minerva McGonagall.
If I had received my Hogwarts letter back in nineteen-mumble-mumble, I would most likely have been sorted into Ravenclaw, or so everyone tells me, probably because I’m a geeky data-freak (my Real Life™ requires me to read piles of medical journal articles.) I, however, think I’d feel right at home in Hufflepuff too, so I consider myself a Ravenpuff.
The fics I write may contain adult themes, and I will always warn for non-con, graphic violence, bestiality, incest, or underage sex. I don't warn for homosexual relationships or sex, or for threesomes/moresomes, unless they contain one of the aforementioned elements.
Disclaimers: Anything from the Harry Potter universe belongs solely to its creator, J.K. Rowling, and her licensees. Original plot, characters, dialog, etc. are mine.
My stories are available for use under a Creative Commons attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license (CC-BY-NC-SA).
I have a blog:
I'm also on LiveJournal and Twitter (@Squibstress).
I maintain a master list of (mostly Minerva-centric) recs at Diigo.
I am a proud member of the Harry Potter Old Lady Smut Brigade.
Reviews for Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart
I hope they both got what they needed from this encounter. I'm glad, too, that she stayed.
The situation seems so hopeless, especially when you aren't seeing any of it from Harry's POV. And the end ... It's a lovely idea. I hope it turns out okay.
It's too bad she doesn't have a girlfriend who is safe to confide in. I hope they leave her be as she really is dealing with it in her own way.
I love the honesty that continues to occur. And, them sitting down to a game of chess almost seems as if they are leading normal lives. Almost.
Interesting how different Albus and Minerva view their situation. And these two having to play act at sex ... I hope they can persevere.
Very well written & engaging. Love your Minerva, stalwart, compassionate, unbelievably strong. Excellent characterisation.
This seemed an unusually brutal and depressing sort of story, when I read the first few chapters, so I haven't been following it. (I'm a rather unsophisticated reader and usually prefer there to be at least some fluff.) But today it was rainy and dark, and I started your again and read it straight through. It's really brilliant--full of all sorts of wonderful bits, including particularly Minerva's sermon to her Gryffindors about rape, her friendship with Rolanda and Pomona, her conversations with Severus, the fact that Severus's memories of her faked subjugation distracted Voldemort enough to thwart Nagini's capture of Harry and Hermione, and her testimony before the Wizangemot. Your final chapter from Harry's viewpoint, illustrating the effects of her and Severus's many sacrifices, was a wonderful way to wrap the story up, and Minerva's transfiguration of her Order of Merlin was the perfect final note. Very nicely done indeed--it was truly a bitter story, but full of the sweetness of comradeship and honor.
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
It's certainly a brutal story in many ways, so I quite understand your reluctance to continue with it. Thanks for giving it a chance. I'm glad you enjoyed the remainder of the story, and thanks for the kind words.
An amazing story! Great job!
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
This is the first time that I have read MM/SS pairing that didn't disgust me. Usually, it seems so improbable and contrived due to the age difference, personality and other factors. Your excellent writing has made it seem a possible story development that is more than readable--it was very well handled.
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Thanks for the kind words.
Wow, this is really heavy stuff. You are doing a great job of dealing with the characterization.
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Thanks. Heavy indeed.
OMG--this is SO INTENSE! I can hardly believe you packed so much emotion into each chapter! Very well written--especially since it is such difficult subject matter.
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Thanks. The story ended up being longer than I anticipated, so there was a lot of ground to cover.Thanks for reading.
I used to read nothing but HG/SS Fanfiction. I finally started branching out to other pairings and (not that this was a typical pairing story) it was one of the best ones I've read. Thanks!
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Thanks for the kind words.Thanks for giving this a try. I tend to read mostly Minerva-centric stories, and it's always fun to branch out and read something a bit out of my usual circle.
Awsome safe word. Absolute genuis!
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Why, thanks!
Love the fact that they are able to be reasonable...affectionate even, after. And that he stopped. And that he found out she defended him.
Sounds like he had a crush on her when he was younger. :)
Hmm. Dumbledore needs to learn a little tact. :)
Well done. What a visual in my minds eye.
Thank you again for sharing~Elou
Holy mother uh pearl! Go Minerva! Damn, she 's one tough broad. *giggle* I'm not sure I could be as accommodating without developing an attachement for someone she obviously has respect for.
Thank you again for sharing~Elou
Now she is in charge it will help both of them cope, I suspect. :)
Poor Severus is a bit out of his depth! :)
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Severus is young and hasn't had much in the way of opportunity to develop normal relationships. I really feel for the poor blighter! Hope that comes across.
I wasn't sure about reading this story, but I'm intrigued. And reading. It's a difficult theme, and I can't see where it is heading, but hope travels with me, and I do hope that Severus wins out in his battles in your universe.
She's tough, perhaps even tougher than he is. :)
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Minerva is very tough--veteran of two previous wars, don't forget. Also, she's older and has a far broader experience of the world than has Severus, at least in my Potterverse.Thanks for reading and commenting!
Great chapter. Keep it up! :)
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Thanks, and thanks for reading.
Just what she needed. :)
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
I think the students love her a lot more than they ususally let on.
Aha. Knew he'd done something clever. :)
Response from Squibstress (Author of Because it is Bitter, and Because it is my Heart)
Yes. Magic is very useful, isn't it? ;-)