New Chapter for Emissary
labrt200439 Reviews | 39 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
A father recounts a series of meetings with a black-robed emissary. Written for Kribu during the Summer 2010 SS/HG Exchange.
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About labrt2004
Member Since 2009 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 12 | 2 Reviews Written | 44 Review Responses
Iridescent Snow is NOT abandoned, but it's on a rather long hiatus! Unfortunately, I've been stolen away from the fandom by RL in the form of medical school!
Reviews for Emissary
I love that her dad is willing to threaten a wizard over her safety! Go daddy Granger!
It was lovely to see this unfold from such an unsual pov
“I would have thought the reason was quite obvious!” said Monica as she lightly speared at her vegetables. “He’s in love with her.”
Wonderful! No wonder the poor man looked so surprised!
I'm pretty impressed that they even thought to inform her parents - nice that Snape is trusted with brewing her to safety :)
Hee! I love the idea of Snape being the one sent to tell unbelieving Muggles about magic! He's pure charm..
It's really nice to see her dad's pov for once! Fascinating bit of back story!
Very nicely done seeing things from dr. Granger's point of view. And I can definitely see him having reservations about a relationship with someone like Severus.
I've always felt so sorry for Hermione's parents having no clue about her world or really understanding what she went through
Vey nice beginning and I love how you explain the naming.
I love how Muggles can't read the books. Makes perfect sense. And her poor parents unable to see her even if they could do nothing for her.
Oh my! Who decided Snape should be the one to break the news to Muggle families? I love how Hermione had riddled some of it out
The first chapter alone prompted me to add this to my favorites list. You've written an exquisite and endearing background about the parental Grangers that is a treat to read. The addition of the small SSHG romantic details seals it all up nicely. I'm so happy you've shared!
A really unique perspective. Loved it!
Awwww. Excellent!!!
Well that was a rather heart-wrenching chapter. But a good one.
He asked Severus to take care of her. Despite his grumpiness, I'm sure that touched him.
You instilled such life in nearly non-existent canon characters. I almost just want to hear more about them!
And I love it being told from her father's point of view.
Lovely job.
I agree with jenidralph. More please! :)
This was one of my favorite stories from the last exchange. I'm absolutely delighted to see you posting it here, so I can read it again. This first chapter was/is brilliant! I adore the narrative voice and perspective, and I love the way you've fleshed out these practically non-existent canon characters.
I love this from her father's point of view. It's really interesting. His description of Jane was wonderful!
Absolutely lovely. You've done a good job of portraying the father's perspective throughout this, while nicely keeping both Hermione and Snape in character as their unconventional relationship developments.
What an amazing conversation between father and suitor. It was absolutely perfect. I'd read twenty more chapters of Dr. Granger's observations if I could. Well done!
This chapter was especially moving. Her sadness after the war as well as Severus' concern for her and her parents during the "seventh year". Lovely.
He asked Severus to take care of her. He trusts him, as I suppose he would have to. He is their main tie to the magical world of his daughter.
This is beautiful!!
I love how perceptive young Hermione was. She even surprised Snape.
I love your characterizations and the back-story you've created for the Grangers and their meeting Severus. These are wonderful parents who deserved better treatment in canon, and they certainly deserve a better son-in-law than Ron. Severus respects them despite their being wandless Muggles, and I like that Hermione values her parents instead of being a Weasley-phile. They cherished their only child, and I think they would cherish Severus also, giving him the love and acceptance he has always needed. Thanks for posting here!