New Chapter for Traps & Arrows
Traps & Arrows
corianderpie53 Reviews | 53 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
Summary: Minerva takes a break, Hermione takes a new post, Severus takes up the cudgels, Neville takes a risk, Filius takes his chances, and Rolanda takes bets on the outcome. Written as a gift for Magically25 in the 2010 SS/HG gift exchange. Prompt:
“The competition. A setting of your choice, a competition of your choice. Plenty of plotting / counter-plotting, tit for tat and escalation of consequences.”
Chapters (6)
About corianderpie
Member Since 2009 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 293 | 3 Reviews Written | 726 Review Responses
Reviews for Traps & Arrows
This whole story was a fun read from beginning through to its ending. Wow Snape and Draco as guitar and singer was such fun.
Thanks for writing and sharing 😎
The bloke that looks like he would like to pick his teeth, with our finger bones. Never has a truer word been spoken.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH @ David coming back with Septimus! He knows *exactly* what Snape's name is. That's awesome! I love him!
Sustained applause and lighters held aloft waiting for more. That can't possibly be the last chapter. Maybe if we keep applause going and hoot and yell for more, you'll be out for the encore. : ) He certainly took her words to heart and as always, out did himself. Screw David! Yessss! Fuck Severus.... (Sorry for the vulgarity, but it fit there.) Who would settle for being a banker's wife when she could be a powerful, sexy wizard's goddess.
Although not undeserved, those were hard words. Yet, he did earn them all. He has been just a bit nihilistic if he is honest with himself. Though I don't think that it is intentional. I wonder if he will find a way to continue to play the game that excites them while winning her trust again? That had to hurt. "I'm disappointed in you" when spoken in truth, are the most painful words I can think of. I wonder if he is able to rethink the opinion he has had of Hermione and her motives. If he can work through it and let her know he respects her, I know she would be unable to hold a grudge. It isn't in her nature. After that it is only a matter of time before she realizes she finds him more attractive than David. He would have to convince her he isn't in this just for the sexual attraction but that he values her personally. Well, Severus likes a challenge. This is just a different kind than he is used to.
Mwaaahaaahaaaa! What a wonderful bastard Severus is! I'm sure he is stowing away for good future use the fact that Hermione likes "variety". The muggle isn't doing half bad. It's too bad he has no idea who he is dealing with. It would be hard on he well developed male ego and I'd hate to see him lose the confidence we find so attractive in men. It will be hard to learn that he is only a mere man and Severus Snape is so much more. What muggle can hope compete with a powerful Wizard when a witch is so attracted to powerful men. I'm sure Snape is making plans even as I write. Awesome story! I do hope things work out well for Neville and Draco.
I enjoyed this so much. Thank you!
Lol, very fun. Thank you. :-)
This scene felt very Pride and Prejeduce to me (another story I love). So far I'm really enjoying this, great job! I'm looking foreward to finishing it! --Tyche
This story still gives me joy when I feel low.
Even if neither it nor the version on Ashwinder are quite as...explicit as the original on LJ. ;-D
I am reviewing here because you are awesome. So there.
aka ladyjulian, theodicy
Gods, I love the exchange between David and Snape!
Favorite. Story. Evah!!!!!
Very much enjoyed it!
Oh no! Not Ibiza! What, is Filius heading for a threesome with Minerva and Kingsley? (AAAARGH pretend I never thought that, please? Oh god eew.)
OH MY GOD. This was bloody fantastic. I loved this chapter, partially for sheer ballsiness. Snape on the bass? Draco on vocals? To carry that off and not sound either cheezy and stupid or... well, cheezy and implausible, you had to do exactly what you did- understate it a bit. Maybe it's just the late hour, but I could totally believe that the talent show ended with Draco on the electric guitar. Other good points? "That, that Snape" had me laughing. What else is he but a Snape, through and through? Also, Neville and Draco make me grin every time they come up. You have a very happy reader, Coriander.
Yeah Hermione! God, have I ever wished that I could just let it out like that- seeing Hermione let it loose on him really feels good. Vicarious fury? Perhaps a bit strange, but MAN I wish I had the balls to do that. (Even if it did get me fired...) I loved the bet-taking; very funny indeed.
oh nooo! Agg, that David guy has to go.
Love the sweepstake the staff were running! :)
No, no, no, Cori! The Smiths??? Now then Brotherhood of Man would be more to Sev's taste (she jests). This has been a lovely little romp as you so succinctly put it and thoroughly entertaining and highly sexy. BTW BofMan were my cabaret act at the Four Seasons hotel in Limassol when I went there for New Year '98-'99. They even sat in formation around the pool! I don't think we'd see such uniformity from Morrissey et al. OK off to Hogwarts next week on a little late jolly. I'm going to Northumbria and have promised myself that I will visit Alnwick Castle this time. Best wishes, Love Ali xxxx.
Oh my god, 'Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want' is TOTALLY Snape's jam. Also, spicy chapter! :D
Hahaha, very much to my likening. Very nice banter again and the bloody sodding day-after was written very entertaining. Sexy, steamy it was too - thank you very much. I'm very curious how you will create their romance away from the bedsheets. Loved Snape's twitching and Hermione being your Hermione.
"Mims!!!!" The potential "smoking pile of ashes" has the nerve, or lack of perception, to call her "Mims"? Hope he calls her that to "Septimus" at least once.... This is so very enjoyable.