With Mortal Hands
Chapter 3 of 4
NyxxHBP compliant. What began as Snape?s mad pursuit of Hermione through the dark alleys of her Muggle town, transforms into the pursuit of their destiny, and the fate of the entire wizarding world.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the Potterverse characters or locations. My only claim is on the places and objects etc that you don’t recognize. All else belongs to JK Rowling.
Kisses to my illustrious Betas, without whom I would be completely lost:
Fervesco, wartcap, and introducing.... Vaughn!!! (P.I. Accredited)
Chapter 3
With Mortal Hands
Horrible deeds not done in ignorance, but done deliberately. The cruelest evils are those that we embrace with open eyes.
-Sophocles “Oedipus the King” vs. 1178
Ron banged through the back door of the Grangers house and sprinted towards the direction Mrs. Granger had pointed out. He ran swiftly over the alley‘s gravel and jumped over the neighboring house’s fence. Emerging from between the homes, he scanned the opposite street, locating Harry kneeling beside a large hedge. “Oi!” Ron called out lowly as he jogged to where Harry crouched in the lawn. He handed Harry a cordless headset as he crouched down next to him. “Have you found a trace?” Ron asked, as Harry absently situated the small device over his head.
“It’s very faint. The spell residuals have been erased. I can’t gauge the distance or the direction. They left few clues behind,” said Harry, brushing the blades of grass through his fingers.
“What do we do now? Search the entire area and...” said Ron, stopping when Harry looked at him sharply.
Harry stood, pressing the earpiece further into his ear and frowning in concentration.
After a few seconds, Harry turned to Ron. “Tonks has found something. Follow my trail,” he said and Disapparated.
“It’s too faded to track,” sighed Tonks, tapping her foot on the field just outside of Hermione’s town. “And I don’t see why they would Apparate just to the edge of the city. If I had to guess, I’d say she was taken to their destination using an illegal Portkey from this point on. Any other method of travel would be too time consuming.”
“Do you think it was Death Eaters?” Ron asked.
Tonks scrunched up her nose. “I’m not sure. This was too clean and covert for a Death Eater. They usually enjoy taking the credit for such a daring feat, but leave much more of a mess behind in their haste. It seems to me to be the work of a professional criminal,” she said, looking over at Harry. “Know anyone who would take her for ransom?”
“No,” said Harry, shaking his head. “All of this reeks ‘Death Eater’ to me. Probably one of the smarter ones, like Malfoy or Snape, and most likely not for a ransom either. They would milk her for all the information she has... then kill her,” he added angrily, balling his fists.
“How was this even possible?” Ron asked Tonks. “Dumbledore put protection charms over our homes before his death. Even the Ministry added extra security after Dumbledore was murdered and the Death Eaters escaped Azkaban.”
“Location Charm?” Tonks suggested. “It would have had to have been done at the exact moment she was outside her home though, and within that exact ten minute time frame... and in the middle of the night... and when she didn’t have her wand...” she said, trailing off. “What are the odds of that happening?” she asked incredulously.
Harry’s hard eyes caught her gaze. “Zero, because there was no way for her to be found by any means. I charmed her and Ron with anti-location spells myself. Her address must have been known for a long time... and the kidnapper laid in wait for the right moment.”
“When she was without her wand and alone,” added Ron gloomily.
“Exactly. Which means the Grangers are no longer safe in their home. We need to get them back to headquarters.”
Harry moved the mouthpiece of his headset to his lips. “Phoenix: Regroup at Grimmauld, over.” He turned to Ron and Tonks. “Set up a map of the area within a fifty mile radius. I’m going to help the Grangers gather their belongings and send them through the Floo. I’ll meet you there.”
Hermione followed Severus’ gaze, fixing her eyes on some unknown point in the darkness. She rose to her feet hesitantly, still processing the information. His words and revelations were still affecting her, and he was giving her little time to fully absorb it. And his insistence that he never betrayed the Order was hard to digest all at once, after believing him inhuman for so long... She was more willing to trust him after he validated her fears concerning Albus, but a sense of unease remained. Hermione gripped his black wand tighter and stood on guard, frowning as this strange development unfolded.
“I hear you obtained a position at the Ministry,” he said as they waited.
“Yes,” she responded absently, her attention still focused on the darkness ahead.
“An Advanced Charms Research and Development Specialist. What made you decide on that position?”
The genuine curiosity in his tone caught her attention. Hermione looked up at him, her eyebrows arched. “I found the subject fascinating. I can utilize all aspects of my Hogwarts education to achieve my goal. Arithmancy and Transfiguration play a large part in developing new spells, both of which I enjoyed immensely...”
She quit the conversation as small flame guttering in the distance caught her attention. An invisible figure approached rapidly as the candle sputtered against the draft that walking forced upon it. A broad shouldered woman with a square-jaw and a monocle glinting on her eye became more visible as she neared the towering blaze.
Walking into the infernos radius of light, the woman extinguished her candle and walked hurriedly towards Snape, glancing curiously at Hermione as she did so. She called out to Snape in a strong, booming voice. “Severus, we became worried when you took so long to return!”
Her appearance was striking. The long black robes she wore shone and rippled like satin at her feet. Her short gray hair contrasted sharply with her thick, black eyebrows. She halted before Severus as Hermione struggled to recall her face, positive she had seen the woman somewhere before.
“My apologies, Madam, I had to collect Miss Granger from her home,” Snape said, turning his head to look at Hermione. “Miss Granger, allow me to introduce you to Amelia Bones, the former Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.”
Hermione’s lips parted in shock, her eyes bulging slightly. Recollection sparked in her mind, illuminating a memory of this woman's face in the Daily Prophet almost two years ago. She backed up unconsciously, putting more space between them. “This isn’t possible,” Hermione whispered shakily. “Madam Bones was murdered by Death Eaters... It’s been documented...”
Hermione raised Snape’s wand at them threateningly. “What are you playing at, Snape?” she asked, her eyes never leaving Amelia Bones’ replica.
Madam Bones bristled slightly. “I’m very much alive, as you can plainly see. Perhaps you should allow an explanation before you come to any more premature conclusions?” said Amelia, her brow furrowed.
“All right then, now would be the time to explain,” Hermione replied tightly, refusing to let her guard, or the wand, down.
Severus turned to face Hermione fully, his voice hard as though he were explaining something simple to an exceptionally dense student. “She is alive because I was able to remove her from danger before the Death Eaters arrived at her home. They succeeded in executing a full-fledged doppelganger of Amelia, believing it to be her. By all means, feel free to perform any revealing charms that you wish. She can remain within your sight for an hour, without imbibing any fluids, so you can be certain that Polyjuice Potion has no hand in this.”
“And Emmeline Vance?” Hermione asked, remembering the attacks on both women were almost simultaneous.
Severus held her gaze, unfazed. “The Dark Lord’s order to eradicate Emmeline was to be carried out immediately. I had no time to forewarn her or anyone from the Order. The command to remove Amelia’s threat, however, was given more time for planning for she is a formidable adversary and well protected by an assortment of security charms as the Head of Magical Law Enforcement.”
“I see. So you are holding her here for her own protection,” said Hermione skeptically. “And if this is true, why wasn't the Order informed? And why keep her here? I would think headquarters would be more suitable and safe.”
“There are spies other than myself in the Order, Hermione. Would you think it wise to parade a known dead woman around them openly?” he said, pausing to let the fact set in. “I brought her here to demonstrate to you where my loyalties lie, for it was not necessary for me to protect her. I could have told Albus I knew nothing of the plan to have her ambushed... As for these caverns, Albus located them himself, and where he would have hidden Draco and Narcissa had they agreed to go into hiding. There are few places as safe and secret as these mountains we hide under. It’s a natural barrier of magic, completely impenetrable. No spells we perform while ensconced within these walls will leak through and betray our presence, nor will the most powerful location spell find us.” He swept his arms jerkily in an exaggerated arch around the room. “This mountain, called Jura, is a sparsely populated Scottish Isle and will suit our purpose nicely.”
Hermione shifted restlessly on her feet. She knew that for him to have gone to such lengths to convince her of his trustworthiness... that he was either telling the truth, or this was a well devised tactic by Voldemort to regain the Order’s trust... only to betray them once more. “Madam Bones, perhaps you would be more comfortable on the couch?” she asked, wishing to speak with Severus alone.
Hermione saw Severus nod, almost imperceptibly, as Amelia glanced at him. Sighing resignedly, Madam Bones gathered her robes about her and sat on the couch nearest Snape, her eyes still trained disapprovingly on the outstretched wand in Hermione’s palm.
Hermione flicked the wand towards the far wall, signaling for Snape to lead the way. He understood her silent request and obeyed without comment, snapping his robes in irritation. She was exceptionally difficult to convince, despite his best efforts to prove his honesty, and he was growing weary of her stubborn distrust.
She walked around where he halted to retain a visual of the woman on the couch, and cast a localized Silencing Charm around where they stood, ensuring their privacy.
She leveled her gaze at him, utilizing her peripheral vision to monitor Madam Bones. “What purpose did you intend to serve by bringing me here?” she asked, willing herself calm.
“You can think of nothing?” he asked sarcastically. “Or did you believe it was the pleasure of your company that drove me to you?”
She flushed at his insult. “Where’s my wand?”
“Ask and you shall receive,” he said cryptically.
Hermione lifted her other hand level with the one grasping Snape’s wand. “Accio my wand!“ she yelled, expecting her wand to come flying out of the distance. Much to her surprise, however, Snape’s front robes fluttered as something sharp and invisible poked at her unsuspecting palm-- then fell harmlessly to the floor. “Clever,” she said, repeating the charm and grasping her wand as it hit her palm. She Disillusioned it and placed it in her pocket.
Snape waited patiently for her to collect herself. His expression calm, he took control of the conversation. “Have you located the remaining Horcruxes?” he asked unexpectedly.
Hermione’s eyes snapped up to his face in distress. “How... how’d you know about the Horcruxes?” Hermione stammered, shocked that he would know the very information she would die to protect.
“Funny, isn’t it? That I should know of something so crucial to your success, and yet the Dark Lord was not informed that you are attempting to harvest them? That he’s not seeking to protect his precious assets?” he said dryly. “I knew what ailed the Headmaster when I healed the wounds he acquired by destroying the Dark Lord’s ring. Is that proof enough of my ‘loyalty’ for you to relax your wand hand?”
Hermione glanced at Amelia, who sat quietly on the couch. After a moment’s deliberation, she lowered her arm, which was aching with the effort to keep it level with his chest.
He held out his palm towards her. “My wand, if you please?” She handed it to him, no longer doubtful of his intentions.
“In case you aren’t aware, being a member of the Order, I had access to the residence of each member. A fact I have withheld from the Dark Lord for some time. I merely had tracking spells surrounding the perimeter of your home to inform me of when you left unattended and unarmed, for my safety.
“That I mean you no harm should be clear by the fact that you are not currently standing before the Dark Lord and are alive,“ he stressed emphatically.
“Of course,” answered Hermione, her response sincere.
“What progress has been made on the Horcruxes? Have you located any of them?” he pressed.
It was her turn to feel uncomfortable. She shifted her weight restlessly. “Yes and no,” Hermione admitted reluctantly.
“A year and a half, and no progress? Have you even given the search any effort?” he asked, his tone condescending.
“Perhaps you’ll recall that it took Dumbledore himself years of searching to find the ring and the locket, which turned out to be a hoax!” she said huffily, irritated he would imply that her research capabilities were lacking. She crossed her arms indignantly. “I’ve made plenty of progress, theoretically speaking...”
“Very well, we’ll deal with that issue later,” he said. “At the moment we must return you to the Order while you can still claim to have escaped. You have been here for little over an hour; any longer and they will suspect foul play. Tell them that either your defensive skills were underestimated and you escaped your captors, or that you cannot recall the events of the past twenty-four hours, and your Occlumency training will do the rest. I will contact you within twenty days.”
He focused his gaze on her, the tone of his voice deepening with the severity of his words. “Also, it is absolutely imperative that our collaboration be kept secret; it would not do for Potter to learn the delicate nature of the situation.”
Hermione narrowed her eyes. “You mean I am not to tell him of the ‘sacrifices’ made in his honour?” she asked accusingly.
“Yes, but don’t let that trouble you.”
“If you expect me to keep such a secret, then you’ve made a terrible mistake.”
Snape deliberated with himself for a moment. “It could be said that you’ve already betrayed him when you suspected the truth and did not inform him of it then. Which would already make you guilty of deceit.”
“How dare you,” Hermione seethed. “I’m guilty only of trusting Dumbledore. I couldn't have gone spouting off about betrayal and manipulation when I wasn’t positive my suspicions were correct. I’ll not reduce myself to that level by conspiring with you.”
“You must,” he hissed.
“I won’t betray our friendship!” Hermione shouted, her hair flinging helplessly about her face as she shook her head in refusal.
He stepped closer to her. “Don’t force me to Obliviate you, Hermione. I will do it if necessary. Do not doubt that. I‘ll not let you leave here and destroy years of careful planning.” His whisper was forceful, yet barely audible. “You are saying they died for nothing. Black, Albus, and his parents... all of them. If you speak of this to anyone and all of our efforts will have been in vain...”
“No, it is possible that they needn’t have died at all. To not tell Harry the truth would seal my betrayal against him and betray everything I hold dear,” she argued, instinctually resisting his persuasion.
“Think logically, Hermione,” he said. “Turn your emotion off and focus. Do not let your sentiments cloud your better judgment.”
He raised his hands to her arms, stroking them soothingly to help calm her. “If they hadn’t perished by the Dark Lord’s treachery, what would have motivated Potter to fulfill his destiny? Purity of heart, which Albus proved he has, does not compel one towards murder. Vengeance is the only motivational vehicle capable of vanquishing someone as strong as the Dark Lord. You know the prophecy; you've heard it yourself. Deep down you know this was necessary to prepare him for what must be done,” he said softly, convincingly.
“But fate isn’t so concrete,” she whispered, “it’s complex and ever-changing. Something of that nature isn’t meant to be manipulated by mortal hands. The consequences for misinterpreting a prophecy, so deceptive in its ambiguity, are too great. And for all we know, it was interpreted wrong by Albus and Voldemort.”
Hermione turned her head, staring blankly towards the woman who sat idly on the couch. “Harry’s heart is pure, and he‘ll not become their sacrifice,” she said lowly, her voice breaking.
“Listen to me; you cannot change what is beyond your control,” he said evenly, resisting the urge to yell at her in his exasperation.
He felt her body shudder under his hands, as though suspended on a fine string. “Relax,” he coaxed, pulling her lightly to his chest. “It is not my intention to harm Potter. I am required by binding magic to protect him, even if it means my life. Trust me, he will not be unprotected when the time to fight comes.”
Hermione closed her eyes, trying to make sense of her conflicting thoughts and emotions. She understood his logic, but intuition told her it was flawed. Unwilling to acquiesce, her face contorted as though in pain.
“Close out your emotion,” Snape’s smooth voice interrupted her thoughts. His tone was hypnotic, comforting. The outcry of her soul wavered as doubt began to puncture her intuitive resolve.
Snape, sensing his goal was near, pressed on. “It would destroy Potter to know the truth, and he could turn his back on Wizardkind forever. It must be kept secret, or we become responsible for the Dark Lord’s victory.” He rubbed her lower back as her irregular breaths evened out, his fingers brushing at the ends of her long mane.
He drew her closer, hiding his face in her hair. “Aid me in finding the Horcruxes, and we will give Potter the tools necessary to defeat the Dark Lord,” he said, his silken voice wooing her into complacency.
It was then that Occlumency came into effect. Hermione understood the process in which the mind shuts itself down for protection against outside forces, but never had she considered the alternative... That Occlumency could be wielded to protect oneself from their own thoughts. She began to feel drunken, a heady sensation of grounded sobriety that was completely detached from her own emotions.
Snape pulled away slightly to look down at her face. She opened her eyes and frowned at her reflection in his black-glass mirrors. The vision was disturbing, haunting, like a premonition.
Hermione absorbed his words, his rationality. Like a flicking switch, the turmoil within her soul ceased, pressing her emotion into the lowest abyss of her heart. It churned helplessly, simmering just beneath the surface. I’m so sorry, Harry, she whispered internally as tears welled in her eyes; pools of utter despair lingered with her pupils, then fell to their deaths with a bat of her lashes.
Snape’s cool eyes flashed as he raised his hand and wiped the tears away from her expressionless face with a soft swipe of his palm.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Pursuit
15 Reviews | 6.8/10 Average
loving how its progressing, but alas, i must grammar pick, "the Grangers house" in line 1, should be "the Grangers' house". alright, im done! :) Love the conspiracy theory!
sorry about my other comment, that was supposed to be for chapter 1
wow. great plot. my only thing is that ur missing a quotation mark at the very very beginning. it starts with Mrs. Granger speaking and theres no ". :)
I like the way that this is progressing so far. I can see Severus taking pleasure in telling her about the Goblin sweat which from what I can tell she is going to have to wear (I must say that is a disgusting thought).
I liked her conversation with Harry, I can see him going to her even when she wants to be alone and the fact that he knows she is keeping something from him was in character.
I am looking forward to future chapters.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Yes, she does have to wear it! It squicked me out too I liked her conversation with Harry most of all- and I was trying to be as canon as possible so it's relieving to hear it came through correctly. Thank you for your support
You've written a really compelling beginning, Nyxx. I'll look forward to more!
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thank you! And, YAY!!!
This is a cool story, I've read some that take a similar angle, and i always enjoy them, so I'm sure i will enjoy this as well.
update soon
-Karla Marie
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thank you! I'm hoping my angle takes some more original twists though, just to keep everyone (including me) on their toes.
I just found your very interesting story which I have just bookmarked as one of the stories that I will definately follow! I'm looking forward to your next update!
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thank you! =) I'm a third of the way through chapter 5 (which is a bit longer than the others), then all I have to wait for is the betas to finish, and it's up!
Facinating twist, my compliments. Hopefully we will not have to wait to long for more chapters?
I would love to read the rest of the story.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thank you, and no, you don't have to wait much longer at all! I've nearly completed the next chapter- all it needs is a few more additions and betaing.
I admit to being lost while reading this chapter. I had no idea what was going on. Hahaha! Then, I realized that I missed chapter two. How silly of me! I have to go read that, and I'll review after. I did enjoy the way Snape finally convinced her to do what was "right." Great work.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
LOL I hope ch. 2 clears that up ;) Thanks so much for the helpful editing too. I appreciate that sooo much. It's my fault too... I'm a hopeless 'tinkerer' that can't keep her paws of a betaed chapter I'm also glad you liked how this chapter turned out. These characters are tough to bend... I dunno how you do it!
Very good. I really like the way the story is going and yes, I would like more info on your conspiracy theory. Email me at cjordan4mk@yahoo.com. Thanks!
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thanks Rowan! I'm glad you like it *warm fuzzy* I'll send the theory asap!
Wow! That was a gallop. Will wait with baited breath for the next chapter.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thanks ;)
Interesting story
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thanks Kira =) *warm fuzzy* ch2 up soon!
Oh, wow... very good start. I'm chewing mah nails and wondering what's next! :)
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Hey southern! Be up shortly, ch 2 is done and ch 3 is in the works- sooo glad you like it =)
Your chapter has a lot of action from the get go. Too bad she didn't listen to her mother. Then again could she have been under the imperius to leave?
Whether she stayed at home or not I don't think it would have stopped Snape from getting her.
Waiting for more.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
! ;) No Imperius but very insightful to wonder about it. This story is set about 18 months after Albus' death, so I hope to point out the details better in later chapters. Thanks for reviewing! (These little faces are so cute!)
I think I held my breath through this entire chapter. Now I find myself in dire straits, wondering what is going to happen next. I am very happy you decided to post this here.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
! I'm glad I'm here too ;) Such a beautiful site! (and thanks for pointing out my mistakes too... having great betas doesn't ensure accuracy with my constant tampering after their corrections! lol)